My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 115

Ruth Bassett

#2851, (1671-)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

Hannah Mackmallin

#2852, (estimated 1680-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Rhodes

#2853, (estimated 1675-before 1718)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S513] Lawrence, David, compiler, family tree titled "David M. Lawrence/Alison M. Sinclair family history", published by,, from database ID dm12s, updated Sep 2007, viewed Jan 2008 , .

Mary Deland1

#2854, (1683-before 1725)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S513] Lawrence, David, compiler, family tree titled "David M. Lawrence/Alison M. Sinclair family history", published by,, from database ID dm12s, updated Sep 2007, viewed Jan 2008 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Deliverance Crowell

#2855, (about 1700-1762)
Pedigree Link


  • Deliverance Crowell was born about 1700 in Salem, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Nathaniel Whittemore, son of Daniel Whittemore and Mary Mellins, on 23 December 1725 in Salem Village, Massachusetts.
  • Deliverance Crowell was baptized on 20 March 1729 in Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.2
  • Nathaniel and Deliverance had 5 children.2
  • She died in October 1762 in Danvers, Massachusetts, at age ~62.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S423] craig, compiler, family tree titled "Rumford, Oxford, Maine Genealogy Project", published by,, from database ID rum1800, updated Mar 2007, viewed Apr 2008 , .
  2. [S513] Lawrence, David, compiler, family tree titled "David M. Lawrence/Alison M. Sinclair family history", published by,, from database ID dm12s, updated Sep 2007, viewed Jan 2008 , .

Hannah Paul Scarlett

#2856, (estimated 1683-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Grover

#2857, (1687-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S513] Lawrence, David, compiler, family tree titled "David M. Lawrence/Alison M. Sinclair family history", published by,, from database ID dm12s, updatedSep 2007 viewed Dec 2007 , .

Ann Gill

#2858, (estimated 1719-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Eustice

#2859, (estimated 1689-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Pelatiah Whittemore (b. 27 April 1680, d. 30 January 1758)

  1. Joshua Whittemore (b. 31 July 1712)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Thomas Whittemore

#2860, (-1661)
Pedigree Link


Child with Unknown Whittemore (b. about 1599)

  1. Sarah Whittemore

Children with Sarah Deardes (b. estimated 1603, d. 17 November 1628)

  1. Mary Whittemore
  2. Thomas Whittemore

Children with Hannah Chawkley (b. about 1612, d. 19 May 1677)

  1. Daniel Whittemore+ (d. 11 May 1683)
  2. John Whittemore (d. 29 April 1635)
  3. Nathaniel Whittemore+ (d. November 1671)
  4. John Whittemore+ (d. 8 December 1694)
  5. Benjamin Whittemore (b. 1640, d. 16 July 1726)
  6. Elizabeth Whittemore (b. about 1643, d. after 1661)
  7. Thomas Whittemore (b. about 1645, d. 10 March 1669/70)
  8. Samuel Whittemore+ (b. 1647, d. 15 September 1726)
  9. Pelathiah Whittemore (b. about 1650, d. January 1678/79)
  10. Abraham Whittemore (b. 1653, d. 14 January 1691)


