My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Kingsbury Family

Lura Abell 1797 - 1867
Benjamin Adams about 1649 -
Charles Townsend Adams
Elizabeth Adams about 1652 -
Millicent Addes estimated 1622 -
William Addes estimated 1595 -
Janneken Adriaens estimated 1607 -
Abigail May Alcott 1840 - 1879
Ambrose Alcott 1820 -
Amos Bronson Alcott 1799 - 1888
Anna Bronson Alcott 1831 - 1893
Betsey Alcott 1798 - 1798
Betsey Alcott 1808 -
Chatfield Alcott 1801 -
Elizabeth Sewall Alcott 1835 - 1858
Frederic Alcott 1839 - 1839
George Alcott 1812 -
Junius Alcott 1818 -
Louisa May Alcott 1832 - 1888
Pamelia Alcott 1805 -
Phebe Alcott 1810 -
Alice Aldridge 1607 -
Ambrose Aldridge 1573 - 1630
Ann Aldridge 1603 - 1636
Elizabeth Aldridge 1619 - 1620
Emma Aldridge 1609 - about 1665
Isabelle Aldridge 1617 - 1620
John Aldridge 1599 -
Marie Aldridge 1615 -
Robert Aldridge 1605 -
Sarah Aldridge 1601 -
Thomas Aldridge 1547 -
Thomas Aldridge 1616 -
Wife (née unknown) Aldridge 1551 -
Abigail Allen 1640 - after 1696
Benjamin Allen 1652 -
Hannah Allen 1642 - 1729
Jeremiah Allen 1659 -
John Allen 1648 - 1697
Joseph Allen 1653 -
Martha Allen 1646 -
Mary Allen 1644 -
Penelope Allen about 1693 - after 1726
Persis Allen 1630 - 1630
Richard Allen 1656 -
Ruth Allen 1658 -
William Allen 1590 - 1679
William Allen 1611 - 1686
William Allen 1650 -
Abraham Alling, (1) - after 1711
Abraham Alling, (2) 1672 - 1736
Abraham Alling estimated 1706 -
Elizabeth Alling about 1706 - 1792
Freelove Alling about 1707 -
Isabella Alling about 1705 -
John Alling about 1700 - 1762
Maribah Alling estimated 1710 -
Martha Alling about 1702 -
Mary Alling about 1675 - after 1698
Mary (née unknown) Alling estimated 1649 -
Penelope Alling about 1704 - after 1773
Sarah Alling about 1702 -
Susannah Alling about 1682 -
Thomas Alling about 1672 - after 1723
Thomas Alling about 1699 -
Anne Alsop estimated 1546 -
Anthony Alsop estimated 1568 -
Anthony Alsop about 1613 -
Elizabeth Alsop estimated 1551 -
Elizabeth Alsop estimated 1622 - 1688
George Alsop estimated 1522 -
George Alsop estimated 1549 -
George Alsop estimated 1619 - 1679
Jane Alsop estimated 1621 -
John Alsop estimated 1420 -
John Alsop estimated 1456 -
John Alsop estimated 1485 -
John Alsop estimated 1497 -
John Alsop estimated 1544 -
John Alsop estimated 1592 - 1631
John Alsop estimated 1615 - 1646
Thomas Alsop estimated 1476 -
Thomas Alsop estimated 1514 -
Thomas Alsop estimated 1544 -
Thomas Alsop estimated 1547 -
Timothy Alsop estimated 1617 -
Mary Alworth 1848 - 1933
Charles Lee Amdahl 1954 - 2002
Robert Allen Amdahl 1941 - 2005
Agnes (wife of Robert) Amyas 1470 - about 1505
Jane Amyas 1528 - 1609
John Amyas about 1505 - 1553
Magdalen Amyas 1538 -
Robert Amyas 1469 - 1532
Abraham Andrews 1648 -
Benjamin Andrews 1659 - 1727
Christian Andrews estimated 1633 - 1677
Daniel Andrews 1650 -
Daniel Andrews 1737 -
Dinah Andrews 1684 - 1763
Hannah Andrews 1646/47 - before 1725
John Andrews about 1616 - 1681
John Andrews 1645 -
Joseph Andrews 1651 - 1706
Mary Andrews 1643 -
Mary (née unknown) Andrews estimated 1621 - 1694
Rachel Andrews 1654 -
Stephen Andrews 1656 - about 1656
William Andrews 1663/64 - 1726
Joanna Appleton 1601 - after 1677
Margaret Ashfield about 1439 -
Eyed Atkins about 1539 -
Abigail Atwater 1731 - 1800
Abraham Atwater 1716 - 1786
Amos Atwater 1738 - 1739
Isaac Atwater 1718 - 1770
Jeremiah Atwater 1684 - 1732
Jeremiah Atwater 1734 - 1811
Jonathan Atwater 1690 - 1760
Lydia Atwater 1736 - 1756
Lydia Atwater 1752 - 1837
Phebe Atwater 1714 - 1795
Ruth Atwater 1688 - 1758
Amos Avery 1757 -
Abigail Ayer 1664 - 1742
Adele Augusta Ayer 1867 - 1938
Ebenezer Ayer 1678 - 1695
Elizabeth Ayer 1659 -
George Manney Ayer 1840 - 1914
Hannah Ayer 1644 -
Hannah Ayer 1662 -
James Ayer 1686 - 1771
James Ayer 1732/33 - 1821
John Ayer 1590 - 1656/57
John Ayer estimated 1623 -
John Ayer 1657 -
John Varnum Ayer 1812 - about 1877
Love Ayer 1663 - 1735
Martha Ayer 1667/68 -
Mary Ayer 1634 - 1676
Mary Ayer 1659/60 -
Mary Ayer 1666 - 1743
Nathaniel Ayer 1630 - 1717
Obadiah Ayer about 1638 - 1694
Peter Ayer 1633 - 1698/99
Rachel Ayer 1675 - 1678
Rebecca Ayer about 1627 - 1718
Robert Ayer about 1625 - 1711
Ruth Ayer 1660 - 1694/95
Samuel Ayer 1654 - 1708
Samuel Ayer 1671 - 1672
Samuel Ayer 1777 - 1847
Susan Woodbridge Ayer 1777 - 1864
Thomas Ayer 1630 - 1686
Thomas Ayer 1666 -
William Ayer 1673 - 1675
William Ayer 1716 - after 1765
John Ayers 1582 - 1657
Samuel Ayers 1669 - 1743/44
Sarah Ayers 1621 -
Absalom Backus 1747 - 1760
Anne Backus 1750 - 1750
Ebenezer Backus 1743/44 -
Irene Backus 1734 - 1817
Lebbeus Backus 1741 -
Ozias Backus 1739 - 1764
Rachel Backus 1737 -
Simeon Backus 1752 - 1782
Abigail Baldwin 1682 - 1714
Agnes Anne Baldwin 1579 - 1636
Barnabas Baldwin 1665 - 1741
Caleb Clark Baldwin estimated 1818 -
Ellen (née unknown) Baldwin estimated 1510 - after 1566
Hannah Baldwin 1673 - 1675/76
Hannah Baldwin 1675/76 - 1676
Hannah Baldwin 1681 -
Henry Baldwin 1528 - 1602
Henry Baldwin estimated 1592 -
Jane Baldwin 1577 -
John Baldwin estimated 1561 -
John Baldwin 1635 - 1683
Martha Baldwin 1663 - 1708
Mary Baldwin estimated 1580 -
Mary Baldwin 1623 -
Mary Baldwin 1625 -
Mary Baldwin 1653 - after 1711
Mary Ann Baldwin estimated 1820 -
Mehitable Baldwin 1670 - 1670
Mercy Baldwin 1674 - 1674
Nancy Maria Baldwin estimated 1816 -
Richard Baldwin about 1500 - about 1553
Richard Baldwin 1556 - 1636
Robert Baldwin about 1475 - about 1536
Robert Baldwin estimated 1576 -
Ruth Baldwin estimated 1637 -
Samuel Baldwin 1679 -
Sarah Baldwin 1649 - 1714
Sylvester Baldwin estimated 1563 -
Sylvester Baldwin about 1595 - 1638
Theophilus Baldwin 1659 - 1698
Zachariah Baldwin 1660 - 1722
Elijah Keeler Bangs 1780 - 1856
Abigail Barnes 1656/57 -
Asa Barnes 1745 -
Benjamin Barnes 1653 - 1731
Daniel Barnes 1659 - 1730/31
Ebenezer Barnes estimated 1669 -
Elizabeth Barnes 1650 -
John Barnes estimated 1648 - 1712
Jonathan Barnes 1730 -
Joseph Barnes 1651 -
Martha Barnes estimated 1646 -
Martha Barnes 1734 -
Mary Barnes 1726 - 1788
Mary (née unknown) Barnes about 1622 - 1676
Mary (née unknown) Barnes estimated 1623 - 1662/63
Maybee Barnes 1663 - 1748/49
Mercy Barnes estimated 1644 -
Nathan Barnes 1742 -
Sarah Barnes about 1646 -
Stephen Barnes 1728 -
Thomas Barnes estimated 1620 - 1691
Thomas Barnes 1623 - 1691
Thomas Barnes 1653 - 1712
Thomas Barnes 1665 - 1742
William Barnes 1738 -
P T Barnum 1810 - 1891
Philo Barnum 1778 - 1828
Irene Doris Barrett 1897 - 1975
Isabel Bartlett estimated 1494 -
Katherine (née unknown) Bartlett estimated 1470 - 1525
Abigail Bassett 1687 -
Anne Bassett estimated 1521 -
David Bassett 1730 - 1758
Hannah Bassett 1679 -
John Bassett 1691 -
Joseph Bassett 1694 -
Joseph Bassett 1697 - 1761
Lois Bassett 1724 - 1799
Lydia Bassett 1685 -
Mercy Bassett 1676 - 1756
Rebecca Bassett 1695 -
Ruth Bassett 1723/24 - 1776
Samuel Bassett 1728 - 1799
Sarah Bassett 1682 - 1771
William Bassett estimated 1498 -
Cynthia Bateman about 1778 -
Comfort Beard 1764 - 1848
Ann Beardsley 1759 - 1836
Anna Beardsley 1828 - 1911
Charity Beardsley 1762 -
Cornelia Beardsley 1808 - 1818
Daniel Burr Beardsley estimated 1810 -
David N Beardsley 1811 -
Emily Beardsley about 1826 -
Frank Beardsley 1867 -
George Henry Beardsley 1838 - 1839
John Curtiss Beardsley 1814 -
Julia Maria Beardsley 1833 - 1892
Lewis H Beardsley 1830 - 1830
Lynson Beardsley about 1828 -
Permelia Beardsley 1803 -
Philip Beardsley 1770 -
Walter Beardsley 1832 - 1893
Anne Beaupré 1507 - 1580
Dorothy Beaupré estimated 1539 - 1602/03
Edmund Beaupré 1483 - 1568
Eleanor Beaupré about 1441 -
Elizabeth Beaupré about 1513 -
Jane Beaupré about 1438 -
Katherine Beaupré 1509 -
Margery Beaupré about 1496 -
Mary Beaupré 1511 -
Nicholas Beaupré about 1465 -
Nicholas Beaupré about 1494 -
Robert Beaupré about 1439 -
Thomas Beaupré about 1410 - about 1459
Thomas Beaupré about 1437 - 1541
Catherine Esther Beecher 1800 - 1878
Charles Beecher 1815 - 1900
Edward Beecher 1803 - 1895
George Beecher 1809 - 1843
Harriet Beecher 1808 - 1808
Henry Ward Beecher 1813 - 1887
Mary Foote Beecher 1805 - 1900
William Henry Beecher 1802 - 1886
Francis Bell estimated 1614 - 1689/90
Jonathan Bell about 1641 - 1698/99
Mary Bell about 1646 - 1724
Rebecca Bell 1643 - 1676
Rebecca (née unknown) Bell estimated 1619 - 1684
Catherine Bendorf about 1923 - 1964
Dorothy May Bendorf about 1919 - 1966
Freddie Bendorf about 1920 - 1997
James Bendorf about 1921 - 2019
Lillian Benedict 1899 -
Roselle Fay Benedict 1897 -
Sarah Benedict 1710 - 1791
Bertha Gale Bennett 1877 -
Corydon Bennett 1814 - 1902
Erastus Wayne Bennett 1842 - 1921
Agnes (née unknown) Beresford estimated 1445 -
Jane Beresford estimated 1498 -
John Beresford estimated 1478 -
Thomas Beresford estimated 1443 -
Barbara Berg
Brenda Mary Berg
Dorothy (née unknown) Berrington estimated 1543 -
Thomas Berrington estimated 1538 - 1603
Margaret Bett about 1547 -
Robert Bett estimated 1514 -
Robydge Bett about 1540 -
Thomas Bett about 1537 -
Alexander Bettes about 1545 -
Alexander Bettes estimated 1580 - before 1639/40
Joan Bettes 1582 -
John Bettes about 1534 -
Abijah Betts 1740 -
Anna Maria Betts 1810 - 1893
Asa Betts 1781 -
Betsy Betts 1812 -
Daniel Betts 1657 - 1758
Daniel Betts 1699 - 1783
Daniel Betts 1728 -
Deborah Betts estimated 1694 -
Deborah Betts 1748 -
Elijah Betts 1755 -
Elizabeth Betts 1699 - before 1748
Elizabeth Betts 1739 -
Elizabeth Betts about 1800 -
Hannah Betts 1652 - 1688
Hannah Betts 1699 -
Hannah Betts 1730 -
Hepzibah Betts 1703 - 1745
Hezekiah Betts 1806 - 1883
James Betts 1663 -
Jesse Betts 1734 -
John Betts 1650 -
John Betts 1684 -
John Betts 1692 - 1767
Josiah Betts 1725/26 -
Josiah Betts 1735 - 1810
Judith Betts 1714 -
Lydia Betts 1745 -
Mary Betts 1646 - before 1695
Mary Betts 1693 -
Mary Betts 1694 -
Matthew Betts about 1690 -
Nathan Betts 1700 -
Rebecca Betts about 1696 - 1790
Reuben Betts 1730 -
Robert Betts about 1612/13 -
Ruth Betts estimated 1737 -
Samuel Betts 1660 - 1733
Samuel Betts 1695 -
Samuel A Betts 1804 - 1871
Samuel Comstock Betts estimated 1732 -
Sarah Betts 1664 - 1755
Sarah Betts about 1685 - 1777
Sarah Betts 1725/26 -
Sarah Abigail Betts about 1803 - 1873
Stephen Betts 1654 - 1655
Stephen Betts 1698 -
Stephen Betts 1801 -
Thomas Betts 1644 - 1717
Thomas Betts 1681/82 - 1761
Timothy Betts 1743 -
William Betts estimated 1605 -
William Betts estimated 1802 -
Hope Bigge estimated 1580 -
John Bigge estimated 1550 -
John Bigge estimated 1578 -
Mary Bigge 1576 -
Joan Bingley 1582 -
Elizabeth Birchard 1621 - 1699
Charles Bird about 1829 -
Eliza Bird about 1833 -
Hermon Bird about 1835 -
Robert Bird estimated 1562 -
Catherine Birdsey 1626 - 1692
Edward Birdsey 1597 - 1649
John Birdsey about 1571 - 1649
John Birdsey 1616 - 1690
Joseph Birdsey about 1602 -
Margaret Birdsey 1611 - 1655
Nicholas Birdsey 1560 - 1600
Alice (née unknown) Blackett 1545 -
Eleanore Blackett 1568 - 1629
Thomas Blackett about 1541 - 1566
Agnes Blackmore estimated 1432 -
Dorothy Blackwell about 1600 -
Ann Bliss 1660 - 1715
Constance Diana Bloomer
Elizabeth Louise Bloomer 1925 - 2012
Jennie Bloomer
Lawrence Neale Bloomer 1924 - 2007
Marragrietje Bogart 1503 - 1546
Jan Bogert about 1477 - 1510
Mary Ann C Boies 1822 - 1890
Alice Boleyn 1487 - 1538
Sir William Boleyn, of Blickling 1450 - 1505
Isabelle Bonython estimated 1542 -
Ralph Bonython estimated 1455 -
Richard Bonython estimated 1480 -
Abel Booth 1742/43 - 1814
Abel Booth 1780 - 1868
Anne Booth 1642/43 -
Bethia Booth 1658 - 1699
Charity Booth about 1771 - 1846
Eliza Booth 1797 -
Isaac Patterson Booth 1796 - 1879
Joseph Booth 1655/56 - 1703
Maria Booth 1802 - 1859
Nancy Booth 1803 -
Richard Booth estimated 1585 -
Silas Curtis Booth 1809 -
Susan Booth 1805 -
Joan Boreham 1511 -
Abraham Bradley 1650 - 1718
Benjamin Bradley 1657 - 1728
Daniel Bradley about 1635 - 1658
Ellen Bradley about 1633 -
Esther Bradley 1659 -
Jerry Bradley
Joshua Bradley about 1637 -
Marilyn Bradley
Mary Bradley 1653 - 1724
Mary Bradley 1672 -
Matthew Bradley 1592 -
Michael Bradley 1587 -
Nathan Bradley about 1639 - 1713
Nathaniel Bradley 1660/61 - 1748
Robert Bradley
Samuel Bradley 1591 -
Sarah Bradley 1590 -
Sarah Bradley 1665 - 1742
Stephen Bradley about 1642 -
William Bradley 1619 - 1691
Agnes Broadley 1543 -
Daniel Broadley 1588/89 - 1641
Elizabeth Broadley 1615 -
Francis Broadley 1595 -
Letticia Broadley 1617 -
Magdelena Broadley 1613 -
Margaret Broadley 1541 -
Thomas Broadley 1593 -
William Broadley 1545 - 1600
William Broadley 1597 - before 1653
Abigail Brockett 1649/50 - 1729
Be Fruitful Brockett 1644/45 - 1645
Benjamin Brockett 1644/45 - 1645
Benjamin Brockett 1648 -
Elizabeth Brockett 1671 - 1671
Hannah Brockett 1676/77 - 1761
Jabez Brockett 1654 - 1654
Jabez Brockett 1656 -
John Brockett 1609 - 1689/90
John Brockett 1642 - 1720
John Brockett 1672 - 1712
Mary Brockett 1646 - 1694
Mary Brockett 1675 - 1745
Samuel Brockett 1651/52 - 1742
Silence Brockett 1647/48 -
Amos Bronson 1730/31 - 1819
Amos Bronson 1769 -
Ann Bronson 1810 - 1840
Anna Bronson 1709 -
Anna Bronson 1773 - 1863
Anne Bronson 1752 - before 1802
Arthur Bronson 1801 - 1844
Arthur Bronson 1825 - 1885
Benjamin Bronson 1711 - 1745
Bennet Bronson 1775 - 1850
Caroline Anna Bronson 1798 - 1853
Catherine Rebecca Bronson 1833 - 1926
Chauncy Bronson 1767 - 1768
Content Bronson 1773 - 1806
Daniel Bronson 1738/39 -
David Bronson 1748 - 1750
Dorcas Bronson 1633 - 1697
Ebenezer Bronson 1689 - 1768
Eli Bronson 1743 -
Elizabeth Bronson 1714 - 1715
Elizabeth Bronson 1716 -
Elizabeth Bronson 1755 -
Ethel Bronson 1765 - 1825
Eunice Bronson 1755 - 1776
Frederick Bronson 1802 - 1868
Hannah Bronson 1739 -
Hannah Bronson 1769 - 1842
Harriet Bronson 1798 - 1835
Isaac Bronson 1645 - about 1719
Isaac Bronson 1670 - 1751
Isaac Bronson 1707 - 1799
Isaac Bronson 1736 - 1826
Isaac Bronson 1760 - 1838
Jacob Bronson 1640/41 - 1708
James Bronson 1713 - 1775
James Bronson 1721 - 1725
James Bronson 1727 -
Jerusha Bronson 1703 -
Jesse Bronson 1766 - 1782
John Bronson estimated 1603 - 1680
John Bronson 1628/29 - 1631
John Bronson 1631 - 1631/32
John Bronson 1644 - 1696
John Bronson about 1670 - 1749
John Bronson 1673 - 1746/47
John Bronson, Jr 1701 - 1785
John Bronson 1742 -
John Bronson 1768 - 1782
Joseph Bronson 1682 - 1707
Joseph Bronson 1709 - 1771
Josiah Bronson 1713 - 1804
Laban Bronson 1762 - 1801
Lois Bronson 1735 -
Lucy Bronson 1736 -
Lydia Bronson 1741 -
Maria Bronson 1793 - 1793
Maria Bronson 1795 - 1851
Mary Bronson 1627 - 1690
Mary Bronson 1680 - 1756
Mary Bronson 1711/12 - 1750/51
Mary Bronson 1716 -
Mary Bronson 1757 - 1851
Mary Bronson 1806 - 1901
Mercy Bronson 1694 -
Mercy Bronson 1764 - 1813
Nathan Bronson 1719 -
Noah Miles Bronson 1767 - 1859
Oliver Bronson 1790 - 1790
Oliver Bronson 1799 - 1875
Patience Bronson 1725 -
Patience Bronson 1746 - 1749
Rachel Bronson 1710 - 1777
Ruth Bronson 1715/16 - 1788
Ruth Bronson 1739 -
Ruth Bronson 1759 - 1802
Samuel Bronson 1676 -
Samuel Bronson 1741 - after 1741
Sarah Bronson 1639 -
Sarah Bronson 1691 - 1748
Sarah Bronson 1775 - 1777
Seth Bronson 1748 -
Stephen Bronson 1712 - 1712
Stephen Bronson about 1735 - 1789
Susanna Bronson 1736 -
Susanna Bronson 1770 - 1773
Susanna Bronson 1780 - 1811
Theodore Bailey Bronson 1830 - 1881
Thomas Bronson 1685/86 - 1777
Thomas Bronson 1710/11 - 1759
Thomas Bronson 1750/51 -
Tillotson Bronson 1762 - 1826
Virtue Bronson 1778 - 1816
Anne (née unknown) Broodeley 1518 -
John Broodeley about 1477 -
Richard Broodeley 1547 -
William Broodeley about 1475 -
William Broodeley about 1505 - 1577
David Brooks 1761 -
Ebenezer Bunnel Brooks 1759 -
Charles Mathews Brown
Colin Mathew Brown
Eliza Jane Brown 1836 -
Elizabeth Brown 1713 - 1740
Harriet Neomi Brown
Marcia B Brown 1832 -
Robert K Brown 1833 -
Agnes (née unknown) Browne estimated 1534 -
Andrew Browne about 1532 -
Anne Browne estimated 1558 - 1629
Benjamin Browne 1571 - 1638
Edward Browne
Henry Browne estimated 1528 -
Henry Browne about 1530 -
Henry Browne 1626 - 1703
Jane Browne before 1618 - 1620
John Browne about 1500 - before 1546
John Browne 1604 - 1604
John Browne 1615 - about 1646
Jone Browne about 1540 -
Jone (née unknown) Browne about 1502 -
Joseph Browne about 1562 - 1633
Joseph Browne about 1598 - 1633
Joseph Browne before 1613 - 1634
Katherine Browne about 1536 -
Margaret Browne about 1538 -
Mary Browne about 1605 -
Mary Browne 1622 - about 1650
Nicholas Browne about 1526 -
Phebe Browne about 1560 - 1620
Phebe Browne 1601 - 1604
Phebe Browne before 1620 - 1664
Richard Browne about 1528 -
Sarah Browne about 1566 -
Sarah Browne 1592 - 1633
Sarah Browne about 1628 -
Stephen Browne 1588 -
Susanna Browne 1595 - about 1633
Thomas Browne about 1524 -
Thomas Browne 1624 - 1645
William Browne 1534 - 1613
William Browne 1585 - 1650
Isabel Bruster estimated 1578 -
Alexander Bryan estimated 1605 -
Sarah Bryan estimated 1599 -
Thomas Bryan estimated 1574 -
Mary Buck 1687 - 1727
Sarah Buck 1684 - 1751
Elizabeth Bulkley estimated 1642 -
Agnes Davis Bull
Alexander Kingsbury Bull 1957 - 1993
Christopher U Bull
Dorothy Bull 1887 - 1934
Frederick Kingsbury Bull 1884 - 1968
Frederick Kingsbury Bull 1926 - 2008
Katharine F Bull
Ludlow Seguine Bull 1886 - 1954
Peter L Bull
Roger Ludlow Bull 1928 - 1979
Abner Bunnell 1720/21 - 1810
Anna Bunnell 1676/77 - 1689/90
Anna Bunnell 1695 - 1731
Benjamin Bunnell about 1639 - about 1696
Benjamin Bunnell 1674/75 - 1674/75
Benjamin Bunnell 1679 - 1749
Benjamin Bunnell 1715 - 1758
Desire Bunnell 1710/11 -
Desire Bunnell 1719 -
Desire Bunnell 1759 -
Ebenezer Bunnell 1653 - before 1654
Ebenezer Bunnell 1713 - 1787
Ebenezer Bunnell 1749/50 - 1756
Hannah Bunnell 1756 -
Hezekiah Bunnell 1681/82 -
Hezekiah Bunnell 1727 - 1727
Israel Bunnell 1689/90 - 1759
Israel Bunnell 1746/47 - 1813
Jared Bunnell 1719 - 1758
Joseph Bunnell 1722/23 - 1799
Judith Bunnell 1672 - 1746
Lydia Bunnell about 1642 - 1708
Lydia Bunnell 1744 - 1746
Lydia Bunnell 1753 -
Mary Bunnell 1650 - 1724
Miriam Bunnell 1762 - 1805
Nathaniel Bunnell 1648 - 1696
Nathaniel Bunnell 1686 - 1732
Nathaniel Bunnell 1739 - 1787
Parmineas Bunnell 1716/17 - 1759
Patience Bunnell 1726 - 1788
Rachel Bunnell 1683 - 1728
Rachel Bunnell 1728 - 1800
Rebecca Bunnell 1666/67 - 1666/67
Rebecca Bunnell about 1668 -
Rebecca Bunnell 1729/30 -
Sarah Bunnell 1741 - 1763
Stephen Bunnell 1731 - 1779
William Bunnell estimated 1610 -
Elizabeth Burch 1697 - 1775
Jeremiah Burch estimated 1671 -
Jeremiah Burch 1699 -
Mary Burch 1701 -
Abigail Burchard estimated 1669 -
Abigail Burchard estimated 1730 -
Ann Burchard estimated 1630 -
Benjamin Burchard estimated 1677 -
Catherine Burchard estimated 1661 -
Daniel Burchard estimated 1685 -
Daniel Burchard estimated 1714 -
David Burchard estimated 1683 -
Deborah Burchard estimated 1728 -
Elijah Burchard estimated 1759 -
Elizabeth Burchard estimated 1724 -
Grace Burchard estimated 1726 -
Isaiah Burchard estimated 1712 -
Isaiah Burchard estimated 1757 -
James Burchard estimated 1667 -
Jeremiah Burchard estimated 1747 -
Jesse Burchard estimated 1718 -
John Burchard about 1628 - 1702
John Burchard estimated 1657 -
John Burchard estimated 1659 -
John Burchard estimated 1673 -
John Burchard estimated 1716 -
Joseph Burchard 1675 - 1755
Joseph Burchard estimated 1720 -
Lydia Burchard estimated 1753 -
Marie Burchard estimated 1622 -
Mary Burchard estimated 1681 -
Mary (née unknown) Burchard about 1597 -
Phebe Burchard estimated 1751 -
Samuel Burchard estimated 1665 -
Sara Burchard estimated 1624 -
Sarah Burchard estimated 1663 -
Susan Burchard estimated 1626 -
Thomas Burchard estimated 1593 - about 1684
Thomas Burchard estimated 1655 -
Thomas Burchard estimated 1671 -
Uriah Burchard estimated 1755 -
Zebulon Burchard estimated 1722 -
Daniel Burnap 1824 - 1844
Aaron Burr about 1757 - 1814
Abigail Burr 1736 - 1794
Amos Burr 1741 - 1743
Ann Burr 1726 - 1777
Catherine Burr 1723 - 1810
Comfort Burr about 1763 - 1841
Deborah Burr 1730 - 1799
Elijah Burr about 1755 - 1812
Elizabeth Burr 1732 - 1815
Elizabeth Burr 1738 -
Hepsibah Burr 1766 - 1848
John Burr 1728 - 1771
John Burr about 1764 - 1825
Justus Burr 1734 - 1766
Mary Burr 1732 - 1806
Ozias Burr 1739 - 1836
Sarah Burr 1724 - 1773
Sarah Burr about 1761 -
Wakeman Burr 1743 - 1799
Andrea Burrell
Peter J Burrell
Suzanne Burrell
Charles Burritt about 1689 - 1761
Edmund Burritt 1733 -
Elizabeth Burritt 1675 -
Ephraim Burritt about 1692 - before 1760
Israel Burritt 1687 - 1750
Josiah Burritt about 1681 -
Mary Burritt 1719 -
Mary Burritt about 1734 -
Peleg Burritt 1679 -
William Burritt 1677 -
Mabel Burroughs about 1617 -
William Burroughs 1591 -
Abigail Burt about 1623 - 1707
David Burt estimated 1632 -
Dorcas Burt 1643 -
Elizabeth Burt estimated 1626 -
Hannah Burt 1641 -
Henry Burt about 1595 - 1662
John Burt estimated 1592 -
Jonathan Burt estimated 1624 - 1715
Mary Burt estimated 1628 - 1689
Mercy Burt 1647 -
Nathaniel Burt estimated 1630 -
Patience Burt 1645 -
Sarah Burt 1621 - after 1711
Thomas Burt about 1622 -
Joane Burton estimated 1476 -
Henry Burtt estimated 1571 -
Isott (née unknown) Burtt estimated 1574 - 1630
Johan Burtt estimated 1598 -
Dorothy Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush 1924 - 2018
George Walker Bush
James Smith Bush 1825 - 1889
John Ellis Bush
Marvin Bush
Nancy Walker Bush
Neil Mallon Pierce Bush
Obadiah Newcomb Bush 1797 - 1851
Pauline Robinson Bush 1949 - 1953
Prescott Sheldon Bush 1895 - 1972
Samuel Prescott Bush 1863 - 1948
Sydney D Butcher 1890 -
Lady Margaret Butler about 1465 - about 1539
Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormonde estimated 1425 - 1515
Wilmot Cade estimated 1594 - 1662
David Calhoun estimated 1738 -
Ebenezer Calhoun estimated 1742 -
Hannah Calhoun estimated 1736 -
James Calhoun estimated 1732 -
John Calhoun estimated 1740 -
Joseph Calhoun estimated 1730 -
Mary Calhoun estimated 1734 -
Abigail Camp 1697 -
Caleb Camp 1705 - 1749
Catharine Camp 1565 -
Edward Camp 1576 - 1673
Edward Camp 1650 - about 1721
Eleazer Camp 1697 -
George Camp 1623 -
Grace Camp 1619 -
Hannah Camp 1676/77 - 1763
Hannah Camp 1738 - 1797
Hannah Camp 1784 -
Hezekiah Camp 1700 -
James Camp 1539 -
Joan Camp 1565 -
Joan (née unknown) Camp 1539 -
John Camp 1566 - 1630
Joseph Camp 1657 - 1750
Lemuel Camp 1701 -
Mary Camp 1628 -
Mary Camp 1652 -
Mary Hephzibah Camp 1684 - 1740
Mercy Camp 1646 - 1674
Nicholas Camp 1595 - 1653
Philemon Camp 1632 -
Richard Camp 1533 -
Robert Camp 1537 - 1608
Samuel Camp 1645 - 1735/36
Samuel Camp 1675 - 1743/44
Thomas Camp 1507 - 1560
William Camp 1535 -
William Camp 1625 -
Abigail Canfield estimated 1666 -
Abigail Canfield 1673 - 1734
Abigail Canfield 1728 - 1805
Agnes Canfield estimated 1563 -
Ambrose Canfield 1573 -
Charles Frederick Canfield 1845 - 1931
Ebenezer Canfield 1649 - 1694
Ebenezer Canfield 1668/69 - 1714
Edward Canfield estimated 1531 - 1566
Elijah Herbert Canfield 1795 - 1824
Elijah Starr Canfield 1817 - 1898
Elizabeth Canfield estimated 1567 - 1576
Elizabeth Canfield 1596 -
Elizabeth Canfield 1659/60 -
Francis Arthur Canfield 1878 - 1939
Frederic A Canfield
Frederic Arthur Canfield 1900 - 1967
Gregory Canfield 1570 - 1635
Hannah Canfield 1651 -
Hannah Canfield 1667 -
Henry Canfield estimated 1527 - 1564
Isabell Canfield estimated 1565 -
Isabell (née unknown) Canfield estimated 1508 - 1559
Jane Canfield 1601 -
Jedediah Canfield 1681 - 1761
Jeremiah Canfield estimated 1664 - 1740
Jeremiah Canfield 1737 - 1791
Jeremiah Canfield 1773/74 - 1828
Joan Canfield 1609 -
John Canfield about 1490 - 1559
John Canfield estimated 1532 - 1569
John Canfield 1595 -
Jonathan Canfield about 1656 - 1688
Mary Canfield estimated 1626 -
Mary Canfield 1657 -
Mary Canfield estimated 1658 -
Matthew Canfield 1650 - 1705
Matthew Canfield 1675 -
Mehitable Canfield 1671 -
Merrill Canfield 1607 -
Phebe Canfield about 1652 - 1730
Phebe (née unknown) Canfield 1628 - 1690
Rachel Canfield 1652 -
Richard Canfield estimated 1525 - 1594
Richard Canfield 1599 -
Ruth Canfield 1654 -
Samuel Canfield 1678 - 1712
Samuel Canfield 1702 - 1754
Sarah Canfield about 1650 - 1696
Thomas Canfield 1654 - 1689
Thomas Canfield 1680 - 1760
Valentine Canfield 1603 - 1603
Bernard Capen about 1562 - 1638
Dorothy Capen about 1608 -
Elizabeth Capen about 1610 -
Honor Capen about 1615 - 1680
James Capen about 1598 -
John Capen 1612 - 1692
Joseph Capen 1658 - 1725
Ruth Capen 1600 -
Susannah Capen 1602 - 1666
Alice Kingsbury Carter 1865 - 1935
Calvin Holmes Carter 1829 - 1887
Carlos Frederick Carter 1841 - 1862
Charles F Carter 1864 - 1942
Charles Franklin Carter 1862 - 1934
Christopher D Carter
Christopher Sherman Carter 1930 - 1982
David Sherman Carter
Edward Gardner Leonard Carter 1940 - 2020
Edward Perkins Carter 1870 - 1955
Edward Perkins Carter 1904 - 1972
Elihu Carter 1759 -
Franklin Carter 1830 - 1836
Franklin Carter 1837 - 1919
Franklin Carter, Jr 1878 - 1926
Frederic Carter 1869 - 1937
Gaius Carter 1784 -
Grace Sutherland Carter 1933 - 2016
Hannah Carter 1604 - 1678/79
Helen Holmes Carter 1864 - 1893
Isaac Carter 1757 -
Ithiel Carter 1753 -
Jacob Carter 1745 - 1831
John Carter 1566 -
John Beckley Carter 1804 - 1809
Jonathan Carter 1751 -
Levi Carter 1762 -
Loammi Carter 1785 -
Marcus Carter 1774 -
Mary Carter 1781 -
Mary Carter 1857 - 1876
Polly Wood Carter 1798 - 1874
Preserve Carter 1773 - 1825
Preserve Wood Carter 1798 - 1859
Rhoda Carter 1775 -
Robert Carter 1580 - 1632
Ruth Carter 1856 - 1856
Ruth Sherman Carter 1902 - 1903
Sarah Carter 1747 -
Sarah Josephine Carter 1859 - 1883
Stephen Carter 1749 -
Uri Carter 1782 -
William Carter 1526 -
William Carter 1563 -
William Carter estimated 1604 -
William Darrow Carter 1866 - 1927
William L Carter
William Phelps Carter 1916 - 2014
Grace Chandler 1598 -
Hannah Chandler 1630 - 1711
Tobias Chandler 1551 - 1629
Tobias Chandler 1575 -
William Chandler 1595 - 1642
William Chandler 1635 - 1698
Elizabeth Chatterton 1701 - 1789
Esther Chatterton 1696 -
Hannah Chatterton 1663 - 1663
Hannah Chatterton 1679/80 - about 1680
John Chatterton 1667/68 - 1701
John Chatterton 1731 -
Joseph Chatterton 1676 - about 1676
Lydia Chatterton 1699 - before 1718
Mary Chatterton 1666 - about 1666
Mary Chatterton 1673 - 1741
Mary Chatterton 1692 - 1774
Mercy Chatterton 1664 -
Samuel Chatterton 1671 - 1733
Samuel Chatterton 1729 - 1762
Sarah Chatterton 1661 -
Sarah Chatterton 1697/98 -
Sarah Chatterton 1714/15 -
Silence Chatterton 1701 -
Susannah Chatterton 1678 - 1766
William Chatterton estimated 1634 - 1700
Hannah Churchill 1644 -
Sarah Churchill 1657 -
Winston Churchill 1874 - 1965
Abigail Clark 1662 -
Abigail Clark 1705 -
Adeline Clark 1842 - 1843
Andrew Clark 1727 -
Caleb Clark 1678/79 -
Caleb Clark 1701 - 1768
Daniel Clark 1711/12 - 1774
Ebenezer Clark 1651 - 1721
Edward A Clark about 1840 -
Eliphalet Clark 1698 -
Elizabeth Clark about 1651 -
Elizabeth Clark 1697 -
Frances (née unknown) Clark about 1610 - 1690
Hannah Clark 1680 - 1680
Hannah Clark 1689 - 1763
James Clark 1610 - 1674
James Clark estimated 1643 - 1712
James Clark 1713 -
John Clark 1655 - about 1655
John Clark 1674 - 1675
John Clark 1675 - 1675/76
Jonas Clark about 1620 - 1699/00
Jonas Clark 1646 - 1737/38
Joseph Clark 1679 -
Josiah Clark 1682/83 - 1762
Lucy Adelia Clark 1847 -
Lydia Clark 1718 - 1802
Mary Clark 1638 - 1663
Mary Clark estimated 1646 - 1721/22
Mary Clark about 1648 - 1649
Mary Clark 1664/65 -
Nathaniel Clark 1677 - 1686
Obadiah Clark 1694 - before 1721
Phebe Clark 1703 -
Samuel Clark 1653 - 1729/30
Sarah Clark 1644 -
Sarah Clark about 1645 -
Sarah Clark 1681 - 1720/21
Sarah Clark 1721 - 1721/22
Sarah Clark 1746 -
Stephen Clark 1686 - 1749/50
Stephen Clark about 1724 - 1800
Susan Clark about 1649 -
Susannah Clark 1682 - after 1770
Susannah Clark 1700 -
Susannah Clark 1717 -
Sylvanus Clark 1691/92 -
Thomas Clark 1642 - 1649
Thomas Clark 1652/53 - 1704
Timothy Clark 1657 - 1737
Wilburn Smith Clark 1844 - 1846
Anne Clere estimated 1560 - about 1616
Sir Edward Clere 1536 - 1606
Sir John Clere about 1511 - 1557
Sir Robert Clere estimated 1485 - 1529
Elizabeth Cleverly estimated 1622 - 1681
Anne Clifford estimated 1434 -
Elizabeth Clifford estimated 1444 -
Jean Clifford estimated 1446 -
Margaret Clifford estimated 1442 -
Robert Clifford about 1436 - 1485
Roger Clifford, Sir Roger of Brakenborough estimated 1438 - 1508
Thomas Clifford, 8th Lord of Clifford 1414 - 1455
Thomas Clifford about 1502 - 1543
Abigail Coe 1702 - 1747
Catherine Coe 1700 -
Ebenezer Coe 1704 -
Ephraim Coe 1698 - 1765
Hannah Coe 1689 - 1758
John Coe 1693 - 1751
Joseph Coe 1686 - 1754
Mary Coe 1691 - 1763
Robert Coe 1684 - 1762
Sarah Coe 1696 - 1731
Cornelius Worcester Coffin 1822 - 1875
Isabel Coffin 1853 - 1884
Ann Cole about 1634 - 1695
Deliverance Cole 1632 - about 1658
Elizabeth Cole estimated 1617 - 1684
John Cole 1630 - before 1683
Nathaniel Cole 1640 -
Robert Coles about 1605 - 1655
Abigail Coley estimated 1691 - about 1715
Ann Coley 1672/73 -
Daniel Coley estimated 1687 -
Daniel Coley 1728/29 - 1800
Elizabeth Coley 1680 -
Eunice Coley estimated 1733 - 1823
Eunice Coley 1772 -
Eunice (née unknown) Coley estimated 1703 -
Gershom Coley estimated 1727 - 1798
Hannah Coley 1654 -
Hannah Coley about 1683 -
Hannah Coley estimated 1745 -
Jemima Coley estimated 1689 -
Mary Coley 1677 -
Mary Coley 1684/85 - after 1767
Mary Coley 1743 - 1805
Mary (née unknown) Coley estimated 1681 -
Onesimus Coley estimated 1731 - 1806
Peter Coley 1641 - 1690
Peter Coley 1671 -
Peter Coley estimated 1711 -
Rebecca Coley 1768 - after 1780
Samuel Coley estimated 1615 - 1684
Samuel Coley about 1664 - about 1713
Samuel Coley estimated 1725 -
Sarah Coley 1648 - 1689
Sarah Coley estimated 1705 -
Sarah Coley 1765 -
Stephen Coley 1754 - about 1754
Thomas Coley 1657 - 1703
Alice Collingridge estimated 1441 -
Abigail Comstock 1669/70 - 1689/90
Christopher Comstock estimated 1635 - 1702
Daniel Comstock 1664 - 1694
Daniel Comstock 1716 - 1757
David Comstock about 1720 - 1783
Elizabeth Comstock 1674 -
Hannah Comstock 1666 -
Lydia Comstock estimated 1715 -
Mary Comstock 1671/72 - 1749
Mary Comstock 1710 -
Mercy Comstock 1676 -
Moses Comstock 1685 - 1766
Nathan Comstock estimated 1682 -
Nathan Comstock about 1713 - 1794
Samuel Comstock 1679/80 - 1752
Samuel Comstock 1708 - about 1708
Sarah Comstock 1706/07 - 1781
William Comstock estimated 1600 -
Charles A Conine
Elizabeth Ann Conine 1946 - 2017
Abigail Conkling about 1710 -
Amy Conkling 1708 - 1749
Ananias Conkling about 1605 - 1657
Ananias Conkling 1672 - 1740
Benjamin Conkling estimated 1636 - 1708/09
Benjamin Conkling about 1678 - 1752
Cornelius Conkling 1631 - 1667/68
Eliakim Conkling about 1683 - after 1749
Elias Conkling estimated 1708 - 1785
Hannah Conkling about 1667 - after 1732
Hester Conkling about 1654 -
Isaac Conkling estimated 1724 -
Jane Conkling 1671 - after 1712
Jeremiah Conkling 1634 - 1711/12
John Conkling about 1600 - 1693/94
John Conkling 1671/72 - 1746
John Conkling estimated 1692 - estimated 1751
Jonathan Conkling estimated 1704 -
Katherine Conkling about 1732 -
Mary Conkling 1670 - 1742
Mercy Conkling about 1681 -
Rachel Conkling estimated 1694 -
Timothy Conkling estimated 1698 -
William Conkling about 1533 - after 1610
William Conkling about 1695 - 1761
Dollie Marie Conner 1931 - 2019
Donald Conner 1934 - 2017
Doris Conner 1936 - 1990
Virginia M Conner
Charlotte May Cook 1890 - 1920
Elizabeth Cook estimated 1653 -
Mary Magdalene Cooke 1612 - 1654
Abigail Cooper 1679 - 1724
Abraham Cooper 1719 -
Desire Cooper 1708/09 -
Hannah Cooper 1638 - 1675
Hannah Cooper 1681 - 1772
Isaac Cooper 1707 -
James Cooper 1660 - 1716
Joel Cooper 1714/15 - about 1715
John Cooper estimated 1611 - 1689
John Cooper 1670/71 -
Joseph Cooper 1666/67 - 1670
Joseph Cooper 1683 - 1747
Mabel Cooper 1700 - 1777
Mary Cooper 1640 - 1705/06
Mary Cooper 1669 -
Mary Cooper 1669 - 1670
Mary Cooper 1677 - 1761
Mercy (née unknown) Cooper estimated 1669 -
Obedience Cooper 1712 - 1771
Rebecca Cooper 1668 - 1668
Robert Cooper 1664 -
Samuel Cooper 1675 - 1762
Samuel Cooper 1704 - 1781
Sarah Cooper 1673 -
Sarah Cooper 1692 - 1750/51
Sarah Cooper 1716 - 1778
Simon Cooper estimated 1637 - before 1691
Simon Cooper 1672 -
Timothy Cooper 1702 - 1725
Amye Copener about 1536 -
Wilton Copener before 1513 -
Mary Cornell 1771 - before 1830
William S Cortright 1873 - 1964
Mary Cotton 1563 -
Grace M Courtright 1893 - 1919
Guy Anson Courtright 1884 - 1964
Julius Elmer Courtright 1869 - 1920
Lora Inice Courtright 1872 - 1947
Myrna L Courtright 1913 - 1960
Christian Crandon
Philip Howland Crandon
Ruth Curtiss Crandon
Joan Crawley 1568 - 1600
Thomas Crawley 1545 -
Thomas Crocker
John Croker, Esq estimated 1497 - 1568
Margery Croker estimated 1527 -
Thomas Croker estimated 1457 -
Anna Crow 1649 -
Elizabeth Crow estimated 1634 -
Esther Crow 1628 -
John Crow about 1590 - about 1651/52
John Crow 1606 - 1686
John Crow about 1630 -
Mehitable Crow 1652 - 1730
Sarah Crow 1647 - 1719
Belinda Cullen
Daniel Townsend Cullen
Katherine Cullen
Rebecca Cornelius Cullen
Petronella Curel 1584 - before 1623
Abigail Curtis 1732 -
Adolphus C Curtis 1836 - 1909
Aice Jeannette Curtis 1865 - 1918
Andrew Curtis 1757 - 1834
Anson Curtis 1803 - 1847
Birdsey Curtis 1823 - 1894
Carrie Dolma Curtis about 1859 -
Charity Curtis 1750 - 1820
Clarissa Curtis about 1801 -
David Curtis 1724 -
Edith Curtis 1850 - 1851
Eleanor Josephine Curtis 1862 - 1931
Esther Curtis 1714 -
Eunice Curtis 1734 - 1804
Eustace Sanford Curtis 1860 - 1881
Everard Curtis 1758 - 1846
Frederick Kingsbury Curtis 1863 - 1936
Hannah Curtis 1727 -
Henry Holbrook Curtis 1856 - 1920
Hull Curtis 1797 -
Irene Curtis 1860 -
Israel Curtis 1644 - 1704
James Curtis before 1710 -
John Curtis 1721 -
Joseph Lake Curtis 1795 -
Josephine Elizabeth Curtis about 1831 - 1861
Julia B Curtis 1840 - 1875
Martha Curtis 1691 - 1753
Mary Curtis 1717 -
Mary A Curtis 1860 - 1943
Mary Ann Curtis 1721 - 1781
Phebe Curtis 1719 - 1776
Randolph Curtis 1858 - 1892
Ruth Curtis 1711 -
Sarah Curtis 1712 -
Susan Almira Curtis 1832 - 1917
Susan Ann Curtis about 1830 -
Theodore A Curtis 1835 - 1897
Thomas Curtis 1748 -
William Edmond Curtis 1855 -
Agnes (née unknown) Curtiss about 1535 - 1585
Alvin Curtiss 1798 - 1879
Anna Curtiss 1679 -
Augusta Curtiss 1856 -
Barbara Hall Curtiss 1917 - 2011
Benjamin Curtiss 1652 - 1733
Bethia Curtiss 1695 -
Charles Curtiss 1805 - 1880
Clara Melville Curtiss 1884 -
Daniel Curtiss 1788 - 1842
David Curtiss 1786 -
Ebenezer Curtiss 1699 - 1700
Edward Joel Curtiss 1851 - 1940
Eleazer Curtiss 1699 - 1699
Eli Curtiss 1781 - 1819
Elial Curtiss 1801 -
Eliphalet Curtiss 1699 -
Elizabeth Curtiss 1647 -
Elizabeth Curtiss 1677/78 - 1719
Elizabeth Curtiss 1718/19 - 1750
Elizabeth Curtiss 1821 - 1891
Elliot Plumb Curtiss 1814 - 1896
Elliott Plumb Curtiss 1853 - 1893
Elliott Plumb Curtiss 1886 - 1965
Emeline Curtiss 1802 - 1855
Emma B Curtiss 1849 -
Ephraim Curtiss 1684 - 1776
Ephraim Curtiss 1739 - 1794
Eunice Curtiss 1748 -
Hamilton Curtiss 1845 - 1848
Hannah Curtiss 1654/55 - 1728
Hannah Curtiss 1736 - 1777
Harold Reed Curtiss 1898 - 1985
Henry Burr Curtiss 1820 - 1839
Hepzibah Curtiss 1790 -
Howard Beardsley Curtiss 1853 - 1949
Huldah Curtiss 1795 - 1846
Ira Curtiss 1801 - 1849
Isaac Curtiss 1803 - 1862
Isabelle Curtiss 1851 -
James Curtiss 1716 - 1802
Joel Curtiss 1825 - 1903
John Curtiss 1642 - 1704
Joseph Curtiss 1650 - 1742
Joseph Curtiss 1687 - 1738
Joseph Curtiss 1716 -
Joseph Curtiss about 1718 - about 1721
Josiah Curtiss 1690/91 - 1708
Justus Burr Curtiss 1780 - 1832
Lizzie Curtiss 1849 - 1864
Louisa Hall Curtiss 1890 -
Lucy Curtiss 1794 - 1859
Lura E Curtiss 1906 - 1978
Marjorie Curtiss 1895 - 1995
Mary Curtiss 1681 - 1767
Mary Curtiss 1714 - 1782
Mary Curtiss 1783 - 1864
Matilda Curtiss 1801 - 1852
Maurice Tomlinson Curtiss 1886 - 1955
Mildred Rebecca Curtiss 1888 -
Miranda Curtiss 1799 - 1877
Monson Edwards Curtiss 1811 - 1841
Nathan Curtiss 1689/90 -
Nathan Bulkley Curtiss 1857 - 1930
Nathaniel Curtiss 1793 - 1867
Robert Curtiss 1713 - 1713
Sally Brown Curtiss about 1915 - before 2011
Sheldon Curtiss 1806 - 1893
Susan Curtiss 1816 - 1847
Sylvia Curtiss 1803 - 1842
Thomas Curtiss 1647/48 - about 1736
Widow Elizabeth Curtiss estimated 1593 - 1658
William Curtiss about 1535 - 1585
Anna Cutter 1767 -
Deborah Cutter 1783 -
Elisabeth Cutter 1775 -
John Cutter 1770 -
Nehemiah Cutter 1782 -
Rebecca Cutter 1765 -
Joan Dacre estimated 1410 - before 1455
Alton Brooks Parker Daley 1914 - 1985
Donald Parker Daley 1941 - 2002
Frances Shufelt Daley 1915 - 1992
Frank Leonard Daley 1921 - 2014
Ruth Osborne Daley 1917 - 1997
Richard Smith Damon
Robert Michael Damon
John William Danforth
John Hancock Daniels
Anna Davies 1755 -
Belvidere Davies 1804 - 1870
Catherine Davies 1751 -
Charles Davies 1798 - 1876
David Davies 1759 - 1834
Elizabeth Davies 1753 - 1831
Elizabeth Davies 1763 - 1850
Esther Davies 1773 - 1840
Eunice Davies estimated 1770 - about 1840
Eunice Ruth Davies 1807 - 1839
George Davies 1764 - 1826
Henry Ebenezer Davies 1805 - 1881
James Davies 1746 - about 1746
James John Davies 1757 - 1831
John Davies about 1680 - 1758
John Davies 1735 - 1799
John Foote Davies 1796 - 1888
John Rice Davies 1711 - 1797
Mary Davies 1744/45 - about 1745
Mytton Davies 1634 -
Powell Davies estimated 1771 -
Rachel Davies 1761 - 1847
Robert Davies 1602 - 1666
Thomas Davies estimated 1636 -
Thomas Davies 1737 - 1766
Thomas Davies 1766 - 1831
Thomas Alfred Davies 1809 - 1899
Thomas John Davies 1767 - 1845
Walter Davies 1747 - 1817
William Davies 1739 - about 1739
William Davies 1743/44 -
Abigail Dayton 1601 -
Caleb Dayton about 1659 - 1688
Charity Dayton about 1702 - 1756
Hezekiah Dayton estimated 1700 -
Isaac Dayton estimated 1661 -
Isaac Dayton about 1684 - 1756
Jacob Dayton about 1657 -
Jonathan Dayton about 1690 - about 1744
Mary Dayton estimated 1698 -
Nathaniel Dayton 1692 -
Ralph Dayton 1588 - 1658
Ralph Dayton estimated 1655 -
Sarah Dayton estimated 1704 -
Willhelmina (née unknown) Dayton estimated 1633 -
Thomas de Broodeley about 1450 -
William de Broodeley estimated 1420 -
Joseph DeForest 1758 -
Elizabeth Deming 1595 - 1683
Daniel Denison 1702 -
Edward Denison 1616 - 1668
George Denison before 1620 - 1694
George Denison 1700 - 1725
Hannah Denison 1689 -
John Denison - 1582
John Denison 1605 - 1683
John Denison about 1657 - 1725
John Denison 1692 -
Mary Denison estimated 1658 - 1658
Priscilla Denison estimated 1649 -
Priscilla Denison 1693/94 - 1694/95
Priscilla (née unknown) Denison estimated 1632 - 1691/92
Ruth Denison estimated 1660 -
Ruth Denison 1684 - 1685
Ruth Denison 1686 - 1779
Sarah Denison 1615 - 1615
Sarah Perkins Denison estimated 1662 -
William Denison 1571 - 1653
William Denison 1606 - 1624
Abigail Dewey 1680/81 - 1747
Adijah Dewey 1665/66 - 1741/42
Audrey Dewey
Bernice Dewey
Beverly Ruth Dewey 1922 - 1988
Charles C Dewey 1810 - 1887
Charles J Dewey 1831 -
Charles Mortimer Dewey 1866 - 1930
Daisy Angenet Dewey 1875 - 1910
Dorothy Marie Dewey 1912 - 1999
Douglas Dewey 1895 -
Earl Dewey
Earl Hamilton Dewey 1889 - 1978
Edith M Dewey 1908 - 1977
Elizabeth Dewey 1675/76 - 1757
George W Dewey 1859 -
Hannah Dewey 1671/72 - after 1745
Hattie Loretta Dewey 1861 - 1885
Israel Dewey 1645 - 1678
Israel Dewey 1686 - 1727/28
James Dewey 1678 - 1681/82
James Dewey 1683 - 1686
Jane Rice Dewey 1872 -
Jedediah Dewey 1647 -
John Ransom Dewey 1865 - after 1910
John Robert Dewey 1923 - 2010
Mabel Ruth Dewey 1869 - 1948
Mary Dewey 1667/68 - 1757
Ralph Dewey
Robert Burdett Dewey 1878 - 1972
Samuel Dewey 1670 - 1734
Thomas Dewey about 1603 - 1648
Thomas Dewey 1639/40 - 1690
Thomas Dewey 1663/64 - 1689/90
Edward Dickinson 1803 - 1874
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson 1830 - 1886
Lavinia Dickinson about 1833 -
William A Dickinson about 1829 -
C E Monroe Dolph 1930 - 1972
Edward Stanley Dolph 1922 - 1993
Jane Dolph 1921 -
Agnes Dolte estimated 1483 -
William Dolte estimated 1450 -
Ruby Catherine Doolan
Stella Louise Doolan
Benjamin Dorman 1673 -
Edmund Dorman about 1636 - 1711
Hannah Dorman 1675/76 - 1724
John Dorman 1667/68 - 1712
Joseph Dorman 1669 - 1712
Mary Dorman 1680 - 1768
Samuel Dorman 1666 - 1666
Alice Dormer estimated 1459 -
Geoffrey Dormer estimated 1440 - 1502
Jane Drummer estimated 1623 -
Sara Renee Dunning
Tasha Louise Dunning
Jane Joan Durant estimated 1515 -
John Durant estimated 1446 - 1518
Margaret Durant about 1468 - 1535
Carol Mae Dyer
Donald W Dyer 1902 - 1967
Gerald Nichols Dyer 1902 - 1987
Gerald Ross Dyer 1936 - 2005
Kristin Ann Dyrdal
Sonja Marie Dyrdal
James L Eastep
Westly Eastep about 1915 -
John Eaton estimated 1568 -
Catherine Edelman
John Edelman
Susan Edelman
Alpheus Edgerton 1755 - 1776
Andrew Edgerton 1753 - 1768
Anne Edgerton 1750 -
Deliverance Edgerton 1744 - 1762
Eleazer Edgerton 1748 - 1820
Joseph Kingsbury Edgerton 1759 - 1819
Joshua Edgerton 1737 -
Margaret Edgerton 1746 - 1763
Ruth Edgerton 1735 - 1762
Samuel Edgerton 1742 -
Sime Edgerton 1739/40 -
Uriah Edgerton 1757 -
Charles Edison 1890 - 1969
Madeleine Edison 1888 - 1979
Marion Estelle 'Dot' Edison 1872 - 1965
Theodore Miller Edison 1898 - 1992
Thomas Alva Edison 1847 - 1931
Thomas Alva 'Dash' Edison 1876 - 1935
William Leslie Edison 1878 - 1935
Jane Eggerton estimated 1523 -
William Eggerton estimated 1500 -
Nancy Elliott 1810 - 1871
Alexander Ellis
John Prescott Ellis
Josiah Wear Ellis
Nancy Ellis
David Elmore 1801 -
Eliza Ann Elmore 1805 - after 1880
James Elmore 1775 - 1836
Magdalene Elsick about 1538 - 1604
Margaret Elwin 1576 - 1630
Alice Lavinia Emery 1893 - 1936
Aubrey Emery 1913 - 1965
Catherine Emery
Clara Belle Emery 1898 - 1942
Cora Emery 1892 - 1976
Mildred Emery 1895 - 1942
Myrtle Dorothy Emery 1907 - 1997
Nora Bernice Emery 1900 - 1960
Rosanna May Emery 1890 -
Ruby Emery 1902 - 1981
William A Emery 1887 - 1965
Daughter Erdeswick estimated 1480 -
Hugh Erdeswick estimated 1455 -
Elizabeth Ere estimated 1443 -
Elizabeth Erisey estimated 1465 -
James Erisey about 1458 - 1522
Thomas Erisey estimated 1430 -
Catherine Estey 1630 - 1680
Jeffrey Estey estimated 1600 -
Margaret (née unknown) Estey estimated 1604 -
Hannah Evered 1582 - 1688
Hannah Evered 1598 - 1688
Anne Eyre estimated 1529 -
Asa Farnsworth 1797 - 1867
Betsy Farnsworth 1798 -
Elizabeth Davis Farnsworth 1812 -
Hannah Farnsworth 1801 -
John Bingham Farnsworth 1817 -
Leonard Kingsbury Farnsworth 1814 -
Mary Jane Farnsworth 1820 -
Nancy Farnsworth 1804 -
Phelina Carpenter Farnsworth 1810 -
Zelinda Farnsworth 1803 -
Elizabeth Feake 1633 - 1674
Hannah Feake 1637 - 1677/78
John Feake 1638 - 1724
Robert Feake 1602 - 1659/60
Robert Feake 1642 - 1669
Sarah Feake about 1647 -
Arthur Fenner 1575 - about 1640
John Fenner 1630/31 -
Joseph Fenner 1628 -
Lucy Fenner about 1568 -
Mary (née unknown) Fenner about 1544 -
Samuel Fenner about 1583 -
Sarah Fenner about 1581 -
Susanna Fenner about 1570 -
Thomas Fenner 1540 - 1601
Thomas Fenner about 1578 - before 1638
Thomas Fenner 1617 -
William Fenner 1618 -
Millard Fillmore 1800 - 1874
Sarah Fish about 1718 - about 1796
Caroline T. Fisher
John C. Fisher, Jr.
