My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 52

Charles Thomas

#1276, (about 1719-1773)
Pedigree Link


  • Charles Thomas was born about 1719.1
  • Father: Daniel Thomas (b 14 Feb 1676 New Haven, CT) - Mother: Eunice Brown (b 26 Oct 1681 New Haven, CT.)1
  • He married Lydia Augur, daughter of John Augur and Elizabeth Bradley, on 22 March 1741/42 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Charles Thomas died in 1773 at age ~54.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Jul 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Esther Augur

#1277, (1677-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Robert Augur (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)
  • Mother: Mary Gilbert (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Esther Augur was born on 19 October 1677 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Either she or her sister married Jeremiah Wooding.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John Augur

#1278, (1678-about 1678)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Robert Augur (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)
  • Mother: Mary Gilbert (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • John Augur was born on 25 November 1678 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He died about 1678 in New Haven, Connecticut, as an infant.

Other Information

Ann Augur

#1279, (1682-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Robert Augur (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)
  • Mother: Mary Gilbert (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Ann Augur was born on 14 November 1682 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Either she or her sister married Nathaniel Collins.

Other Information

John Augur

Pedigree Link


Children with Ann (née unknown) Augur (b. estimated 1624)

  1. Nicholas Augur (b. estimated 1646)
  2. Robert Augur+ (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)


  • John Augur was baptized on 30 October 1614 in All Hallows Lombard Street, London, England.1
  • He married Ann (née unknown) Augur estimated 1644.2
  • John and Ann had another son.
  • He was living in 1653/54 when he was mentioned in his mother's will.1
  • He was living also mentioned in the 1663 will of Nicholas Augur (s 1584-c1663.)1

Other Information


  1. [S8893] Stott, Clifford L, "The Augur Family of London and West Ham, Essex: Ancestors of Nicholas Augur and Hester (Augur) Coster and Their Nephew Robert Augur of New Haven, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volume 170, page 325-335, (NEHGS: Boston MA, (Fall 2016)) , Journal Article, p 334.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ann (née unknown) Augur

#1281, (estimated 1624-)
Pedigree Link

Children with John Augur

  1. Nicholas Augur (b. estimated 1646)
  2. Robert Augur+ (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Matthew Gilbert

#1282, (1599-1679)
Pedigree Link

Children with Jane Baker (b. estimated 1622, d. 1706)

  1. John Gilbert+ (d. 23 December 1673)
  2. Sarah Gilbert+ (d. April 1672)
  3. Rebecca Gilbert (d. 16 March 1670/71)
  4. Hannah Gilbert
  5. Matthew Gilbert+ (d. 1711)
  6. Samuel Gilbert (d. 12 January 1720/21)
  7. Mary Gilbert+ (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Matthew Gilbert was born in 1599.1
  • In the fall of 1637 he was one of the first settlers of New Haven.1
  • He married Jane Baker estimated 1642.2
  • Between 1661 and 1663 Matthew was Deputy-Governor of New Haven Colony. Also he was Lieutenant-Governor.1
  • Matthew was the first Deacon of the Old First Church on the Green in New Haven, CT.1
  • He died in 1679 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~80.3
  • He was buried in Old First Church - at the back, New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • ***Research Conclusion: Matthew Gilbert has been identified (online) as a passenger on the ship Hector. This is false and cannot be proven. Only 5 passengers were listed in contemporary accounts: Mr Davenport (minister), Mr Eaton (merchant), Mr Hopkins (merchant), Lord Ley, and an unnamed minister.4

Other Information


  1. [S1223] Gilbert, Glenn, family web site titled "The Gilbert Family of Ancient New Haven",, , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S45] Gilbert, Glenn A, family web site titled "The Gilbert Family of Ancient New Haven",, updated Nov 2009, viewed Mar 2010 , , Not available as of Feb 2023.
  4. [S8697] Brockett, Adrian, "Deconstructing the Hector "Passenger List'", American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society, (NEHGS: Boston MA, (Winter 2021)) , online magazine/journal, p 36-39.