  • Thomas Whittemore was baptized on 6 January 1593 in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.
  • He married Unknown Whittemore estimated 1615.1,2
  • He married Sarah Deardes on 14 April 1623 in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.
  • He married Hannah Chawkley on 26 October 1632 in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.
  • He immigrated to Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1639 together with Hannah Chawkley with their family and settled on the north bank of the Mystic River in a part of what was then Charlestown, right on the boundary between Charlestown and Chelsea. The age of his son Benjamin (given in a court deposition) point to the year 1639 as the probable time of the family's arrival in America.3
  • Thomas was a proprietor - his estate of 70 acres included the westerly part of Mt. Washington, originally called Sagamore Hill (later Malden, later Everett). The first mention of Thomas in American records is when he is listed as one of the thirty-six owners of the "Ancient Line Feilde" of Charlestown about 1639-40 (NEHGR vol 48 p57-59).3
  • A petition to the Governor and Assistants by James Pemberton, Prudence Wilkinson widdowe, Lewis Lulett, George Felt, George Knowe[r], John Greenland, and Thomas Whittimore states: "The peticoners shewe that whereas they having bin heretofore inhabitants in Charlestowne and could not there have accomodation to live comfortably they were forced to crave leave of the Cort to build and plant upon Mysticke syde wch they did by the leave of the Court aforesd and have expended a great parte of their estates therein, Some of the Towne endeavoring to straighten the peticoners and to hinder others from coming to them as they say have procured divers orders to be made in the Towne meeting wch to the peticoners are very prejudiciall and they thing unreasonable..." Then are enumerated several unjust ordinances about hogs, cattle, fencing, and common pasturage. The petition ends thus: "These things the peticoners humbly desire the Court in their wisdome to consider and to order that they may have a convenient common allowed them and may have equall remedie in their said freivances And they shall as their duty bindes them pray for yor worshipps" (Thomas Lechford's Note-Book, 1638-1641 p364). From its position in the notebook the probable date of the petition is early in Feb 1641.
  • On 7 June 1642 "Thomas Whittamore because of his sore leg was dismissed with an admonition" (Records of Court of Assistants, Massachusetts Bay, 1630-44 vol 2 p124.
  • On 21 July 1645 He bought a "poarcell of Meddow counted two Cowe grasses" adjoining his farm and bounded by "Mistick River south" on 21 Jul 1645 and acknowledged before Mr Winthrop, deputy governor, the same day, from Rev John Cotton, teacher, of Boston (Suffolk Deeds, liver 1 folio 61) The farm remained in the possession of his descendants up to 1845.
  • On 10 April 1649 "Thomas Whittamore's five acre Lott (sometime Mr. Nowells)" is mentioned in the settlement of an original boundary dispute between Charlestown and Malden ("History of Malden" p108).
  • Thomas Whitemore and Thomas Moulton are mentioned as having sold fifteen acres of upland to George Burden in 1652 (suffolk Deeds, liber 1 folio 207). Thomas Whitemore is mentioned in an indenture between Richard Bellingham of Boston, Esq and John Hart of Boston, shipwright in 1652 (Suffolk Deeds, liber 1 folio 282).
  • On 10 September 1653 Thomas Whitamore's house was mentioned as lying between lands of Richard Dexter and Mr. Bellingham in Charlestowne (Massachusetts Bay Colony Records vol 3 p 330-1).
  • Thomas and Hannah moved to Malden, Massachusetts.
  • He died on 26 May 1661 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • Inventory of his estate was taken on 25 June 1661 The inventory amounts to £286 15.6 and was taken by John Upham and William Ireland, presented and allowed 25 Jun 1661 by Daniel and Nathaniel Whittemore, executors of their late father Thomas' estate (middlesex Probate Records vol 1 p274-276.)


Thomas Whittemore left a will dated on 8 February 1660.

excerpts from his will, signed with his mark, which was dated 8 Feb 1660 (he died 25 May 1661)

First, I give and bequesth my body to the earth, and my soul to God that gave it; and for my temporal estate, I give unto Hanna my wife, the third part of the profits of all the land, that is mine; and for a legacy of her love, and care of me, I give her two cow, and the household stuff; the land to return to them that it shall be given to; and the rest she shall dispose of to her children, whom she please.

Second, to my eldest son, Thomas, being now in England, and having his portion there by gift, I therefore cannot add thereto b will: to prevent trouble, I give him, if he come, five shillings.

Third, I give to Daniel, my son, the house and barn with the land about and adjoining to it, except what shall be afterwards expressed; and one Ox called Broad and one cow; paying such legacies as shall be expressed for him to pay; and liberty for his mother to live in the house, while she live, if she please.

To Nathaniel: thirty acres of upland lying at Sockemore (Sagamore hiss), one third of all the meadow both fresh and salt, one Ox called Buck and a cow. To John: ten acres of land lying next to George Knower's. To daughter Elizabeth: "twenty pound, to be paid at the day of her marriage or else at the age of 18 years". "And as for my five youngest: Benjamin, Thomas, Samuel, Pelatia & Abram: ten pounds each to be given them when they are at the age of one and twenty:" To Hannah his wife: "1/3 of the profits of all the land, two cows and the household stuff".