Stephen Fisher
Cynthia Fitch 1761 - 1834
Ebenezer Fitch 1766 - 1844
Elijah Fitch 1763 - 1823
Catherine Ann Foland
Gerald Terry Foland
Lowell E Foland
Ryan T Foland
Thomas L Foland
Dorothy Fones 1608 - 1608
Elizabeth Ann Fones 1609/10 - 1668
Martha Fones 1610 - 1634
Mary Fones about 1622 -
Priscilla Fones about 1624 - 1628
Samuel Fones estimated 1613 -
Thomas Fones estimated 1555 -
Thomas Fones 1573 - 1629
Huldah Foot 1762 -
Abigail Foote 1792 - 1889
Abraham Foote 1766 -
Andrew Ward Foote 1776 - 1794
Ann Foote 1715 - 1760
Ann Foote 1754 - 1808
Anna Foote 1757 -
Anna Foote 1768 -
Asa Foote 1726 - 1799
Asa Foote 1753 - 1781
Asa Foote 1791 - 1791
Asa Foote 1798 - 1876
Aves Foote about 1557 -
Catharine Foote 1792 - 1811
Charles Foote 1718 - 1719
Charles Foote 1723 - 1795
Daniel Foote about 1590 - after 1648
Daniel Foote 1652 -
Daniel Foote 1716 - 1801
Daniel Foote 1744 - 1825
David Foote 1753 -
David Foote 1760 - 1793
Ebenezer Foote 1730 - 1763
Ebenezer Foote 1756 - 1829
Ebenezer Foote 1765 - 1768
Ebenezer Foote 1773 - 1815
Edwin Foote 1799 - 1853
Eli Foote 1747 - 1792
Elizabeth Foote estimated 1560 -
Elizabeth Foote after 1579 - 1658
Elizabeth Foote 1617/18 - 1700
Elizabeth Foote 1654 - 1696
Elizabeth Foote 1663 - 1730
Elizabeth Foote 1677 -
Elizabeth Foote 1697 - 1725
Elizabeth Foote 1722 - 1809
Elizabeth Foote 1728 - 1807
Elizabeth Foote 1755 -
Emily Foote 1805 - 1859
Ephraim Foote 1685 - 1777
Esther Mattoon Foote 1770 -
Eunice Foote 1694 -
Ezra Foote 1757 - 1780
Frances Foote 1629 -
Francis Foote about 1595 - 1624
George Foote 1801 - 1801
George Foote 1802 - 1874
George Augustus Foote 1789 -
Hannah Foote 1720 - 1803
Harriet Foote 1773 - 1842
Isaac Foote 1672 - 1758
Isaac Foote 1745/46 - 1842
Isaac Foote 1749/50 - 1834
Israel Foote 1713 - 1785
Jacob Foote 1744 - 1810
James Foote before 1580 - 1646
Jared Foote 1728 - 1806
Jemima Foote 1725 - 1779
Jerusha Foote 1755 - 1793
Jerusha Foote 1789 - 1876
Joel Foote 1763 - 1846
John Foote about 1530 - before 1558
John Foote about 1555 - about 1616
John Foote 1670 - 1713
John Foote 1700 - 1777
John Foote 1742 - 1809
John Foote 1760 - about 1805
John Foote 1766 - 1772
John Foote 1775 - 1806
John Parsons Foote 1783 -
Jonathan Foote 1704 - 1754
Joseph Foote - 1639
Joseph Foote 1664/65 - 1750/51
Joseph Foote 1690 - 1756
Joseph Foote 1747 - 1789
Joshua Foote about 1587 - 1655
Josiah Foote 1688 - 1766
Justin Foote 1762 -
Lavinia Foote 1787 -
Lucy Foote 1764 -
Margaret Foote 1674 -
Margaret Foote 1749 - 1751
Margaret Foote 1752 - 1807
Martha Foote 1750/51 - 1797
Martha Foote 1781 - 1793
Mary Foote about 1585 -
Mary Foote about 1623 - 1721
Mary Foote 1679 -
Mary Foote 1697 -
Mary Foote 1751 -
Mary Foote 1778 -
Mary Ward Foote 1785 - 1813
Nathan Foote 1737/38 - 1808
Nathaniel Foote 1593 - about 1644
Nathaniel Foote about 1619/20 - 1655
Nathaniel Foote 1647 - 1703
Nathaniel Foote 1660 - 1709
Nathaniel Foote 1682 - 1774
Nathaniel Foote 1712 - 1811
Patience Foote 1706 -
Rachel Lord Foote 1809 - 1809
Rebecca Foote 1634 - 1701
Robbens Foote 1795 - 1795
Robert Foote about 1553 - about 1608/09
Robert Foote about 1577 -
Robert Foote 1627 - 1681
Roge Foote 1765 - 1823
Roxana Foote 1775 - 1816
Ruth Foote 1771 - 1852
Sabrea Foote 1778 - 1780
Sabrea Foote 1781 - 1854
Samuel Foote 1649 - 1689
Samuel Foote 1668 - 1696
Samuel Foote 1702 -
Samuel Foote 1723 - 1776
Samuel Foote 1760 -
Samuel Alfred Foote 1790 -
Samuel Edmonds Foote 1787 -
Samuel Phillips Lord Foote 1811 - 1812
Sarah Foote 1632 - 1673
Sarah Foote 1661/62 -
Sarah Foote 1672 - 1756
Stephen Foote 1672 - 1762
Stephen Foote 1758 - 1843
Thomas Foote 1699 - 1776
Thomas Foote 1740 - 1803
Timothy Foote 1735 - 1799
William Henry Foote 1778 - 1794
William Lord Foote 1807 - 1876
Isaac Forbes 1773 - 1828
Gerald Rudolph Ford 1913 - 2006
Hannah Gayle Ford
John Gardner Ford
Michael Gerald Ford
Phebe Ford 1770 - 1852
Rebekah Elizabeth Ford
Sara Joyce Ford
Sarah Ford 1727/28 - 1777
Janice Ann Forrest 1937 - 2010
Joan Forrest
Larry Lynn Forrest 1942 - 2016
Ann Foster 1694 - about 1735
Bartholomew Foster estimated 1644 -
Bartholomew Foster 1669/70 - 1740
James W Foster
Louise K Foster
Mary Foster estimated 1706 - 1748
Mary (née unknown) Foster estimated 1673 -
Mehitabel Foster 1701 - 1780
Thomas Foster about 1702 - 1756
Timothy Foster 1699 - after 1785
Margaret Fotheringay about 1473 - 1524
Ambrose Fowler estimated 1626 -
Deborah Fowler 1658 -
John Fowler estimated 1622 -
Mary Fowler estimated 1624 -
William Fowler estimated 1580 - 1662
William Fowler estimated 1620 - 1683
Jane French 1679 - 1750
C Donovan Fromke
Charlene Marie Fromke 1940 - 1941
Caroline G Frost 1805 - 1897
Francis Seth Frost 1825 - 1902
Lucy Frost 1794 - before 1868
Mary E Frost 1797 - 1888
Oliver Frost about 1792 - 1863
Rebecca Frost about 1809 - before 1860
Samuel Frost estimated 1795 -
Seth Frost 1784 - 1850
Susan Frost about 1802 - 1892
Elizabeth Fuller estimated 1627 -
Frances Fulmerston estimated 1536 -
Ellen Furford estimated 1512 -
Jacob Galleucia 1775 - 1849
Susanna Galleucia 1809 -
Caleb Galpin 1691 - 1753
Mary Galpin about 1797 - about 1853
Ozias Galpin 1764 - 1849
Samuel Galpin 1720 - 1775
Dorothy Ayer Gardner 1892 - 1967
Ruth Garland 1574 - 1617
Agnes Garner estimated 1546 -
Eliza Garnsey 1808 - 1900
Joseph Garnsey 1772 - 1820
Anna Gaylord 1724 - 1729
Eleazer Gaylord 1726 - 1806
Hugh Gaylord estimated 1564 -
Millicent Gaylord 1720 - 1763
Samuel Gaylord 1722/23 -
Albert William Gere 1889 - 1967
Homer George Gere 1922 -
Richard Tiffany Gere
Gary Raymond Gifford
Sally Gifford
Ann Gilbert 1783 -
Orin Gilbert 1785 -
Orman Gilbert 1789 -
Sarah Gilbert estimated 1688 -
Sarah Gilbert 1705 -
Temperance Gilbert estimated 1595 -
William Gilbert estimated 1570 -
Ann Gildersleeve 1629 -
Richard Gildersleeve 1601 - 1681
Richard Gildersleeve 1630 - 1691
Robert Goldhatch about 1560 - about 1599
Elizabeth Goodale about 1601 - 1602/03
Elizabeth Goodale 1628 -
Ellen Goodale 1591 -
Frances Goodale 1589/90 - 1652
John Goodale about 1563 - 1625
John Goodale 1592/93 - 1593
John Goodale 1610 -
Mary Goodale 1622/23 - 1625
Rebecca Goodale 1598 -
Richard Goodale estimated 1542 -
Richard Goodale 1594 - 1682
Richard Goodale 1623 - 1666
Robert Goodale estimated 1561 -
Thomas Goodale about 1510 -
Thomas Goodale about 1540 -
Thomas Goodale estimated 1565 -
Thomas Goodale 1596 - 1596
Thomas Goodale 1616 -
Brady Michael Goodfellow
Ford William Goodfellow
Riley Ann Goodfellow
Alice Goodspeed estimated 1576 -
Charles Goodyear 1800 - 1860
Susan Gore about 1589 -
Milton Ralph Goree 1925 - 1925
Mary Grace Graves 1623 -
Mary Gray 1729 -
Barbara Greene
Abigail Gregory 1676 - 1726
Benjamin Gregory about 1680 - 1738
Elizabeth Gregory 1603/04 - 1680/81
FEMALE Gregory estimated 1612 -
Henry Gregory estimated 1590 - 1655
Johanna Gregory about 1693 -
John Gregory estimated 1614 - 1689
Judah Gregory estimated 1618 - 1649
Martha Gregory about 1690 -
Rebecca Gregory about 1673 - 1765
Samuel Gregory about 1645 - 1702
Samuel Gregory about 1678 - 1743
Sarah Gregory about 1647 -
Sarah Gregory about 1682 -
Gordon George Griswold 1789 - 1862
John Guernsey 1734 - 1799
Abigail Gunn 1796 - 1892
Elisha Gunn 1761 -
Elisha Gunn 1765 -
Elizabeth Gunn 1686 -
Lucretia Gunn 1775 -
Nathaniel Gunn 1693 - 1779
Nathaniel Gunn, Jr estimated 1718 -
Nathaniel Gunn, III about 1752 - 1832
Sarah Guthrie 1744 -
Frances Gutter estimated 1559 -
Ellen Gylbert 1535 - 1582
John Gylbert estimated 1480 -
William Gylbert estimated 1508 -
Bertha E Hall 1886 -
David Hall 1651/52 - 1727
Edna Hall estimated 1884 -
Isaac Hall 1709 -
John Hall estimated 1617 - 1676
John Hall about 1644 - 1721
Jonathan Hall 1651 -
Mary Hall 1590/91 - 1639
Mary Hall about 1654 - 1718
Mary Hall 1736 -
Elizabeth Hallet estimated 1675 -
Samuel Hallet 1650 -
William Hallet 1648 - 1729
Abigail Foster Halsey 1782 - 1872
Ann Halsey estimated 1595 -
Esther Hamlin 1655 - 1682
Giles Hamlin 1622 - 1689
Giles Hamlin 1666 -
John Hamlin 1658 - 1733
Mary Hamlin 1662 - 1743
Mehitable Hamlin 1664 - 1749
Richard Hamlin 1660 -
William Hamlin 1669 - 1733
Susanna Hancock 1707 -
Eleazer Hanford 1670 - about 1728
Elizabeth Hanford about 1621 -
Elizabeth Hanford 1666/67 - about 1708
Elnathan Hanford 1672 - 1701/02
Eunice Hanford 1675/76 - about 1706
Hannah Hanford 1665 -
Jeffrey Hanford 1583 -
Margaret Hanford about 1619 -
Mary Hanford 1663 -
Samuel Hanford 1674 - 1750/51
Sarah Hanford 1678 -
Susanna Hanford about 1615 -
Theophilus Hanford 1662 - about 1705
Thomas Hanford about 1623 - 1693
Thomas Hanford 1668 - 1743
Anne Hankeford about 1431 - 1485
Ann Hannah, Langford estimated 1586 - 1659
Elizabeth Hannum 1645 -
Joanna Hannum 1642 -
John Hannum about 1637 -
Mary Hannum 1650 -
Susanna Hannum estimated 1638 - 1647
William Hannum about 1600 - 1677
Isabel Harcourt 1662 - 1712
Meribah Harcourt 1667 -
Richard Harcourt about 1623 - 1696/97
Sarah Harcourt 1664 -
Benjamin Harcurt 1659 -
Daniel Harcurt 1653 -
Dorothy Harcurt 1670 - 1739
Elizabeth Harcurt 1654 - 1726
Mercy Harcurt 1656 -
Susanna Harcurt estimated 1648 -
Emme O Harding 1577 -
Thomas Harding 1548 -
Henry Harris 1545 - 1623
Judith Harris 1564 - estimated 1620
Mildred Helen Harris 1923 -
Nathaniel Harrison 1658 -
Thomas Harrison 1656/57 - 1724/25
John Hart 1625 -
Mary Hart estimated 1637 - 1710
Rachel Hart 1629 -
Stephen Hart 1602 - 1683
Stephen Hart 1632 -
Thomas Hart 1643 -
Sarah Harvey 1622 - before 1661
Ellinor (née unknown) Hatherly estimated 1568 -
Robert Hatherly about 1543 -
Thomas Hatherly 1513 -
Timothy Hatherly 1588 - 1666
Agnes Hawes estimated 1580 -
Alice (née unknown) Hawes estimated 1522 -
Ann (née unknown) Hawes 1609 -
Bethia Hawes 1637 -
Constance Hawes 1642 - 1703
Deliverance Hawes 1640 -
Jeremiah Hawes estimated 1647 -
Maudlin (née unknown) Hawes estimated 1587 - 1632/33
Obadiah Hawes 1635 -
Richard Hawes estimated 1515 - about 1594
Robert Hawes about 1583 -
Thomas Hawes estimated 1485 - estimated 1554
Thomas Hawes 1575/76 - before 1590
William Hawes estimated 1550 -
Abraham Hawley estimated 1728 -
Benjamin Hawley 1697 - 1765
Bethia Hawley 1737 -
Catherine Hawley 1693 - 1696/97
Daniel Hawley 1684 - 1750
Ebenezer Hawley 1654 - 1681
Ebenezer Hawley 1681/82 -
Elizabeth Hawley estimated 1620 -
Elizabeth Hawley 1650/51 - 1676
Elizabeth Hawley 1679 - 1753
Elizabeth Hawley 1686/87 - 1765
Elizabeth Hawley 1715 - 1766
Ephraim Hawley 1659 - 1690
Ephraim Hawley 1691/92 - 1771
Eunice Hawley estimated 1741 -
Francis Hawley 1710/11 -
Grace Hawley estimated 1622 - 1690
Hannah Hawley estimated 1609 -
Hannah Hawley 1657 -
Hannah Hawley 1689 -
Hannah Hawley 1734 - 1805
Henry Hawley 1686/87 - 1751/52
Jehiel Hawley 1685 - 1727
John Hawley 1661 - 1729
Joseph Hawley about 1603 - 1690
Joseph Hawley 1649/50 -
Joseph Hawley 1674/75 -
Josiah Hawley 1735 - 1798
Mary Hawley 1663 - 1731
Mary Hawley 1699 -
Mary Hawley estimated 1745 -
Matthew Hawley 1680 - 1693
Nathaniel Hawley 1701 - 1754
Nathaniel Hawley 1732 -
Oliver Hawley 1708 -
Robert Hawley 1607 -
Samuel Hawley 1647 - 1734
Samuel Hawley 1674 - 1754
Samuel Hawley 1728 -
Sarah Hawley 1735 - 1796
Sarah Hawley estimated 1739 -
Stephen Hawley 1695 - 1790
Thomas Hawley estimated 1605 -
Thomas Hawley 1678 - 1722
Thomas Hawley 1734 -
Unknown Hawley 1577 -
William Hawley 1731 -
Edward Hawten estimated 1490 -
Edward Hawten about 1525 -
Richard Hawten estimated 1465 -
Christopher Hawxhurst estimated 1620 -
Jane Hawxhurst estimated 1663 -
Mary Hawxhurst 1602 - 1684
Mary Hawxhurst 1660 - 1697
Sampson Hawxhurst 1571 - 1627
Sampson Hawxhurst 1679 -
Sarah Hawxhurst estimated 1659 -
William Hawxhurst estimated 1656 -
Christopher Hawxworth estimated 1528 - 1576
Ann Hayes estimated 1678 -
Isaac Hayes 1682 - 1711/12
Ruth Hayes estimated 1675 -
Samuel Hayes about 1641 - 1712
Sarah Hayes 1673 -
Abigail Heaton 1702 - 1774
Esther Heaton 1709 - 1796
Ruth Hedges about 1567 - after 1610
Anselm Helme estimated 1690 -
Anselm Helme about 1716 -
Charity Helme about 1721 -
Christopher Helme 1600 -
Mary Helme estimated 1692 -
Mary Helme 1724 -
Phineas Helme 1723 - 1798
Susanna Helme 1722 -
Temperance Helme 1712 - 1803
Thomas Helme estimated 1661 - 1710
Thomas Helme estimated 1688 -
Thomas Helme about 1718 -
William Helme estimated 1635 -
William Helme about 1686 - after 1758
William Helme about 1720 -
Hannah Hemingway 1747 - 1806
Jacob Hemingway 1764 -
Jacob Street Hemingway 1791 -
Joseph Hemingway 1745 - 1822
Alta Mildred Henshaw 1880 - 1955
James Bennett Henshaw 1854 - 1908
Huldah Hepsey, Burr 1758 - 1832
Jessie Nichols Hervey 1877 - 1945
Ebenezer Hickok 1693 - 1774
Mary Hickok 1681 - 1712/13
Amos Hickox 1715 -
Benjamin Hickox 1686 - 1745
Charity Hickox 1775 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Hickox estimated 1621 - 1655
Enos Hickox 1764 -
Hannah Hickox 1671 - 1750
James Hickox 1726 - 1726
John Hickox 1696 - before 1765
Jonas Hickox 1717 -
Joseph Hickox about 1644/45 -
Joseph Hickox 1678 - 1725
Mary Hickox 1704 - 1706
Mary Hickox 1706/07 -
Mercy Hickox 1712 - 1790
Osee Hickox 1762 -
Samuel Hickox 1642/43 - 1694/95
Samuel Hickox 1669 - 1713
Samuel Hickox 1719 -
Samuel Hickox 1739 -
Samuel Johnson Hickox 1775 -
Saphya Hickox 1778 -
Sarah Hickox 1709/10 -
Susanna Hickox 1722/23 -
Sylvia Hickox 1770 -
Thomas Hickox 1675 - 1728
Thomas Hickox 1701 -
William Hickox estimated 1616 -
William Hickox 1673 - 1737
Ann (née unknown) Hide estimated 1618 -
Hannah Hide about 1646 -
Humphrey Hide estimated 1618 - about 1683
John Hide estimated 1640 -
Sarah Hide estimated 1642 -
Abigail Hill 1778 -
Abraham Hill 1615 - 1669/70
Abraham Hill 1643 - 1713
Abraham Hill 1670 - 1746
Abraham Hill estimated 1688 -
Abraham Hill 1695 - 1723/24
Abraham Hill 1733 - 1812
Benjamin Hill estimated 1672 - 1698
Benjamin Hill 1787 -
Deborah Hill 1696/97 -
Deborah Hill 1756 -
Dorcas Hill 1769 - 1849
Eunice Hill 1706/07 -
Frances Hill
Isaac Hill 1641 -
Jacob Hill 1656/57 - 1690
Jacob Hill estimated 1680 - 1768
John Hill 1684 -
John Hill 1738/39 - 1798
Joseph Hill 1774 - 1777
Joseph Hill 1780 -
Judith Hill 1700 -
Lucy Hill 1774 -
Lydia Hill 1747 - 1822
Martha Hill 1768 -
Mary Hill 1652 -
Mary Hill 1752 - 1822
Nathaniel Hill estimated 1686 -
Rebecca Hill 1745 - 1813
Rebecca Hill 1757 -
Rebecca Hill 1771 -
Ruth Hill 1640 - 1679
Samuel Hill 1741 - 1782
Samuel Hill 1766 -
Sarah Hill 1647 - about 1647
Sarah Hill 1649 - 1649
Sarah Hill 1761 - 1848
Susanna Hill 1750 -
Tabitha Hill estimated 1682 -
William Hill 1743 - 1815
William Hill 1777 -
Zacharia Hill about 1675 -
Zachariah Hill 1708 - 1768
Zachariah Hill 1759 - 1814
Zachariah Hill estimated 1789 -
Zachary Hill about 1645 - 1672
Zachary Hill 1668 -
Ann Hirts about 1580 - 1673
Abigail Hitchcock 1674 - 1725/26
Benjamin Hitchcock 1695/96 - 1767
Damaris Hitchcock 1693 - 1731
Eliakim Hitchcock 1640 - 1704
Elizabeth Hitchcock 1651 -
Elizabeth Hitchcock 1684 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Hitchcock estimated 1625 - about 1679
FEMALE Hitchcock 1671 -
Hannah Hitchcock 1690/91 -
John Hitchcock 1650 - 1716
John Hitchcock 1685 - 1760
Margery Hitchcock 1681 - before 1764
Mary Hitchcock 1676 -
Matthias Hitchcock 1610 - 1669
Matthias Hitchcock 1688 - about 1763
Nathaniel Hitchcock estimated 1649 -
Nathaniel Hitchcock 1679 - 1710
Samuel Hitchcock 1672 - about 1672
Abel Holbrook 1762 - 1842
Abigail Holbrook 1754 - 1757
Abigail Holbrook 1764 - 1849
Anna Holbrook 1769 - 1838
Austin Holbrook 1766 - after 1830
Esther Holbrook 1760 - 1818
John Holbrook 1751 - 1752
John Brooks Holbrook 1753 - 1820
Nathaniel Holbrook 1758 - 1828
Philo Holbrook 1756 - 1813
Richard Holbrook 1771 - 1771
Richard Holbrook 1775 - 1822
Sarah Holbrook 1773 - 1786
Barbara Jean Hollenbeck
Karen Lou Hollenbeck
Tracy Lee Hollenbeck 1949 - 2005
Eliza Ann Holmes 1834 - 1873
James Elmore Holmes 1827 -
Myron Percival Holmes 1830 -
John Holton estimated 1642 - 1712
Mary Holton about 1636 -
Mary (née unknown) Holton estimated 1615 - 1691
Rachel Holton about 1650 -
Ruth Holton estimated 1646 -
Sarah Holton about 1638 - 1683
Thomas Holton estimated 1640 - 1676
William Holton 1611 - 1691
William Holton about 1644 -
Ebenezer Hopkins 1668 - 1711
Ebenezer Hopkins 1699 - about 1784
Tabitha Hopkins 1745 -
Allan Hotchkiss estimated 1555 -
Amos Hotchkiss 1704 - 1773
Aurelia Hotchkiss 1613 -
Barbara Hotchkiss 1624 - about 1675
Benjamin Hotchkiss 1718 - 1718
Caleb Hotchkiss 1684 - 1763
Caleb Hotchkiss 1703 - 1785
Caleb Hotchkiss 1712 - 1779
Charles Hotchkiss 1736 -
Daniel Hotchkiss 1628 - before 1665
Daniel Hotchkiss 1657 - 1711/12
Daniel Hotchkiss 1687 - 1733
Elijah Hotchkiss 1766 -
Elizabeth Hotchkiss 1622 -
Elizabeth Hotchkiss 1684 - 1735/36
Elizabeth Hotchkiss 1685/86 - 1723
Eunice Hotchkiss 1745 - 1824
George Hotchkiss 1584 - 1585
Hannah Hotchkiss 1726 - 1798
Hannah Hotchkiss 1733/34 -
Henry Hotchkiss 1715 - 1799
James Hotchkiss about 1647 - about 1649
James Hotchkiss 1706 - 1781
Jemima Hotchkiss 1702 - 1779
John Hotchkiss 1607 - 1681
John Hotchkiss about 1643 - 1689
John Hotchkiss 1673 - 1732
John Hotchkiss 1694 - 1777
John Thomas Hotchkiss 1580 - 1664/65
Jonah Hotchkiss 1745 - 1811
Joseph Hotchkiss 1678 - 1732
Joshua Hotchkiss 1620 - 1691
Joshua Hotchkiss 1651 - about 1722
Joshua Hotchkiss about 1675 - 1741
Joshua Hotchkiss 1705 - 1788
Joshua Hotchkiss 1707 - about 1795
Josiah Hotchkiss 1680/81 - 1732
Justus Hotchkiss about 1773 - 1812
Justus Street Hotchkiss 1831 - 1915
Lois Hotchkiss 1749 -
Lucius Hotchkiss 1803 - 1880
Lydia Hotchkiss 1697 - 1737
Mary Hotchkiss 1701 - 1787
Mary Hotchkiss 1707/08 - 1764
Mehitable Hotchkiss 1741/42 - 1804
Miriam Hotchkiss 1711/12 -
Obadiah Hotchkiss 1731 - 1805
Rebecca Hotchkiss 1805 - 1873
Richard Hotchkiss 1530 -
Richard Hotchkiss 1582 -
Robert Hotchkiss 1709 - 1732
Ruth Hotchkiss about 1688 - 1773
Ruth Hotchkiss 1711/12 - 1773
Samuel Hotchkiss about 1623 - 1663
Samuel Hotchkiss about 1645 - 1705
Sarah Hotchkiss 1616 - 1698
Sarah Hotchkiss 1648 -
Susanna Hotchkiss 1623 -
Thankful Hotchkiss 1701 - 1757
Thomas Hotchkiss 1611 - 1693
Thomas Hotchkiss 1654 - 1711
Timothy Hotchkiss 1741/42 - 1776
William Hotchkiss 1500 -
Kitty Houghton
Neil Houghton
Allen Howe 1562 - 1563
Edward Howe 1587/88 - 1644
George Howe estimated 1555 - after 1608
Richard Howe estimated 1557 -
Robert Howe 1560 -
William Howe estimated 1524 -
William Howe about 1550 - 1599
John Howell 1624 - 1696
William Howell about 1515 - 1558
Samuel Alfred Howes 1799 - 1880
Josiah Hubbell 1688 - 1752
Margery Hubbell 1681 - 1703/04
Martha Hubbell 1749 - 1823
Richard Hubbell 1684 - 1758
Samuel Hubbell 1715/16 - 1784
Samuel Hubbell 1754 - 1813
Lady Elizabeth Huckin 1488 - 1555
Isabel Hudson estimated 1573 -
Jeremiah Hull estimated 1638 - 1700
John Hull 1640 - 1711
Mary Hull estimated 1636 - 1663/64
Richard Hull estimated 1609 - about 1662
Abigail Humiston 1661 -
Abigail Humiston 1715 -
Anne Humiston 1759 - 1825
Bede Humiston 1770 -
Betsey Humiston 1776 - 1835
Caleb Humiston 1715 - 1776
Charlotte Lowly Humiston 1794 - 1872
Content Humiston 1754 - 1773
Daniel Humiston 1721 - 1767
David Humiston 1719/20 -
Ebenezer Humiston 1695 - 1769
Elizabeth Humiston estimated 1701 - 1740
Elizabeth Humiston 1745 -
Ephraim Humiston 1730 - 1806
Esther Humiston 1774 - 1864
Esther H Humiston 1821 - 1861
Eunice Humiston 1751 -
Hannah Humiston 1680 -
Hannah Humiston 1730 -
Hannah Humiston 1745 - 1785
Henry Humiston estimated 1626 - 1662/63
James Humiston 1696 - 1747
Jesse Humiston 1739 - 1739
Jesse Humiston 1749 - 1837
John Humiston about 1659 - 1696
John Humiston 1686 - 1767
John Humiston 1713 - 1781
John Humiston 1741/42 - 1832
Joseph Humiston 1705 - 1776
Julia Humiston 1788 - 1879
Lowly Humiston 1772 - 1794
Lydia Humiston 1689 - 1742
Lyman Humiston 1778 -
Martha Humiston 1685 - 1772
Martha Humiston about 1753 -
Martha Humiston 1762 - 1842
Mary Humiston 1682 -
Mary Humiston 1693 - 1773
Mary Humiston 1718 - 1806
Mary Humiston 1719 - 1771
Mary Humiston 1739 - 1814
Mary Humiston 1739 -
Mary Isabella Humiston 1822 - 1822
Mehitabel Humiston 1751/52 - 1825
Molly Humiston 1768 - 1825
Nathaniel Humiston 1654/55 - 1687
Nathaniel Humiston 1688 -
Patience Humiston 1756 - 1793
Phebe Humiston 1756 - 1844
Phila Humiston 1781 - 1865
Ruth Holmes Humiston 1823 -
Samuel Humiston 1653 - 1690/91
Samuel Humiston about 1678 - 1739
Samuel Humiston 1709 - 1788
Samuel Humiston 1743 -
Samuel Green Humiston 1783 - 1823
Sarah Humiston 1693 - 1766
Sarah Humiston 1723 - 1787
Sarah Humiston 1742 - 1822
Sarah Humiston estimated 1748 -
Silence Humiston 1690/91 -
Silliman Humiston 1785 - 1875
Susanna Humiston 1741 -
Susannah Humiston 1747 -
Thomas Humiston 1656 - 1715
Thomas Humiston 1699 - 1743
Wyllys Humiston 1790 - 1831
Joan Hunt 1524 - 1559
Elizabeth Hutchings estimated 1636 -
John Hutchings estimated 1611 -
Adah Banks Hyat 1722/23 - 1809
Abigail Hyatt 1719 - 1736
Caleb Hyatt about 1642 - about 1686
Deborah Hyatt about 1644 -
