Item I give and bequeath unto myson John the summe of forty shillings of lawful monie of England
Item I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto my said sonne Nicholas Augur one Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in Plastowe in the parish of Westham in the Countie of Essex formerly given unto mee by Mistris Mary Guilliams and taken vow in my name in the Court of Leet of Westham aforesaid with this Provisoe that in case my sonne Nicholas should happen to die before such time as he should returne into England
Then my will is that my daughter Hester Augur shall not only have possesse and injoy to her own proper use the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement and appurtenances but alsoe all the said Goods soe formerly bequeathedunto him the said Nicholas Augur
Item I doe give and bequeathe unto Anna Augur the now Wife of my said sonn John Augur my little gold ring with a Bristoll stone in it
All and every other of my Goods Chattells leases Creditts Debts plate Lynnen woolen and all other thing and things whatsoever to mee in anywise belonging or appertaining after my Debts paid funerall expences discharged and the Legacies in this my present last Will and Testament satidfyed and paid I full and wholy give and unto my Daughter Hester Augur whome I make and ordaine the full and sole Executrix of this my present last Will and Testament desiring her as my trust is in her reposed to see the same faythfully and truly executed and performed and for the better furtherment therein I doe hereby nominate and appoynte my loving brother Gabriell Bynyon Citizen and Tallow Chandler of London Overseer thereof desiring him to be ayding and assisting of my said Executrix....
The mark of Margery the presence of Paul Turrington Thomas Savage Sen.
(partial transcription.)3
Daniel had inherited the house of his father, Daniel , in Malden, and devised it to his son Daniel, for the reason, he says in his will, that Daniel "had done more for him, Than all the rest, in money, buildings and fencings".
Daniel Whittemore, Jr was named sole executor of his will filed 4 Oct 1756 and received the entire estate after the widow's third.
Then Daniel mentions all his children, except Joseph, as follows: Lydia Richardson, who receives £10; Mary Waite, £5; Richard Whittemore £13; Elizabeth Whittemore £10; Jonathan Whittemore £40; William Whittemore £10; Hannah Woodcock £3; Sarah Clark £6. For his omission, Joseph may be presumed to be already dead, especially when Daniel mentions Joseph's son Edmund; who received £5, the only grandchild mentioned in his will. There is no inventory among the papers (middlesex Probate #24781).