Elizabeth Dewey
#4251, (1675/76-1757)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
James Dewey
#4252, (1678-1681/82)
Pedigree Link
- James Dewey was born on 3 July 1678.
- He died on 27 February 1681/82 at age 3.
Other Information
Abigail Dewey
#4253, (1680/81-1747)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
James Dewey
#4254, (1683-1686)
Pedigree Link
- James Dewey was born on 12 November 1683.
- He died on 5 May 1686 at age 2.
Other Information
Israel Dewey
#4255, (1686-1727/28)
Pedigree Link
- Israel Dewey was born on 9 July 1686.
- He married Sarah Root estimated 1711.1
- He died on 26 January 1727/28 at age 41.
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
Thomas Dewey

#4256, (about 1603-1648)
Pedigree Link
- Thomas Dewey was born about 1603 in Sandwich, Kent, England, Some people say his father was Simon Dewey of Kent, England but no proof has been found to justify this. Thomas was probably of Huegenot extraction.1
- Another spelling of his name was Duee.2
- In 1633 Thomas came probably in the ship "Lyon's Whelp" and settled in Dorchester.
- Thomas was admitted freeman on 14 May 1634 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.3,1
- On 1 December 1634 he was granted land in Dorchester: "Mr. Hathorne to have 12 acres on this side of the Markt tree, Thom. Holcomb to have 8 acres, Nicholas Vpsall to Thomas Duee to have 8 acres with them. Richard Collecott, Thom Holcomb, Thom Duee are to cast their lotts together next to those above named. Its ordered, that all these shall fence in the lotts agaynst the next spring or to leave them to such as will so doe." Also on 5 July 1635, "It is graunted that Thomas Duee Shall have 2 acres of moweing ground, neere the fresh Marsh, which he hath formerly mowen, in satisfaction for one acre of ground which he left in common at his house."1
- In 1636 Thomas moved to Windsor, Connecticut, probably with his friend Mr. Warham.4,5
- In 1637 He sold his land to Richard Jones: Dorchester Town Records, Vol. 1., pg. 76. "I, Thomas Duee, of Dorch: do like wise fully confirme vnto Richad Joanes of Dorch: and give him full possession of 4 acres of medowe on the side Naponset, and 4 acres of medowe on the other side, and 2 acres of medowe in the fresh marsh. The marke of Thomas Duee. X."4,5
- He married Frances (née unknown) Clark on 22 March 1638/39 in Windsor, Connecticut.6
- He had land grants, and was a juror in 1642 and 1644, he was a deputy to the General Court several times. He was "cornet of the troops," the fifth grade of commissioned officers in a British Cavalry troop, who bore the standard.5
- He died on 27 April 1648 in Windsor, Connecticut, at age ~45.7

- He was buried in Old Burying Ground, Westfield, Massachusetts. Plot: Block G.7

- Inventory of his estate was taken on 19 May 1648.1
Other Information
- [S229] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Genealogy of Rev Victor M Dewey", http://www.angelfire.com/co/deweyvictor/genealogy.html, viewed Nov 2005 , , Not available as of May 2023.
- [S1236] Stiles, Henry Reed, History of Ancient Windsor, Connecticut, C B Norton, 1859.
- [S62] Savage, J, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, From 1860 to 1862, http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/newengland/savage/bk2/denison-dickerman.htm.
- [S62] Savage, J, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, From 1860 to 1862, on-line http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/newengland/savage/bk2/denison-dickerman.htm.
- [S229] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Genealogy of Rev Victor M Dewey", http://www.angelfire.com/co/deweyvictor/genealogy.html, viewed Aug 2005 , , Not available as of May 2023.
- [S593] Wardell, Patricia, compiler, family tree titled "Strong", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID:2412861, updated Feb 2003, viewed Dec 2007 , .
- [S8927] Find A Grave: Old Burying Ground, Westfield, Connecticut, Thomas Dewey, created by Forrest Fothergill, added Sep 2008, memorial number 29756044.
Frances (née unknown) Clark