Ebenezer Hyatt about 1697 - 1767
Elizabeth Hyatt about 1694 - 1717
Elizabeth Hyatt 1711 - 1758
Hannah Hyatt 1702 - 1765
John Hyatt about 1645 -
John Hyatt 1678 -
John Hyatt 1691/92 - 1766
Mary Hyatt 1682 - 1766
Mary Hyatt 1705 - 1759
Millicent Hyatt 1686 - 1763
Rebecca Hyatt about 1655 - before 1684
Rebecca Hyatt estimated 1674 -
Rebecca Hyatt 1678 -
Rebecca Hyatt 1723 - 1800
Ruth Hyatt about 1650 - 1740
Ruth Hyatt 1684 - 1755
Sarah Hyatt 1686 - 1767
Thomas Hyatt estimated 1615 - 1656
Thomas Hyatt 1650 - 1698
Thomas Hyatt estimated 1680 -
Thomas Hyatt about 1680 - 1759
Thomas Hyatt 1714 - 1782
Uzziell Hyatt 1708 - 1712
Zibiah Hyatt 1718 - 1790
Abigail Hyde 1774 - 1809
Ahi Hyde 1811 -
Alexander G Hyde 1782 -
Asahel Hyde 1805 -
Ashahel Hyde 1765 -
Caroline Hyde 1801 -
Charles Hyde 1794 -
Charles Hyde 1799 -
Elijah Hyde 1754 - 1820
Elijah Hyde 1809 -
Elizabeth Hyde 1797 -
Ephraim Hyde 1734 - 1804
Hannah Hyde 1738 -
Jacob Hyde 1730 - 1815
Jacob Hyde 1785 - 1787
James W Hyde 1803 -
Jonathan Hyde 1742 - 1743
Jonathan Hyde 1767 -
Jonathan Hyde 1789 - 1864
Joseph Hyde 1736 - 1802
Louis Hyde 1787 -
Mary Hyde 1732 - 1820
Mary Hyde 1756 -
Mary Hyde 1796 -
Peter Hyde 1758 -
Phebe Hyde 1750 - 1771
Rebecca Hyde 1748 - 1790
Ruth Hyde 1740 -
Ruth Ann Hyde 1807 -
Sarah Hyde 1754 - 1829
Sarah Hyde 1818 -
Selinda Hyde 1762 -
Silence Hyde 1744 -
Willard G Hyde 1792 -
Allen Ickes 1900 -
Allen Ickes about 1903 -
Grace Elizbeth Ickes 1901 - 1951
Hazel Ickes about 1897 -
Lionel Ickes
Lola J Ickes
Marian E Ickes
Mary Mildred Ickes 1904 - 1989
Millard W Ickes
Neva D Ickes
Nevin D Ickes 1894 - 1988
Nevin D Ickes
Sybil N Ickes
Abel Ingersoll 1671 - 1745
Abiah Ingersoll 1663 - 1732
Abigail Ingersoll 1659 - 1720
Benjamin Ingersoll 1679 - about 1704
Dorothy Ingersoll 1654 - after 1689
Ebenezer Ingersoll 1673 - 1681
Elizabeth Ingersoll about 1633 -
Hannah Ingersoll 1652 - 1714
Hester Ingersoll about 1631 -
Hester Ingersoll 1665 - 1705
John Ingersoll about 1567 - 1617
John Ingersoll about 1624 - 1624
John Ingersoll 1669 - 1750
Jonathan Ingersoll 1681 - 1760
Joseph Ingersoll 1675 - 1704
Margery Ingersoll 1656 - about 1707
Mary Ingersoll 1677 - 1690
Samuel Ingersoll about 1638 -
Sarah Ingersoll about 1629/30 - after 1673
Sarah Ingersoll 1660 -
Thomas Ingersoll about 1593 - 1681
Thomas Ingersoll about 1628 - after 1681
Thomas Ingersoll 1668 - 1732
Adeline Stansbury Iucho 1840 - 1884
Charles Edward Ives 1874 - 1954
Edith Ives about 1915 -
George Edward Ives 1838 - 1894
George White Ives 1798 - 1862
Isaac Ives 1764 -
Joseph Moss Ives 1876 -
Levi Ives 1750 - 1826
Lydia Ives 1709 -
Mary Ives 1706 -
Samuel Ives 1711 - 1784
Mercy Jellye about 1569 - after 1615
William Jellye about 1539 -
Johanna Jennings 1643 -
Alice Jenway estimated 1510 - after 1557
Jennie Jerome 1854 - 1921
Leonard Walter Jerome 1817 - 1891
Abigail Johnson 1670 -
Abigail Johnson 1699 - 1742
Abner Johnson 1702 - 1757
Abner Johnson 1738 - 1817
Abraham Johnson 1668/69 - about 1669
Abraham Johnson 1694 - 1775
Caleb Johnson 1703 - 1777
Charity Johnson 1736 - 1826
Chloe Johnson 1781 - 1782
Daniel Johnson 1707 - 1780
David Johnson
Dayton Johnson 1727/28 - 1798
Dorothy Johnson about 1620 - 1694
Ebenezer Johnson 1688 - 1732
Elizabeth Johnson 1682/83 - 1682/83
Elizabeth Johnson 1685 -
Elizabeth Johnson 1692 - 1756
Elizabeth Johnson
Enos Johnson 1697 - 1786
Fanny Johnson 1776 - 1852
Hezekiah Johnson 1731/32 -
Hope Johnson 1685 - 1685
Isaac Johnson 1672 - 1750
Isaac Johnson 1695/96 - 1779
Israel Johnson 1705 - 1747
Jacob Johnson 1674 - 1749
Jacob Johnson 1713 - 1797
Jacob Johnson 1742 - 1816
John Johnson 1667 - 1744
Lydia Johnson 1681 -
Lydia Johnson about 1727 - 1729
Lydia Johnson 1730 - 1812
Mary Johnson 1680 -
Narcissa Johnson 1778 -
Reuben Johnson 1694 - 1778
Robert Johnson
Samuel Johnson 1678 - 1755
Sarah Johnson 1676 -
Sarah Johnson 1710 -
Sarah Johnson 1716 - 1804
Van Julius Johnson 1774 - 1774
William Johnson estimated 1639 - 1716
William Johnson 1665 - 1742
Joan Jordan estimated 1580 -
Allyn Southmayd Judd 1756 - 1822
Giles Judd 1758 - 1759
Mary Judd 1751 - 1842
Millicent Judd 1760 - 1762
Parthenia Judd 1754 - 1839
Timothy Judd 1763 - 1763
Aaron Judson 1759 - 1835
Amos Judson 1749 -
David Judson 1755 - 1818
Elizabeth Judson 1659 - 1691
Eunice Judson 1695 -
Hannah Judson about 1720 -
Henry Judson about 1718 -
Isaac Judson 1653/54 - before 1687
Jeremiah Judson 1670/71 - 1734
Joseph Judson about 1714 -
Joseph Judson 1744 - 1782
Mary Judson 1679 - 1742/43
Mary Judson about 1722 -
Nathan Judson about 1716 -
Rebekah Judson 1710 - 1798
Benjamin Keeler about 1685 - about 1717
Elijah Keeler 1727/28 -
Elizabeth Keeler about 1660 -
Elizabeth Keeler 1708 - before 1769
Isaac Keeler about 1715 -
John Keeler 1654 - before 1720
John Keeler 1725/26 - 1782
Jonah Keeler about 1658 - 1676
Jonah Keeler about 1690 - 1767
Joseph Keeler 1683 - 1757
Joseph Keeler 1713 -
Lot Keeler 1719/20 - 1765
Lydia Keeler 1751 - 1832
Martin Keeler 1717 - 1767
Mehitable Keeler 1685 - 1755
Miss Keeler about 1654 - 1729
Paul Keeler about 1722 - 1787
Polly Keeler 1780 - 1865
Rachel Keeler 1706 - 1763
Ralph Keeler about 1613 - 1672
Ralph Keeler about 1646 -
Rebecca Keeler 1751 - 1812
Samuel Keeler 1656 - 1713
Samuel Keeler about 1682 - 1763
Samuel Keeler 1716 - 1781
Sarah Keeler 1710 -
Silas Keeler 1724 - 1774
Timothy Keeler 1695 - 1748
Abigail Kelsey 1645 -
Abigail Kelsey about 1737 -
Charles Kelsey estimated 1688 -
Daniel Kelsey 1650 -
Daniel Kelsey 1682 - 1752
Daniel Kelsey about 1715 - after 1803
Hannah Kelsey 1675 - 1730
Hester Kelsey about 1636 -
Hester (née unknown) Kelsey about 1613 -
James Kelsey estimated 1686 -
John Kelsey about 1638 -
John Kelsey 1679 - 1767
Jonas Kelsey about 1744 - 1817
Jonathan Kelsey about 1725 - after 1767
Kezia Kelsey about 1733 -
Mark Kelsey about 1634 -
Mary Kelsey about 1644 -
Mary Kelsey about 1720 -
Mary Kelsey about 1747 -
Nathaniel Kelsey about 1739 - 1817
Priscilla Kelsey about 1640 -
Sarah Kelsey about 1749 -
Stephen Kelsey estimated 1678 -
Stephen Kelsey 1730 - 1812
Susannah Kelsey 1708 - before 1750
Susannah Kelsey 1752 - 1847
Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey about 1685 - about 1723
Timothy Kelsey
Timothy Kelsey 1735 - 1781
William Kelsey about 1600 - about 1675
William Kelsey estimated 1684 -
Edward Ketcham about 1590 - 1655
Abigail Ketchum 1720 -
Abigail (née unknown) Ketchum 1681 - before 1757
Bethia Ketchum 1680 -
Caleb Ketchum 1713 -
Edward Ketchum 1642 -
Edward Ketchum 1652 -
Ephriam Ketchum 1684 - 1745/46
Hannah Ketchum 1717 -
Hester Ketchum 1625 -
Hester Ketchum 1648 -
Hester Ketchum 1687 -
Isaac Ketchum 1717 - 1787
Jane Ketchum about 1686 -
John Ketchum 1650 - about 1716
Jonathan Ketchum 1682 - 1707
Jonathan Ketchum about 1715 - 1751
Joseph Ketchum 1650 -
Joseph Ketchum 1674/75 -
Joseph Ketchum 1685 - 1749
Keziah Ketchum 1711 -
Mary Ketchum 1620 -
Mary Ketchum 1677 -
Nathaniel Ketchum 1679 - 1758
Nathaniel Ketchum 1679/80 - 1738
Nathaniel Ketchum 1681 -
Nathaniel Ketchum 1707 - 1779
Phillip Ketchum about 1656 - 1734
Rebecca Ketchum 1643 -
Ronald Ketchum about 1570 -
Ruth Ketchum 1729 - 1781
Samuel Ketchum 1639 -
Samuel Ketchum 1649 - about 1707
Samuel Ketchum 1651 - 1707
Samuel Ketchum 1671 -
Sarah Ketchum 1640 -
Sarah Ketchum 1690 -
Stephen Ketchum 1728 - 1792
Susanna Ketchum 1678 -
Theophilus Ketchum 1683 - 1729/30
Anne Kilbourn about 1605 -
Elizabeth Kilbourn 1614 -
Frances Kilbourn 1621 -
George Kilbourn about 1612 -
John Kilbourn 1624 - 1703
Lydia Kilbourn 1616 -
Margaret Kilbourn 1607 -
Mary Kilbourn about 1619 - 1697
Thomas Kilbourn 1578 - 1640
Thomas Kilbourn 1609 -
Aaron King 1714 - 1801
Alice King 1533 - 1626
Asahel King 1718 -
Benjamin King 1674/75 - 1716/17
Benjamin King 1710 -
David King 1677 - 1730
David King 1702 - 1757
Eldad King 1718 - 1793
Eleazer King 1666/67 - about 1699
Esther King 1736 -
Gideon King 1722 -
Hannah King 1744 -
John King estimated 1628 - 1703
John King 1657 - 1719/20
Jonathan King 1683 - 1774
Joseph King 1668/69 - 1670
Joseph King 1673 - 1734
Moses King 1706 - about 1751
Noble King 1733 - 1736
Rhoda King 1730/31 -
Samuel King 1664/65 - 1701
Sarah King 1671 - 1747
Stephen King 1708 -
Thankful King 1679 -
Thankful King 1704 -
Thankful King 1742 -
Thomas King 1662 -
William King 1659/60 - 1728
Abigail Kingsbury 1722 -
Abigail Kingsbury 1742 -
Abigail Kingsbury 1746/47 -
Abigail S Kingsbury 1842 - 1924
Absalom Kingsbury 1731 - 1805
Addison Kingsbury 1800 - 1892
Adele Louise Kingsbury 1834 - 1898
Albert Kingsbury 1796 - 1797
Albert Kingsbury 1806 - 1859
Alfred Kingsbury 1808 - 1809
Alice Eliza Kingsbury 1858 - 1937
Almina Kingsbury 1802 - 1870
Almon Kingsbury 1795 - 1847
Alvin Kingsbury 1803 - 1867
Amariah Kingsbury 1775 - 1777
Amelia Kingsbury 1764 - 1850
Amey Kingsbury 1761 -
Amos Kingsbury 1793 - 1858
Andrew Kingsbury 1759 - 1837
Angelica Patterson Kingsbury 1844 - 1846
Ann Kingsbury 1745 -
Anna Kingsbury 1746 - 1777
Anna Kingsbury 1766 - 1849
Arthur Richmond Kingsbury 1874 - 1911
Asa Kingsbury 1729 - 1775
Asa Kingsbury 1752 - 1776
Asa Kingsbury 1757 - 1839
Asa Kingsbury 1788 - 1839
Asa Kingsbury estimated 1832 -
Benjamin Kingsbury 1728 -
Benjamin Ellis Kingsbury 1812 - 1813
Bethia Kingsbury 1772 - 1790
Betsey Kingsbury 1786 - 1794
Calista Kingsbury 1800 - 1850
Charles Kingsbury 1767 - 1789
Charles Backus Kingsbury 1802 - 1862
Charles Denison Kingsbury 1795 - 1890
Charles Ellis Kingsbury 1818 - 1837
Chloe Kingsbury 1740/41 -
Clara Kingsbury 1783 - 1790
Daniel Kingsbury 1724 - 1760
Daniel Kingsbury 1753 - 1753
Daniel Kingsbury 1761 - 1767
Deliverance Kingsbury 1755 -
Deliverance Kingsbury 1761 - 1822
Denison Kingsbury 1723 - 1793
Diana Kingsbury 1804 - 1900
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1716/17 - 1800
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1739 -
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1744 - 1744
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1749 -
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1755 - 1785
Ebenezer Kingsbury 1762 -
Edith Davies Kingsbury 1860 - 1930
Eleazer Kingsbury 1718/19 - 1785
Eleazer Kingsbury 1750 -
Electa Kingsbury 1791 - 1848
Eliphalet Kingsbury 1745 -
Elisha Kingsbury 1770 -
Eliza Rosanna Thayer Kingsbury 1800 - 1800
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1669 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1686 - 1686
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1693 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1700 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1714 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury about 1719 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1729/30 -
Elizabeth Kingsbury 1757/58 - 1790
Elizabeth Ann Kingsbury
Emeline Kingsbury 1803 - 1877
Emma Kingsbury 1741 -
Ephraim Kingsbury estimated 1648 - 1676
Ephraim Kingsbury 1706/07 - 1772
Ephraim Kingsbury 1739 - 1826
Ephraim Kingsbury 1775 -
Esther Kingsbury 1764 -
Eunice Kingsbury 1722 - 1751
Eunice Kingsbury 1755 -
Eunice Kingsbury 1767 - 1790
Eunice Backus Kingsbury 1784 - 1833
Flavel Clark Kingsbury 1790 - before 1853
Frederick John Kingsbury 1823 - 1910
Frederick John Kingsbury 1863 - 1927
Frederick John Kingsbury 1895 - 1971
Frederick John Kingsbury, 4th 1927 - 2011
Frederick John Kingsbury, 5th
Freelove Kingsbury 1743 -
George Bronson Kingsbury 1829 -
George Henry Kingsbury 1827 - 1899
George Herbert Kingsbury 1866 - 1867
George Pomeroy Kingsbury 1849 -
Grace Kingsbury 1722 - 1725
Hannah Kingsbury 1708/09 - 1770
Hannah Kingsbury 1719 -
Hannah Kingsbury 1719 -
Hannah Kingsbury 1737 -
Hannah Kingsbury 1740 -
Hannah Kingsbury 1751 - 1754
Hannah Kingsbury 1755 -
Hannah Kingsbury 1756 -
Harriet Kingsbury 1792 - 1831
Harriet A Kingsbury 1839 - 1923
Harvey Kingsbury 1794 - 1874
Helen Louise Kingsbury 1846 -
Henry Kingsbury 1615 - 1687
Henry Kingsbury 1695 - 1754
Henry Kingsbury 1801 - 1889
Hepzibah Kingsbury 1727 -
Hezekiah Kingsbury - 1858
Holly Kingsbury
Howard Kingsbury 1842 -
Huldah Kingsbury 1680 -
Irena Kingsbury 1758 - 1759
Irene Kingsbury 1728/29 - 1729
Irene Kingsbury 1737 -
Jabez Kingsbury 1717 - 1769
Jabez Kingsbury 1748 - 1788
Jabez Kingsbury 1769 - 1854
Jacob Kingsbury 1756 - 1837
James Kingsbury 1654 -
James Kingsbury 1767 - 1847
James Daniel Kingsbury 1827 - 1831
James Daniel Kingsbury 1836 - 1837
James Waldo Kingsbury 1813 - 1881
James Wilkinson Kingsbury 1801 - 1853
Jennifer Kathleen Kingsbury
Jeremiah Kingsbury 1727 -
Jeremiah Kingsbury 1757 - 1761
Jerusha Kingsbury 1751 -
Jerusha Kingsbury 1759 - 1849
John Kingsbury estimated 1646 - 1669/70
John Kingsbury 1667 -
John Kingsbury 1689 -
John Kingsbury 1690 -
John Kingsbury 1710 -
John Kingsbury 1717/18 -
John Kingsbury 1724 - 1811
John Kingsbury 1753 - 1829
John Kingsbury 1761 - 1844
John D Kingsbury 1845 - 1914
John Denison Kingsbury 1763 -
John E Kingsbury 1799 - 1864
John Southmayd Kingsbury 1801 - 1888
Jonathan Kingsbury 1711/12 - 1770
Jonathan Kingsbury 1745 -
Joseph Kingsbury 1656 - 1741
Joseph Kingsbury 1682 - 1757
Joseph Kingsbury estimated 1702 - 1762
Joseph Kingsbury 1714/15 - 1788
Joseph Kingsbury 1721 -
Joseph Kingsbury 1732 -
Joseph Kingsbury 1748/49 - 1759
Joseph Kingsbury 1753 - 1828
Joseph Kingsbury 1755 - 1835
Joseph Kingsbury about 1759 - 1764
Joseph Kingsbury 1764 - 1783
Joseph Kingsbury 1785 -
Joseph Kingsbury 1791 - 1865
Joshua Kingsbury 1749 -
Joshua Kingsbury 1772 - 1777
Jule Cabanné Kingsbury 1835 - 1867
Julia Ann Kingsbury 1930 - 1977
Julia Anne Ellis Kingsbury 1804 - 1861
Julius Jesse Bronson Kingsbury 1797 - 1856
Lawrence Kingsbury
Lemuel Kingsbury 1725 -
Lemuel Kingsbury 1768 -
Lois Kingsbury 1781 - 1811
Love Kingsbury 1710/11 - 1778
Lucy Kingsbury 1739 -
Lucy Kingsbury 1771 -
Lurena Kingsbury about 1795 - 1835
Lydia Kingsbury 1753 -
Lydia Kingsbury
Mabel Kingsbury 1870 -
Marcia A Kingsbury 1832 -
Margaret Kingsbury 1761 -
Maria Kingsbury 1806 - 1848
Martha Kingsbury 1733 - about 1734
Martha Kingsbury 1739 -
Martha Egerton Kingsbury 1758 - 1823
Mary Kingsbury 1687 - 1714
Mary Kingsbury 1713 -
Mary Kingsbury 1716 -
Mary Kingsbury 1721 -
Mary Kingsbury 1742 - 1743
Mary Kingsbury estimated 1746 -
Mary Kingsbury 1746 - 1761
Mary Kingsbury 1754 -
Mary Kingsbury 1758 -
Mary Kingsbury 1760 -
Mary Kingsbury 1760 - 1825
Mary Kingsbury 1787 - 1873
Mary Kingsbury 1793 - 1838
Mary Eunice Kingsbury 1856 - 1898
Nabby Kingsbury 1792 - 1865
Nancy Kingsbury 1798 - 1883
Nathaniel Kingsbury 1684 - 1763
Nathaniel Kingsbury 1711 -
Nathaniel Kingsbury 1730/31 - 1784
Nathaniel Kingsbury 1751 -
Nathaniel Kingsbury 1760 -
Obadiah Kingsbury 1735 - 1776
Obadiah Kingsbury 1763 -
Olive Kingsbury 1776 - 1851
Oliver Kingsbury 1761 - 1781
Oliver Kingsbury 1782 - 1809
Oliver Addison Kingsbury 1839 -
Oliver Addison Kingsbury 1902 - 2005
Oliver Richmond Kingsbury 1809 - 1889
Patricia Kingsbury 1922 - 1988
Persis Kingsbury 1789 - 1854
Phebe Kingsbury 1766 -
Phineas Kingsbury 1731 -
Priscilla Kingsbury 1720 - 1805
Priscilla Kingsbury 1751 - 1751/52
Priscilla Kingsbury 1756 - 1841
Rebecca Kingsbury 1765 -
Roxana Kingsbury 1796 - 1828
Royal Kingsbury 1798 - 1836
Ruth Kingsbury 1712/13 - 1769
Ruth Kingsbury 1737 -
Ruth Kingsbury 1745 -
Ruth Kingsbury 1753 - 1805
Ruth Kingsbury 1798 - 1831
Ruth Kingsbury 1887 - 1956
Samuel Kingsbury estimated 1658 - 1698
Samuel Kingsbury 1707 -
Samuel Kingsbury 1735 -
Samuel Rust Kingsbury 1754 -
Sanford Kingsbury 1743 -
Sarah Kingsbury 1708/09 -
Sarah Kingsbury 1720 -
Sarah Kingsbury 1727/28 -
Sarah Kingsbury 1747 -
Sarah Kingsbury 1758 - 1831
Sarah Kingsbury 1761 - 1842
Sarah Kingsbury 1765 -
Sarah Hill Kingsbury 1815 - 1840
Sarah Leavenworth Kingsbury 1840 - 1905
Sarah Mary Virginia Kingsbury 1832 - 1913
Sarah Susannah Kingsbury 1807 - 1841
Sibyl Kingsbury 1752 - 1785
Simon Kingsbury 1715 -
Sophia Kingsbury 1784 - 1863
Susanna Kingsbury about 1632 - 1718
Susanna Kingsbury 1695 -
Susanna (née unknown) Kingsbury estimated 1624 - 1678/79
Susie Antoinette Kingsbury 1878 -
Suzanne Kingsbury
Sylvester Kingsbury 1810 - 1813
Sylvia E Kingsbury 1834 -
Tabitha Kingsbury 1722 -
Tabitha Kingsbury 1726 - 1789
Tabitha Kingsbury 1742 -
Tabitha Hill Kingsbury 1770 - 1787
Thomas Kingsbury estimated 1660 -
Thomas Kingsbury 1681 - 1751
Thomas Kingsbury 1717 -
Thomas Humphrey Cushing Kingsbury 1806 - 1880
Tirzah Lillian Kingsbury
Ward Kingsbury 1787 - 1844
William Kingsbury 1764 -
William Kingsbury 1775 - 1777
William Kingsbury 1789 - 1853
William Charles Kingsbury 1853 - 1864
William Eustis Kingsbury 1809 - 1835
William Eustis Kingsbury 1836 - 1887
William W Kingsbury 1805 - 1899
Abraham Kitchell 1679 - 1741
Grace Kitchell about 1683 -
Grace Kitchell about 1741 - 1818
Johanna Kitchell about 1636 - 1711
Joseph Kitchell 1711 - 1789
Robert Kitchell 1604 - 1672
Sarah Kitchell estimated 1638 - 1651
Elizabeth Kniveton estimated 1501 -
Ann Ladd about 1592 - 1668
Jane W Laflin 1854 -
Luther Laflin 1789 -
Matthew Laflin 1765 - 1821
Sylvester Hall Laflin 1822 -
Alexander Cook Lalire
Luc Pierre Lalire
Rex Lalire
Elizabeth Lambert estimated 1690 - 1755
Jesse Lambert 1655 - 1718
Jesse Lambert 1693 - 1773
Sarah Lambert 1689 - 1760
Alathea Lamson 1766 - 1846
Anna Lamson 1753 - 1835
Anne Lamson estimated 1755 -
Archibald Lamson 1761 -
Asa Lamson 1764 - 1810
Benjamin Lamson 1710 - 1753
Benjamin Lamson 1755 - 1780
Betsey Lamson 1772 - 1791
Caleb Lamson 1697 - 1760
Elizabeth Lamson 1680 - about 1680
Elizabeth Lamson 1689 - 1703/04
Elizabeth Lamson 1723 - 1780
Elizabeth Lamson 1753 - 1829
Francis Lamson 1749 - 1831
George Lamson 1832 - 1834
Hannah Lamson 1655 - 1682
Hannah Lamson 1699 -
Hannah Porter Lamson 1766 - 1812
John Lamson 1642 - 1717
John Lamson 1669 - 1760
John Lamson 1687 - 1725
John Lamson 1730 - 1777
John Lamson 1815 - 1884
John Lamson 1883 - 1936
John Gage Lamson 1814 - 1815
John Lummas Lamson 1787 - 1878
Jonathan Lamson 1716 - 1808
Jonathan Lamson 1747 - 1800
Joseph Lamson 1658 - 1722
Joseph Lamson 1684 - about 1740
Joseph Lamson 1714 - 1802
Joseph Lamson 1717/18 - 1773
Joseph Lamson 1759 - 1843
Joseph Lamson 1817 - 1902
Louisa Lamson 1821 - 1822
Lydia Lamson 1713 - 1752
Lydia Lamson 1757 - 1780
Martha Lamson 1677 - 1750
Mary Lamson about 1653 - 1718
Mary Lamson 1724 - 1726/27
Mary Lamson 1728 - 1809
Mary Lamson 1734 -
Mary Lamson 1777 - 1803
Mitchell Lamson 1742 - 1807
Moses Gage Lamson 1816 - 1822
Nancy Lamson 1782 - 1835
Nancy Elizabeth Lamson 1823 - 1879
Nathaniel Lamson 1656 -
Nathaniel Lamson 1692 - 1755
Nathaniel Lamson - 1802
Nathaniel Lamson 1745 - 1807
Nathaniel Lamson 1751 - 1816
Nathaniel Lamson 1776 -
Phebe Lamson 1652 -
Phebe Lamson 1673 - 1760
Porter Lamson 1773 - 1775
Rebecca Lamson 1717 -
Ruth Lamson 1740/41 - 1804
Samuel Lamson 1649 - 1692
Samuel Lamson 1684 - 1760
Samuel Lamson 1712 - 1790
Samuel Lamson 1749 - 1822
Sarah Lamson 1645 - 1701
Sarah Lamson 1683 - 1767
Sarah Lamson 1723 - 1786
Thomas Lamson 1682 - 1767
William Lamson estimated 1617 - about 1658/59
William Lamson 1675 - 1750
William Lamson 1694 - 1755
William Lamson 1707 - 1784
William Lamson 1719 - 1755
William Lamson 1746 - 1800
William Lamson 1771 - 1775
William King Lamson 1774 -
John Lane estimated 1608 -
Katherine Lane estimated 1633 -
Joan Larkyn estimated 1558 -
Mary Launder estimated 1610 -
Emma Chambers Layne 1548 -
Sir William Lyncolne Le Hunt 1485 - 1552
Abner Augustus Leavenworth 1838 - 1841
Abner Johnson Leavenworth 1803 - 1869
Catherine Leavenworth 1768 - 1815
David Leavenworth 1701 - 1755
Ebenezer Leavenworth 1706 - 1734
Edmund Leavenworth 1725 - 1785
Elisha Leavenworth 1766 - 1802
Elisha Leavenworth 1814 -
Eliza Leavenworth 1798 - 1852
Fanny Augusta Leavenworth 1812 - 1892
Frederick Leavenworth 1766 - 1840
Frederick Augustus Leavenworth 1801 - 1809
Frederick P Leavenworth 1833 - 1920
Grace (née unknown) Leavenworth estimated 1651 - about 1715
Hannah Leavenworth about 1719 - after 1763
Helen Elizabeth Leavenworth 1836 - 1913
Henry Leavenworth 1783 - 1834
James Leavenworth 1699 - 1759
Jesse Leavenworth 1740 - 1824
Jesse Leavenworth 1771 - 1830
John Leavenworth estimated 1675 - 1762
John Leavenworth 1708 - 1783
Joseph Leavenworth 1755 - 1756
Joseph Leavenworth 1764 -
Lucia Leavenworth 1797 - 1873
Mark Leavenworth 1711 - 1797
Mark Leavenworth 1752 - 1812
Mark Leavenworth 1774 - 1849
Mary Leavenworth about 1717 -
Mary Frances Virginia Leavenworth 1841 - 1842
Melines Conkling Leavenworth 1762 - 1823
Miss Leavenworth estimated 1677 -
Nathan Leavenworth 1761 - 1799
Ruth Leavenworth 1764 -
Sarah Leavenworth 1722 -
Sarah Leavenworth 1756 - 1793
Thomas Leavenworth before 1644 - 1683
Thomas Leavenworth 1673 - 1754
Thomas Leavenworth estimated 1715 - about 1795
William Leavenworth 1759 - 1836
Zebulon Leavenworth about 1710 - 1778
David Lee 1674 -
John Lee 1620 -
John Lee 1659 - 1723
Mary Lee 1664 - 1715
Stephen Lee 1669 -
Tabitha Lee 1677 - 1750
