Pippin was born about 777, the second son of Emperor Charlemagne and his wife Hildegarde. He was born Karlmann, but when his half-brother Pippin 'der Bucklige' (the Hunchback) betrayed their father, the royal name Pippin passed to him. He was christened in Rome by Pope Adrian I on 12 April 781, and was made king of Italy after his father's conquest of the Lombards that year, after which Pippin was crowned by Pope Adrian I with the Iron Crown of Lombardy.
He was active as ruler of Italy and worked to expand the Frankish empire. In 791 he marched a Lombard army into the Drava valley and ravaged Pannonia, while his father marched along the Danube into Avar territory. Charlemagne left the campaigning to deal with a Saxon revolt in 792. Pippin and Duke Eric of Friuli continued, however, to assault the Avars' ring-shaped strongholds. The great Ring of the Avars, their capital fortress, was taken twice. The booty was sent to Charlemagne in Aachen and distributed to all his followers and even to foreign rulers, including King Offa of Mercia.
About 795 Pippin married a lady possibly called Bertha, whose ancestry is not known from any reliable source although spuriously she has been called the daughter of St. Guilhem, comte de Toulouse. Pippin and Bertha had five daughters four of whom did not have progeny. The fifth daughter, Adalhaid (Adelaide) married Lambert I of Nantes. He also had a son Bernhard who would have progeny; some sources identify him as illegitimate.
A celebrated poem, _De Pippine regis Victoria Avarica,_ was composed after Pippin forced the Avar Khagan to submit in 796. The poem was composed at Verona, Pippin's capital after 799 and the centre of Carolingian Renaissance literature in Italy. The _Versus de Verona_ (written about 800), a formal eulogy to the city, likewise praises King Pippin.
Pippin's activities included a long siege of Venice in 810. The siege lasted six months and Pippin's army was ravaged by the diseases of the local swamps and was forced to withdraw. A few months later Pippin died on 8 July 810. He was expected to inherit a third of his father's empire, but he predeceased his father. When Pippin died the Italian crown passed to his son Bernhard, but the empire went to Pippin's younger brother Louis 'the Pious'.1
Bernhard was born in Vermandois, Normandy, about 797, the son of Pippin I, king of Italy; some sources indicate that he was illegitimate. When his father died in 810 from an illness contracted at a siege of Venice, his grandfather Charlemagne allowed Bernhard to inherit Italy, but the empire went to Pippin's younger brother Louis 'the Pious'. About 814 Bernhard married Kunigund of Laon. They had a son Pippin, who would have progeny.
Prior to 817 Bernhard was a trusted agent of his grandfather and then of his uncle Louis 'the Pious', emperor from 814. Bernhard's rights to Italy were respected, and he was used as an intermediary to manage events in his sphere of influence - for example, when in 815 Louis received reports that some Roman nobles had conspired to murder Pope Leo III, and that he had responded by butchering the ringleaders, Bernhard was sent to investigate the matter.
A change came in 817, when Louis 'the Pious' drew up an _Ordinatio Imperii_ detailing the future of the Frankish empire. Under this, the bulk of the Frankish territory went to Louis' eldest son Lothar I; Bernhard received no further territory, and although his kingship of Italy was confirmed, he would be a vassal of Lothar. This was, it was later alleged, the work of the empress Irmengard, who wished Bernhard to be displaced in favour of her own sons. Resenting Louis' actions, Bernhard began plotting with a group of magnates: Eggideo, Reginhard and Reginhar, the last the grandson of a Thuringian rebel against Charlemagne, Hardrad. Anselm, bishop of Milan, and Theodulf, bishop of Orléans, were also accused of being involved; there is no evidence either to support or contradict this in the case of Theodulf, while the case for Anselm is murkier.
Bernhard's main complaint was the notion of being a vassal of Lothar. In practical terms his actual position had not been altered at all by the terms of the decree, and he could safely have continued to rule under such a system. Nonetheless, reports came to Louis 'the Pious' that his nephew was planning to set up an independent regime in Italy.
Louis reacted swiftly to the plot, marching south to Châlons. Bernhard and his associates were taken by surprise; Bernhard travelled to Châlons in an attempt to negotiate terms, but he and the ringleaders were forced to surrender to Louis. He had them taken to Aix-la-Chapelle, where they were tried and condemned to death. Louis commuted their sentences to blinding, which would neutralise Bernhard as a threat without actually killing him; however, the process of blinding (carried out by means of pressing a red-hot stiletto to the eyeballs) proved so traumatic that Bernhard died in agony two days later, on 17 April 818. At the same time, Louis also had his half-brothers Drogo, Hugo and Dietrich tonsured and confined to monasteries, to prevent other Carolingian off-shoots challenging the main line. He also treated those guilty or suspected of conspiring with Bernhard harshly: Theodulf, bishop of Orléans, was imprisoned and died soon afterwards; the lay conspirators were blinded, the clerics deposed and imprisoned; all lost lands and honours.
Bernhard's kingdom of Italy was reabsorbed into the Frankish empire, and soon after bestowed upon Louis' eldest son Lothar. In 822 Louis made a display of public penance at Attigny, where he confessed before all the court to having sinfully slain his nephew; he also welcomed his half-brothers back into his favour (Drogo became an archbishop and bishop of Metz; and Hugo became abbot of St. Quentin de Monte near Péronne, and Louis' chancellor). These actions possibly stemmed from guilt over his part in Bernhard's death. It has been argued by some historians that his behaviour left him open to clerical domination, and reduced his prestige and respect among the Frankish nobility. Others, however, point out that Bernhard's plot had been a serious threat to the stability of the kingdom, and the reaction no less a threat; Louis' display of penance, then 'was a well-judged gesture to restore harmony and re-establish his authority.'.1
Pippin was born about 815, the only son of Bernhard I, king of Italy, and Kunigund of Laon. He was the first comte de Vermandois, as well as comte de Senlis, Péronne et Saint Quentin.
Pippin first appears in 834 as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as the same again in 840. In that year he supported Lothar I against his father Emperor Louis 'the Pious'.
Pippin's wife is unknown, but his heir Heribert inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. F. Werner hypothesised a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Of his four children only Heribert would have progeny. Pippin's year of death is not known with certainty. As Heribert's year of birth is given as about 850, this suggests that Pippin must have lived to about then.1