Jane Baker

#1283, (estimated 1622-1706)
Pedigree Link

Children with Matthew Gilbert (b. 1599, d. 1679)

  1. John Gilbert+ (d. 23 December 1673)
  2. Sarah Gilbert+ (d. April 1672)
  3. Rebecca Gilbert (d. 16 March 1670/71)
  4. Hannah Gilbert
  5. Matthew Gilbert+ (d. 1711)
  6. Samuel Gilbert (d. 12 January 1720/21)
  7. Mary Gilbert+ (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Jane Baker was born estimated 1622.1
  • She married Matthew Gilbert estimated 1642.1
  • She died in 1706 at age ~84.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Nicholas Augur

#1284, (estimated 1646-)
Pedigree Link



  • Nicholas Augur was born estimated 1646.1
  • Nicholas lived in New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Margery Benyon1

#1285, (about 1591-between 1654 and 1658)
Pedigree Link


Children with John Augur (b. about 1588)

  1. John Augur+
  2. Nicholas Augur (b. 1 September 1616, d. February 1677)
  3. Hester Augur (b. about 1624, d. 5 April 1691)



Margery Benyon left a will

Item I give and bequeath unto myson John the summe of forty shillings of lawful monie of England

Item I doe alsoe give and bequeath unto my said sonne Nicholas Augur one Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances lying and being in Plastowe in the parish of Westham in the Countie of Essex formerly given unto mee by Mistris Mary Guilliams and taken vow in my name in the Court of Leet of Westham aforesaid with this Provisoe that in case my sonne Nicholas should happen to die before such time as he should returne into England

Then my will is that my daughter Hester Augur shall not only have possesse and injoy to her own proper use the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement and appurtenances but alsoe all the said Goods soe formerly bequeathedunto him the said Nicholas Augur

Item I doe give and bequeathe unto Anna Augur the now Wife of my said sonn John Augur my little gold ring with a Bristoll stone in it

All and every other of my Goods Chattells leases Creditts Debts plate Lynnen woolen and all other thing and things whatsoever to mee in anywise belonging or appertaining after my Debts paid funerall expences discharged and the Legacies in this my present last Will and Testament satidfyed and paid I full and wholy give and unto my Daughter Hester Augur whome I make and ordaine the full and sole Executrix of this my present last Will and Testament desiring her as my trust is in her reposed to see the same faythfully and truly executed and performed and for the better furtherment therein I doe hereby nominate and appoynte my loving brother Gabriell Bynyon Citizen and Tallow Chandler of London Overseer thereof desiring him to be ayding and assisting of my said Executrix....

The mark of Margery the presence of Paul Turrington Thomas Savage Sen.

(partial transcription.)3

Other Information


  1. [S8893] Stott, Clifford L, "The Augur Family of London and West Ham, Essex: Ancestors of Nicholas Augur and Hester (Augur) Coster and Their Nephew Robert Augur of New Haven, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volume 170, page 325-335, (NEHGS: Boston MA, (Fall 2016)) , Journal Article, p 332.
  2. [S8926] Stott, Clifford L, "The Higginson Family of Berkeswell, Warwickshire, and Its American Descendants", The New England Historic Gelealogical Register, volume 171, (NEHGS: Bston, MA, (spring 2017)) , Journal, vol 171 p 322.
  3. [S8893] Stott, Clifford L, "The Augur Family of London and West Ham, Essex: Ancestors of Nicholas Augur and Hester (Augur) Coster and Their Nephew Robert Augur of New Haven, Connecticut", The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volume 170, page 325-335, (NEHGS: Boston MA, (Fall 2016)) , Journal Article, p 332-333.

Mary Augur

#1286, (estimated 1680-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Robert Augur (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)
  • Mother: Mary Gilbert (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Mary Augur was born estimated 1680.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Augur

#1287, (estimated 1684-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Robert Augur (b. estimated 1648, d. between 1704 and 1713)
  • Mother: Mary Gilbert (b. 11 June 1651, d. 19 February 1730/31)


  • Mary Augur was born estimated 1684.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Benjamin Bradley1

#1288, (1692-1726)
Pedigree Link


Children with Martha Tuttle (b. 21 April 1697, d. 9 September 1776)

  1. Benjamin Bradley (b. 29 July 1719, d. 2 April 1801)
  2. Timothy Bradley (b. 30 April 1721, d. 10 October 1803)
  3. Andrew Bradley (b. 16 June 1723, d. 26 April 1798)
  4. Elizabeth Bradley+ (b. 20 December 1725, d. 6 November 1764)


  • Benjamin Bradley was born on 1 October 1692 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • He married Martha Tuttle, daughter of Thomas Tuttle and Mary Sanford, estimated 1717.2,3,1
  • Benjamin Bradley died on 5 December 1726 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 34.1

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, p 262.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Joel Augur

#1289, (about 1766-)
Pedigree Link



  • Joel Augur was born about 1766.