Thomas Lee 1671 -
Franklin Leffingwell 1926 - 1926
La Verna Leffingwell
Norman Neil Leffingwell 1927 - 1982
David Townsend Lesh
James Carter Lesh
Jonathan Boyd Lesh
Michael Day Lesh
Peter Swift Lesh
Ruth Elizabeth Lesh
Sally Ann Lesh
Thomas Krase Lesh
Mary Lewes estimated 1564 -
Howard Arthur Linley 1927 - 2006
William Linscott 1753 -
Elizabeth Little 1666 - 1735
Hannah Little 1667 - 1669
Hannah Little 1671 - 1726
Martha Little 1676/77 -
Mary Little 1669 -
Florence L Lombard
George W Lombard 1945 - 1953
Bennett Lombe 1583 - about 1621
Richard Lombe about 1560 -
Deborah Long 1642 -
Hannah Long 1636/37 -
John Long 1628/29 -
Joshua Long 1634 -
Mary Long about 1626 -
Rebecca Long about 1627 -
Robert Long 1590 - 1663/64
Ruth Long 1639 -
Lucy Loomis 1743 - 1805
Alice Lord about 1590 -
Elizabeth Lord about 1583 -
Ellen Lord about 1587 -
Joan (née unknown) Lord about 1557 - 1610
John Lord 1623/24 -
Richard Lord about 1555 - 1610
Thomas Lord 1585 - after 1643/44
Elizabeth Lothrop 1648 - about 1689
Samuel Lothrop 1623 - 1700
Helen Loveridge 1917 - 1997
Joane Lowers 1516 - after 1566
Margaret Lowers 1539 -
Jacob Lucas estimated 1600 -
Maria Mary Lucas 1620 - 1658
Ann Lumpkin estimated 1564 -
Mary Machias estimated 1613 - before 1694
Lane MacLeod
Sandra Firth MacLeod
Benjamin Mallory 1667/68 - about 1690
Daniel Mallory 1661 - after 1685
John Mallory 1664 -
Joseph Mallory 1666 - 1742
Mary Mallory 1655 - about 1655
Mary Mallory 1656 - 1752
Peter Mallory estimated 1622 - 1698/99
Peter Mallory 1653 - 1720
Rebecca Mallory 1648/49 - 1690/91
Samuel Mallory 1672/73 - 1711
Thomas Mallory 1659 - 1689/90
William Mallory 1675 - 1738
Alice Marche estimated 1592 -
Amias Marche estimated 1601 -
Elizabeth Marche estimated 1594 - 1619
George Marche estimated 1569 -
Grace Marche estimated 1576 -
Jane Marche estimated 1578 -
Jane Marche estimated 1603 -
Joane Marche estimated 1574 -
Johane Marche estimated 1606 -
Prudence Marche estimated 1581 -
Richard Marche estimated 1567 - before 1612
Sarah Marche estimated 1585 -
Ulalia Marche estimated 1599 - 1690
William Marche estimated 1547 - 1612
William Marche estimated 1590 - 1617
Agnes Margates 1565 - 1603
Thomas Margates estimated 1538 -
Grace S Marshall about 1902 -
Lawrence Marshall about 1900 -
Joane Martyn estimated 1570 - 1616
Abigail Marvin 1637 - 1680
Audre Marvin about 1546 -
Barbara Marvin about 1556 -
Edward Marvin about 1552 - 1615
Edward Marvin about 1581 - 1623
Elizabeth Marvin about 1597 -
Hannah Marvin 1634 - about 1681
Hannah Marvin about 1692 -
Jemima Marvin about 1696 -
Jerome Place Marvin 1846 - 1917
Johann (née unknown) Marvin estimated 1528 - after 1554
John Marvin about 1548 - 1584/85
John S Marvin about 1649 - about 1708
Mable Marvin 1869 -
Margaret Marvin about 1589 - 1595/96
Margaret (née unknown) Marvin estimated 1578 -
Margere Marvin about 1554 -
Maria Marvin 1628 -
Marie Marvin about 1591 - after 1618
Mary Marvin about 1620 -
Mary Marvin about 1650 - 1724
Rebecca Marvin 1639 -
Reinold Marvin about 1513 - before 1561
Richard Marvin about 1552 -
Richard Marvin about 1585 - about 1623
Robert Marvin about 1587 -
Robert Marvin 1618 - about 1683
Robert Marvin about 1690 - 1775
Ruth Marvin about 1694 -
Samuel Marvin 1647/48 -
Samuel Ross Marvin 1804 - 1863
Thomas Marvin about 1583 - 1651
Mary Mason estimated 1606 -
Miss Massey estimated 1585 -
Winifred Black Mathews 1913 - 1949
Abner Matthews 1712 -
Ebenezer Matthews 1759 -
Elizabeth Matthews 1705 - 1731
Esther Mattoon 1743 -
Elizabeth May 1730 - after 1789
Daughter Maynman about 1523 - 1562
Thomas Maynman 1480 -
James Townsend McCoun 1877 -
Rebecca Youngs McCoun 1874 -
Sidney McCoun 1888 -
Catherine McDonald 1825 - 1893
James McDonald 1792 - 1878
Edmund Gayle McGuigan
Philip Palmer McGuigan
Bennett Meade about 1565 - about 1638
Charles D Medak
Margaret Meers about 1414 - estimated 1442
Susannah Melyn about 1642 - about 1693
Joan Merrill estimated 1582 -
Abigail Merriman 1654 -
Caleb Merriman 1665 - 1703
Elizabeth Merriman 1669 - 1748/49
George Merriman estimated 1585 -
Hannah Merriman 1651 -
John Merriman estimated 1649 - 1651
John Merriman 1659/60 - 1741
MALE Merriman 1667 - 1667
MALE Merriman 1667 - 1667
Mary Merriman 1657 -
Nathaniel Merriman 1613 - 1693/94
Nathaniel Merriman estimated 1647 - 1675
Samuel Merriman 1662 - 1694
Ann Mervyn about 1495 -
Christian Mervyn about 1521 - before 1561
Christian (née unknown) Mervyn estimated 1463 -
John Mervyn about 1480 - before 1533
John Mervyn about 1510 -
Margaret Mervyn about 1527 -
Margaret (née unknown) Mervyn about 1485 - after 1540
Maryon Mervyn about 1523 -
Robert Mervyn 1490 - about 1557
Roger Mervyn about 1430 - about 1475
Thomas Mervyn estimated 1460 - before 1504
Ursula Mervyn about 1525 -
Abigail Merwin 1656 -
Anthony Merwin estimated 1632 -
Benjamin Merwin 1622 - 1622
Daniel Merwin 1661 - 1661
Daniel Merwin 1670 -
Deborah Merwin 1670 - 1706
Elizabeth Merwin 1648 - 1711
Hannah Merwin 1667 - 1740
John Merwin estimated 1490 - 1552
John Merwin 1649/50 - 1727/28
Martha Merwin 1665/66 - 1693
Mary Merwin 1634 -
Mary Merwin 1665/66 -
Miles Merwin estimated 1624 - 1697
Miles Merwin 1658 - 1724
Nicholas Merwin estimated 1555 -
Rhoda Merwin 1638/39 -
Samuel Merwin 1656 - 1706
Sarah Merwin 1590 -
Sarah Merwin estimated 1630 -
Thomas Merwin estimated 1525 - 1586
Thomas Merwin estimated 1620 -
Thomas Merwin about 1652 -
Ramona Ruth Meyer 1938 - 2003
Else Meyers about 1455 - 1478
Grace (née unknown) Middlebrook estimated 1588 - 1656
Hester Middlebrook estimated 1605 - after 1655
Mary Middlebrook estimated 1613 -
Matthew Middlebrook estimated 1607 - after 1657
Michael Middlebrook estimated 1587 -
Michael Middlebrook estimated 1611 -
Benjamin Milberry 1718 -
Betty Milberry 1758 -
Dorcas Milberry 1755 -
Eliphalet Milberry 1726 -
Elizabeth Milberry 1731 -
George Milberry 1769 -
Gustavus Milberry 1753 -
Hannah Milberry 1733 -
John Milberry 1738 -
Joseph Milberry 1771 -
Jotham Milberry 1762 -
Lydia Milberry 1760 -
Mary Milberry 1719/20 -
Olive Milberry 1750 -
Richard Milberry 1746 -
Samuel Milberry 1724 - 1795
Samuel Milberry 1747/48 -
Theodore Milberry 1763 -
Timothy Milberry 1765 -
William Milberry 1767 -
Anna Miles 1642 -
Mary Miles estimated 1640 -
Phoebe Millard 1781 - 1831
Benjamin Miller 1672 - 1746
Isaac Mills about 1645 -
Jane Mills 1596 - 1645
Margaret (née unknown) Mills about 1565 -
Mary Mills about 1642 -
Phebe Mills about 1650 -
Richard Mills estimated 1618 - about 1664
Richard Mills about 1620 - about 1664
Richard Mills estimated 1667 -
Samuel Mills about 1640 - 1685
Son Mills estimated 1655 - 1660
Thomas Mills about 1561 - about 1629
Elizabeth Mitchell 1659 - 1703
Sabyn (née unknown) Molford estimated 1483 -
Thomas Molford about 1420 -
Thomas Molford estimated 1610 -
Wilton Molford about 1465 -
Wilton Molford about 1505 -
Alice Montant 1919 - 2011
Auguste Phillipe Montant 1914 - 1993
Louis Townsend Montant 1885 - 1959
Louis Townsend Montant, Jr 1912 - 1983
Marie Adele Montant 1884 -
Philip Townsend Montant
Tilden Montant
Frances Moody estimated 1590 -
Benjamin Moore 1748 - 1816
Clement Clarke Moore 1779 - 1863
Elizabeth Moore 1656/57 -
Isaac Moore about 1622 -
Jotham Moore 1782 -
Mary Moore 1664 - 1738
Phebe Moore 1669 -
Ruth Moore 1656/57 - 1740
Sally Moore 1784 -
Sarah Moore 1660/61 -
Elizabeth Morley 1715 -
Elizabeth Morrice about 1603 - 1678/79
Ann Ree Morrison
Audrey Morrison 1910 - 1986
Byron G Morrison 1915 - 1999
Delores Morrison
Diane Day Morrison
Josephine A Morrison about 1939 - 1982
Marlys Morrison
Nancy Elizabeth Morrison
Robert Townsend Morrison
Scott Carter Morrison
Vernon David Morrison 1912 - 2008
Donald Mosier
Grace Mott 1581 -
Mark Mott estimated 1554 -
Allen Dwight Mueller
Charlotte Constance Mueller
Hannah Sargent Mueller
Jet Allen Gregory Mueller
Kyle Lawrence Mueller
Donald Mulchahey 1884 -
Eliza Vallette Mulchahey 1861 - 1876
James McDonald Mulchahey 1856 - before 1900
Kate Frederica Mulchahey 1863 -
William Mulchahey 1857 - 1872
Hannah Mulford about 1647 - 1711/12
Hester Mulford estimated 1652 -
John Mulford 1606 - 1686
John Mulford 1650 - 1734
Mary Mulford estimated 1646 -
Roger Mulford before 1536 -
Samuel Mulford 1644 - 1725
Thomas Mulford 1571 -
William Mulford 1620 - 1687
Abigail Munroe 1825 - 1900
Alice L Munroe 1878 -
Alice Towne Munroe 1864 -
Alison Munroe
Anna Maria Munroe 1847 -
Arthur Blodgett Munroe 1866 - 1932
Ashley Munroe
Carrie J Munroe 1882 -
Charles Munroe 1828 - before 1880
Charles Edward Munroe 1849 - 1938
Charlotte Barker Munroe 1892 - 1949
Clara T Munroe
Doris Mary Munroe 1908 - 1992
Dorothy Barker Munroe 1889 - 1979
Edith Louise Munroe 1865 -
Elizabeth Bailey Munroe 1855 - 1877
Ella Gertrude Munroe 1856 -
Ellen Haynes Munroe 1859 - 1859
Emery Munroe 1823 - 1828
Emery Hastings Munroe 1830 - 1923
Emma Frances Munroe 1846 - 1937
Emma L Munroe 1912 - 1993
Enoch Munroe 1816 - 1897
Florence Munroe
George F Munroe 1881 -
George Henry Munroe 1852 - 1912
George Treadway Munroe 1888 - 1966
Grace A Munroe 1863 -
Guy Marcellus Munroe 1895 - 1963
Guy Marcellus Munroe 1923 - 2002
Guy William Munroe
Hayley Logan Munroe
Henry W Munroe 1886 -
Herbert Judson Munroe 1860 -
James Munroe 1820 - 1903
James Alexander Munroe 1849 -
Jane Munroe about 1850 -
Jennifer Munroe
Lucy Munroe 1815 -
Marcellus Munroe 1834 - 1911
Marion Munroe 1895 -
Marjorie Doris Munroe about 1919 - 2001
Mary Ellenore Munroe 1922 -
Mary Frost Munroe 1858 - 1908
Mary Isabel Munroe 1863 - 1864
Megan Munroe
Polly Sanger Munroe
Russell Barker Munroe 1886 - 1956
Scott Munroe
Stephen Herrick Munroe
William Munroe 1818 - 1871
William Edward Munroe 1843 - 1848
William Emery Munroe 1856 -
Winifred Barker Munroe 1884 - 1947
Elizabeth Munson 1642 - 1706
Thomas Munson 1612 - 1685/86
Aurora Murray 1785 - 1867
Anne Mytton estimated 1612 -
Peter Mytton estimated 1585 -
Kristen True Narburgh
Roger W Neave 1919 -
Ronald C Neave
Margaret Nelson 1559 -
Benajah Nettleton 1765 - 1854
Charlotte Ann Nettleton
Donald Nettleton 1896 -
Edward C Nettleton
Edward Lee Nettleton 1858 - 1928
Elwood T Nettleton 1899 -
Elwood W Nettleton about 1865 - 1883
Greta Susanna Nettleton
Hannah (née unknown) Nettleton 1583 -
Harry Nettleton 1861 - 1950
Hezekiah Nettleton 1796 - 1840
Hezekiah Edward Nettleton 1828 - 1900
Isabel Nettleton about 1643 -
James Nettleton 1550 -
John Nettleton estimated 1645 - 1690/91
John Edward Nettleton 1916 - 1984
Kenneth Elwood Nettleton 1889 - 1970
Martha Nettleton estimated 1638 -
Robert Nettleton 1579 -
Samuel Nettleton 1620 - 1655/56
Samuel Nettleton 1648 - 1717
Sarah Nettleton 1642 - 1727/28
Sarah Nettleton
Silvanus Nettleton 1704 - 1780
Thaddeus Nettleton 1734 - 1808
Margaret Nevett 1584 - 1656
Thomas Nevett about 1558 -
Barbara Neville
Lydia Newcomb 1763 - 1835
Amos Newell 1762 - 1844
John Newell 1753 - 1826
Sally Newhall about 1774 - 1846
Honor Newton estimated 1565 -
Abraham Nichols 1661/62 -
Amy Nichols 1742 - 1832
Ann Nichols 1590 -
Ann Nichols about 1650 -
Anna Nichols 1864 - 1950
Anna E Nichols 1849 - 1850
Benjamin Nichols 1665/66 - 1715
Benjamin Nichols 1731 -
Caleb Nichols about 1623 - 1690
Charles Oscar Nichols about 1851 - 1909
Charles Post Nichols 1826 - 1902
Comfort Nichols 1721 - 1777
Comfort Nichols 1739 - 1804
Daniel Nichols 1754 - 1776
Diana L Nichols
Doris Nichols
Elbridge Dunnell Nichols 1831 - 1911
Elijah Nichols 1706 - 1741
Elizabeth Nichols 1668 -
Elizabeth Nichols estimated 1720 -
Ephraim Nichols 1657 - 1692
Eunice Nichols 1698 - 1768
Eunice Nichols 1748 - 1784
Francis Nichols 1611 -
Francis Nichols 1676 -
Frederick Theodore Nichols 1855 -
George Nichols 1714 - 1788
George S Nichols 1858 - 1914
George Sylvester Nichols 1820 - 1916
Glee Hazleton Nichols
Grace Nichols 1785 - 1848
Henry Oscar Nichols about 1818 - 1832
Henry Oscar Nichols 1833 - 1917
Henry Whitbeck Nichols 1777 - 1777
Henry Whitbeck Nichols 1779 - 1811
Hephzibah Nichols 1732 - 1810
Herbert L Nichols 1857 - 1858
Huldah Nichols 1737 -
Iola Nichols
Isaac Nichols 1653/54 - 1690
Isaac Nichols 1684 - 1733
Isaac Nichols 1729 -
Isaac Nichols 1733 -
Isabella Nichols 1776 - 1868
James Nichols 1712 -
Jane Nichols 1783 -
Jean Esther Nichols 1731 - 1795
Jerusha Nichols 1717 - 1803
Joan (née unknown) Nichols estimated 1550 -
John Nichols about 1542 -
John Nichols 1751 - 1815
Jonathan Nichols 1655 -
Jonathan Nichols 1690 -
Jonathan Nichols 1731 - 1746
Joseph Nichols 1680 - 1732/33
Joseph Nichols 1685 - 1742
Joseph Nichols 1710 -
Joseph Nichols estimated 1716 -
Josiah Nichols 1651/52 - 1692
Joyce Nichols
Julia Nichols 1848 - about 1853
Lemuel Nichols 1746 -
Louis Nichols
Lucius Curtiss Nichols about 1828 -
Lucy Evelina Nichols 1853 - 1929
Margery Nichols 1663 -
Marion Dale Nichols
Mary Nichols 1647/48 -
Mary Nichols 1762 - 1847
Nancy Nichols 1781 - 1870
Naomi Nichols 1740 - 1746
Nathan Nichols 1709 - 1789
Nathaniel Nichols 1708 - 1785
Nathaniel Nichols 1742 -
Patience Nichols 1659 - 1753
Prudence Nichols 1748 - 1753
Prudence Sophia Nichols 1787 - 1863
Richard Nichols 1678 - 1756
Richard Nichols estimated 1718 -
Robert Howard Nichols 1930 - 2004
Robert Lynn Nichols
Ruth Nichols 1747 -
Samuel Hamilton Nichols 1821 - 1911
Sarah Nichols 1649 -
Sarah Nichols 1651 - 1718
Sarah Nichols 1734 -
Sarah Altanah Nichols 1828 - 1863
Silas Nichols 1750 -
Susannah Nichols 1756 - 1831
Sylvester Nichols 1795 - 1868
Temperance Nichols 1662 -
Temperance Nichols 1711 - 1790
Terry Howard Nichols
Theophilus Nichols 1703 - 1778
Wayne Nichols
William Nichols 1681 -
William Nichols 1714 -
William Nichols 1744 - 1782
William C Nichols 1798 - 1823
William Sylvester Nichols 1847 - 1892
William Theodore Nichols 1824 - 1904
Albert M Nickerson 1887 -
David A Nickerson 1918 - 2001
Dorothy E Nickerson 1912 - 1982
Harold Eugene Nickerson 1921 - 2015
Lester E Nickerson 1897 -
Abigail Noble 1683 - 1700
Elizabeth Noble 1672/73 - 1751
Ellisah Noble 1702/03 - 1771
Esther Noble 1710 -
Hannah Noble 1663/64 - about 1741
Hannah Noble 1707 -
Hezekiah Noble 1694 - after 1772
James Noble 1677 - 1712
John Noble 1661/62 - 1714
Joseph Noble 1691 - 1758
Luke Noble 1675 - 1743/44
Mark Noble about 1670 - 1741
Mary Noble 1680 - after 1750
Matthew Noble about 1668 - about 1744
Matthew Noble 1698 -
Obadiah Noble 1705 - about 1786
Rebecca Noble 1682/83 -
Rhoda Noble 1716 - about 1716
Rhoda Noble 1717 - 1737
Solomon Noble 1700 - 1757
Thomas Noble about 1632 - 1703/04
Thomas Noble 1665/66 - 1750
Barry E Norman
Hannah North about 1596 -
Mary Northup 1714 -
Daniel Norton 1700 - 1754
Elizabeth Norton estimated 1717 -
Elizabeth Norton estimated 1751 - about 1777
Elizabeth (née unknown) Norton estimated 1670 -
Freegrace Norton about 1635 - 1675
George Norton about 1610 - 1659
George Norton estimated 1670 -
George Norton about 1722 -
George Norton 1745 - 1797
Hannah Norton about 1649 -
Hannah Norton estimated 1679 -
Hannah Norton 1710 - 1742
Hannah Norton estimated 1721 -
Hannah Norton about 1743 - about 1786
Isaac Norton about 1665 -
Isaac Norton estimated 1740 -
John Norton about 1637 -
John Norton Norton estimated 1705 - about 1735
Jonathan Norton about 1683 -
Mary Norton 1643 -
Mary Norton estimated 1674 -
Mary Norton about 1712 - 1766
Mary Norton estimated 1742 - 1767
Mehitable Norton about 1645 -
Nathaniel Norton 1671 - 1721
Nathaniel Norton 1709 - 1750
Ruth Norton estimated 1747 - 1802
Ruth Norton 1781 - 1832
Sarah Norton estimated 1676 -
Sarah Norton estimated 1720 -
Sarah Norton 1757 - 1792
Susan Norton 1759 - 1846
Tabitha Norton 1713 -
Temperance Norton 1749 - 1789
Timothy Norton about 1715 -
Alice Norwood 1745 -
Gustavus Norwood 1748 -
Samuel Norwood 1743 -
Sarah Norwood 1751 -
Lester A Nothnagle 1915 - 1991
Philip Jerald Nothnagle 1959 - 2002
Elinor (née unknown) Nycholls estimated 1515 -
Henry Nycholls about 1544 -
Julian Nycholls about 1536 -
Margery Nycholls about 1538 -
Nicholas Nycholls about 1546 -
Thomas Nycholls about 1510 -
William Nycholls about 1540 -
Anne Odell 1587 -
John Odell 1578 -
Richard Odell 1540 - 1611
Susan Odell 1592 -
William Odell 1585 -
Daniel Oldfield estimated 1673 -
Elizabeth Oldfield estimated 1720 -
Hannah Oldfield estimated 1712 -
Jane Oldfield estimated 1710 -
Jemima Oldfield estimated 1708 -
John Oldfield estimated 1615 -
John Oldfield estimated 1645 -
John Oldfield estimated 1675 -
Joseph Oldfield estimated 1671 -
Margaret Oldfield estimated 1704 -
Martha Oldfield 1714 - 1798
Mary Oldfield estimated 1722 -
Phebe Oldfield estimated 1718 -
Richard Oldfield estimated 1677 -
Ruth Oldfield estimated 1706 -
Sarah Oldfield estimated 1716 -
William Oldfield estimated 1677 -
Joan Olney about 1628 - 1709
Alfred Gideon Otis 1827 - 1912
Isaac Otis 1798 - 1853
Margery Owens about 1544 -
Albert R Packard
Albert Walter Packard 1917 - 1994
Charles Frederick Packard 1921 - 2007
Edward Alan Packard 1946 - 2011
Janet Packard
Marion Gladys Packard 1916 - 1916
Nancy Packard
Pamela M Packard
Raymond Winslow Packard 1919 - 1925
Alice Palmer 1797 -
Chloe Palmer 1792 - 1891
Cynthia Palmer 1784 -
Daniel Palmer 1675 -
Ebenezer Fitch Palmer 1791 - 1791
Elizabeth Palmer 1663 -
Greta Palmer estimated 1895 -
John Palmer 1666 - 1737/38
John Palmer 1795 -
Joshua Palmer 1677 - 1731
Mary Palmer 1669 -
Mary Palmer 1673 -
Micah Palmer about 1640 - 1682
Micah Palmer 1664/65 -
Micah Palmer 1671 - 1748
Pamela Palmer 1786 -
Sanford Palmer 1800 - 1830
William Palmer 1788 - 1791
Alice Patching about 1530 -
Elizabeth Patching about 1553 -
Emma Patching about 1528 - 1613
Emma Patching 1562 -
Henry Patching about 1534 - 1568
Joan Patching about 1542 -
John Patching about 1540 -
Margaret Patching 1560 -
Margaret (née unknown) Patching about 1480 -
Margaret (née unknown) Patching about 1506 - 1569
Margery Patching about 1536 -
Margery Patching 1563 - 1605
Margery (née unknown) Patching about 1538 -
Richard Patching 1532 - 1568
Thomas Patching about 1476 -
Thomas Patching about 1502 - 1557
Thomas Patching about 1551 -
William Patching 1544 - 1598
Beackus Patten 1778 - 1783
David Patten 1775 - 1775
Pliny Patten estimated 1780 -
Abigail Patterson 1739 - 1817
Edward Patterson about 1601 - 1670
Elizabeth (née unknown) Patterson estimated 1622 -
Honor Pawley 1575 - 1658
James Pawley 1540 - 1588
Stephen Pawley 1492 - 1578
Thomas Pawley about 1520 -
Thomas Pawley about 1558 - 1597
Frances Paxton estimated 1600 -
Susan Payne 1623 -
William Payne 1595/96 -
Isabel Pearce estimated 1605 -
Abigail Peck 1673/74 - 1752
Anne Peck 1665 - 1718
Anne Peck 1712/13 -
Annis Peck 1755 -
Benajah Peck 1723/24 - 1777
Benjamin Peck 1670/71 - 1721/22
Caleb Peck 1663 - 1724/25
Caleb Peck 1794 - 1873
Charles Peck 1727 - before 1812
Desire Peck 1687 - 1724
Ebenezer Peck 1681 - 1681
Ebenezer Peck 1683/84 - 1768
Eleazer Peck 1683/84 - 1685
Eleazer Peck about 1688 -
Eleazer Peck 1730 - about 1813
Eliakim Peck 1721 - 1801
Elizabeth Peck 1648/49 - before 1723
Elizabeth Peck about 1692 - 1740
Elizabeth (née unknown) Peck estimated 1601 - 1683
Esther Peck 1679 -
Esther Peck 1721 - before 1752
Eunice Peck 1760 -
Gideon Peck about 1725 - 1781
Gideon Peck 1763 -
Hannah Peck 1716/17 -
Henry Peck estimated 1613 - after 1651
Hezekiah Peck 1758 - 1847
Jeremiah Peck 1623 - 1699
Jeremiah Peck about 1667 - 1752
Jeremiah Peck 1706 - 1750
Joan (née unknown) Peck estimated 1615 -
Joanna Peck 1705 -
John Peck about 1638 - 1724
John Peck about 1674/75 -
Joseph Peck 1676/77 - 1704
Joshua Peck about 1673 - 1735/36
Lorene Peck 1769 -
Lydia Peck about 1683 -
Martha Peck 1679 -
Martha Peck 1725 -
Mary Peck 1672 - after 1749
Mary Peck 1677 - 1757
Mary Peck 1715 - about 1753
Mehitabel Peck 1719 -
Moses Peck 1719 - 1808
Nathaniel Peck about 1685 - 1751/52
Olive Peck 1764 -
Phebe Peck 1716/17 - 1753
Rachel Peck 1709 - 1785
Ruth Peck 1661 -
Ruth Peck 1718/19 - 1750
Samuel Peck 1658/59 - 1746
Samuel Peck 1672/73 - 1672/73
Samuel Peck 1675 - about 1675
Samuel Peck 1763 -
Samuel Peck 1767 -
Sarah Peck 1653 - 1696
Sarah Peck 1663 - 1730
Sarah Peck 1758 -
Solomon Peck 1751 - after 1751
Solomon Peck 1753 -
Stephen Peck 1681 -
William Peck 1601 - 1694
Zebulon Peck 1733 -
Bridget Pedmore estimated 1543 -
Anna Perkes about 1597 -
Abner Perry 1715 -
Abner Perry 1759 -
Elizabeth Perry 1713 -
Eunice Perry estimated 1746 -
Grace Perry about 1744 - 1824
James Perry 1728 -
Jonathan Perry 1782 -
Mary Perry 1718 -
Moses Perry 1727 - 1728
Samuel Perry 1721 -
Samuel Leavenworth Perry estimated 1750 -
William Perry 1723 -
Milicent Person estimated 1505 -
William Person estimated 1475 -
Albert Webster Peterson 1919 - 2011
Jean Peterson 1919 - 2011
Jacob Phelps 1648 - 1689
John Phelps 1650/51 -
Nathaniel Phelps 1653 - 1723
Samuel Pickett 1689 - 1762
Barbara Pierce 1925 - 2018
Elizabeth Pierce 1544 -
Marvin Pierce 1893 - 1969
Epenetus Platt 1640 - 1693
Hannah Platt 1643 -
Joseph Platt estimated 1580 -
Mary (née unknown) Platt estimated 1605 -