Further, the reason why (if it should be demanded) I have disposed of my estate so as I have done, the greatest part to my sons Daniel and Nathaniel is because by their means this estate that now I have dosposed of, has been preserved by them. And further, I make them my executors; and out of this their estate, they are to pay to their sister and brethren their portions - Daniel is to pay forty pounds, and Nathaniel thirty pounds; they are to pay, both of them, each proportionately, according to everyone's portion when itis due to them.

Sons Daniel and Nathaniel to be executors. Thomas [his mark] Whittamore. Wits. Joses Bucknam Roger Kenacutt, William Ireland.

Other Information


  1. [S42] Whittemore, Bradford Adams, "The Whittemore Family in America", NEHGR, volume 106, (NEHGR: Boston, MA, 1952) , Journal Article, v 106 p31.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S42] Whittemore, Bradford Adams, "The Whittemore Family in America", NEHGR, volume 106, (NEHGR: Boston, MA, 1952) , Journal Article, p 31.

Hannah Chawkley

#2861, (about 1612-1677)
Pedigree Link

Children with Thomas Whittemore (d. 26 May 1661)

  1. Daniel Whittemore+ (d. 11 May 1683)
  2. John Whittemore (d. 29 April 1635)
  3. Nathaniel Whittemore+ (d. November 1671)
  4. John Whittemore+ (d. 8 December 1694)
  5. Benjamin Whittemore (b. 1640, d. 16 July 1726)
  6. Elizabeth Whittemore (b. about 1643, d. after 1661)
  7. Thomas Whittemore (b. about 1645, d. 10 March 1669/70)
  8. Samuel Whittemore+ (b. 1647, d. 15 September 1726)
  9. Pelathiah Whittemore (b. about 1650, d. January 1678/79)
  10. Abraham Whittemore (b. 1653, d. 14 January 1691)


  • Hannah Chawkley was born about 1612 in England.
  • She married Thomas Whittemore, son of Thomas Whittemore and Mary (née unknown) Whittemore, on 26 October 1632 in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.
  • Hannah Chawkley migrated to Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1639 together with Thomas Whittemore.1
  • Thomas was a proprietor - his estate of 70 acres included the westerly part of Mt. Washington, originally called Sagamore Hill (later Malden, later Everett). The first mention of Thomas in American records is when he is listed as one of the thirty-six owners of the "Ancient Line Feilde" of Charlestown about 1639-40 (NEHGR vol 48 p57-59).1
  • Hannah and Thomas moved to Malden, Massachusetts.
  • She married Benjamin Butterfield on 3 June 1663 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.2
  • Hannah and Benjamin moved to Woburn, Massachusetts.
  • She died on 19 May 1677 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, at age ~65.

Other Information


  1. [S42] Whittemore, Bradford Adams, "The Whittemore Family in America", NEHGR, volume 106, (NEHGR: Boston, MA, 1952) , Journal Article, p 31.
  2. [S554] Googe, Barbara, compiler, family tree titled "Wade/Stewart and collateral lines", published by,, from database ID:539904, updated Aug 2001, viewed Dec 2007 , .

John Tuttle

#2862, (1631-1683)
Pedigree Link


Children with Katherine Lane (b. estimated 1633)

  1. Benjamin Tuttle
  2. Hannah Tuttle+ (b. 2 November 1655, d. 21 December 1708)
  3. John Tuttle+ (b. 15 September 1657, d. about 1743)
  4. Samuel Tuttle+ (b. 9 January 1658/59, d. 8 July 1733)
  5. Sarah Tuttle+ (b. 22 January 1660/61)
  6. Daniel Tuttle (b. 13 April 1664, d. 1700)
  7. Mary Tuttle (b. 13 April 1664)
  8. Elizabeth Tuttle (b. 21 November 1666, d. 1724)
  9. David Tuttle (b. 14 November 1668, d. before 16 January 1751/52)


  • John Tuttle was born in 1631 in England.
  • He immigrated on the ship. Planter with William's mother, 3 children, a brother and cousin and their families arriving on 1 July 1635 with his parents.1
  • He married Katherine Lane, daughter of John Lane, on 8 November 1653 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • John Tuttle died on 12 November 1683 at age ~52.

Other Information


  1. [S403] The Winthrop Society, Web Site,, viewed Mar 2008.

