My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

People Second World War

Allen Abercrombie 1913 - 1983
Elmer O Allen 1919 - 1996
John Frederick Allen 1919 - 1963
Redfield W Allen 1921 - 2000
Richard E Allen 1926 - 1969
Frederick Leo Allingham 1894 - 1980
Tommy David Ammons 1921 - 2002
Alma Doreen Amon
Joe Springer Anderson 1926 - 2012
Charles Andrews
Rex Eldredge Arthur 1923 - 1986
George McClelland Austin 1920 - 1990
Charles Bernhardt Baggott 1923 - 2004
Jack Steware Bailey 1924 - 1994
Kenneth Earl Bailey 1920 - 2007
Mortin Pebbles Balch 1905 - 1984
Loran Eli Barbour 1914 - 1989
Robert Watson Barbour 1918 - 1981
John Warren Barnett 1927 - 2017
Thomas Patrick Barry 1923 - 2008
G Merlin Bean 1921 - 2009
Russell Lloyd Bean 1925 - 2013
Elwin Ernest Beaughan 1923 - 2008
Donald Dale Bellows 1921 - 1966
Pat Rulon Bird 1925 - 2005
John Geoge H Blake 1921 - 2007
Bruce Oliver Blandford 1923 - 2007
Don Cecil Blatt 1920 - 2002
Leon Marcel Bouvier 1923 - 2005
Richard Harold Bradley 1941 - 1963
Benjamin O Brady 1912 - 1968
Francis Bert Braley 1914 - 1981
Elwood Joseph Brandenburg 1926 - 1976
Keith Elliott Brannian 1919 - 2017
Clarence Ellsworth Brown 1916 - 1969
George Cummings Brown 1923 - 2008
Theodore Merle Brown 1907 - 1968
Emily G Buchanan 1923 - 1999
Hobart Murray Burdett 1923 - 1965
Leo William Burdett 1919 - 1996
Graften Irving Burdette 1895 - 1976
Charles Sumner Burditt 1913 - 1976
Bernard Rollin Burgess 1920 - 1998
Thornton Roland Burgess 1927 - 1996
Robert Otis Burry 1927 - 1974
John R Campbell 1909 - 1944
Robert James Campbell 1919 - 1997
Roland H Campbell 1926 - 2021
Richard Gene Carpenter 1923 - 1980
Burtis Trevere Case 1919 - 2001
Claude Edward Chapman 1917 - 2011
Richard Irva Chapman 1927 - 2004
Rollin Mace Chatterton 1912 - 1985
Joseph Henry Cheney 1906 - 1990
Donald G Chisolm 1921 -
Rollin E Chisolm 1925 - 2009
Donald Robert Clough 1927 - 2003
David Linwood Coffin 1925 - 2012
Dexter Drake Coffin, Jr 1923 - 2005
John Arthur Cohn 1921 - 2016
Clifford Lloyd Comfort 1919 - 1956
Earl Burr Comfort 1915 - 1983
Chester Cook Conant 1915 - 2008
Gilbert E Consla 1923 - 1988
Harry Seth Cornish 1922 - 2007
Raymond Francis Costello 1922 - 2004
Jack F Cox 1925 - 2008
Philip Howland Crandon 1918 - 2009
Willard L Crider 1923 - 2006
Willis Dodge Cronkhite 1922 - 2002
Francis Paul Crossett 1923 - 2004
Philip James Crossman 1924 - 2011
William H Crossman 1919 - 1999
William Harnsberger Cullen 1924 - 2002
Henry William Cutter 1915 - 1987
Frank Leonard Daley 1921 - 2014
Nathan Dane about 1917 - 1980
Frank G Darcangelo 1918 - 2004
Wilbur Arthur Davis 1915 - 1999
Milo G Dayton 1923 - 2005
John Nelson Deming 1919 - 2006
Lyman Murray Denton 1926 - 2004
Ray M Denton 1921 - 1998
Edward A Deschene 1920 - 2006
William Judson Dewitt 1923 - 2013
Kenneth Darwin Dimick 1926 - 2016
Kenneth Henry Dimick 1910 - 1977
Lewis Aaron Dimick 1920 - 2002
Paul Leland Dimick 1927 - 2008