Edith May Plumb 1889 - 1962
Ezra Wheeler Plumb 1825 - 1897
Warren Ezra Plumb 1857 - 1923
Hannah Plympton 1644/45 -
John Plympton 1620 - 1677
Chauncey Pomeroy 1799 -
Clarissa Pomeroy 1773 - 1809
Daniel Sterling Pomeroy 1781 - 1845
Ebenezer Pomeroy 1794 - 1866
Eleazer Pomeroy 1776 - 1867
Elizabeth Pomeroy 1796 - 1839
Eudocia Pomeroy 1783 - 1852
Isaac Newton Pomeroy 1791 - 1861
Polly Pomeroy 1787 - 1846
Sybil Pomeroy 1775 - 1775
Sybil Pomeroy 1789 - 1876
Wealthy Pomeroy 1778 - 1854
Agnes Porter about 1455 - 1526
Dorcas Porter 1766 -
Elizabeth (wife of Thomas) Porter 1430 - 1458
James Porter 1772 - 1789
Jesse Porter 1763 -
John Porter 1458 -
Robert Porter 1410 - 1453
Thomas Porter 1435 - 1458
Bridget Portler 1567 - 1607
Alice Andrews Post about 1573 -
Arthur Post 1580 -
Heinrich Post about 1418 -
John Post estimated 1643 -
Joseph Post 1649 -
Martha Post estimated 1651 -
Panwell Post 1619 -
Richard Post 1616/17 - 1689
Sarah Post 1639 -
Steven Post 1618 - 1659
Thomas Post estimated 1645 -
Anselm Potter estimated 1787 -
Daniel Tertius Potter 1793 -
Elizabeth Potter estimated 1636 -
Frances (née unknown) Potter 1609 -
Horace Potter 1781 - 1841
Isabel (née unknown) Potter 1609 - 1643
John Potter about 1640 -
Joseph Potter 1635 - 1669
Mary Potter about 1637 -
Minerva Potter estimated 1791 -
Robert Potter about 1609 - 1655
Sarah Potter about 1639 -
William Potter about 1582 - 1619
Elizabeth Powell 1630 - 1664
William Powell estimated 1603 -
Jacob Prentice 1736 -
William Preston estimated 1602 -
Alice Prichard estimated 1625 - 1692
Benjamin Prichard 1657/58 - 1743
Frances (née unknown) Prichard estimated 1603 -
Joan Prichard estimated 1627 -
Joseph Prichard 1654 - 1676
Nathaniel Prichard estimated 1629 - 1710
Roger Prichard estimated 1598 - 1670/71
Brenda Prince
Denny Prince
Gordon Russell Prince 1936 - 2008
Jeanie Prince
Joanie Prince
Linda Prince
Merl Prince 1931 - 2001
Patty Prince
Roland Wayne Prince 1927 - 1982
Elizabeth Prudden estimated 1630 - 1668
James Prudden estimated 1589 -
DeEll Edmund Pugh 1933 - 1997
Donald James Pugh 1921 - 1960
Donald Jay Pugh 1960 - 1960
Dorothy Jean Pugh 1920 - 1964
Ethel Pugh
Florence Blanche Pugh 1918 - 1996
Francis Eugene Pugh 1916 - 1987
Kenneth Raymond Pugh 1922 - 1996
Margery Agatha Pugh 1917 - 1980
George Purchas estimated 1557 -
John Purchas estimated 1520 - 1585
John Purchas estimated 1545 -
John Purchas estimated 1552 -
Margaret (née unknown) Purchas estimated 1525 -
Mary Purchas estimated 1560 - 1627
Thomas Purchas estimated 1548 -
Aquila Purchase about 1589 - 1633
Joan Purchase about 1578 - 1653
Oliver Purchase estimated 1548 -
Thomas Purchase about 1577 - 1678
Phillury Randall estimated 1616 - 1648
Jane Rapalje about 1420 - 1447
Sir James Rawlings 1484 - 1567
Agnes Rawlins 1542 - 1613
Hannah Ray about 1693 - 1786
Hannah Raymond 1674 - before 1713
Mary Raymond 1621 -
Albin Albert Reeves 1903 - 1982
Allen James Reeves 1867 - 1932
Anneta L Reeves
Bonnie E Reeves
Byron Reeves 1901 - 1983
Daniel Reeves
Darryl Reeves
David Reeves
Deanne Reeves
Debra Reeves
Delores Reeves
Denise Reeves
Donald Reeves
Donna Reeves
Doris Reeves
Dorothy Reeves
Duane Reeves
Earl Charles Reeves 1900 - 1980
Earl James Reeves 1934 - 1956
Edna Eugene Reeves 1874 - 1875
Elmer Allen Reeves 1896 - 1964
Emma Reeves 1919 - 2012
Emma Jane Reeves 1870 - 1937
Evelyn Reeves 1907 - 1967
Fayetta E Reeves
Floyd Reeves about 1915 - before 2012
Howard Melvin Reeves 1908 - 2004
Hubert J Reeves 1910 - 1993
John R Reeves 1909 - before 2012
Lela M Reeves 1906 - 1940
Leroy A Reeves
Leroy Jacob Reeves 1899 - before 2012
Lillian Reeves 1894 - before 1900
Mable Eugenie Reeves about 1914 -
Mary Reeves 1868 - 1869
Maurice Reeves
Maurice A Reeves
Maurice Addison Reeves 1905 - 2001
Myrtle E Reeves 1898 -
Naomi C Reeves
Pearl Reeves about 1912 - before 2012
Ramona Reeves
Richard Reeves 1931 - 1987
Ronald Reeves
Valentine A Reeves about 1905 - 1947
Vern Reeves about 1917 - before 2012
Wilbur Thomas Reeves 1872 - 1930
Wilman Reeves about 1913 - before 2012
Wilmer Albin Reeves 1872 - 1926
David Sargent Reinfeld
Heidi Elizabeth Reinfeld
Lisa Joan Reinfeld
Sophia Elyse Reinfeld
Doris M Renshaw
Hattie May Renshaw 1921 - 2006
Isabell Renshaw
Samuel Ivanis Renshaw 1926 - 1990
Benjamin Richards 1691 - 1714
Elizabeth Richards 1675 - 1747
Esther Richards 1673 -
Hannah Richards 1671 - 1720
Hannah Richards 1702 - 1741
John Richards 1631 - after 1712
John Richards 1667 - 1735
Lois Richards 1719 -
Mary Richards 1633 -
Mary (née unknown) Richards 1668/69 -
Obadiah Richards 1639 - 1702
Obadiah Richards 1679 - before 1720
Rachel Richards 1683 -
Samuel Richards 1635 - 1662
Sarah Richards 1677 - 1727
Thomas Richards about 1600 - 1639
Thomas Richards 1634 - 1715
Thomas Richards 1685 - 1734
John Ripley estimated 1809 -
Delia Roberts estimated 1788 -
Bruce Robertson
Donald John Robertson 1928 - 2014
Donald Keith Robertson 1900 - 1951
Lawrence B Robertson about 1892 - 1922
Merle Lucile Robertson 1898 - 1997
Raymond K Robertson 1893 - 1966
Richard Karn Robertson 1927 - 1974
Ruth Ann Robertson
Thomas C Robertson
Abiah Rockwell estimated 1749 -
Abigail Rockwell 1739/40 -
Abijah Rockwell 1751 - 1825
Abner Rockwell estimated 1743 -
Abraham Rockwell 1749 - 1818
Amariah Rockwell 1728 - about 1800
Amariah Rockwell 1762 -
Amariah Rockwell 1765 -
Belinda Rockwell estimated 1788 -
Belinda Rockwell 1801 - 1801
Belinda Rockwell 1832 - 1882
Benjamin Rockwell 1704 - 1787
Benjamin W Rockwell 1913 - 1984
Benjamin William Rockwell 1812 - 1891
Betty Rockwell 1774 -
Caleb Rockwell 1765 -
Chloe Rockwell 1762 - 1775
Daniel Rockwell 1689 - 1746
Daniel Rockwell 1735/36 - 1795
Daniel Rockwell 1753 - 1777
Daniel Rockwell 1764 -
David Rockwell 1708 - 1788
David Rockwell 1733/34 - 1816
David Rockwell 1768 - about 1797
Edward A Rockwell 1915 - 1983
Edward William Rockwell 1846 - 1933
Edward William Rockwell 1879 - 1966
Edwin Rockwell 1806 - 1875
Eleanor Rockwell 1752 - 1811
Eli Rockwell 1805 - 1857
Elijah Rockwell 1744/45 - after 1820
Eliza Belinda Rockwell 1818 - 1839
Elizabeth Rockwell 1731/32 -
Elizabeth Rockwell 1732 - 1800
George Rockwell 1802 - 1887
Hannah Rockwell about 1655 -
Hannah Rockwell 1738 - 1793
Hannah Rockwell 1774 - 1853
Helen Larroine Rockwell 1918 - 2007
Helen M Rockwell 1864 - 1886
Irenah Kingsbury Rockwell 1758 -
Jabez Rockwell 1760 - 1825
Jarvis Waring Rockwell 1867 - 1931
John Rockwell 1706 - 1773
John Rockwell 1734 - 1825
John William Rockwell 1838 - after 1910
Jonathan Rockwell about 1665 - 1731
Jonathan Rockwell 1710/11 - 1784
Joseph Rockwell about 1669/70 - about 1714
MALE Rockwell 1769 - 1770
Marinda Rockwell 1812 - 1831
Martha Rockwell 1755 -
Martin Rockwell 1780 -
Mary Rockwell estimated 1747 -
Mary Frances Rockwell 1835 - 1845
Matilda Rockwell 1809 - 1825
Mehitabel Rockwell 1738 - 1808
Mehitable Rockwell about 1659/60 -
Nathan Rockwell 1737 - 1803
Norman Perceval Rockwell 1894 - 1978
Obil Rockwell 1776 - 1870
Oren Rockwell 1784 - 1839
Orrin Porter Rockwell 1813 - 1878
Rachel Rockwell 1740 - 1825
Rebecca Rockwell estimated 1745 -
Richard Rockwell estimated 1586 - 1637
Roger Rockwell 1594 -
Runa Rockwell 1773 - 1864
Ruth Rockwell 1767 -
Sally Rockwell 1780 - 1862
Samuel Darling Rockwell 1810 - 1888
Sanford Coley Rockwell 1840 - 1840
Sarah Rockwell about 1657 -
Sarah Rockwell 1747 - 1832
Seymour Rockwell 1777 - 1778
Silas Rockwell 1742 - 1760
Silas Rockwell 1760 -
Stephen Rockwell 1769 - 1805
Tabitha Rockwell 1771 -
Thomas Rockwell about 1667 - 1712
Thomas Rockwell estimated 1741 -
Thomas Rockwell 1779 - 1857
Unnamed Rockwell about 1657 - 1658
Watson Brewer Rockwell 1828 -
William Rockwell estimated 1536 -
Zeri Rockwell 1786 - 1843
Hannah Rogers 1663 - 1739/40
Isabel Rogerson 1571 - 1614
Roger Rollins 1520 - 1544
Abigail Root 1680 -
Caleb Root 1658 - 1712
Clarissa Root 1780 - 1808
Ebenezer Root about 1783 - 1841
Ebenezer Grant Root about 1820 - 1860
Edith Lillian Root 1878 - 1924
Elizabeth Root about 1778 - 1840
Eugene A Root about 1842 -
Georgianna Root about 1847 -
John Root 1607/08 - 1687
John Root 1642 - 1687
John Root 1672 -
Joseph Root 1653 - 1739
Juliette Root 1813 - 1831
Juliette Root about 1845 -
Lora Root 1787 - 1809
Mabel Root 1880 - 1880
Mary Root 1650 - 1701
Mary P Root about 1855 -
Maud B Root 1883 - 1884
Mercy Root 1684 - 1744
Nathaniel Root 1787 - 1840
Samuel Root about 1644 - 1711
Stephen Root 1652 - 1716/17
Susannah Root 1654 - 1712
Thomas Root about 1648 - 1709
Winslow Gardner Root 1852 - 1930
Margaret Rouse about 1600 - 1653
Doris Rouzer
Nancy Rouzer 1921 -
Robert M Rouzer 1915 -
Roberta M Rouzer 1915 -
Dinah Royce 1696 - 1732
Josiah Royce 1670/71 - 1694
Nathaniel Royce 1694 - 1760
Robert Royce 1669/70 - 1759
Lucy Rudd 1773 - 1812
Henry Ruddock about 1612 - 1674
Mary Ruddock about 1638 -
Mercy Ruscoe about 1610 - after 1665
Roger Ruscoe estimated 1583 -
Sarah (née unknown) Ruscoe estimated 1588 -
John Russell about 1596 -
John Russell estimated 1620 -
Joseph Rust 1766 - 1776
Martha Rust about 1771 - 1777
Nathaniel Rust 1765 - 1776
Tabitha Rust about 1774 - 1776
Abigail Sacket 1663 - 1683
Abigail Sacket 1683 - about 1743
Benjamin Sacket 1698 - 1753
Electa Sacket 1788 - 1862
Eliakim Sacket 1712 - 1764
Elizabeth Sacket 1677 - 1682
Ezra Sacket 1750 - 1834
Ezra Sacket 1782 -
Hannah Sacket 1668/69 - 1749
John Sacket 1632 - 1719
John Sacket 1660 - 1745
Mary Sacket 1665 - 1667
Samuel Sacket 1674 - 1709
William Sacket 1662 - 1700
Anne Sackett about 1560 -
George Sackett about 1565 - 1612
Joane (née unknown) Sackett estimated 1535 -
Mildred Sackett 1562 -
Olive Sackett 1805 - 1868
Simon Sackett 1630 - 1659
Thomas Sackett estimated 1530 -
Thomas Sackett about 1557 -
Elizabeth Sale estimated 1607 -
Rose Saley, Taley estimated 1575 - 1617
Christopher Clark Salvaterra
Eloise Margaret Salvaterra
Oliver Honor Salvaterra
Abigail Sanford estimated 1713 -
Andrew Sanford 1617 - 1694
Anna Sanford 1736 - 1743
Anna Sanford 1744 - about 1772
Damaris Sanford about 1593 - 1615
Desire Sanford 1707/08 - 1795
Elizabeth Sanford about 1562 -
Elizabeth Sanford 1671 - 1748
Elizabeth Sanford 1679 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Sanford about 1537 - 1600
Elnathan Sanford estimated 1715 -
Ephraim Sanford 1704 - 1788
Ephraim Sanford 1708/09 - 1761
Eunice Sanford 1746 - 1770
Ezekial Sanford 1742 - 1808
Ezekiel Sanford about 1640 - 1683
Ezekiel Sanford 1667/68 - 1728/29
Ezekiel Sanford 1704 - 1774
Henry Sanford about 1566 -
Hezekiah Sanford 1730/31 - 1798
John Sanford 1609/10 -
John Sanford 1686 - 1766
Joseph Sanford 1697/98 - about 1780
Lemuel Sanford 1699 - 1780
Lemuel Sanford 1740 - 1803
Lydia Sanford 1738 - 1796
Martha Sanford 1677 -
Mary Sanford 1670 - 1712
Mary Sanford 1670 - 1750
Mary Sanford 1713/14 - 1742
Nathaniel Sanford estimated 1630 - 1687
Priscilla Sanford 1588 -
Rebecca Sanford 1672 - 1726
Rebecca Sanford estimated 1711 -
Rebecca Sanford 1732 - 1775
Rhoda Sanford 1748/49 - 1773
Richard Sanford about 1533 -
Richard Sanford about 1560 - before 1636
Robert Sanford about 1564 -
Robert Sanford 1615 - 1682
Samuel Sanford 1668 - 1748
Samuel Sanford 1706/07 - 1768
Samuel Sanford about 1741 - 1804
Sara Sanford 1592 -
Sarah Sanford 1639 -
Sarah Sanford 1666 - before 1753
Sarah Sanford 1734 - 1773
Sarah Sanford 1767 - 1826
Sarah (née unknown) Sanford 1615 - 1681
Thomas Sanford about 1557 - 1597
Thomas Sanford 1608 - 1681
Thomas Sanford 1675 - 1757
Thomas Sanford 1677 - 1713
William Sanford 1711 - 1792
Zacharias Sanford 1701 - 1787
Zachary Sanford about 1589 - 1677/78
Zachary Sanford about 1628 - 1668
Alicia Kingsbury Sargent
Bruce Kingsbury Sargent 1949 - 2020
Carol Sargent
Frederick Kingsbury Sargent 1916 - 1996
Joan Sargent 1945 - 1997
Kathleen Sargent 1954 - 2015
Lauren Daly Sargent
Leslie Sargent
Linda Sargent
Lindsey Claire Sargent
Quinn Sargent
Richard Collier Sargent, Jr 1914 - 1985
Richard Collier Sargent, III
Russell Shelton Sargent
Sandra Sargent 1944 - 2007
Susanna Rosalinda Sargent
Timothy Coffin Sargent 1952 - 2024
Rebecca Sayre 1572 - 1653
William John Sayre about 1546 -
Abigail Schellinger 1704/05 -
Abraham Schellinger 1658/59 - 1711/12
Catherine Schellinger 1656 - 1722
Cornelius Schellinger estimated 1663 -
Daniel Schellinger estimated 1661 - 1701
Daniel Schellinger estimated 1707 - 1708/09
Daniel Schellinger 1709/10 -
Hannah Schellinger 1693 -
Hester Schellinger 1697 -
Jacob Schellinger about 1626 - 1693
Jacob Schellinger about 1664 - 1712/13
Jacob Schellinger 1702 - 1753
Katherine Schellinger 1695 -
Mercy Schellinger 1699 - 1749
Darlene Marie Schliesman 1927 - 1942
John Scotchford estimated 1533 - about 1601
Miss Scotchford estimated 1556 -
David Scott about 1669 - 1727
Edmund Scott about 1658 -
Elizabeth Scott about 1668 -
Experience Scott 1682 - 1773
George Scott about 1664 - 1724
Hannah Scott estimated 1670 -
Hannah Scott 1731 - 1778
Jonathan Scott about 1661 - 1745
Joseph Scott about 1656 - 1708
Michelle Scott
Robert Scott about 1668 -
Samuel Scott 1660 -
Abijah Scovill 1738 - 1802
Alathea Marie Scovill 1805 - 1878
Alathea Ruth Scovill 1828 - 1899
Amon L Scovill 1816 - 1887
Amy Maria Scovill 1801 - 1804
Andrew Rogers Scovill 1846 - 1907
Anna Scovill 1730/31 -
Arthur Scovill 1637 - 1705
Benjamin Scovill 1677 -
Bessie King Scovill 1881 -
Betsey Scovill 1792 -
Caroline Scovill 1803 -
Daniel Scovill 1776 - 1861
Darius Scovill 1746 -
Ebenezer Scovill about 1769 - 1861
Edith Cornelia Scovill 1864 -
Edward Scovill 1675 -
Edward Scovill 1709/10 -
Edward Scovill 1798 - 1866
Edward George Nichols Scovill 1781 -
Edward Washburne Scovill 1870 -
Elias Scovill 1771 -
Elizabeth Scovill 1783 - 1869
Flavel Fisk Scovill 1869 - 1947
Hannah Scovill 1705/06 -
Hannah Scovill 1734/35 - 1821
Hannah Scovill 1769 -
Henry Augustus Scovill 1783 -
James Scovill 1732/33 - 1808
James Scovill 1764 - 1825
James Mitchel Lamson Scovill 1843 - 1846
James Mitchell Lamson Scovill 1789 - 1857
Jessie Whiting Scovill 1872 - 1873
John Scovill about 1635 - about 1696
John Scovill 1669 - 1726/27
John Scovill 1694/95 -
Louis Scovill estimated 1584 - after 1613
Mary Scovill 1787 - 1864
Mary Ann Scovill 1831 - 1908
Mary Thankful Scovill 1808 - 1842
Nathan Smith Scovill 1847 - 1849
Obadiah Scovill 1697 - 1718/19
Richard Scovill estimated 1609 - about 1642
Ruth Alathea Scovill 1882 -
Samuel Scovill 1735 -
Samuel Scovill 1773 - 1856
Sarah Scovill 1700 - 1741
Sarah Scovill 1779 - 1846
Sarah Hannah Scovill 1794 - 1872
Sarah Hannah Scovill 1835 - 1839
Stella Ann Scovill 1811 - 1815
Thomas John Scovill 1833 - 1839
Willard E Scovill 1898 - 1898
William Scovill 1671 - 1712
William Scovill 1703 - 1755
William Scovill 1744/45 - 1827
William Scovill 1766 - 1851
William Henry Scovill 1796 - 1854
William Henry Scovill 1842 - 1914
William Henry Scovill 1867 -
Abigail Scoville 1706 - 1751
Alice Scudder 1501 -
Alice Scudder 1592 -
Bridget Scudder 1591 -
Bryget Scudder 1545 -
David Scudder 1662 -
Dorothy Scudder 1543 -
Elizabeth Scudder 1503 -
Elizabeth Scudder estimated 1588 -
Elizabeth Scudder 1622 - 1682
Elizabeth (née unknown) Scudder 1564 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Scudder 1590 - 1665
Henry Scudder 1512 - 1591
Henry Scudder estimated 1548 -
Henry Scudder about 1583 - 1652
Henry Scudder 1626 - 1661
Jane Scudder 1518 - after 1542
Jane Scudder 1594 - before 1595
Jayne Scudder 1499 -
Joan Scudder 1516 - after 1542
Joane Scudder 1539 -
Joanne Scudder 1502 -
John Scudder 1492 - 1542
John Scudder 1514 - after 1566
John Scudder 1536 - 1592
John Scudder 1558 - 1584
John Scudder about 1590 - 1625
John Scudder about 1616 - before 1685
Jonathan Scudder 1657 -
Margerie Scudder 1500 -
Martha Scudder 1593 -
Mary Scudder 1660 -
Moses Scudder 1658 - 1683
Rebecca Scudder 1656 -
Richard Scudder 1497 - after 1532
Robert Scudder 1496 -
Thomas Scudder 1495 - 1533
Thomas Scudder 1537 - 1593
Thomas Scudder about 1586 - after 1657
Thomas Scudder 1620 - before 1639
Thomas Scudder 1624 - 1690
William Scudder 1516 - before 1542
William Scudder 1562 - 1607
William Scudder about 1613 - before 1657
Wynefreth Scudder 1541 -
Emma Seabrook estimated 1602 - 1659
Mary Seabrook 1601 - after 1680
Robert Seabrook estimated 1575 - 1650
Sarah Seabrook about 1623 -
Robert Seamer estimated 1578 -
Dorothy Searle estimated 1608 -
Joanna Searle estimated 1621 - 1661
John Searle about 1610 - 1641
Mr Searle estimated 1585 -
Gary D Sebastian
Abel Seeley 1725 -
Ann Seeley 1706/07 - 1779
Benjamin Seeley about 1657 - before 1697/98
Ebenezer Seeley estimated 1685 - 1717
Hannah Seeley 1683 -
Hannah Seeley 1713 -
James Seeley 1722 -
James B Seeley 1681 - 1729
John Seeley about 1661 - 1710
Joseph Seeley about 1659 - after 1706
Mary Seeley about 1663 -
Nathan Seeley 1714 -
Nathaniel Seeley about 1650 - 1687/88
Nathaniel Seeley 1678 - 1703
Phebe Seeley estimated 1669 -
Rebecca Seeley estimated 1671 -
Robert Seeley estimated 1601 - before 1668
Robert Seeley about 1653 - 1690
Samuel Seeley 1722 -
Sarah Seeley estimated 1667 -
Sarah Seeley 1694 - 1743
Sarah Seeley 1703 -
Seth Seeley 1708 -
Gretchen Seipel
Julie Seipel
Abigail Seymour 1656 -
Elizabeth Seymour 1673 - 1713
Elizabeth Seymour 1701 -
Hannah Seymour 1654 - about 1723
Hannah Seymour about 1697 - 1768
Jehiel Seymour about 1703 - before 1753
John Seymour about 1639 - 1712
John Seymour 1678 - 1746
Maria Seymour estimated 1667 -
Mary Seymour about 1624 - 1688
Mary Seymour 1658 -
Matthew Seymour 1669 - 1735
Matthew Seymour about 1691 - 1768
Rebecca Seymour estimated 1673 -
Richard Seymour about 1645 - 1710
Ruth Seymour 1707 - 1776
Sarah Seymour estimated 1663 -
Sarah Seymour about 1709 -
Thomas Seymour estimated 1659 -
Thomas Seymour 1702 - 1796
Zachariah Seymour about 1642 - 1702
Agnes Sharpe estimated 1512 - 1565
Elizabeth (née unknown) Sharpe estimated 1494 -
Robert Sharpe estimated 1490 -
Edmund Sheaffe estimated 1575 -
Margaret Sheaffe 1602 - 1682
Elizabeth Shepard 1533 - 1625
John Shepard 1507 - before 1617
Alice Sheppard 1503 - 1551
Catherine Sheren estimated 1540 -
Amanda Sherman 1801 - 1878
Caroline Sherman
Davis Sherman
Jerusha Sherman 1693 - 1777
Joseph Sherman about 1768 - 1837
Nathan Sherman 1721 - 1820
Nathan Sherman 1739 - 1802
Nathaniel Sherman 1729 - 1797
Phineas Sherman 1735 - 1806
Roger Sherman
Elizabeth Sherwood about 1645 - 1719
John Sherwood about 1653 - 1689
Mary Sherwood about 1650 -
Sarah Sherwood about 1643 - 1703/04
Thomas Sherwood estimated 1620 - 1657/58
Thomas Sherwood 1656 - 1676
Frances Elizabeth Shufelt 1889 - 1963
Samuel Silliman 1757 - 1848
Isabell Skinner estimated 1500 -
Robert Skinner estimated 1470 -
Agnes (née unknown) Skudder 1470 -
Henry Skudder 1470 - 1504
Dylan Michael Slaughter
Kirinne Slaughter
Susanna Small 1923 -
Warren Dudley Small 1890 -
Warren J Small 1837 -
Warren N Small about 1853 -
Abiah Smith estimated 1683 -
Abigail Smith estimated 1739 -
Abijah Smith estimated 1762 -
Abraham Smith estimated 1737 -
Adelia Ann Smith 1807 - 1839
Anna Smith 1665 -
David Smith 1718 - before 1793
David Atherton Smith 1803 -
Ebenezer Smith estimated 1650 -
Ebenezer Smith estimated 1681 -
Elias Smith 1766 - 1845
Elizabeth Smith about 1650 - 1741
Elizabeth Smith 1676 -
Emma L Smith 1831 -
Ephriam Smith estimated 1644 -
Gideon Smith 1709 - 1799
Hannah Smith about 1653 -
Hannah Smith 1701 - 1776
Harley Mitchell Smith
Harriet B Smith about 1836 -
Isaac Smith 1712 -
Isaac Smith 1742/43 - 1824
Isaac Smith estimated 1764 -
Jabez Smith 1705 - 1781
Jabez Smith 1731 - 1818
James L Smith estimated 1811 -
Jane Smith estimated 1581 -
Joanna Smith 1678 -
Joel Smith estimated 1741 -
John Smith estimated 1617 - 1684
John Smith 1626 - 1694
John Smith 1646 - 1732
John Smith 1663/64 - 1663/64
John Smith 1669 -
John Smith 1674 - 1751
Jonah Smith 1703 - 1777
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Smith 1667 - 1713
Joseph Smith 1685 - 1778
Joseph Smith estimated 1687 -
Judith Smith 1751 - 1836
Kirsten Smith
Laura (née unknown) Smith
Leann Smith 1932 - 1975
Mary Smith estimated 1648 -
Mary Smith estimated 1679 -
Mary Smith 1707 -
Mary W (née unknown) Smith estimated 1814 -
Matthew Smith estimated 1745 -
Mehitable Smith 1655 -
Mercy Smith estimated 1652 -
Nathan Smith 1689 - 1770
Philip Smith
Polly Smith estimated 1768 -
Rebecca Smith 1669 - 1750
Richard Smith estimated 1555 -
Richard Smith estimated 1674 -
Roxana Smith 1799 -
Ruth Smith estimated 1743 -
Samuel Smith estimated 1679 -
Samuel Smith 1681 - 1765
Sarah Smith estimated 1672 -
Sarah Smith estimated 1731 -
Thomas Smith estimated 1637 - 1724
Thomas Smith 1671 - 1671/72
Thomas Smith 1672/73 - 1762
Thomas Smith 1676/77 - 1743
Thomas Smith 1715 - 1805
Timothy Smith estimated 1676 -
Zadoc Smith 1764 - 1850
Christopher Solomon 1578 -
Elizabeth Solomon estimated 1617 -
William Solomon estimated 1615 -
Miss Soulton estimated 1520 -
George Southcott about 1540 - 1638
Margaret Southcott before 1544 -
