from Research done by Victor Grant Hillard:
Name: John WARREN
Given Name: John
Surname: Warren
Sex: M
Change Date: 11 Sep 2003
Will of William Briggs of Little Compton. My mother Eliza-
beth Briggs. page 358.
Will of Benjamn Head of Little Compton. Page 360.
Benjamin Head of Little Compton Yeoman.
To wife Debroah Head all estate both real and personal as
long as she remains my widow. And what is yet in my Motheres
possession. My wife to remain my widow until my son William
Head comes of age.
My wife Deborah and my brother in law William Briggs to be exec-
My brother Jonathan Head and friend john Peckham overseers
and trustees for my son.
Benjamin Head.
David Hilliard
Richard Billings. Will Proved Sept 3 1717
Will Made August 3 1717.
Will of inventory of Above.
Total 35- 9- 9
Land and housing given in his Father's will 400 pds.
Total 435- 9- 9.
Page 379.
Received of my honored mother Deborah Hilliard Executor of
my honored father William Hilliard my full legacy.
August 15, 1714. john Paddock, Deborah Paddock.
Page 380.
Nov 9, 1714. Recieved of same my legacy. john Palmer, Mary Palmer.
May 28 1716. Received of same warren Gibbs. Abigail Gibbs.
Inventory of Benjamin Church Hon. Esq. Late of Little
Compton. Feb 5, 1717- 18.
Sword and belt 5pds.
Cane and gloves 12 pds.
two gold rings. 2 pds.
Sundry books two pds.
John Wood, Thos Grey, William Pabodie.
Total about 432 pds.
Children of the late Benjamin Church of Little Compton and our
honored mother Alice Church.
Signed. Thomas Church, Constatnt Church, Charles Church,
Martha Church, john Sampson, Eliza Sampson.
Will of
Page 385. Deborah Hiliard of Little Compton January
23, 1707.
To son David Hilliard two shillings.
To son Jonathan Hilliard.
To daughter Deborah Paddock the wife of john Paddock.
To daughter Esther wife of Jeremiah Pearce 20 shillings.
To daughter Abigail wife of warren Gibbs 6 shillings.
To daughter Sarah Hilliard all iiron Pewter and brass.
To four grandchildren of children of, daughter Mary Palmer
Dec 10 shillings each.
The rest and residue to two daughters Abigail and Sarah Hilliard.
Executor David Hilliard my son.
Witnesses Deborah Hilliard.
John Palmer
William Wilbore Proved. March 3 1717.
Richard Billings.
Inventory taken March 25 1719. Total 100 pds 16 shillings.3
from Research done by Victor Grant Hillard:
Name: John WARREN
Given Name: John
Surname: Warren
Sex: M
Change Date: 11 Sep 2003
Note: John Warren, called tobacconist and cardmaker, was an early settl er of Exeter, NH, moved to Boston 1668 where he died in July 1677. He marr ied first, at Exeter, 21 Oct. 1650, Deborah Wilson (died 26 June 1668). Jo hn Warren married second, at Boston about 1669, Elizabeth (?Royal) (Barlo w) Coombs, widow of John Coombs (died May 1668. At the death of her fir st husband, Thomas Barlow, in 1661, her only surviving child, Sarah Barl ow (born 1659, died 1678) was heir to the Barlow estate: land, house, sh op and wharf, of which her mother had her thirds, use and improvement unt il her daughter Sarah came of age or married. By her second marriage to Jo hn Coombs, the widow Barlow had three surviving children named Coombs: Eli zabeth, John and Mary. He left her only a very small personal estate in 16 68 but his widow still had the use and improvement of the Barlow estate a nd her thirds to maintain her family, and there was evidence that she h ad a small business of her own in dry goods. When she married, third, Jo hn Warren, as his second wife, he had the use and improvement of the Barlo we estate with her, since her daughter Sarah Barlow was only ten years ol d, At the time of her marriage to John Warren, she had an inventory tak en of her personal estate and before she died in Janusary 1671/2 advised h im how she wished it distributed. This he presented to the court on 2 Febr uary and declared his willingness to fulfill her desires. "And the said Wa rren is ordered to have in the right of his wife what she was to have ti ll the daughter came of age. . . . as per former Court orders" (Suffolk Pr obate 7:193) Therefore, it would appear that the Barlow and Coombs childr en were living with the Warren family. Warren had only one child by his se cond marriage. John Warren married third, Elizabeth Danson, after Janua ry 1671/2 but by early 1675 (three years later than Mr. Manwaring estimate d. John Warren, Sr. died at Boston, July 1677. His will (Suffolk Probate 6 :191) gives to beloved wife Elizabeth all my estate, she to bring up my s on Nathaniel and my daughter Abigail until they be disposed of in marria ge which is in according to the contract betwixt us before marriage (not f ound); to son Joshua the engine with which I cut tobacco; to the rest of t he children (unnamed) 2s each; wife sole executrix; as "for the shop onl y, and not the land I give unto son Thomas to remove at his pleasure"; dat ed 10 July 1677, proved 31 July 1677. Note: the shop referred to he bui lt on his wife Barlow's property. 1
Birth: 1624 in England
Death: JUN 1677 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA
Marriage 1 Deborah WILSON b: AUG 1634 in Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA
Married: 21 OCT 1650 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH 2
Deborah WARREN b: 1652 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Elizabeth WARREN b: 1655 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Samuel WARREN b: ABT 1656
John WARREN b: ABT 1656
Joshua WARREN b: 1657/58 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Sarah WARREN b: 1660 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Thomas WARREN b: 1662 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Mary WARREN b: 1664 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH
Marriage 2 Elizabeth \BARLOW\ b: ABT 1635 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA (prob ably)
Married: 1669 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA
Nathaniel WARREN b: 27 MAY 1670 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA
Elizabeth WARREN b: 1672 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA
Marriage 3 Elizabeth DANSON b: in (unknown)
Married: BET JAN 1671/72 AND 1675 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA 3
Abigail WARREN b: 10 MAY 1676 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA
John WARREN b: 10 FEB 1678
Abbrev: American Genealogist (TAG)
Title: Donald Lines Jacobus, The American Genealogist (Camden, Maine; Pict on Press, 1989)ress, 1989.
Page: Volume 47, pages 18-20.
Abbrev: Town of Hingham, Massachusetts
Title: George Lincoln, Town of Hingham, Massachusetts, History - The Genea logies (Town of Hingham: 1893)eses. Town of Hingham: 1893.
Page: Volume II, page 334-350
Abbrev: American Genealogist (TAG)
Title: Donald Lines Jacobus, The American Genealogist (Camden, Maine; Pict on Press, 1989)ress, 1989.
Page: Volume 47, page 18-20.3
Father: John Rose of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England
Mother: Faith Ellesdon of Lyme Regis, Dorset, England.