Jonathan Tuttle

#2863, (-1705)
Pedigree Link


Children with Rebecca Bell (b. August 1643, d. 2 May 1676)

  1. Rebecca Tuttle+ (b. 10 September 1664)
  2. Mary Tuttle (b. 17 February 1665/66)
  3. Jonathan Tuttle (b. 6 April 1669, d. 1700)
  4. Simon Tuttle (b. 11 March 1670/71, d. 6 July 1725)
  5. William Tuttle (b. 26 May 1673, d. November 1727)
  6. Nathaniel Tuttle (b. 25 February 1674/75, d. 1728)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

David Tuttle

#2864, (-1693)
Pedigree Link



  • David Tuttle was baptized on 7 April 1639 in Charlestown, Massachusetts.
  • He was incompetent.
  • He never married.
  • He died in 1693.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Joseph Tuttle

#2865, (-1690)
Pedigree Link


Children with Hannah Munson (d. 30 November 1695)

  1. Joseph Tuttle+ (b. 18 March 1667/68)
  2. Samuel Tuttle (b. 15 July 1670)
  3. Stephen Tuttle (b. 20 May 1673)
  4. Joanna Tuttle (b. 30 December 1675)
  5. Timothy Tuttle (b. 30 September 1678, d. 21 November 1678)
  6. Susanna Tuttle+ (b. 20 February 1679/80, d. 10 October 1737)
  7. Elizabeth Tuttle (b. 12 July 1683)
  8. Hannah Tuttle (b. 14 May 1685, d. about 1685)
  9. Hannah Tuttle (b. 26 February 1688/89)


  • Joseph Tuttle was baptized on 22 November 1640 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • On 7 August 1666 Joseph and John Hold were fined 20 shillings in New Haven for "tumultuous carriage and speaking against the infliction of punishment upon two deliquents".
  • He married Hannah Munson, daughter of Thomas Munson and Joanna Thomas, on 2 May 1667 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Joseph Tuttle was a leatherworker and shop keeper.
  • 1675-78 he was a fence viewer, but then he was excused because of lameness.
  • He was a searcher and sealer of leather 1680-1683. In 1680 he owned 26 1/4 acres of land and had an estate of 4 pounds.
  • In 1683 he owned a shop.
  • He died in September 1690 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information

Sarah Tuttle

#2866, (-1676)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Tuttle was baptized in April 1642 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • In May 1660 when Sarah was 18 years old, she had a flirtation, including an exchange of kisses with a young Dutch merchant, Jacob Melyn. They were both hailed before the court, which called her conduct "imodest, uncivell, wanton, lascvisous", and fined them 20 shillings apiece.
  • She married John Slawson on 17 November 1663 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died on 17 November 1676.
  • She was killed with an axe by her brother Benjamin (who was later executed for the murder). Unfortunately her mother witnessed this act while sitting by the fire.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1515] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "Tuttle, Pantry, Judson, Hurd an Important Correction", The American Genealogist, , Journal Article, vol 30 p 9.

Elizabeth Tuttle

#2867, (1645-)
Pedigree Link


Child with Richard Edwards (b. 1 May 1647, d. 20 April 1718)

  1. Timothy Edwards+ (b. 14 May 1669, d. 27 January 1758)


  • Elizabeth Tuttle was born on 9 November 1645 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She married Richard Edwards on 19 November 1667 in New Haven, Connecticut.2
  • Elizabeth became insane, Richard divorced her. She had a child Mary born 1668, after she was married to Richard, but never acknowledged by him. Joseph Preston was accused of Mary's paternity.1
  • Richard and Elizabeth had 8 children.3
  • Elizabeth and Richard were divorced in 1691.

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 8 p 1884.
  2. [S476] Michael, compiler, family tree titled "The New England Mathers with a special emphasis on the many families who married into our family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID mikemather63 (formerly mikemather), updated Nov 2010, viewed Nov 2010 , .
  3. [S476] Michael, compiler, family tree titled "The New England Mathers with a special emphasis on the many families who married into our family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID mikemather63 (formerly mikemather), updated Nov 2011, viewed Nov 2011 , .