Sarah Southcott 1570 -
Thomas Southcott about 1512 - 1600
Alice Southmayd 1801 - 1875
Allyn Southmayd 1685 - before 1731
Alma Southmayd 1783 - 1850
Ann Southmayd 1692/93 - 1730
Anna Southmayd 1706 - 1740
Daniel Southmayd 1687 -
Daniel Southmayd 1717 - 1754
Daniel Southmayd 1753 - 1830
Daniel Nichols Southmayd 1778 - 1870
Esther Southmayd 1682 - 1682
Esther Southmayd 1701 - 1777
Giles Southmayd 1679/80 -
Hannah Southmayd 1776 -
Hannah Southmayd 1818 - 1902
John Southmayd 1645 - 1645
John Southmayd 1646 -
John Southmayd 1672 - 1755
John Southmayd 1710 - 1742/43
Joseph Southmayd 1695 - 1772
Margaret Southmayd 1691 - 1730
Millicent Southmayd 1700 - 1717
Samuel Southmayd 1742 - 1810
Sarah Ann Southmayd about 1821 - 1897
Susannah Southmayd 1703/04 - 1741
William Southmayd estimated 1617 - before 1649
William Southmayd 1643 - 1702
William Southmayd 1674 - about 1674
William Southmayd 1678/79 - about 1679
William Southmayd 1698/99 - 1747
William B Southmayd 1740 - 1778
Alice Statira Southwick 1898 - 1968
Curtis Clayton Southwick 1886 - 1971
David Rockwell Southwick 1893 - 1969
Deward C Southwick 1910 - 2002
Esther May Southwick 1908 - 1972
Eva Mable Southwick 1885 - 1918
George Byron Southwick 1899 - before 1923
Gertrude Mary Southwick 1889 - 1945
Gladys Rose Southwick 1897 - 1988
Hazelle Southwick 1924 - 1975
Herbert Roland Southwick 1894 - 1894
Howard J Southwick 1917 - 2005
Keith Lester Southwick 1958 - 1995
Lester C Southwick 1913 - 2003
Logan Southwick 1891 - 1965
Lois H Southwick 1915 - 2004
Paul Merwin Southwick 1882 - 1946
Ralph Southwick 1904 - 1975
Ruth Marvelyn Southwick 1918 - 2015
Sherman Southwick 1891 - 1914
Vernice E Southwick 1911 - 1998
Walter Reuben Southwick 1901 - 1919
Wayne Southwick
Catherine Spenser estimated 1689 - before 1758
Aaron Sperry 1728 - 1811
Calvin Sperry 1801 - 1881
Charles Aaron Sperry 1820 - 1914
Daniel Sperry 1665 - 1750
Dennis (née unknown) Sperry estimated 1624 - 1707
Ebenezer Sperry 1663 - 1738
Elizabeth Sperry 1683 - 1760
Elizabeth Sperry 1716 - 1799
Emma Augusta Sperry 1896 - 1945
Esther Sperry 1654 -
Esther Sperry about 1677 -
Eunice Minerva Sperry 1834 - 1906
John Sperry 1540 - 1613
John Sperry 1648/49 - before 1691
Joseph Sperry 1668 -
Joshua Sperry 1700 - 1777
Joshua Sperry 1734 - 1759
Joy Sperry 1785 - 1847
Mabel Sperry 1723 - 1798
Mary Sperry 1649/50 -
Mary Sperry 1679 - 1742
Mary (née unknown) Sperry 1569 -
Moses Sperry 1681 - 1754
Moses Sperry 1767 - 1829
Nathaniel Sperry 1656 - 1735
Richard Sperry 1606 - 1698
Richard Sperry 1651/52 - 1734
Richard Sperry 1681 - 1740
Silence Sperry 1701 - 1779
Thomas Sperry 1658 - 1722
William Josiah Sperry 1863 - 1944
Alice Squire about 1550 -
Benjamin Squire 1707 -
George Squire about 1618 - before 1691
George Squire about 1647 -
John Squire estimated 1660 -
John Squire about 1691 -
Jonathan Squire estimated 1665 - after 1723
Joseph Squire about 1689 -
Rebecca Squire 1705 - 1779
Samuel Squire about 1590 -
Samuel Squire 1650/51 - 1711
Samuel Squire about 1693 -
Thomas Squire estimated 1645 - 1712
Sarah Squires estimated 1668 -
Anna St John estimated 1671 -
Elizabeth St John 1656 -
James St John about 1649 -
Joseph St John about 1664 - 1731
Lois St John estimated 1669 -
Mark St John about 1634 -
Mary St John about 1657 - 1694
Matthias St John estimated 1603 - about 1669
Matthias St John about 1630 -
Rachel St John estimated 1667 -
Rhoda St John estimated 1665 -
Samuel St John about 1639 -
Sarah St John 1659 - 1714
Anne Stace about 1510 - 1553
Jane (wife of John) Stace estimated 1493 -
John Stace 1461 - 1501
Abigail Stanley about 1638 - 1734
Caleb Stanley about 1642 -
Elizabeth Stanley estimated 1640 -
Isaac Stanley 1648 - 1671
John Stanley 1599 - 1634
John Stanley 1624 - 1706
Lois Stanley 1645 -
Patience Stanley 1595 -
Robart Stanley about 1572 - 1605
Robart Stanley estimated 1597 -
Ruth Stanley 1590 -
Ruth Stanley 1627 - 1696
Thomas Stanley 1601 - 1662/63
Timothy Stanley 1604 - 1648
Timothy Stanley 1634 -
Timothy Stanley about 1637 -
William Stanley estimated 1593 - 1644
Audrey Jane Stanwood 1912 - 1991
Margaret Townsend Starr 1875 -
Mary Amelia Avery Starr 1880 -
Rachel Starr about 1740 - 1798
Susan Hotchkiss Starr 1882 -
William Ireland Starr 1877 -
Floyd Steenberg
Maynard Moody Steenberg 1928 - 1990
Ruth Steenberg
Anna Stillman 1699 - 1767
Aaron Stoddard 1739 - 1777
Aaron Stoddard 1794 - 1846
Abigail Stoddard 1712 - about 1790
Albin Stoddard 1826 - 1905
Albin Henning Stoddard 1888 - 1965
Anna Stoddard about 1768 - 1804
Athelia Stoddard 1832 - 1908
Benjamin Merritt Stoddard 1904 - 1976
Bertha Mae Stoddard 1887 - 1961
Blanche Salome Stoddard 1897 - 1977
Caleb Stoddard 1648 - before 1664
Charles Albin Stoddard 1847 - 1914
Charlotte Stoddard 1843 - 1849
Chester D Stoddard 1891 - 1892
Curtis De Ell Stoddard 1861 - 1930
Curtis Stephen Stoddard 1905 - 1975
David Stoddard about 1688 - 1736
David Stoddard 1747 - 1792
David Stoddard 1773 - 1848
David Stoddard 1795 - 1870
David Curtis Stoddard 1831 - 1905
Douglas Leverne Stoddard about 1922 - 1996
Eliza Ann Stoddard 1827 - 1892
Eliza Jane Stoddard 1848 - 1916
Elizabeth Stoddard 1656 - about 1720
Elizabeth Stoddard 1678 - 1755
Emily Stoddard 1838 - 1854
Eugene Stoddard 1852 - 1926
Eugenia F Stoddard 1891 - 1897
Francis Albin Stoddard 1879 - 1961
Francis Raymond Stoddard 1876 - 1964
George Bovee Stoddard 1859 - 1934
Guy Stoddard 1890 - 1963
Guy Herbert Stoddard 1937 - 2014
Hannah Stoddard 1733 - 1756
Harmon Stoddard 1797 - 1873
Hazel Isabella Stoddard 1905 - 1994
Ida Stoddard 1816 - 1866
Ida Mae Stoddard 1864 - 1947
Ira Stoddard 1820 - 1864
Ira Charles Stoddard 1882 - 1960
Iren Stoddard 1825 -
Irena Stoddard 1830 -
Isa Stoddard 1822 - 1896
Iva Stoddard 1828 - 1864
James Stoddard 1714 - 1749
Jerusha Stoddard 1706 - 1728
Jerusha Stoddard 1734 - about 1800
John Stoddard 1646 - 1703
John Stoddard 1675 - 1727
John Stoddard 1710 - 1735
John Stoddard 1736 - 1818
John J Stoddard 1800 - 1839
Jonathan Stoddard about 1685 - 1757
Joseph Stoddard 1676 - 1677
Joseph Stoddard 1680 -
Joseph Stoddard 1697 - 1697
Joshua Stoddard 1648 - 1725
Josiah Stoddard 1716 - 1764
Katie May Stoddard 1889 - 1974
Lawrence D Stoddard
Leigh Ann Stoddard
Lizzie Jane Stoddard 1893 - 1958
Lydia Stoddard 1699 - 1726
Lydia Stoddard 1763 - 1850
Lyman Stoddard 1833 - 1862
Mabel Stoddard 1885 - 1967
Marion Joyce Stoddard 1900 - 1997
Mark Edmond Stoddard 1889 - 1972
Mary Stoddard 1643 -
Mary Stoddard 1682 - 1756
Mary Stoddard 1708 - about 1780
Mary Stoddard 1777 - 1836
Mary Caroline Stoddard 1834 -
Mary Elspie Stoddard 1891 - 1972
Mary Eva Stoddard 1862 - 1923
Maxine Stoddard 1907 - 2002
Maybelle Ida Stoddard 1901 - 1988
Mercy Stoddard 1652 -
Merle E Stoddard 1913 - 1994
Moses Stoddard 1700 - 1777
Moses Stoddard 1741 - 1831
Nathaniel Stoddard 1661 - 1714
Nathaniel Stoddard 1692 - 1756
Obed Stoddard 1743 - 1777
Patricia Stoddard
Prudence Stoddard about 1720 -
Ralph Oscar Stoddard 1883 - 1972
Ruth Stoddard 1761 - 1795
Sadie N Stoddard 1883 - 1972
Salome Jane Stoddard 1829 - 1913
Samuel Stoddard about 1690 - before 1725
Sarah Stoddard 1703 - 1799
Sarah Stoddard about 1763 -
Susana Jane Stoddard 1885 - 1948
Sybil Stoddard 1777 - 1836
Thelma Stoddard 1903 - 2002
William Harmon Stoddard 1824 -
Wilmer Odelle Stoddard 1880 - 1946
Zetto Barnes Stoddard 1855 - 1920
Zetto Dell Stoddard 1896 - 1918
Agnes J Stolp about 1926 - 1948
Alice Stolp
Alonzo LeRoy Stolp 1885 - 1952
Arthur Lyman Stolp 1878 - 1938
Bertha Betty Stolp 1904 - 1985
Beulah Ruth Stolp 1904 - 1983
Catherine Wilmetta Stolp 1853 - 1931
Dean Marret Stolp 1928 - 1992
Dennis Stolp
Donald Lyle Stolp 1924 - 2004
Doris Stolp
Edna Stolp 1890 - 1945
Edward Earl Stolp 1912 - 1993
Ellen Marie Stolp 1848 - 1941
Elsie K Stolp 1899 - 1970
Elvira Mae Stolp 1917 - after 1930
Elvira Ruth Stolp 1919 - 1945
Florence Irene Stolp 1919 - 1993
Gary Stolp
Gerald Leroy Stolp 1916 - 1999
Harold Leland Stolp 1921 - 1942
James Edgar Stolp 1862 - 1930
Lester Arlie Stolp 1930 - 2007
Melissa A Stolp 1849 - 1869
Mildred Elaine Stolp 1919 - 2008
Myron Augustus Stolp 1852 - 1915
Norris W Stolp
Phebe Jane Stolp 1857 - 1909
Shelly Stolp
Tammy Stolp
Terry Stolp
Viola Mae Stolp 1875 - 1948
Walter Harold Stolp 1886 - 1974
William Earl Stolp 1883 - 1962
Aaron Stone 1818 -
Abigail Stone 1804 - 1879
Agnes Stone estimated 1581 -
Albin Stone 1797 -
Charity Stone 1806 - 1859
Clarissa Stone 1799 -
Daniel Stone 1644 - about 1718/19
David Stone about 1540 - about 1597
David Stone estimated 1567 -
David Stone 1646 -
Dotha Stone 1809 -
Electa Stone 1808 -
Eliza Stone 1816 -
Elizabeth Stone estimated 1571 -
Elizabeth Stone about 1651 -
Emily Stone 1815 -
Hannah Stone 1640 - about 1685
Henry Dudley Stone 1831 -
John Stone 1642 -
Josiah Stone 1771 -
Julia Stone 1812 -
Margaret Stone 1653 -
Margery Stone estimated 1569 -
Mary Stone estimated 1589 -
Mary Stone estimated 1649 -
Maryann Stone 1814 - 1844
Matthew Stone estimated 1575 -
Myron Stone 1803 -
Nathaniel Stone 1660 -
Orman Stone 1802 - 1884
Rebecca Stone 1801 -
Rhoda Stone 1798 -
Samuel Stone 1758 -
Sarah Stone 1657 - 1717
Sarah Stone 1761 -
Simon Stone about 1585 - 1665
Susanna Stone 1858 -
Tabitha Stone 1655 -
Thomas Stone, Jr estimated 1804 -
Ursula Stone estimated 1587 -
Ursula (née unknown) Stone estimated 1564 -
William Stone 1822 -
Charles Edward Stowe 1850 - 1934
Eliza Taylor Stowe 1836 - 1912
Frederick William Stowe 1840 - about 1870
Georgiana May Stowe 1843 - 1890
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811 - 1896
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1836 - 1907
Henry Ellis Stowe 1838 - 1857
Samuel Charles Stowe 1848 - 1849
Abigail Strong 1741 -
Azubah Strong 1744 -
Edmund Strong 1781 -
Eleanor Strong 1759 - 1762
Eleanor Strong 1771 - 1853
Elijah Strong 1735 - 1737
Elijah Strong 1739 - 1758
Elijah Strong 1774 - 1828
Elisha Strong 1748 -
Elizabeth Strong 1701 - 1702
Elizabeth Strong 1708 - 1714
Elizabeth Strong 1728 -
John Strong 1733 - 1816
John Strong 1760 - 1846
John Warham Strong 1706 - 1752
Mercy Pomeroy Strong estimated 1770 - 1823
Oliver Strong 1779 -
Pomeroy Strong 1777 - 1861
Return Strong 1702 - 1703
Return Strong 1703/04 - 1703/04
Return Strong 1764 - 1805
Sarah Strong 1731 -
Sarah Strong 1761 - 1801
Stephen Strong 1771 - 1828
Warham Strong 1765 -
Douglas Sargent Strough
Jeffrey Sargent Strough
Martha Strowde estimated 1562 - 1631/32
Hannah Summers 1672 - 1747
Henry Summers 1729 - 1799
Abel Sutliff about 1709 - before 1720
Abel Sutliff about 1720 - 1800
Abigail Sutliff 1705/06 - 1748/49
Abraham Sutliff about 1574 -
Abraham Sutliff about 1610 -
Abraham Sutliff about 1631 -
Deborah Sutliff 1710 - after 1751
Dinah Sutliff 1716 - 1736/37
Elizabeth Sutliff about 1708 - 1789
Hannah Sutliff 1665 - 1743
Hannah Sutliff 1699 -
John Sutliff about 1674 - 1752
John Sutliff 1696/97 - 1757
John Sutliff 1713/14 - 1790
Judith Sutliff 1669 -
Lydia Sutliff 1704 - 1768
Martha Sutliff 1712 - 1791
Mary Sutliff 1701 -
Nathaniel Sutliff about 1638 - 1676
Nathaniel Sutliff 1672 - 1732
Samuel Sutliff 1733 - 1799
Sarah (née unknown) Sutliff estimated 1610 -
Thomas Sutliff estimated 1634 -
Annalie Suydan 1478 - 1500
George Suydan about 1446 -
Henry Kirke White Sweetland 1821 - 1852
Levi Parsons Sweetland 1827 - 1854
Elizabeth Symons about 1605 - 1652
Eleazer Talcott 1809 - 1832
Mary Kingsbury Talcott 1816 - 1838
Mary Kingsbury Talcott 1847 - 1917
Russell Goodrich Talcott 1818 - 1863
Catherine Tanfield estimated 1482 -
Agnes Tapp estimated 1598 -
Edmund Tapp estimated 1573 -
Edmund Tapp 1578 - 1653
Edmund Tapp about 1592 -
Jane Tapp 1628 - 1703
Margaret Tapp estimated 1580 -
Mary Tapp estimated 1625 - 1688
Ann Taylor about 1560 -
Ann Taylor 1590 -
Deborah Taylor 1671 - 1750
John Taylor estimated 1570 -
John Taylor estimated 1614 - about 1646
John Taylor 1640/41 - 1704
John Taylor 1673 -
Joseph Taylor 1673 - about 1764
Rachel Taylor estimated 1714 -
Rhoda (née unknown) Taylor estimated 1619 - after 1659
Thomas Taylor about 1643 -
Thomas Taylor 1668 -
William Taylor estimated 1530 -
Grey Mason Terry
Henry Porter Baldwin Terry, III
Marshall MacLeod Terry
Elizabeth Thomas 1722 -
Eva Maria Thomas 1863 - 1949
Joanna Thomas about 1611 - 1678
Rebecca Thomas estimated 1608 -
Abigail Thompson 1651/52 - 1727
Dorothy (née unknown) Thompson estimated 1616 - before 1666
Hannah Thompson estimated 1638 - 1712/13
John Thompson estimated 1611 - 1656
John Thompson 1645 - 1692/93
Joseph Thompson about 1649 - 1703
Mary Thompson 1642 - 1714
Rebecca Thompson 1651/52 -
Sarah Thompson 1654 - 1716
Robert Tinker estimated 1565 - 1624
Abial Titus 1639/40 - 1736
Abial Titus 1678 - 1759
Abiel Titus 1732 -
Abiel Titus 1752 -
Abigail Titus 1799 - 1863
Amelia Titus estimated 1807 -
Charlotte Titus 1781 - 1825
Constancia (née unknown) Titus estimated 1580 - 1667
Content Titus 1643 - 1729/30
Edmund Titus 1630 - 1715
Henry Titus 1681 - 1725/26
Ira Titus estimated 1777 -
Israel Titus 1744 - 1811
Janette Titus 1805 - 1888
John Titus 1627 - 1689
John Titus 1684 - 1754
John Titus 1721 - 1750/51
John Titus 1752 - 1830
John Titus 1783 - 1861
Jonathan Titus 1724 -
Joseph Titus 1748 - 1829
Julia Ann Titus 1803 - 1856
Lewis Brown Titus 1800 - 1870
Martha Titus 1796 - 1872
Mary Titus 1649 - 1707
Mary Titus 1673 -
Mary Titus 1778 - 1864
Minerva Titus 1794 - 1889
Rebecca Titus 1676 -
Robert Titus 1600 - before 1697
Samuel Titus 1635 - after 1682
Sarah Titus about 1718 -
Sarah Titus 1791 - 1867
Silas Titus estimated 1572 - 1637
Silas Titus 1622 -
Stephen Titus estimated 1610 - 1671
Susannah Titus 1638 -
Timothy Titus estimated 1683 - before 1738
Abigail Todd 1689/90 - 1731
Caleb Todd 1700/01 - 1731
Christopher Todd 1707 - 1712
Christopher Todd 1713 - 1785
Daniel Todd 1686/87 - 1724
Eleazer Todd 1707 - 1771
Elizabeth Todd 1690/91 - 1752
Elizabeth Todd about 1709 - 1737
Hannah Todd 1679/80 - 1759
James Todd 1696 - 1779
John Todd 1594 - 1678
Jonah Todd 1684 - 1730
Joseph Todd 1673/74 - 1673/74
Joseph Todd 1678/79 - 1678/79
Lydia Todd 1699 - 1790
Mary Todd 1654/55 - 1676
Mary Todd 1674/75 -
Mehitabel Todd 1704/05 - 1753
Mercy Todd 1692 -
Michael Todd 1653 - 1712
Samuel Todd 1672 - 1741
Samuel Todd 1716/17 - 1789
Sarah Todd 1670 - 1670
Sarah Todd 1676/77 - 1683
Stephen Todd 1702 - 1772
Susannah Todd 1718 - 1806
William Todd estimated 1570 -
Adele Kingsbury Tompkins 1900 - 1901
Anne-Cecile Tompkins
Charles Tompkins
Frederick Tompkins
Louis Benoist Tompkins 1903 - 1950
Mary Tompkins
Anthony Tootill estimated 1558 -
Elizabeth Tootill estimated 1562 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Tootill estimated 1535 - after 1589
Ellen Tootill estimated 1565 -
Frances Tootill estimated 1570 -
Mary Tootill estimated 1567 -
Richard Tootill about 1530 -
Symon Tootill about 1560 -
Thomas Tootill estimated 1572 -
Elnathan Topping 1640 - 1705
Ephraim Topping estimated 1662 -
James Topping estimated 1630 - 1694
John Topping about 1636 - 1686
John Topping about 1661 -
Josiah Topping estimated 1656 -
Martha Topping 1638 - about 1689
Mary Topping estimated 1650 - 1704
Richard Topping 1606 - 1622
Sarah Topping 1632 -
Sarah Topping about 1657 -
Temperance Topping about 1658 -
Thomas Topping 1608 - 1688
Thomas Topping estimated 1628 - 1681
Zerubtable Topping estimated 1660 -
Thomas Totehyll about 1506 - after 1552
Eunice Towner 1719 - 1803
Adele Townsend 1863 - 1945
Ann Eliza Townsend 1855 - 1907
Anne Townsend estimated 1657 -
Anthony Townsend 1926 - 1997
Arthur Bronson Townsend 1864 - 1907
Audrey Townsend 1919 - 2013
Barbara Firth Townsend
Carissa Ann Townsend
Catherine Bronson Townsend 1866 - 1871
Charlotte Bronson Townsend 1861 - 1863
Christopher Rockwell Townsend
Christopher Rockwell Townsend
Daniel Townsend estimated 1663 -
Daniel Townsend 1721 - 1750/51
Daniel Townsend 1753 - 1850
Daniel Scovil Townsend
Daniel Y Townsend 1846 - 1877
Daniel Youngs Townsend 1798 - 1860
David Townsend
David Ames Townsend
Deborah Townsend
Dinah Townsend 1651 - 1732
Edward Mitchell Townsend 1829 - 1904
Edward Mitchell Townsend 1861 - 1934
Edward Mitchell Townsend, Jr. 1893 - 1964
Edward Mitchell Flagg Townsend, III 1921 - 1988
Eleanor Beatrice Townsend 1870 - 1884
Elizabeth Townsend 1645 - 1698
Emilie Theresa Townsend 1909 - 1975
Freelove Townsend 1674 - 1726
George Townsend estimated 1661 - 1697
George Townsend 1687 -
Greenough Townsend 1895 - 1962
Hannah Townsend estimated 1674 -
Hannah Townsend 1680 - 1757
Hannah Maria Townsend 1821 - 1853
Hannah Maria Townsend 1856 - 1936
Heather Townsend
Henry Townsend 1626 - 1695
Henry Townsend estimated 1654 -
Howard Rockwell Townsend 1871 - 1939
Howard Rockwell Townsend 1907 - 1985
Ingersoll Day Townsend 1895 - 1982
James Townsend 1650 -
James Townsend about 1672 -
James Townsend 1790 - 1861
James E Townsend 1842 -
Janet Scovil Townsend
John Townsend estimated 1611 - 1669
John Townsend 1645 - 1709
John Townsend 1653 - 1705
John Townsend 1672 - 1709
John Townsend 1683 - before 1748
John Joseph Townsend 1825 - 1889
John Joseph Townsend 1859 - 1924
John Titus Townsend 1823 - 1824
Joseph Townsend 1727/28 - 1812
Joseph Townsend 1761 - 1843
Joseph Townsend 1844 -
Judith Townsend 1787 - 1872
Lila Townsend
Madeline Townsend
Margaret Townsend 1856 - 1856
Margaret Townsend
Marianna Townsend 1849 - 1921
Marie Day Townsend 1922 - 2015
Mary Ann Townsend 1803 -
Mary Flagg Townsend 1918 - 1978
Mary Lane Townsend
Mercy Townsend 1730 -
Phebe Townsend estimated 1723 -
Phebe Townsend estimated 1757 -
Richard Townsend 1681 - 1737
Richard Townsend 1690 -
Robert C Townsend 1919 - 2001
Robert Cooper Townsend 1869 - 1897
Robert Cooper Townsend about 1897 -
Robert Ingersoll Townsend
Rockwell Townsend
Rose Townsend 1652 - 1689
Sally Carter Townsend 1921 - 2011
Samuel Townsend 1692 - 1746/47
Samuel Townsend 1717 - 1790
Samuel George Fitzhugh Townsend 1872 - 1906
Sanford Coley Townsend 1855 - 1857
Sarah Townsend estimated 1659 -
Sarah Townsend 1679 -
Sarah Townsend estimated 1685 -
Sarah Townsend estimated 1725 -
Sarah Townsend estimated 1755 -
Sheila Townsend
Susan Townsend 1796 - 1839
Susan R Townsend 1852 -
Suzanne Townsend
Thomas Townsend 1642 - 1715
Walter Townsend 1865 - 1869
Asa Kingsbury Tracy 1804 - 1819
Azel Tracy 1795 - 1868
Caroline Augusta Tracy 1808 -
Chandler Tracy 1788 - 1862
Dudley Tracy 1786 - 1852
Elizabeth Tracy 1790 - 1838
Horatio Tracy 1800 -
Lucy C Tracy 1802 - 1838
Sarah Tracy 1797 - 1820
Uriah Tracy 1792 - 1865
Abner Leavenworth Train 1830 - 1891
Ann Eliza Train 1833 - 1857
Augustus Leavenworth Train 1828 - 1828
Frances Rebecca Train 1835 - 1836
Josiah Treadway estimated 1614 -
Nathaniel Treadway estimated 1588 -
Nathaniel Treadway about 1614/15 - 1689
Alice Treat 1632 -
Catherine Treat 1637 - 1700
Elizabeth Treat 1627 -
Honor Treat about 1615/16 -
James Treat 1634 -
Joanna Treat about 1618 - 1694
Richard Treat about 1622/23 -
Robert Treat 1624/25 - 1710
Sarah Treat 1620 - after 1673
Susannah Treat 1629 -
Rose Tritton 1611 -
Agnes Trott estimated 1578 -
Alice Trott estimated 1488 -
Alice Trott estimated 1571 -
Edmund Trott estimated 1492 -
Honor (née unknown) Trott estimated 1551 -
Joanna Trott estimated 1484 -
Joanna (née unknown) Trott estimated 1500 -
John Trott about 1440 -
John Trott estimated 1494 -
John Trott estimated 1522 -
John Trott estimated 1524 -
John Trott estimated 1574 -
Lucy Trott estimated 1486 -
Mary Trott estimated 1576 -
Richard Trott about 1490 - about 1571
Robert Trott about 1530 - 1599
Tamsen Trott estimated 1528 -
Tamsen Trott estimated 1581 -
William Trott about 1465 -
William Trott estimated 1482 -
William Trott estimated 1526 -
Eleanor Lillian True 1917 - 1978
Harriet True 1894 - 1948
Jean True 1923 - 1952
Joan True
Malcolm Hixon True 1914 -
Marguerite True 1893 - 1985
Robert George True 1921 - 1943
William True
Almira Tryon 1791 -
John Tucker estimated 1620 -
Mary Tucker 1642 - 1710
Jesse Turner 1747 - 1834
Abigail Turney 1661/62 -
Agnes (née unknown) Turney about 1423 - before 1533
Amy (née unknown) Turney 1449 - before 1559
Ann Turney 1636 - about 1675
Barnard Turney about 1531 - 1612
Benjamin Turney estimated 1605 - 1648
Benjamin Turney 1646 - 1694
Benjamin Turney 1672 - 1700
Benjamin Turney about 1679 -
Edward Turney before 1600/01 -
Elizabeth Turney before 1608/09 - 1609
Elizabeth Turney 1668 -
James Turney 1445 - 1520
John Turney 1419 - 1503
John Turney 1500 - 1540
Judith Turney 1635 -
Martha Turney 1676 -
Mary Turney 1673 -
Rebecca Turney 1640 - 1685
Rebecca Turney 1671 -
Rebecca Turney about 1704 - 1761
Richard Turney about 1475 - 1523
Robert Turney 1673 - 1741
Robert Turney 1682 - 1764
Ruth Turney 1644 - 1666
Sarah Turney 1641 -
Sarah Turney 1663 -
Thomas Turney about 1560 - about 1624
Albert Edward Tuttle 1895 - 1970
Albert Henry Tuttle 1861 - 1926
Caleb Tuttle 1735 -
Child Tuttle 1688 -
Daniel Tuttle 1664 - 1700
David Tuttle 1668 - before 1751/52
Elizabeth Tuttle 1645 -
