My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 170

Thomas Wheeler

#4226, (1673-)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Wheeler was born on 2 May 1673.

Other Information

Ruth Wheeler

#4227, (1679-)
Pedigree Link



  • Ruth Wheeler was born on 30 June 1679.

Other Information

Dinah Wheeler

#4228, (1681-1747)
Pedigree Link


Children with Ephraim Tuttle (b. 20 July 1683, d. 6 August 1753)

  1. Joseph Tuttle (b. 1707, d. 1753)
  2. Sarah Tuttle (b. 1712, d. 1732)
  3. Ezekiel Tuttle+ (b. 5 January 1718, d. 6 February 1799)
  4. Caleb Tuttle (b. 1721, d. 1790)


  • Dinah Wheeler was born on 9 January 1681 in Woodbury, Connecticut.1
  • She married Ephraim Tuttle, son of Nathaniel Tuttle and Sarah Howe, on 13 February 1707 in Woodbury, Connecticut.1
  • Dinah Wheeler died in 1747 in Woodbury, Connecticut, at age ~66.1

Other Information


  1. [S4841] guille1, compiler, family tree titled "Tuttle/Tuthill Lines in America by Alva M Tuttle Expanded", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 21318638, viewed Nov 2019 , .

John Wheeler

#4229, (1684-)
Pedigree Link



  • John Wheeler was born in May 1684.

Other Information

Joseph Potter

#4230, (1635-1669)
Pedigree Link


Children with Phebe Ives (d. 1682)

  1. Rebecca Potter+ (b. 26 May 1663)
  2. Joseph Potter+ (b. 8 March 1667/68, d. 22 November 1742)


  • Joseph Potter was born in 1635 in England.1
  • He immigrated on the ship. Abigail arriving in 1635 with his parents.1
  • He married Phebe Ives, daughter of William Ives and Hannah Dickerman, about 1660 in New Haven, Connecticut.1,2
  • Joseph Potter died on 17 August 1669 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~34.

Other Information


  1. [S3829] Friedlander, Mary Banning, "The American Ancestry of Huldah Jackson", Connecticut Nutmegger, volume 32, page 200, (Connecticut Society of Genealogists: Glastonbury CT, 1999) , Journal Article, vol 32, p 200.
  2. [S627] Kay, compiler, family tree titled "The Ives Family", published by,, from database ID kaybaker, updated Jun 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .

Mary Potter

#4231, (about 1637-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Joseph Mansfield (b. 1637, d. 15 November 1692)

  1. Mary Mansfield (b. 6 April 1658, d. 1712)
  2. Martha Mansfield+ (b. 18 April 1660)
  3. Mercy Mansfield (b. 26 July 1662)
  4. Silence Mansfield (b. 24 October 1664, d. 1736)
  5. Elizabeth Mansfield+ (b. 20 September 1666)
  6. Comfort Mansfield (b. 6 December 1668, d. 1744)
  7. John Mansfield (b. 8 April 1671, d. 22 December 1690)
  8. Joseph Mansfield+ (b. 27 December 1673, d. 8 October 1739)


Other Information


  1. [S770] Gardner, Cheryl, compiler, family tree titled "Gardner", published by,, from database ID:1865428, updated 2002, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Hope Potter

Pedigree Link



  • Hope Potter was baptized on 3 October 1641 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Daniel Robinson on 3 February 1662/63.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Rebecca Potter

Pedigree Link



  • Rebecca Potter was baptized in January 1643 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Thomas Adams on 27 November 1667 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Nathaniel Potter

Pedigree Link



  • Nathaniel Potter was baptized on 22 December 1644 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Elizabeth Hawes on 1 April 1675.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Phebe Ives

#4235, (-1682)
Pedigree Link


Children with Joseph Potter (b. 1635, d. 17 August 1669)

  1. Rebecca Potter+ (b. 26 May 1663)
  2. Joseph Potter+ (b. 8 March 1667/68, d. 22 November 1742)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S627] Kay, compiler, family tree titled "The Ives Family", published by,, from database ID kaybaker, updated Jun 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S3829] Friedlander, Mary Banning, "The American Ancestry of Huldah Jackson", Connecticut Nutmegger, volume 32, page 200, (Connecticut Society of Genealogists: Glastonbury CT, 1999) , Journal Article, vol 32, p 200.