Other Information

Jeremiah Augur

#1290, (about 1768-)
Pedigree Link



  • Jeremiah Augur was born about 1768.

Other Information

Abraham Augur

#1291, (estimated 1770-1795)
Pedigree Link



  • Abraham Augur was born estimated 1770.1
  • He died on 19 June 1795 at age ~25.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Lucie Augur

#1292, (about 1771-)
Pedigree Link



  • Lucie Augur was born about 1771.

Other Information

Daniel Whittemore

#1293, (1663-1756)
Pedigree Link


Children with Lydia Bassett (b. 1671, d. 6 April 1755)

  1. Daniel Whittemore+ (b. 28 February 1689/90, d. 25 July 1771)
  2. Lydia Whittemore (b. 24 January 1691/92, d. 1776)
  3. Joseph Whittemore (b. 13 March 1693/94, d. before 1756)
  4. Mary Whittemore (b. 26 March 1695/96, d. 15 January 1781)
  5. Richard Whittemore (b. 14 March 1697/98)
  6. Elizabeth Whittemore (b. 22 June 1701, d. 22 February 1759)
  7. Jonathan Whittemore (b. 11 April 1705)
  8. Hannah Whittemore (b. 28 May 1706)
  9. William Whittemore (b. 9 January 1709/10)
  10. Sarah Whittemore (b. 10 March 1714/15)


  • Daniel Whittemore was born on 27 April 1663 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • Daniel was taxed in Charlestown in 1688.
  • Daniel Whittemore was a wheelwright.
  • He married Lydia Bassett, daughter of Joseph Bassett and Mary (née unknown) Bassett, in 1690 in Charlestown, Massachusetts.1
  • Daniel and Lydia lived in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • On 16 March 1702 he was a Representative of Boston and Charlestown to renew the bound marks between these towns. They "are to meet at the House of Daniell Whittemore at ye Head of South River at Eight O'clock in the morning..." on 16 Mar 1702 (Boston Record Commissioners, Vol 11, p18.)
  • On 20 October 1704 Daniel Whittemore contributed £1.10 toward rebuilding the Malden Meeting House.2
  • On 21 June 1724 Daniel Whittemore, with his wife Lydia consenting, and John Whittemore, with his wife Ruth consenting, all of Charlestown, for£8 paid by William Fenton of Bridgewater, yeoman, sell him all their right and interest in the estate of "our Father Joseph Bassett, late of Bridgewater, deceased, due us by our wives by heirship". Witnesses: Daniel Whittemore and John Whittemore. Dated 21 Jun 1724. Acknowledged 21 Dec 1724 and recorded 8 Nov 1725 (Plymouth Deeds, Vol 19 p164).
  • On 28 June 1728 Daniel Whittemore signed a protest over the location of the new Meeting House in Malden.3
  • On 9 April 1735 On the Jury of Trials 1730 Malden Venire (middlesex Court Papers, Folder 115A, Group 1) Daniel Whittemore signed a petition to the General Court for a church to be established in South Malden.4
  • He died on 21 September 1756 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age 93.


Daniel Whittemore left a will dated on 8 February 1743

Daniel had inherited the house of his father, Daniel , in Malden, and devised it to his son Daniel, for the reason, he says in his will, that Daniel "had done more for him, Than all the rest, in money, buildings and fencings".

Daniel Whittemore, Jr was named sole executor of his will filed 4 Oct 1756 and received the entire estate after the widow's third.

Then Daniel mentions all his children, except Joseph, as follows: Lydia Richardson, who receives £10; Mary Waite, £5; Richard Whittemore £13; Elizabeth Whittemore £10; Jonathan Whittemore £40; William Whittemore £10; Hannah Woodcock £3; Sarah Clark £6. For his omission, Joseph may be presumed to be already dead, especially when Daniel mentions Joseph's son Edmund; who received £5, the only grandchild mentioned in his will. There is no inventory among the papers (middlesex Probate #24781).


One thing not in his will which Daniel bequeathed to his children was his remarkable longevity; more than half of the ten children lived to be over 80 years of age--an amazing thing in those early days. Daniel lived out his tremendously long span of 93 years on the original family farm, without much change in the estate he inherited from his father almost 75 years before. He was a good citizen and churchman.