#4257, (about 1610-1690)
Pedigree Link
Child with Joseph Clark (b. estimated 1607, d. before 22 March 1638)
- Mary Clark (b. 30 September 1638, d. 28 April 1663)
- Frances (née unknown) Clark was born about 1610.3
- She married Joseph Clark estimated 1632.4,3
- Her husband Joseph Clark died leaving her a widow at age.4
- She married Thomas Dewey on 22 March 1638/39 in Windsor, Connecticut.5
- She married George Phelps on 2 November 1648.2
- George was the husband of her sister Phillury, who had just died.
- Frances lived in Westfield, Massachusetts.1
- She died on 27 September 1690 in Westfield, Massachusetts, at age ~80.6
He actually died and was buried in Windsor, Hartford, CT, but there is a stone for him in this cemetery and I found no stone for him in Windsor. His burial plot in Windsor is not known. This stone was most likely placed by one of Jason Dewey's heirs. The style of this stone suggests it was placed in the 1860's or 1870's.
A great deal of inaccurate information has been written about Thomas, but it's generally agreed that his birth year was in the first decade of the 1600's. That he emigrated from Sandwich, ENG in 1633. That his wife's name was Mrs. Frances Clark (her maiden name remains unknown). Frances later married George Phelps and most of the Dewey family moved with them to Westfield.
He became a freeman in 1634 at Dorchester, MA. He moved to Windsor in 1635 where he married Frances on 22 Mar 1638. He was a juror in 1642 and 1644.
See: http://www.deweywiltshireroots.org.uk/america.html for a compelling possibility on Thomas Dewey's parentage.7
Other Information
- [S62] Savage, J, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, From 1860 to 1862, on-line http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/newengland/savage/bk2/denison-dickerman.htm.
- [S1084] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 Vols I-III, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical society, 1995, Thomas Dewey vol 1 p 539.
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S62] Savage, J, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May, 1692 on the Basis of Farmer's Register, From 1860 to 1862, on-line copy http://www.usgennet.org/usa/topic/newengland/savage/bk2/denison-dickerman.htm.
- [S593] Wardell, Patricia, compiler, family tree titled "Strong", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID:2412861, updated Feb 2003, viewed Dec 2007 , .
- [S229] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Genealogy of Rev Victor M Dewey", http://www.angelfire.com/co/deweyvictor/genealogy.html, viewed Nov 2005 , , Not available as of May 2023.
- [S8927] Find A Grave: Old Burying Ground, Westfield, Connecticut, Thomas Dewey, created by Forrest Fothergill, added Sep 2008, memorial number 29756044.
Richard Hawes

#4258, (-1656/57)
Pedigree Link
- Richard Hawes was baptized on 2 November 1606 in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England.1
- He married Ann (née unknown) Hawes estimated 1630.2
- He and Ann (née unknown) Hawes immigrated on the ship Trulove arriving on 19 September 1635.3
- Richard was a Dorchester fenceviewer in 1636/37, 1652/53 and1655/56.3
- In 1637 Richard and Ann were admitted to the Dorchester church.3
- He died in January 1656/57 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.4
- Inventory of his estate was taken on 27 January 1656/57 The total was £151 12s. 8d. against which debts were £48 18s. 9d. Major Humphrey Atherton and Lieutenant Roger Clap, friends of Richard, were granter power of administration to the estate. Included were 2 muskets, 2 swords, 1 pair of bandoliers, books valued at 3s and £87 in real estate.5
- In addition Major Atherton & Capt. Clap had to 'place out' the (minor) children.5
Other Information
- [S9299] Stott, Clifford L, "Revised Lineage of Richard Hawes of Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, and Dorchester, Massachusetts", NEHGR, volume 177,No 1, page 58-66, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 2023) , Journal Article, Richard Hawes, vol 177 p 66.
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, Vol 3 p 250.
- [S8947] Stott, Clifford, "Revised Lineage of Richard Hawes of Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire and Dorchester, Massachusetts", New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volume 177, page 58-66, (NEHGS: Boston, MA, 2023) , p 58.
- [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, Vol 3 p 251.
Ann (née unknown) Hawes