Joseph Mansfield

#4236, (1637-1692)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Potter (b. about 1637)

  1. Mary Mansfield (b. 6 April 1658, d. 1712)
  2. Martha Mansfield+ (b. 18 April 1660)
  3. Mercy Mansfield (b. 26 July 1662)
  4. Silence Mansfield (b. 24 October 1664, d. 1736)
  5. Elizabeth Mansfield+ (b. 20 September 1666)
  6. Comfort Mansfield (b. 6 December 1668, d. 1744)
  7. John Mansfield (b. 8 April 1671, d. 22 December 1690)
  8. Joseph Mansfield+ (b. 27 December 1673, d. 8 October 1739)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S770] Gardner, Cheryl, compiler, family tree titled "Gardner", published by,, from database ID:1865428, updated 2002, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Daniel Robinson

#4237, (estimated 1638-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Thomas Adams

#4238, (estimated 1642-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Hawes

#4239, (estimated 1655-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ann Hannah, Langford1,2

#4240, (estimated 1586-1659)
Pedigree Link

Children with William Potter (b. about 1582, d. 1619)

  1. William Potter+ (d. 6 June 1662)
  2. John Potter+ (d. 1643)


  • Ann Hannah, Langford, was born estimated 1586.3
  • She married William Potter on 6 October 1607 in St Thomas in the Cliffe, Lewes, Sussex, England.4,2
  • She married John Beecher estimated 1645.5,3
  • John and Ann came to America.4
  • She died in 1659 at age ~73.

Other Information


  1. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, William Potter, vol 5 p 511.
  2. [S9342] Hatcher, Patricia Law, "English Origin of the Potter and Beecher Families of New Haven, Connecticut", The American Genealogist, volume 79, page 28-33, , Journal,, p 32.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S3829] Friedlander, Mary Banning, "The American Ancestry of Huldah Jackson", Connecticut Nutmegger, volume 32, page 200, (Connecticut Society of Genealogists: Glastonbury CT, 1999) , Journal Article, vol 32, p 200.
  5. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 6 p 1459.

John Potter

#4241, (-1643)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth (née unknown) Potter (b. estimated 1608, d. 28 July 1677)

  1. Hannah Potter+ (b. estimated 1634, d. 7 November 1723)
  2. John Potter+ (b. 17 October 1635, d. 24 December 1706)
  3. Samuel Potter (b. 7 October 1641, d. 1696)


  • John Potter was baptized on 18 February 1609/10 in Lewes, Sussex, England.1
  • He married Elizabeth (née unknown) Potter estimated 1630.2,3
  • In 1639 he signed the New Haven agreement.4
  • He died in 1643.2

Other Information


  1. [S9342] Hatcher, Patricia Law, "English Origin of the Potter and Beecher Families of New Haven, Connecticut", The American Genealogist, volume 79, page 28-33, , Journal,, p 32.
  2. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 6 p 1459.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S3829] Friedlander, Mary Banning, "The American Ancestry of Huldah Jackson", Connecticut Nutmegger, volume 32, page 200, (Connecticut Society of Genealogists: Glastonbury CT, 1999) , Journal Article, vol 32, p 200.

Edward Patterson

#4242, (about 1601-1670)
Pedigree Link

Children with Elizabeth (née unknown) Patterson (b. estimated 1622)

  1. Elizabeth Patterson+ (d. 24 December 1727)
  2. John Patterson (d. about 1645)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth (née unknown) Patterson

#4243, (estimated 1622-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Edward Patterson (b. about 1601, d. 31 October 1670)

  1. Elizabeth Patterson+ (d. 24 December 1727)
  2. John Patterson (d. about 1645)


  • Elizabeth (née unknown) Patterson was born estimated 1622.1
  • She married Edward Patterson estimated 1642.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John Patterson

#4244, (-about 1645)
Pedigree Link



  • John Patterson was baptized in January 1644 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He died about 1645.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Thomas Dewey1

#4245, (1639/40-1690)
Pedigree Link


Children with Constance Hawes (b. 17 July 1642, d. 26 April 1703)

