Thomas Whittemore left a will dated on 8 February 1660.
excerpts from his will, signed with his mark, which was dated 8 Feb 1660 (he died 25 May 1661)
First, I give and bequesth my body to the earth, and my soul to God that gave it; and for my temporal estate, I give unto Hanna my wife, the third part of the profits of all the land, that is mine; and for a legacy of her love, and care of me, I give her two cow, and the household stuff; the land to return to them that it shall be given to; and the rest she shall dispose of to her children, whom she please.
Second, to my eldest son, Thomas, being now in England, and having his portion there by gift, I therefore cannot add thereto b will: to prevent trouble, I give him, if he come, five shillings.
Third, I give to Daniel, my son, the house and barn with the land about and adjoining to it, except what shall be afterwards expressed; and one Ox called Broad and one cow; paying such legacies as shall be expressed for him to pay; and liberty for his mother to live in the house, while she live, if she please.
To Nathaniel: thirty acres of upland lying at Sockemore (Sagamore hiss), one third of all the meadow both fresh and salt, one Ox called Buck and a cow. To John: ten acres of land lying next to George Knower's. To daughter Elizabeth: "twenty pound, to be paid at the day of her marriage or else at the age of 18 years". "And as for my five youngest: Benjamin, Thomas, Samuel, Pelatia & Abram: ten pounds each to be given them when they are at the age of one and twenty:" To Hannah his wife: "1/3 of the profits of all the land, two cows and the household stuff".
Further, the reason why (if it should be demanded) I have disposed of my estate so as I have done, the greatest part to my sons Daniel and Nathaniel is because by their means this estate that now I have dosposed of, has been preserved by them. And further, I make them my executors; and out of this their estate, they are to pay to their sister and brethren their portions - Daniel is to pay forty pounds, and Nathaniel thirty pounds; they are to pay, both of them, each proportionately, according to everyone's portion when itis due to them.
Sons Daniel and Nathaniel to be executors. Thomas [his mark] Whittamore. Wits. Joses Bucknam Roger Kenacutt, William Ireland.