Taken from Crandell Dunn's Mission Journal (#MS 1561 Pages 25-27). Crandell and Mary Ann Cahoon Dunn return from their mission in England on May 31 1851. His father's (James Dunn) Family is living on Keg Creek in the Pottawatamie County.
"May the 31st: We got our things off the ship, it was a very windy day. My brother Harry (Harvey) came down to the boat and took me & my wife to my father's (James Dunn) house who lived 10 miles from Kanesville on Keg Creek. We arrived there about 10 o'clock, found them well.
The following week I went to Kanesville & returned home and I was sick the reminder of the week.
Sunday the 11th attended meeting & Elder Snow who was appointed to travel in Pottawatamie County & organize the branches (was there). After considerable had been said and several spirits had manifested themselves, and a good deal of opposition, I was appointed to preside & Samuel Smith and Elisha Davis was chosen my counselors. I had the faith & confidence of the saints of the Keg Creek branch.
While we remained there I spent my time in helping my father on the farm. My health was not very good during the summer. In the winter, I spent some time in hunting deer with my youngest brother John. We were very lucky in killing deer.
Nothing much importance transpired to me while in Pottawatamie. For the winter of 51 & 52 Elder E Benson spent his time in Pottawatamie in visiting & counseling the saints to go to the valley & in the spring of 52 the majority of the saints left for the Salt Lake Valley.
1852. I (with Mary Ann) left Keg Creek on the 9th of June with my father, mother John & Sarah, Edward Milward and Henry Conklin for Salt Lake. On the 23rd crossed the Missouri River & on the 24 continue our journey with no accident worthy of note. We arrived in Salt Lake City on the 8th of September 1852."3
Crandall Dunn was born 11 Aug 1817 in Phelpa, Ontario, Canada, the son of James Dunn and Sally Barker. He married Mary Ann Cahoon, the daughter of David and Roxana Cahoon on 25 Dec 1838 at Lovonia, Michigan. Their son, Thomas James Dunn was born 2 Nov 1840 and he died 29 July 1841. He was baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in July of 1840. They farmed in Michigan where the Ford Motor plant is located. in 1841 the family moved from Michigan to LaHapre, Illinois, then to Nauvoo. In 1843 he served a mission in the Northern States Mission. Crandall loved the prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum He received a patriarchal blessing by Hyrum Smith Nov 17, 1841 in Nauvoo. They prepared to leave Nauvoo with Brigham Young's company when he received a mission call to England, where he served for five years, with his wife, Mary Ann. He was secretary for the mission and taught many people. Mary Ann studied obstetrics while there. They returned to America on board the ship "Ellen" with 466 Saints and presided over the Saints as they sailed leaving Liverpool 8 Jan 1851and arrived in New Orleans 14 March 1851. They arrived in Illinois and joined his father for the journey to Utah. Crandall Dunn was captain of the pioneer company in 1852 and they journeyed across the plains arriving 20 Sept 1852. They lived in North Ogden where they farmed and raised stock. He was the first justice of the peace in North Ogden. He learned about fertile land between Cache and Box Elder Counties called Beaver Dam. He moved to Providence and later Beaver Dam, where they built their home. He operated the first cheese and butter dairy. He was a school trustee and taught school at Beaver Dam and Conninston. In 1878 he filled a two year mission to Michigan (Northern States Mission and the Eastern States Mission), where he was welcomed by relatives. He returned home in 1880. He was called to the Salmon River Mission to serve. Mary Ann died in 1889 and he died 27 Dec 1898 in Beaver Dam, Box Elder, Utah. The family remembered the honey taken from their beehives, his cheerfulness and sense of humor and his ability to make friends.
Contributor: pCarson (48463719.)2