Ralph James Dimick 1913 - 1956
Raymond Evans Dimick 1907 - 1993
Francis Merlin Dimmick 1922 - 2002
Arnold Edwin Divan 1927 - 1967
Dorn James Divan 1924 - 1979
William Orlando Drake 1923 - 2009
Morton Dryer Dunham 1918 - 2001
Charles Homer Dunn 1921 - 2006
Ralph Hall Dunn 1908 - 2000
Robert Eugene Dunning 1919 - 2018
Ornan Eastman 1919 - 2002
John Rayner Edmands 1917 - 1993
Kenneth Dean Elder 1919 - 1945
Burr Salmon Eldredge 1925 -
Evelyn Eldredge 1918 - 2003
Gail Veone Eldredge 1915 - 1974
James Leland Eldredge 1919 - 2012
Louis Garnet Eldredge 1912 - 1970
Louis Mac Eldredge 1923 - 2002
Max E Eldredge 1916 - 1957
Stephen R. Eldredge 1932 - 2014
Willard June Eldredge 1923 - 2006
Charles H Elliott 1920 - 2008
Loyd R Fagg 1903 - 1977
Roger Waldo Farnham 1918 - 2001
Austin W Felker 1917 - 2011
Bruce Fenn, 2nd 1909 - 2003
Converse Gray Fenn 1914 - 1990
Coy Leslie Fisher 1918 - 2009
Lee Kenneth Fisher 1926 - 1989
Robert Lewis Fisher 1898 - 1977
James Theodore Fisk 1923 - 2005
John F Fisk 1916 - 1985
Richard Lloyd Fisk 1920 - 2013
Robert Lowell Fisk 1926 - 2012
Francis W Flagg 1919 - 1971
Keith Nelson Fletcher 1913 -
James Galluccio about 1925 - after 1945
William Henry Gates 1925 - 2020
Theophilus Gifford 1910 - 1985
William Joseph Goeller 1922 - 1977
Paul Addison Goodridge about 1926 - 2017
Joseph Gorzkiewicz 1906 - 1982
Harold G Graham 1916 - 1976
Joseph Russell Greene 1919 - 1999
Everett Ernest Haley 1919 - 1993
Everett Willard Hammond 1925 - 2018
Frank J Hampshire 1922 - 1998
Fred Willard Haney 1924 - 1971
Clifton L Hanks 1914 - 1964
Dorman Eugene Hanks 1917 - 1990
James Howard Hanks 1918 - 1984
George Jesper Harding, 3rd 1918 - 2012
Robert Burke Hardy 1924 - 2009
Clinton Howard Harriman 1920 - 1992
Richard H Harrington 1926 - 1996
Robert L Hart 1927 - 2006
John E Harvey 1922 - 2010
Griswold Hayward 1912 - 1982
Neil Rodney Hennessy 1904 - 1982
Roger James Hennessy 1922 - 1994
John Elwood Herrick 1919 - 1990
Edward William Higgins 1916 - 1943
Richard Dennison Higgins 1922 - 2008
Fayette Hill 1922 - 2013
Irving Dwight Hitt 1921 - 2011
Bruce MacLean Hogg 1904 - 1965
Eleanor Sargent Holland 1921 -
George Hopkinson 1909 - 1950
Lyle James Hopper 1929 - 2007
Leland Henry Horton 1903 - 1972
Amory Houghton, III 1926 - 2020
Charles Edward House 1922 - 2009
Frank Lee Hubbs 1918 - 1943
Cyril Greenwood Huggard 1904 - 1975
Evelyn Margaret Hume 1913 - 2008
William Belknap Humphrey 1918 - 1974
Henry Noland Huntington 1887 -
Oral J Jensen 1921 - 1979
Raymond Lester Johnson 1913 - 2005
Leonard Martin Jones 1917 - 1981
Earl Preston Keith 1921 - 2007
Edward L Kessberger 1924 - 1993
Thomas Wilson Khein 1920 - 1996
Jesse Edward King 1923 - 1971
Robert H Kneal 1923 - 1998
George Edward Knights 1912 - 1973
Walter Kostiew 1917 - 1999
Marshall William Kouf 1923 - 2004
Raymond Joseph Kueffler 1915 - 2001
John Joseph Laivell 1924 - 2011
William James Lamping 1925 - 1973
Glenn William Lankton 1925 - 2014
