Will of Deborah Hiliard of Little Compton January
23, 1707.
Page 385. To son David Hilliard two shillings.
To son Jonathan Hilliard.
To daughter Deborah Paddock the wife of john Paddock.
To daughter Esther wife of Jeremiah Pearce 20 shillings.
To daughter Abigail wife of warren Gibbs 6 shillings.
To daughter Sarah Hilliard all iiron Pewter and brass.
To four grandchildren of children of, daughter Mary Palmer
Dec 10 shillings each.
The rest and residue to two daughters Abigail and Sarah Hilliard.
Executor David Hilliard my son.
Witnesses Deborah Hilliard.
John Palmer
William Wilbore Proved. March 3 1717.
Richard Billings.
Inventory taken March 25 1719. Total £100 16 shillings.
From: "Little Compton Wills" compiled by Benjamin Franklin Wilbour.1