Elizabeth Tuttle 1666 - 1724
Elizabeth Tuttle 1683 -
Elizabeth Tuttle 1705 - 1751
Elizabeth (née unknown) Tuttle about 1612 - 1684
Elsa Ann Tuttle
Elsa Davis Tuttle 1892 - 1918
Hannah Tuttle 1655 - 1708
Hannah Tuttle 1685 - about 1685
Hannah Tuttle 1688/89 -
Jabez Tuttle 1732 - 1777
Joanna Tuttle 1675 -
Joel Tuttle 1718 - 1789
Joel Tuttle 1746 - 1822
Joel White Tuttle 1830 - 1917
John Tuttle 1596 - 1656
John Tuttle 1631 - 1683
John Tuttle 1657 - about 1743
Jonathan Tuttle 1669 - 1700
Joseph Tuttle 1667/68 -
Joseph Tuttle 1692 - 1761
Joseph Tuttle 1762 - 1836
Katherine Tuttle 1699 -
Lydia Tuttle 1769 -
Mary Tuttle 1664 -
Mary Tuttle 1665/66 -
Mary Tuttle 1720 - 1779
Mercy Tuttle 1650 -
Mercy Tuttle 1730 - 1812
Mercy Tuttle 1767 -
Moses Tuttle 1715 - 1785
Nathaniel Tuttle 1674/75 - 1728
Noah Tuttle 1694 - about 1757
Rebecca Tuttle 1664 -
Richard Tuttle 1593 - 1640
Samuel Tuttle 1658/59 - 1733
Samuel Tuttle 1670 -
Sarah Tuttle 1660/61 -
Simon Tuttle estimated 1598 -
Simon Tuttle 1670/71 - 1725
Stephen Tuttle 1673 -
Susanna Tuttle 1679/80 - 1737
Thankful Tuttle 1709 -
Thomas Tuttle estimated 1595 -
Thomas Tuttle 1634 - 1710
Timothy Tuttle 1678 - 1678
William Tuttle 1673 - 1727
Anne Tyrrell estimated 1512 -
John Uffoot 1717 - 1721
Joseph Uffoot 1713 -
Abigail Ufford about 1621 -
Abigail Ufford 1700 - 1738
Anna Ufford 1702 -
Bethia Ufford 1708 -
Ebenezer Ufford 1719 -
Elizabeth Ufford 1672/73 - 1699
Elizabeth Ufford 1698 -
Eunice Ufford 1713 -
Isabel (née unknown) Ufford about 1594 -
John Ufford estimated 1629 - 1692
John Ufford 1664/65 - about 1665
John Ufford 1666/67 - 1712
Lydia Ufford 1677 -
Martha Ufford 1659 - 1738/39
Martha Ufford 1695 -
Mary Ufford 1661 -
Mary Ufford 1704 -
Samuel Ufford 1670 - 1746
Samuel Ufford 1712 -
Sarah Ufford 1709/10 -
Thomas Ufford about 1560 -
Thomas Ufford about 1596 - 1660
Thomas Ufford estimated 1627 -
Thomas Ufford 1657 - 1683
Thomas Ufford 1705/06 -
Abigail Underhill 1780 -
Abraham Underhill 1679 - 1713
Abraham Underhill 1697 - 1750
Abraham Underhill 1730 -
Abraham Underhill 1770 -
Alice Underhill 1510 - 1510
Anson Underhill 1793 - 1830
Anson Underhill 1820 -
Anson Washington Underhill 1842 -
Augustine Underhill 1736 -
Batte (wife of Nicholas) Underhill about 1430 - 1461
Benjamin Underhill about 1704 -
Benoni Underhill estimated 1631 -
Bessie Lenora Underhill 1875 -
Charles Underhill 1823 -
Charles Edward Underhill 1873 -
Charles Frances Underhill 1856 -
Charlotte Underhill 1804 -
Clement Underhill estimated 1577 -
Daniel Underhill 1672 - 1713
Daniel Underhill 1727/28 - 1815
Daniel Underhill 1798 - 1886
David Underhill 1672 - 1708
Deborah Underhill about 1629 - 1649
Deborah Underhill 1659 - 1698
Deborah Underhill 1682 - 1739
Deborah Underhill 1723 - 1805
Dorothy Underhill 1483 - 1514
Ebenezer Robinson Underhill 1854 -
Edward Underhill about 1486 - 1546
Edward Underhill 1512 - before 1575
Elizabeth Underhill about 1481 - 1536
Elizabeth Underhill 1511 -
Elizabeth Underhill 1636 - 1636
Elizabeth Underhill 1669 -
Francis Underhill 1827 -
Freelove Underhill 1733 -
George Underhill 1573 - 1625
George Underhill before 1580 - 1625
George William Underhill 1871 -
Hannah Underhill 1666 -
Hannah Underhill 1690 -
Hannah Underhill 1727 - 1759
Hannah Underhill 1749 - 1818
Hannah Underhill about 1777 -
Hannah Underhill 1798 -
Hugh Underhill 1518 - about 1593
Hugh Underhill about 1575 - 1624
Isaac Underhill 1725 - 1814
Isaac Underhill 1794 -
Jacob Underhill 1689 - 1708
Jacob Underhill 1730 - 1807
James Underhill 1768 - 1849
James A Underhill 1816 -
James Millard Underhill 1877 -
James Samuel Underhill 1847 - 1897
John Underhill 1450 - 1518
John Underhill 1597 - 1672
John Underhill 1670 - 1728
John Barnett Underhill 1845 -
John Barnett Underhill 1882 - 1967
John Edward Underhill about 1574 - 1608
John of Ulster Underhill 1738 -
Joseph Underhill 1738 - 1768
Joshua Underhill 1765 - 1839
Letisha Phianah Underhill 1849 -
Lettice Underhill 1579 - after 1624
Lettice Underhill before 1600 - 1673
Margaret Underhill 1821 - 1856
Margaret Underhill 1829 - before 1870
Margaret Underhill 1885 -
Margaret Jane Underhill 1852 -
Maria Underhill 1802 -
Mary Underhill before 1585 - 1601
Mary Underhill 1676 - 1751
Mary Underhill 1762 -
Mary Sutton Underhill 1805 - 1894
Matilda Jane Underhill 1879 -
Nathan C Underhill about 1808 -
Nathaniel Underhill 1663 - 1710
Nicholas Underhill 1410 - 1489
Nicholas Underhill about 1449 - after 1524
Olive Sophia Underhill 1862 -
Peter Underhill 1698 - after 1773
Peter Underhill 1736/37 - 1806
Petronella Underhill about 1595 - before 1650
Rachel Underhill 1800 -
Ralph Underhill about 1514 - 1557
Richard Underhill 1455 - 1535
Robert Underhill about 1484 - 1527
Roseanna Underhill 1800 - 1841
Samuel Underhill 1674 - 1754
Samuel Underhill about 1702 -
Samuel Underhill 1766 - 1848
Samuel Underhill 1805 -
Sarah Underhill 1687 - 1768
Sarah Underhill before 1713 -
Sarah Underhill 1782 -
Sarah Jane Underhill 1825 -
Stephen Underhill 1778 -
Stephen Underhill 1809 -
Susan Underhill about 1492 - about 1551
Theodosia Underhill about 1734 - 1760
Thomas Underhill 1485 - 1520
Thomas Underhill 1516 - 1571
Thomas Underhill 1545 - 1591
Thomas Underhill 1571 - 1597
Thomas Underhill 1687 - 1762
Thomas Underhill about 1706 - about 1734
Thomas Underhill 1738 - 1822
Thomas Wallace Underhill 1784 -
William Underhill about 1449 - about 1524
William Underhill 1475 - 1544
William Underhill 1707 - 1777
William Underhill 1741 - 1813
William Underhill about 1775 -
William Barnett Underhill 1818 - 1905
Elizabeth Unknown about 1408 -
Benjamin Upson 1720 - 1792
Elizabeth Upson estimated 1655 - 1655
Elizabeth Upson 1688/89 -
Hannah Upson about 1646 -
Hannah Upson 1694/95 - 1772
Jesse Upson 1756 - 1838
John Upson 1702 -
Joseph Upson 1750 - 1835
Mary Upson estimated 1637 - 1716
Mary Upson estimated 1687 -
Mary Upson 1722 - 1829
Sarah Upson 1715 - 1809
Stephen Upson about 1650 - 1735
Stephen Upson 1686 - 1777
Tabitha Upson 1697/98 -
Thankful Upson 1705/06 -
Thomas Upson estimated 1613 - 1655
Thomas Upson estimated 1633 - 1672
Thomas Upson 1691/92 - 1761
Elizabeth Urridge 1600 - 1632
Goosen van der Poest about 1444 -
Panwell van der Poest about 1546 -
Peter van der Poest 1472 - 1500
Peter Arnold van der Poest 1500 - about 1551
Thomas van der Post about 1540 - 1581
Julia Abigail Baldwin Van Doren 1806 - 1881
Abraham van Gelder 1523 -
Sarah van Gelder about 1546 -
Susannah van Gelder about 1533 - 1583
Sarah van Tassell about 1481 - 1510
John Carter van Vliet
Rick van Vliet
Willem Frederik van Vliet 1979 - 2012
Andrew Van Wagnen
Darlene Van Wagnen
Debbie Van Wagnen
Dianne Van Wagnen
Donald Webster Van Wagnen 1924 - 2004
Donna Van Wagnen
Robert J Van Wagnen
Jantje van Zul about 1447 -
Peter van Zul about 1420 - 1447
Moses Ventris 1625 -
Sarah Ventris 1653 - 1712
Hannah Verry estimated 1649 -
Aaron J Vold
Jason A Vold
Joanna Waddington about 1601 - 1634
Abigail Madelyn Wakelee 1665 - 1753
Deliverance Wakelee about 1651 - 1707
Henry Wakelee estimated 1624 - 1690
Jacob Wakelee estimated 1655 - 1727
James Wakelee estimated 1597 -
James Wakelee estimated 1653 -
Mary Wakelee estimated 1657 -
Mercy Wakelee estimated 1667 -
Patience Wakelee estimated 1663 -
Catherine Wakeman 1700 - 1753
Elizabeth Wakeman 1702 - 1753
Priscilla Wakeman 1610 - 1659
Daniel Waldo 1762 -
Ebenezer Waldo 1766 -
Elizabeth Waldo 1754 - 1842
Eunice Waldo 1753 -
John Waldo 1750 -
Joseph Josiah Waldo 1758 -
Mary Waldo 1764 -
Ozias Waldo 1768 -
Ruth Waldo 1748 -
Tabitha Waldo 1760 -
Zacheus Waldo 1756 -
Ziporah Waldo 1747 -
Eliakim Walker 1740 - 1812
Joan Walker 1630 - 1692
Patience Walker 1771 - 1862
Anne Ward 1669 - 1755
Dorothy Ward 1670 - before 1701
George Ward 1672 -
John Ward estimated 1570 -
John Ward 1678 - 1761
Phebe Ward 1663 - 1741
Sarah Ward 1662 - 1744
Susannah Ward 1674 - 1751/52
Thomas Ward about 1582 -
Thomas Ward about 1600 - 1679
Thomas Ward 1660/61 - 1728
William Ward 1632 - 1690
William Ward 1655 - 1661
William Ward 1665 - 1745
Sarah J Wardwell 1830 -
Andrew Warner about 1595 - 1684
Edward Warner estimated 1597 - before 1627
Elizabeth Warner estimated 1599 -
John Warner estimated 1532 - 1584
John Warner estimated 1555 - about 1614
John Warner estimated 1590 -
Margaret (née unknown) Warner estimated 1536 -
Mary Warner estimated 1585 - before 1614
Rose Warner about 1587 -
Thomas Warner estimated 1583 -
Deborah Warren estimated 1624 -
Elizabeth Warren about 1606 -
George Warren estimated 1622 -
Helen Warren 1529 -
Margaret Warren estimated 1612 - about 1669
Mary Warren 1602 - 1678
Richard Warren about 1501 - about 1557
Robert Warren estimated 1626 - before 1641
Thomas Warren estimated 1585 - about 1645
Thomas Warren estimated 1616 -
Hannah Warriner 1643 - before 1721
James Warriner 1641 - 1727
William Warriner estimated 1616 -
Duane Dean Wartenbee 1935 - 1989
Janet Thelma Wartenbee 1939 - 1955
Margaret Washburn estimated 1626 -
Martha Washburn 1637 - 1728
Mary Washburn about 1629 - 1713
Adele Kingsbury Waterman 1889 - 1976
Adele Louise Waterman 1863 - 1881
Alfred Morgan Waterman 1858 - 1872
Clarence Waterman 1867 - 1925
Eliza Caroline Waterman 1861 - 1863
Grace Jocelyn Waterman 1864 - 1924
James Kingsbury Waterman 1860 - 1898
Julia Cabanne Waterman 1856 - 1905
Marie Amande Waterman 1866 - 1866
Mary Virginia Waterman 1870 - 1951
Thomas Turner Waterman 1891 - 1891
Winifred Waterman 1892 - 1976
Sigourney Weaver
Sylvester Laflin Weaver 1878 -
Sylvester Laflin Weaver 1908 - 2002
Alan Webster
Bertha Webster 1889 - 1977
Bertha J Webster 1862 - 1886
Burton Henry Webster 1861 - 1926
Carl Sperry Webster 1893 - 1943
Dale B Webster
Diane Webster
Donald Webster
Ellsworth D Webster 1906 - 1937
Ernest T Webster 1869 - 1946
Harriet Elmira Webster 1894 - 1981
Helen M Webster 1892 -
Henry Bangs Webster 1890 - 1937
Howard Lovejoy Webster 1902 - 1969
Julia Elizabeth Webster 1882 - 1974
Katherine T Webster 1894 - 1986
Kenneth L Webster 1908 - 1984
Leslie Sperry Webster 1856 - 1935
Lillian Webster 1858 - 1942
Minnie May Webster 1871 - 1957
Sarah A Webster 1859 - 1921
Sarah Lillian Webster 1883 - 1934
Daniel Weed about 1643 - 1697
Dorcas Weed about 1641 - 1692
Elizabeth Weed 1638 - 1676
Hannah Weed about 1651 - 1711
John Weed estimated 1639 - 1689
Jonas Weed about 1610 - 1676
Jonas Weed about 1645 - 1704
Mary Weed about 1637 - about 1672
Mary (née unknown) Weed estimated 1594 - 1690
Samuel Weed about 1653 - 1708
Sarah Weed about 1649 -
Abraham Weekes 1691 -
Abraham Weekes 1735 - 1805
Absalom Weekes 1743 -
Anne Weekes estimated 1649 -
Daniel Weekes about 1655 - 1698
Elizabeth Weekes about 1647 - after 1687
Elizabeth (née unknown) Weekes estimated 1620 - before 1688
Francis Weekes about 1616 - 1688
Gilbert Weekes 1741 - 1799
James Weekes estimated 1730 -
James Weekes 1766 -
John Weekes about 1643 - 1699
Joseph Weekes about 1645 - after 1714/15
Nathaniel Weekes estimated 1700 -
Phebe Weekes estimated 1704 - 1766
Rose Weekes 1695 -
Samuel Weekes about 1641 -
Solomon Weekes 1697 -
Susanna Weekes estimated 1695 -
Henry Weeks 1673 - after 1744
Jacob Weeks 1702/03 -
Rachel Weeks about 1700 -
Elizabeth Ann Welles about 1620 -
Adlin Wells 1542 - 1572/73
Agnes (née unknown) Wells estimated 1523 -
Anne Wells about 1545 -
Daughter Wells about 1564 -
Edward Wells about 1557 -
Elizabeth Wells 1633 -
Etheldred Wells about 1572 -
Etheldreda (née unknown) Wells estimated 1557 - 1623/24
Helen (née unknown) Wells estimated 1545 -
Hugh Wells about 1518 -
Isabel Wells about 1565 -
Jane Wells estimated 1572 -
John Wells estimated 1543 - 1617/18
John Wells 1591/92 - 1664
Nicholas Wells about 1553 - 1682
Rafe Wells about 1555 - 1589
Robert Wells about 1547 - 1589
Thomas Wells about 1551 - 1642
William Wells 1589 - before 1656
Abigail Welton 1668 - 1732
Achsah Welton 1754 -
Elizabeth Welton estimated 1674 - 1733
Else Welton 1690 -
George Welton 1686/87 - 1773
Hannah Welton 1683 - after 1742
John Welton 1633 - 1726
John Welton estimated 1676 - 1738
Mary Welton estimated 1672 -
Richard Welton 1679/80 - 1755
Stephen Welton estimated 1678 - 1712/13
Stephen Welton 1713 - 1805
Thomas Welton 1684/85 - 1717
Donald Harry West
John Dale West 1932 - 1996
William Emery West 1931 - 2001
Abigail Wheadon about 1687 -
Hannah Wheadon 1685 -
John Wheadon 1694 -
Jonathan Wheadon about 1697 -
Martha Mary Wheadon 1708 - 1773
Nathaniel Wheadon 1694 -
Rebecca Wheadon 1701 -
Thomas Wheadon about 1689 - about 1754
Thomas Wheadon 1692 -
Abiah Wheeler 1612/13 -
Abigail Wheeler about 1662 - after 1697
Adam Wheeler about 1596 -
Ann Wheeler about 1595 - 1626/27
Ann Wheeler 1629 - 1687
Anne Wheeler about 1597 -
David Wheeler about 1599 -
Deborah Wheeler about 1598 -
Dinah Wheeler 1681 - 1747
Dominick Wheeler about 1565 - before 1615/16
Edward Wheeler about 1594 -
Eleazer Wheeler 1648 - 1649
Elizabeth Wheeler about 1592 - 1669
Elizabeth Wheeler 1602 - 1689
Elizabeth Wheeler 1618 - 1680
Elizabeth Wheeler 1668/69 -
Elizabeth Wheeler 1687 - about 1724
Ephriam Wheeler about 1664 - before 1703
Esther Wheeler 1796 - 1893
Francys Wheeler about 1540 - 1633
George Wheeler about 1605 -
George Wheeler about 1615 - before 1668
Hannah Wheeler about 1650 -
Henry Wheeler about 1607 -
Isaac Wheeler 1642 - 1712
Jane Wheeler about 1589 -
Jane (née unknown) Wheeler estimated 1613 - 1672
John Wheeler 1489 - 1546
John Wheeler estimated 1580 -
John Wheeler 1591 - 1670
John Wheeler about 1596 -
John Wheeler 1613 -
John Wheeler about 1636 - 1716
John Wheeler 1684 -
Joseph Wheeler 1609/10 -
Joseph Wheeler 1655 -
Joseph Wheeler 1656/57 -
Judith Wheeler about 1655 -
Mary Wheeler 1615 -
Mary Wheeler about 1645 -
Mary Wheeler 1666 - 1701
Mercy Wheeler about 1602 -
Mercy Wheeler about 1670/71 - 1745
Priscilla Wheeler about 1592 -
Rebecca Wheeler about 1652 - after 1702
Rebecca Wheeler about 1672 -
Robert Wheeler about 1593 -
Roger Wheeler about 1603 -
Ruth Wheeler about 1648 - 1718/19
Ruth Wheeler 1679 -
Samuel Wheeler about 1639 - 1668
Samuel Wheeler about 1658 - 1712
Sarah Wheeler 1663/64 -
Susanna Wheeler 1607 -
Thomas Wheeler about 1560 - 1633/34
Thomas Wheeler about 1591 - 1654
Thomas Wheeler 1603 -
Thomas Wheeler 1620 -
Thomas Wheeler 1650 - about 1726
Thomas Wheeler 1673 -
Timothy Wheeler about 1660 - 1730
William Wheeler about 1600 -
William Wheeler 1618 -
Alice White estimated 1514 -
Sarah White about 1636 - before 1678
Thomas White estimated 1487 -
Mary Whitemore estimated 1714 - 1780
Dorothy Whiterent 1595 - 1664
Anne Whitney about 1691 - 1773
Eleanor Whitney 1693 -
Elizabeth Whitney 1684 - 1763
Henry Whitney about 1620 - about 1673
Henry Whitney 1680 - 1728
John Whitney about 1642 -
John Whitney 1678 - 1713
Joseph Whitney 1678 - 1741
Josiah Whitney about 1700 -
Nathan Whitney about 1695 -
Richard Whitney 1687 -
Robert L Whitney
Sarah Whitney about 1697 - 1720
Daniel Whitton
Ernest W Whitton 1920 - 2013
Margaret J Whitton 1919 - 1947
Ales Whytmore about 1590 - 1641
John Whytmore 1572 -
Elizabeth Wickham 1690 -
Rebecca Wicklee estimated 1643 -
Joseph Kingsbury Wight 1824 -
Betty Wildman 1765 -
Daniel Wildman 1763 - 1849
Mary Wildman 1767 -
Nathan Wildman 1769 -
Emily Firth Wilkinson
Sarah Phelan Wilkinson
Elizabeth Willets 1673 - 1713
Hannah Willets 1676 - 1753
Hope Willets about 1652 - before 1703
Lydia Willets 1726 - after 1798
Richard Willets 1680 - 1753
Timothy Willets about 1687/88 - after 1755
Angela Williams about 1835 -
Charles Williams about 1830 -
Cornelius Coffin Williams 1879 - 1957
Emma F Williams about 1842 -
Georgiana B Williams about 1832 -
Helen M Williams about 1837 -
Tennessee Williams 1911 - 1983
Blaine D Williamson
Torrey B Williamson
Margaret Willmote estimated 1573 -
George Wills
Martha Wills
Ann Wilmot about 1622 - 1653/54
Benjamin Wilmot about 1590 - 1669
Benjamin Wilmot 1620 - 1651
Sarah Buckingham Wilmot about 1803 - 1880
William Wilmot 1624 - 1689
Martha D Wilson
Paulette Wilson 1948 - 1988
Valeria G Wilson 1919 - 1925
Victor Wilson 1921 - 1983
Wilbur Wilson 1910 - 1977
William Wilson 1777 -
Ann Wimarke 1586 -
Robert Wimarke estimated 1552 -
Adam Winthrop about 1466 -
Adam Winthrop 1498 - 1562
Adam Winthrop 1546 - 1546
Adam Winthrop 1548 -
Alice Winthrop 1539 - 1607
Ann Winthrop 1585 - 1618
Anne Winthrop 1580/81 - 1580/81
Bridget Winthrop 1531 - 1531
Bridget Winthrop 1543 - 1614
Catherine Winthrop 1550 -
Christopher Winthrop 1532 - 1532
FEMALE Winthrop 1634 - 1634
Jane Winthrop 1592 -
John Winthrop 1546 -
John Winthrop 1587/88 - 1649
John Winthrop 1606 - 1676
Lucy Winthrop 1599/00 - 1679
Martha Johanna Winthrop 1630 -
Mary Winthrop 1544 -
Susanna Winthrop 1552 - 1604
Thomas Winthrop 1528 - 1529
Thomas Winthrop 1533 - 1537
William Winthrop 1529 -
Margery Wiseman estimated 1490 -
Elizabeth Wood estimated 1690 -
Elizabeth Underhill Wood 1842 - 1922
Ann Woodhull about 1659 - after 1719
Deborah Woodhull about 1656 -
Dorothy Woodhull 1687 -
Jemima Woodhull about 1654 - after 1683
John Woodhull 1689 -
Joseph Woodhull 1649 -
Josiah Woodhull 1695 -
Lawrence Woodhull estimated 1595 -
Lydia Woodhull about 1650 -
Margaret Woodhull 1662 -
Nathaniel Woodhull about 1652 - 1680
Nathaniel Woodhull about 1693 - 1760
Richard Woodhull 1620 - 1690
Richard Woodhull 1649 - 1699
Richard Woodhull 1691 - 1767
Ruth Woodhull about 1661 - before 1689
Sarah Woodhull 1686 -
Temperance Woodhull 1697 -
Electa Woodruff 1747 -
Jane Woolen estimated 1622 -
Fanny Leavenworth Wordin 1848 -
Frederick Augustus Wordin 1840 - 1843
Helen Caroline Wordin 1842 -
Nathaniel Eugene Wordin 1844 - 1915
Thomas Cooke Wordin 1853 - 1905
George Yellott Worthington 1915 - 1974
Julia Turner Worthington 1917 - 1985
Mary Kingsbury Worthington 1919 - 1995
Virginia Wilson Worthington 1946 - 2006
Adam Wright 1651 - 1698
Alice (née unknown) Wright about 1610 - 1685
Anthony Wright 1567 -
Anthony Wright 1607 - 1680
Anthony Wright about 1674 -
Benjamin Wright 1686 - about 1740
Charles Wright about 1536 -
Charles Wright 1752 -
Ebenezer Wright 1706 - 1746
Elizabeth Wright about 1538 -
Elizabeth Wright 1568 -
Elizabeth Wright 1653 - 1677
Elizabeth Wright 1667 -
Elizabeth Wright 1668 - 1698
Eunice Wright 1676 - before 1700
Gideon Wright 1638 - 1685
Gideon Wright 1674 - 1722
Hannah Wright 1646 - 1675
Hannah Wright about 1678 -
Job Wright 1639 - 1706
John Wright about 1530 -
John Wright 1560 -
John Wright 1679 - 1714
John Wright about 1680 - about 1737
Jonathan Wright 1681 - 1740
Joseph Wright 1669 - 1756
Justus Wright 1724 -
Lydia Wright 1655 - 1707
Mary Wright estimated 1642 - 1688
Mary Wright 1665 - about 1730
Mordecai Wright 1649 - 1650
Nathaniel Wright 1688 - 1729
Nicholas Wright 1490 - 1567
Nicholas Wright 1534 - 1602
Nicholas Wright 1559 -
Nicholas Wright 1609 - 1682
Peter Wright about 1600 - 1660
Peter Wright 1637 - 1650
Peter Wright about 1670 - about 1690
Sarah Wright 1648 -
Sarah Wright 1674 - 1706
Silvanus Wright about 1676 - after 1736
Tabitha Wright about 1683 -
Thomas Wright 1677 -
William Wright about 1540 -
William Wright about 1564 -
William Wright 1641 - 1648
Elizabeth Wyatt estimated 1669 -
Miriam Wyke estimated 1543 -
Agnes Wylie 1545 -
Dalene Wyman
Doris Helen Wyman
Robert Wynethorpe about 1435 -
William Wynethorpe about 1404 - after 1445
Anne Wynter 1485 - 1545
Margery (wife of Robert) Wynter estimated 1469 -
Robert Wynter 1435 - 1506
Roger Wynter 1425 -
Agnes Yeoman about 1592 - 1662
Joseph Yonges 1634 - 1675
Mary Yonges 1633 -
Abraham Youngs 1724 - 1807
Anne Youngs estimated 1624 -
Anne Youngs 1683 -
Benjamin Youngs 1640 - 1697
Benjamin Youngs 1668 -
Benjamin Youngs about 1682 - 1759
Christopher Youngs about 1545 - 1626
Christopher Youngs estimated 1601 - 1647
Christopher Youngs 1643 - 1698
Christopher Youngs 1643 - 1695
Christopher Youngs 1677 -
Clemens Youngs 1719 - 1778
Daniel Youngs 1718 - 1784
Daniel Youngs 1748 - 1809
Daniel Youngs 1783 - 1874
Edward Youngs estimated 1606 - 1626
Elizabeth Youngs estimated 1605 - 1626
Gideon Youngs about 1638 - 1690
Hannah Youngs 1729 - 1761
Hannah Youngs 1770 - 1859
John Youngs 1598 - 1670/71
John Youngs 1623 - 1698
John Youngs 1634/35 - before 1698
John Youngs about 1668 - 1723
John Youngs 1679 -
Jonas Youngs about 1682 -
Joseph Youngs estimated 1603 - about 1658
Joseph Youngs 1632/33 - after 1705/06
Joseph Youngs about 1676 - before 1726
Joseph Youngs 1760 - 1843
Kezia Youngs 1773 - 1847
Margaret Youngs estimated 1607 -
Martha Youngs 1613 - 1671
Mary Youngs 1609 - about 1636
Penelope Youngs 1754 -
Phebe Youngs 1695 - 1775
Rachel Youngs estimated 1629 -
Richard Youngs about 1674 - 1729/30
Rosanna Youngs 1725 -
Samuel Youngs about 1640 - 1702
Samuel Youngs 1680 - 1750
Samuel Youngs 1753 - 1797
Samuel Youngs 1777 - 1838
Susannah Youngs estimated 1728 -
Thomas Youngs 1625 - 1686
Thomas Youngs 1645 - 1720
Thomas Youngs about 1670 -
Thomas Youngs estimated 1702 -
Thomas Youngs 1716 - 1797
Thomas Youngs 1822 - 1905