Elizabeth executed her will on 8 Dec 1594, three days after the probate of her husband's will. Her will was proved on 14 Jan 1594/95
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen the eighte daye of December a thousand fye hundred nynety fower...I Elizabeth Awgar of the parish of westham in the county of Essex widowe...
I give to the poore of westham parrishe aforesaide fortie shillings to be distributed by myne executors hereunder named within fyve dayes after my decease viz. To the poore of Church Streete and Upton twentie shillings To the poore of Stratford Streete. And to the poore of Plaistowe tenne shillings....
Item I give and bequeathe to Nicholas Awgar my eldest sonne fortie pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paied unto hym at the age of twoe and twentie yeres.
Item I give to my son John Awgar twentie poundes of like lawfull money to be payed unto hym at the age to two and twentie yeres.
Item I give and bequeathe unto my tweo daughter Elizabeth and Mary over and besides theire portions given by theire fathers will three score pounds a peece of lawfull english money to be payed unto them at the day of their marriage or at the age of one and twentye yeres which shall come firste.
And yf yt shall please god that any of my saide children shall departe this life before the sayed age or tyme of theire marriage as aforesayed Then my will and mynde ys that the portion or portions of the deceased shalbe equallie devided among the Survivors of them. And yf they all departe this life before the sayed age or tyme of marriage as aforesayed then theire portions to remayne to the use of my late husbandes children then living to be equally devided amonge them.
Item I do give and bequeathe to my fower children aforesayed a certeyne Annuitie of tenne poundes during the tyme to come in thesayed Annuitye to be equallie devided between them.
Furthermore I do ordayne and appoynte that my sonne in lawe Richard Awgar shall have the education and keepinge of my twoe sonnes Nicholas and John Awgar and with them to have theire portions. Also that my sonne in lawe James Skelton [married to one of her unnamed daughters] shall have the custodie and tuition of my daughter Elizabeth and with her to have her portion. And that my sonne in lawe william Kimber [married to one of her unnamed daughters] shall have the bringing up of my daughter Mary Awgar and with her to have her portion Requiring them and every of them as they will awnswere at the dreadful daye of Judgment to be carefull to bringe them up in the feare of god and in the faithe of Jesus xpist.
Item I do release and remitt unto my daughter in lawe rabbishe Simcott eighte poundes tenne shillings beyng the one halfe of a debt due to my late husband Also I do give to my sonne in lawe Richard Freeman eighte poundes tenne shillings beyng the other halfe of the sayed debte
Item I give vii to Annes Helgate my mayde servaunt my dutch grogaran gowne, my purple carsey kirtle and my red freezador petticoate.
Item I appoynte my well beloved sonnes Richard Awgar James Skelton william Kymber and Nicholas Awgar my full and lawfull executors of this my last will and testaent. And to the three first named I doe give eche of them a gould rynge for a remembrance. Requesting John Hedley and Peter Wards to be my overseers to whome for theire paynes herein I give sixe shillings eight pence a peece....in the presence of me Roberte Jennings vicar of Westham and of John Hedley and Peter Warde and of Richard Freeman.3