  1. Thomas Dewey (b. 26 March 1663/64, d. 8 March 1689/90)
  2. Adijah Dewey+ (b. 5 March 1665/66, d. 24 March 1741/42)
  3. Mary Dewey (b. 28 January 1667/68, d. 13 December 1757)
  4. Samuel Dewey (b. 25 June 1670, d. 11 May 1734)
  5. Hannah Dewey+ (b. 21 February 1671/72, d. after 9 July 1745)
  6. Elizabeth Dewey (b. 10 January 1675/76, d. 2 October 1757)
  7. James Dewey (b. 3 July 1678, d. 27 February 1681/82)
  8. Abigail Dewey (b. 14 February 1680/81, d. 20 December 1747)
  9. James Dewey (b. 12 November 1683, d. 5 May 1686)
  10. Israel Dewey (b. 9 July 1686, d. 26 January 1727/28)


  • Thomas Dewey was born on 16 February 1639/40 in Windsor, Connecticut.2
  • Thomas Dewey was a miller and farmer.
  • He married Constance Hawes, daughter of Richard Hawes and Ann (née unknown) Hawes, on 1 April 1663 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.3
  • Thomas and Constance moved to Westfield, Massachusetts, with their family.
  • He was chosen "warden for the Town Ways" in 1686 and was second cornet.
  • He died on 27 April 1690 in Westfield, Massachusetts, at age 50.

Other Information


  1. [S1084] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 Vols I-III, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical society, 1995, Thomas Dewey vol 1 p 539.
  2. [S593] Wardell, Patricia, compiler, family tree titled "Strong", published by,, from database ID:2412861, updated Feb 2003, viewed Dec 2007 , .
  3. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) Searched Thomas Dewey, viewed Jan 2008.

Constance Hawes

#4246, (1642-1703)
Pedigree Link


Children with Thomas Dewey (b. 16 February 1639/40, d. 27 April 1690)

  1. Thomas Dewey (b. 26 March 1663/64, d. 8 March 1689/90)
  2. Adijah Dewey+ (b. 5 March 1665/66, d. 24 March 1741/42)
  3. Mary Dewey (b. 28 January 1667/68, d. 13 December 1757)
  4. Samuel Dewey (b. 25 June 1670, d. 11 May 1734)
  5. Hannah Dewey+ (b. 21 February 1671/72, d. after 9 July 1745)
  6. Elizabeth Dewey (b. 10 January 1675/76, d. 2 October 1757)
  7. James Dewey (b. 3 July 1678, d. 27 February 1681/82)
  8. Abigail Dewey (b. 14 February 1680/81, d. 20 December 1747)
  9. James Dewey (b. 12 November 1683, d. 5 May 1686)
  10. Israel Dewey (b. 9 July 1686, d. 26 January 1727/28)


  • Constance Hawes was born on 17 July 1642 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Thomas Dewey, son of Thomas Dewey and Frances (née unknown) Clark, on 1 April 1663 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.2
  • Constance and Thomas moved to Westfield, Massachusetts, with their family.
  • On 24 January 1679/80 Constance, the wife of Thomas Dewey was admitted to the church.
  • She died on 26 April 1703 at age 60.

Other Information


  1. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, Vol 3 p 252.
  2. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) Searched Thomas Dewey, viewed Jan 2008.

Thomas Dewey

#4247, (1663/64-1689/90)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Dewey was born on 26 March 1663/64.
  • He married Hannah Sacket, daughter of John Sacket and Abigail Hannum, in April 1688.1
  • Thomas and Hannah had one child who died as an infant.1
  • Thomas Dewey died on 8 March 1689/90 at age 25.1

Other Information


  1. [S167] Sackett, Chris, family web site titled "The Sackett Family Association",, updated Feb 2010, viewed Mar 2010 , .

Adijah Dewey

#4248, (1665/66-1741/42)
Pedigree Link


Child with Sarah Root (b. 24 September 1670)

  1. Moses Dewey (b. 6 January 1714/15, d. 16 March 1767)


  • Adijah Dewey was born on 5 March 1665/66.
  • He married Sarah Root, daughter of John Root and Mary Ashley, on 18 March 1687 in Westfield, Massachusetts.1
  • Adijah and Sarah had 10 children.1
  • He died on 24 March 1741/42 at age 76.

Other Information


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Feb 2008, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Mary Dewey

#4249, (1667/68-1757)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

Samuel Dewey

#4250, (1670-1734)
Pedigree Link



Other Information