#4259, (1609-)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, Vol 3 p 250.
Sarah Root
#4261, (1670-)
Pedigree Link
- Father: John Root (b. 23 December 1642, d. 24 September 1687)
- Mother: Mary Ashley (b. 6 April 1644, d. 9 March 1701/02)
Child with Adijah Dewey (b. 5 March 1665/66, d. 24 March 1741/42)
- Moses Dewey (b. 6 January 1714/15, d. 16 March 1767)
Other Information
1st cousin 9 times removed of Linda Sargent
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID mscheffler, updated Feb 2008, viewed Apr 2008 , .
David Ashley1
#4262, (1665/66-1744)
Pedigree Link
- David Ashley was born on 10 March 1665/66 in Springfield, Massachusetts.1
- He married Mary Dewey, daughter of Thomas Dewey and Constance Hawes, on 11 July 1688.
- David Ashley died on 7 August 1744 in Westfield, Massachusetts, at age 78.1
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S486] Utzinger, Dave, compiler, family tree titled "Dave Utzinger's Database", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID michelotti, updated Oct 2011, viewed Oct 2016 , .
Sarah Weller
#4263, (estimated 1675-)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
Rebecca Ashley
#4264, (1685-)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S486] Utzinger, Dave, compiler, family tree titled "Dave Utzinger's Database", published by Ancestry.com, wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com, from database ID michelotti, updated Oct 2011, viewed Oct 2016 , .
Sarah Root
#4265, (estimated 1691-)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
John Kingsbury
#4266, (estimated 1646-1669/70)
Pedigree Link
- John Kingsbury was born estimated 1646.1
- He married Elizabeth Button, daughter of Matthias Button, in 1666.2
- John Kingsbury was a weaver - his inventory at time of death mentions some implements of the weaving trade.2
- He died on 23 January 1669/70 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, at age ~24.2
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 90.
Ephraim Kingsbury
#4267, (estimated 1648-1676)
Pedigree Link
- Ephraim Kingsbury was born estimated 1648.1
- It is not known that Ephraim was married, but the Haverhill Records give the marriage of Eunice Kingsbury, of Amesbury, to James White, April 16, 1678. Perhaps widow of Ephraim, as she is not otherwise accounted for.2
- He died on 2 May 1676 at age ~28.
- He is believed to be the first person killed by the Indians in King Philips War.
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, vol 1 p 89.
James Kingsbury
#4268, (1654-)
Pedigree Link
- James lived in Plainfield, Connecticut.
- He was born in 1654.1
- He married Sarah Button, daughter of Matthias Button, on 6 January 1672/73 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
- James and Sarah had 6 children.2
Other Information
- [S4925] Kingsbury, Rev Addison, A Pendulous Edition of Kingsbury Genealogy, Marietta OH and Pittsburgh PA: Murdoch-Kerr Press, Pittsburgh PA, 1901, p 19.
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 111.
Samuel Kingsbury
#4269, (estimated 1658-1698)
Pedigree Link
- Samuel Kingsbury was born estimated 1658.1
- He married Huldah Corliss on 5 November 1679 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
- He died on 26 September 1698 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, at age ~40.2
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, vol 1 p 166.
Thomas Kingsbury
#4270, (estimated 1660-)
Pedigree Link
- Thomas Kingsbury was born estimated 1660.1
Other Information
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
Susanna Kingsbury
#4271, (about 1632-1718)
Pedigree Link
- Susanna Kingsbury was born about 1632 in Ipswich, Massachusetts.1
- She married Joseph Pike, son of John Pike and Mary Turvell, on 29 January 1661/62 in Newbury, Massachusetts.1
- Susanna Kingsbury died on 5 December 1718 in Newbury, Massachusetts, at age ~86.1
Other Information
- [S5402] Williams, Alicia Crane, Lead Genealogist Early New England Families, 1641-1700/Early New England Families Study Project, online original database, Early New England Families Study Project, www.americanancestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society: 2013Volume: John Pike (m 1638), p 3.
Elizabeth Button
#4272, (1645-1677)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 90.
Sarah Button
#4273, (1650-)
Pedigree Link
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 110.
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 111.
Matthias Button1
#4274, (estimated 1621-)
Pedigree Link
- Matthias Button was born estimated 1621.2
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 110.
- [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
Joseph Pike
#4275, (1638-1694)
Pedigree Link
- Joseph Pike was born on 25 December 1638 in Newbury, Massachusetts, perhaps born 26 Dec.1
- He married Susanna Kingsbury, daughter of Henry Kingsbury and Susanna (née unknown) Kingsbury, on 29 January 1661/62 in Newbury, Massachusetts.1
- Joseph Pike died on 4 September 1694 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, at age 55 near the end of Pond Plain.1
- The cause of his death was killed by Indians.1
Other Information
- Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29
- [S5402] Williams, Alicia Crane, Lead Genealogist Early New England Families, 1641-1700/Early New England Families Study Project, online original database, Early New England Families Study Project, www.americanancestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society: 2013Volume: John Pike (m 1638), p 3.