Marshal Adelbert Dean
Marshall Dean born Jan 21 1847 in West Almond NY married FLORA BLINN 1874 died Jan 2 1921. Son of CHARLES and HANNAH DEAN.
Marshall Dean obit 1921 Friendship NY Scrapbook Marshall Dean for several years a healthy respected citzen of this place and a member of the GAR died at the Homeopatic Hosptial in Buffalo (NY) Sunday Jan 2nd He was taken to Buffalo several weeks ago for an operation which was performed and from which he was unable to recover. The body was brought here Monday Afternoon.
The funeral was held from the family residence on West main st Wed afternoon the Rev W B Ballard officiating. Burial was in Angelica (NY).
He is surived by his wife,two sons, one daughter two brothers in the west and 4 grandchildren. He was married to Miss Flora Blinn in 1874 to which union were born four children one of whom died.
American Civil War Soldiers Record about Marshall Dean
Name:Marshall Dean ,
Residence:Paw Paw, Michigan
Enlistment Date:20 August 1864
Side Served:Union
State Served:Michigan
Unit Numbers:1087 1087
Service Record:Enlisted as a Private on 20 August 1864 at the age of 18
Enlisted in Company G, 13th Infantry
Regiment Michigan on 01
September 1864.
POW on 10 March 1865
Discharged Company G, 13th Infantry
Regiment Michigan on 29 July
1865 in Detroit, MI.3
ANNA DEAN died yesterday morning the Hyatt House. This was not unlooked for by her friends who have closely stayed by her bed side for several weeks. A devoted father and four brothers mourn her death. But a few weeks ago Miss Anna was full of hope and youthful vigor, but taking a violent cold she has gradually failed in strength til1 death came to her relief. Her brother David has been especially devoted to her, tenderly watching night and day by her bed side, with a hope for recovery.
...From the Windom Reporter of 22 Jun 1882, courtesy of the Cottonwood County Historical Society.
A week later the following was printed: The funeral of Miss Dean was held in the church, Saturday, and the corpse was taken to Amo for burial. Two columns to the left was a card of thanks by the family.
Angelica Republican
Died at windom Minn, June 21st of consumption, miss Anna Dean aged 27 years 7 months. Deceased was for a number of years a member of the M E Church. She was born in West Almond. where her brother Marshal now lives; he went to see her but was too late to see her alive. She leaves a father and four brother to mourn her loss.3