My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Main Page

Welcome to My Family!


This site contains genealogical data I have been collecting for many years.

Some of it is well documented; some of it (unfortunately) is not.

I thank everyone who has given me information and hope all will enjoy these pages.

The main focus of my research has been on the descendants of William Sargent (1602-1682) who arrived in America in 1635. William was born and raised in Northampton, England. William had 3 wives and 9 children. 2 children from his first wife survived and came to America. 2 children from his second wife died in infancy. His third wife and the 2 older children came to America - the remaining 3 children were born in America. 9 children, 30 granchildren. So far (Dec 2024) I have found over 24,000 descendants.

I have also investigated my ancestors (Male, Wooley, Kingsbury, Townsend, Forbes, etc.). Also the ancestors and family of my children's spouses. And anyone else I have become interested in! There are some famous people among these pages - and many more non-famous. Everyone has a story, a story that is worth remembering, a story that is worth telling


Living people are identified in the system; their information is excluded. I have also excluded the names of children under the age of 18..


Because this site has gotten so large I have begun to identify various groups within all the people listed. One way of sorting people has occurred through the Heading 'Interesting Lists'. I have also started to use colored dots (icons) beside the names of people on their individual pages to identify the various groups. The smaller groups are all-inclusive, including spouses. The larger groups, such as the blus icon with 'S', which are the descendants of William Sargent (the main focus of this site) do not include spouses. If you are visiting a page and do not see a colored dot identifying the family, click on the spouse (if available). The spouse probably will be identified.