Dr Michael H Lavorgna 1913 - 1987
Kent Edwin Leader 1919 - 1942
Joseph L Leonard 1917 - 1980
Ray Elwood Loveless 1922 - 2002
Clarence Lovin 1919 - 2009
Anthony Dean Lucas 1921 - 2004
Clarkson Walter Main 1899 - 1976
Betty Luta Maisenbacher 1920 - 2008
Edward James Maisenbacher 1923 - 2011
Robert Wayne Maisenbacher 1928 - 2003
John Batchelder Manley 1898 - 1970
Willard Winfred Manley 1907 - 1989
Robert McEvoy Manly 1919 - 2004
Fred A Manning 1922 - 1994
Ralph E Marsh 1912 - 1977
James A Marshall 1921 - 1975
Edward Roy Marston 1923 - 2007
Clifton Carroll Martin 1926 - 2001
Sarah Grace Maxwell 1919 - 2006
James Edward McCafferty 1926 - 2000
George Carlos McCracken 1923 - 1990
Lloyd McLane 1926 - 1989
Odell Johnson McLane 1916 - 2002
Edward Walton McRae 1926 - 1990
Robert Buck McRae 1908 - 1948
Wallace Merow 1921 - 1994
Donald Messenger 1925 - 2016
Arthur Alonzo Miller 1916 - 1977
Charles Lesley Miller 1919 - 1988
James LeRoy Miller 1917 - 2000
Leslie Raymond Monroe 1908 - 1955
Auguste Phillipe Montant 1914 - 1993
Louis Townsend Montant, Jr 1912 - 1983
Russell D Moore 1923 - 1976
Walter Robert Mories 1927 - 1989
Byron G Morrison 1915 - 1999
Clyde Robert Morron 1922 - 1974
Charles Winfield Morse 1912 - 1972
Chester Andrew Morse 1919 - 1996
Lawrence Maxwell Mueller 1920 - 2004
William Duncan Munro 1927 - 1972
Guy Marcellus Munroe 1923 - 2002
Vernon James Murray
Laurence Herbert Mussell 1920 - 1982
Herbert Myers 1919 - 2006
Edward Rex Naanes 1920 - 2008
John Clinton Nay 1917 - 1987
Willard F Nichols 1925 - 2018
William L Nilsson 1917 - 1995
Clarence Merryman Norman 1902 - 1992
Henry Joseph O'Hara 1924 - 1984
Arthur John O'Kerns 1918 - 1976
Frank R Oakes 1917 - 1973
Claron L Oakley 1924 - 2001
Donald Clifford Ostler 1924 - 2006
Albert Walter Packard 1917 - 1994
Robinson Pagel 1910 - 1981
Giacomo Papagno 1921 - 1992
Foster Parmenter 1922 - 1970
Herbert B Parmenter 1918 - 1945
Robert Arthur Parmenter 1921 - 2012
Walter Gordon Parmenter 1917 - 2013
Edgar Carlton Parrott 1920 - 1978
Charles C Payton 1926 - 1946
Arvid Garland Pearson 1922 - 1952
Wallis Frederick Petersen 1901 - 1991
Austin Gridley Peterson 1925 - 2014
Robert Kay Phillips 1924 - 2014
Roger Piatt 1921 - 1992
Theodore Warren Pohrte 1921 - 2003
Harry Mahlon Porter 1923 - 1991
Donald Judson Potter 1920 - 1993
George C Potter
Virdin Charles Powders 1921 - 2015
Howard B Powell 1918 - 2010
John Thomas Quick 1921 - 1978
Walter A Raab 1920 - 2013
Charlot Nelece Radar 1917 - 2010
Harold Thomas Rathbun 1908 - 1966
Robert Lawrence Rathbun 1910 - 1944
William Henry Rathbun 1921 - 2003
Ross Erwin Rexford 1919 - 2005
Edward William Rhodes 1927 - 2018
Lester Bosco Roberts 1907 - 2004
Dwain Robertson 1919 - 2007
Edward A Rockwell 1915 - 1983
Joseph Raymond Rohan 1926 - 1998
Parker Couch Rowell 1903 - 1982
Frank Sabin 1922 - 1997
Gerald Sanseverino 1922 - 1990
Cecil Merril Sargeant 1907 - 1990
David Collier Sargent 1915 - 2007
