Because this site has gotten so large I have identified various groups within all the people listed. I have tried to answer the question: 'Why is this person in my database?' - and therefore identified a family group. I have started to use colored dots (icons) beside the names of people on their individual pages to identify the various groups. The smaller groups are all-inclusive, including spouses. The larger groups, such as the blus icon with 'S', which are the descendants of William Sargent (the main focus of this site) do not include spouses.
If you are visiting a page and do not see a colored dot identifying the family, click on the spouse (if available). The spouse should be identified.
On this page are listed a few of the smaller groups. If a name is not listed here, chances are it belongs to the larger 'Sargent Family' group.
I have researched a lot my father's mother's family and therefore have identified a lot of relatives. Her paternal Kingsbury family was centered around Waterbury CT, with earlier generation from MA and CT. Her maternal Townsend family was based in Oyster Bay Long Island and CT Fairfield County. The family were early settlers of Long Island, coming from CT and MA
Alice Bessie Forbes, who died young after having 8 children, came from a long line of early New England Ancestors.She was the wife of my great-grandfather George Lewis Sargent
I realized there was another large group unidentified, my Sargent ancestors. The line from Wm Sargent down is already identified; this group will be the line from JBS backwards in time (all his ancestors and their families and descendants).
Elizabeth Collier Lewis was the wife of Joseph Bradford Sargent and the mother of 12 children. Her family's roots were mainly in Connecticut, although she was born in Georgia.
This group contains all the relatives of my mother, Barbara Lois Male, including the 'married-in' people. Relatives of her sisters husbands, Michael Regan and Geoffrey Stoughton are also included. The group is not so large, primarily because they arived in America in the 19th century and I have not traced their lineage back in England
When I married Bill Reinfeld he was impressed with the ancestors I had found, saying he had few. After investigation, his family has grown quite a bit!
I have done some research on my husband Gus Alexander's family, but they immigrated to the US in the 20th century and I haven't looked at the non-US records. George Alexander's heritage is Greek from Cyprus and Laura Sanseverino's heritage is Italian. Her family probably came from Acerra, Italy
My daughter Lisa married Kyle Mueller from Oregon. Little did she know they were related 4 different ways - 11th cousins 1x removed, 12th cousins, 12th cousins 1x removed and 13th cousins. Kyle's ancestors had migrated out west during the 19th and 20th centuries.
My son married into the Uhrick family. Amanda's father's heritage is Polish and Czech, immigrating in the early 1900s. Amanda's mother's family has been in America for a long time. I actually traced one line back to Native American's in the Delaware valley - that line has been disproved, but I liked the idea!
It looks like my daughter Heidi is related to Casey Bivens. (I haven't totally verified this). They are 15th cousins twice removed - not a close connection. Casey's family migrated from England in the early 18th century and gradually moved west.
My sister married into the Dunning Family - everyone including those married into the family
My mother's sister Jani married Geoffrey Stoughton. Little did everyone know that Jeff was related to her husband Richard - they are 8th cousins 1x removed. Their common ancestors date to the 17th century - Richard Baldwin (1622-1665) and Elizabeth Alsop (s1622-1688)