Simon Tuttle

#2868, (-1719)
Pedigree Link



  • Simon Tuttle was baptized on 28 March 1647 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Abigail Beach in 1679 in Wallingford, Connecticut.1
  • Simon and Abigail had 3 children.1
  • He died on 16 April 1719 in Wallingford, Connecticut.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S935] Dowling, T, compiler, family tree titled "Dowling Family Genealogy", published by,, from database ID dowfam3, updated Mar 2011, viewed Mar 2011 , .

Benjamin Tuttle

#2869, (-1677)
Pedigree Link



  • Benjamin Tuttle was baptized on 29 October 1648 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Benjamin was executed for the murder of his sister Sarah. He killed her with an axe while his mother was watching.1
  • He died on 13 June 1677 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1515] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "Tuttle, Pantry, Judson, Hurd an Important Correction", The American Genealogist, , Journal Article, vol 30 p 9.

Mercy Tuttle

#2870, (1650-)
Pedigree Link


Child with Samuel Brown (d. 4 November 1691)

  1. Francis Brown (b. 7 October 1679, d. 22 September 1741)


  • Mercy Tuttle was born on 27 April 1650 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Samuel Brown, son of Francis Brown and Mary Edwards, on 2 May 1667.
  • Samuel and Mercy had 5 children.1
  • Mercy became insane and murdered her child in 1691.

Other Information


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Feb 2008, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Nathaniel Tuttle

#2871, (-1721)
Pedigree Link


Children with Sarah Howe (b. 25 January 1653/54, d. November 1743)

  1. Mary Tuttle (b. May 1682, d. 1721)
  2. Ephraim Tuttle+ (b. 20 July 1683, d. 6 August 1753)
  3. Temperance Tuttle (b. 1684, d. 1749)
  4. Hezekiah Tuttle (b. 1686, d. 1753)
  5. Aaron Tuttle (b. 1688, d. 1717)
  6. Ann Tuttle (b. 1692, d. 1753)
  7. Isaac Tuttle (b. 1697, d. 1772)


  • Nathaniel Tuttle was baptized on 29 February 1652 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Sarah Howe on 10 August 1682 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • He died on 20 August 1721 in Woodbury, Connecticut.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2809] Strickland, Jim, compiler, family tree titled "Jim Strickland's Family Tree", published by,, from database ID jimstr, updated Mar 2000, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Symon Tootill1

#2872, (about 1560-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Isabel Wells (b. about 1565)

  1. William Tuttle+ (d. June 1673)
  2. Richard Tuttle+ (b. 1593, d. 8 May 1640)
  3. Thomas Tuttle (b. estimated 1595)
  4. John Tuttle (b. 1596, d. 30 December 1656)
  5. Simon Tuttle (b. estimated 1598)


  • Symon Tootill was born about 1560.
  • Symon lived in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England.1
  • He married Isabel Wells, daughter of John Wells and Helen (née unknown) Wells, estimated 1590.2
  • Symon Tootill died on an unknown date and was buried on 15 June 1630 in Ringstead, Northampton, England.1

Other Information


  1. [S871] Jacobus, Donald Lines, Hale, House and Related Families, Hartford, Connecticut: The Connecticut Historical Society, 1952, p 771.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Isabel Wells

#2873, (about 1565-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Symon Tootill (b. about 1560)

  1. William Tuttle+ (d. June 1673)
  2. Richard Tuttle+ (b. 1593, d. 8 May 1640)
  3. Thomas Tuttle (b. estimated 1595)
  4. John Tuttle (b. 1596, d. 30 December 1656)
  5. Simon Tuttle (b. estimated 1598)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John Slawson

#2874, (estimated 1638-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Richard Edwards

#2875, (1647-1718)
Pedigree Link

Child with Elizabeth Tuttle (b. 9 November 1645)

  1. Timothy Edwards+ (b. 14 May 1669, d. 27 January 1758)


Other Information


  1. [S476] Michael, compiler, family tree titled "The New England Mathers with a special emphasis on the many families who married into our family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID mikemather63 (formerly mikemather), updated Nov 2011, viewed Nov 2011 , .
  2. [S476] Michael, compiler, family tree titled "The New England Mathers with a special emphasis on the many families who married into our family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID mikemather63 (formerly mikemather), updated Nov 2010, viewed Nov 2010 , .