Other Information


  1. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Whittemore-Bassett, p 1661.
  2. [S253] Corey, Deloraine Pendre, The History of Malden Massachusetts 1633-1785, the author, 1899, p 164.
  3. [S253] Corey, Deloraine Pendre, The History of Malden Massachusetts 1633-1785, the author, 1899, p 504.
  4. [S253] Corey, Deloraine Pendre, The History of Malden Massachusetts 1633-1785, the author, 1899, p534.

Lydia Bassett

#1294, (1671-1755)
Pedigree Link


Children with Daniel Whittemore (b. 27 April 1663, d. 21 September 1756)

  1. Daniel Whittemore+ (b. 28 February 1689/90, d. 25 July 1771)
  2. Lydia Whittemore (b. 24 January 1691/92, d. 1776)
  3. Joseph Whittemore (b. 13 March 1693/94, d. before 1756)
  4. Mary Whittemore (b. 26 March 1695/96, d. 15 January 1781)
  5. Richard Whittemore (b. 14 March 1697/98)
  6. Elizabeth Whittemore (b. 22 June 1701, d. 22 February 1759)
  7. Jonathan Whittemore (b. 11 April 1705)
  8. Hannah Whittemore (b. 28 May 1706)
  9. William Whittemore (b. 9 January 1709/10)
  10. Sarah Whittemore (b. 10 March 1714/15)


  • Lydia Bassett was born in 1671 in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
  • She married Daniel Whittemore, son of Daniel Whittemore and Mary Mellins, in 1690 in Charlestown, Massachusetts.1
  • Daniel and Lydia lived in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • She died on 6 April 1755 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age ~84.

Other Information


  1. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Whittemore-Bassett, p 1661.

Mary Whittemore

#1295, (1720-1739/40)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Whittemore was born on 12 December 1720 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • She never married.
  • She died on 20 February 1739/40 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age 19.

Other Information

Lydia Whittemore

#1296, (1724-1799)
Pedigree Link


Children with Moses Collins (b. estimated 1721)

  1. Mary Collins (b. 13 April 1744)
  2. Lydia Collins (b. 12 February 1747/48, d. 14 August 1812)
  3. Hannah Collins (b. 6 April 1764, d. 12 March 1828)


  • Lydia Whittemore was born on 13 May 1724 in Charlestown, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Moses Collins on 20 May 1746 in Malden, Massachusetts.2
  • They were married by Rev J Emerson.2
  • She died on 21 May 1799 in Chelsea, Massachusetts, at age 75.
  • She was buried in Rumney Marsh Burying Ground, Chelsea, Massachusetts.

Other Information


  1. [S4072] Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records 1620-1988, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2011, (Original publication: Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts Massachusetts Vital and Town Records, Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook),).
  2. [S143] Corey, Deloraine P, Births Marriages and Deaths in the town of Malden Massachusetts 1649-1850 (city of Malden: University Press, 1903), p 218.

Martha Whittemore

#1297, (1727-1747)
Pedigree Link



  • Martha Whittemore was born on 20 July 1727 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • She died in 1747 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age ~20.

Other Information

Daniel Whittemore

#1298, (1729-1809)
Pedigree Link


Child with Anstis Jackson (b. about 1740, d. 15 February 1811)

  1. Nancy Whittemore (b. 14 March 1784, d. 4 March 1855)


  • Daniel Whittemore was born on 16 September 1729 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • He married Anstis Jackson on 27 December 1774 in Malden, Massachusetts.
  • Anstis and Daniel had 3 children.1
  • He died on 3 November 1809 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age 80.

Other Information


  1. [S423] craig, compiler, family tree titled "Rumford, Oxford, Maine Genealogy Project", published by,, from database ID rum1800, updated Mar 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Joseph Whittemore

#1299, (1731-)
Pedigree Link



  • Joseph Whittemore was born on 15 May 1731 in Malden, Massachusetts.

Other Information

Phebe Whittemore

#1300, (1734/35-)
Pedigree Link



Other Information


  1. [S143] Corey, Deloraine P, Births Marriages and Deaths in the town of Malden Massachusetts 1649-1850 (city of Malden: University Press, 1903), p 102.
  2. [S143] Corey, Deloraine P, Births Marriages and Deaths in the town of Malden Massachusetts 1649-1850 (city of Malden: University Press, 1903), p 322.
  3. [S577] Potts, R Bradley, compiler, family tree titled "Atwood Families of North America", published by,, from database ID atwood, updated Apr 2012, viewed Apr 2012 , .