Everett Eugene Sargent 1918 - 1981
Frederick Kingsbury Sargent 1916 - 1996
James Cunningham Sargent 1916 - 2008
John Moffat Sargent 1923 - 2016
Joseph Weir Sargent, Jr 1921 - 1980
Lawton Griswold Sargent, Jr 1923 - 2012
Maurice Henry Sargent 1910 - 1996
Murray Sargent, Jr 1913 - 2005
William Fisher Sargent 1901 - 1987
Paul Sawyer 1912 - 1998
Melvin Schell 1921 - 2004
Lester Eugene Schmaling 1914 - 1990
Merle Schmaling 1923 - 1975
Preston Lee Searle 1916 - 1989
Harry Lincoln Sebastian 1924 - 2009
Merton Alva Seeley 1917 - 1986
Clayton John Carrol Sharp 1919 - 2002
Lester Lee Sharp 1920 - 2002
Clarence L Sherman 1909 - 1973
Gerald Amasa Shippee 1923 - 1985
Harry Harland Skerrett, Jr 1891 - 1958
Eugene Warren Smaltz 1922 - 2007
David Adolph Smiley 1920 - 1943
Donald Fay Smith 1915 - 1996
Elmer Claire Smith 1910 - 1999
Francis Gerald Smith 1923 - 2011
Robert Milliner Smith 1916 - 2007
Charles Irving Somerby 1918 - 2005
Fred Philbra Spear 1920 - 2000
William Semple Spiegel 1924 - 2020
Ada Frances Sprague 1920 - 1976
Duncan Sprague 1928 - 2015
Earl Whitney Sprague 1923 - 1994
George Squires
Paul Leomer Stone 1922 - 2013
Charles Henry Strong 1918 - 1994
George Joseph Suddes 1910 - 2002
Leonard B Swasey 1920 - 2003
James Frank Sylvester 1915 - 1999
Elinor Louise Taber 1918 - 1993
Louis Taglieri 1918 - 1967
Bruce Mansfield Tanner 1924 - 2012
Frederic Homer Sargent Tate 1919 - 1944
Joseph Scranton Tate 1918 - 1943
Edward Taylor 1924 - 1986
Howard Roger Taylor 1918 - 2000
Frank Ellsworth Thomas 1926 - 1948
Wallace N Tiffany 1910 -
James William Tilley 1923 - 1995
John Carlton Tilley 1919 - 1990
Bradford Sargent Tilney 1908 - 1999
Paul Heber Tingey 1927 - 2017
Edward Mitchell Flagg Townsend, III 1921 - 1988
Marie Day Townsend 1922 - 2015
Marion Wesley Trees 1905 - 1982
Robert George True 1921 - 1943
Arthur Nicholson Turner 1921 - 2014
Raymond Turner
William Hubert Turner 1922 - 1944
Arthur D Tuttle 1923 - 1990
Raymond Andrew Tuttle 1915 - 1985
Timothy Lewin Tuttle 1913 - 1962
Laurence V Volrath 1919 - 2003
Floyd K Wagner 1925 - 2008
Wayne E Wagner 1926 - 1966
Charles Maxwell Wahlquist 1920 - 1975
Grant Keith Wahlquist 1921 - 1961
Samuel M Warner 1904 - 1980
Harold Arnold Warren 1923 -
Lyman Maurice Watkins 1919 - 1993
Arthur L Watts 1920 - 2010
Herbert LeRoy Webster 1911 - 1996
Howard Lines Wellman 1924 - 2014
Prudence Holbrook Wellman 1920 - 1986
Winston P Wells 1920 - 1977
Harrison Gates White 1902 - 1962
Donald Lester Wickham 1927 - 2017
James A Widger 1909 - 1972
John Lester Wilfong 1902 - 1966
Max P Wilkins 1922 - 2001
Clinton David Williams 1912 - 1972
George Logan Williams 1921 - 1978
Lewis A Winegarden 1920 - 2011
James Sargent Wiser 1921 - 2012
Roger V Wolcott about 1918 -
William Edward Woodward 1919 - 2002
Lee Stephen Wright 1919 - 2013
Phillips Frederick Wright 1908 - 1991
Joseph A Yerem 1927 - 1988
James Kimble Young 1916 - 1987
August H Zielke 1929 - 2018
Robert M Zundel 1923 - 2009