My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others
Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others
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Interactive Pedigree Chart
Charts for the Sargent Relations
Descendants of William Sargent, Immigrant
Ancestors of Joseph Bradford Sargent
Ancestors of Elizabeth Collier Lewis
Descendants of Joseph Bradford Sargent
Relationship of Susan B Anthony and her Sargent Relatives
Lucille Ball and Charlotte
Clara Barton and Linda
John Brown (abolitionist) & Leslie
Warren Buffett and David
Aaron Burr and the Sargents
President Calvin Coolidge - a Sargent
Walt Disney and Tim Sargent
Thomas Alva Edison and Tasha
Relationship Ralph Waldo Emerson to JB Sargent
Jane Fonda and Ruby
President Garfield and JB Sargent
Bill Gates and Murray Sargent
Robert Goddard and the Sargents
Charles Goodyear, a relative of Elizabeth Collier Lewis
President/General Grant and Richard Sargent
Katherine Hepburn and Linda Sargent
Amory Houghton (founder Corning Glass) and JBS
Samuel FB Morse and Nicholas
President Franklin Pierce and the Sargents
Taft and Tate
Henry David Thoreau and his Sargent relations
Tiffany and Maxwell
Noah Webster related to Elizabeth Collier Lewis, wife of JB Sargent
Andrew Wyeth and the Sargents
Brigham Young and the Sargents
Mayflower Charts
Lydia Chipman: Mayflower Descendants
Elizabeth Bass Henshaw: Mayflower Descendants
Sarah Dorman: Mayflower Descendants
Abigail Swift: Mayflower Descendants
Charts for the Kingsbury Relations
Descent from Henry Kingsbury
Ancestors of Ruth Kingsbury
Louisa May Alcott and the Kingsbury Relations
P T Barnum and Joan Sargent
President George H W Bush and the Kingsburys
Winston Churchill and Lisa
Emily Dickinson and the Kingsburys
Amelia Earhart and Sophie
President Millard Fillmore and the Kingsburys
Jodie Foster and Sophie
President Gerald Ford and Linda
Richard Gere - a Kingsbury
Nathaniel Hawthorn and Kingsburys
Nathan Hale and Jack
Ernest Hemingway and Mitchell
Clement Clarke Moore and Nicholas
Richard Nixon and Linda
Gilbert Clifford Noble and Linda
Cole Porter - a Kingsbury
Norman Rockwell and Heidi
Harriet Beecher Stowe and Kirsten
Tennessee Williams and the Kingsburys
Charts for Alice Bessie Forbes (wife of George Lewis Sargent)
Ancestors of Alice Bessie Forbes
President Cleveland and the Forbes
President Rutherford B Hayes and the Forbes
Charles Ives and Linda
Henry Luce and Linda
Nancy Regan and Richard Sargent
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Forbes
John Wellborn Root - architecct of Chicago World's Fair - and Carol Sargent
Joseph Smith and Linda
Sigourney Weaver and Stella
Frank W Woolworth and Carol
Orville Wright and David
Wilbur Wright and Dylan Slaughter
Other Interesting Charts
Taylor Swift and Margot
Kyle and Lisa (husband and wife) are related
Les Nothnage and Dick Sargent - best friends from Nichols CT - are related!
My Ancestors - with Photos!
Ancestors of Barbara Lois Male
Ancestors of William Reinfeld
Ancestors of Constantine Alexander
Ancestors of Kyle Mueller
Ancestors of Amanda Florence Uhrick
Ancestors of Casey Saunders Bivens
Ancestors of Louise Dunning
Ancestors of Jensi Stoughton
Descendants of Thomas Stoughton
Descendants of Sarah Talcott & William Wadsworth - the Stoughton Connection
Descendants of Nathaniel Foote & Elizabeth Deming - the Mueller Connection
Camilla, Queen of England and Sara Dunning
Prince William, future King of England and Hannah
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Queen Elizabeth and Leslie Sargent
Charlemagne and Sargents
Gateway Ancestors
William Sargent - Royal Ancestors
Thomas Trowbridge - Royal Ancestors
Thomas Trowbridge - Descendants
Elizabeth Alsop - Royal Ancestors
Elizabeth Alsop - Descendants
Margaret Fleming - Royal Ancestors
Griffith Bowen - Royal Ancestors
Margaret Fleming and Griffith Bowen - Descendant chart