My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Forbes Family

Joan estimated 1417 -
John Alford 1693 - 1726
John Alford 1763 - 1851
Stephen Landers Alford 1805 - 1871
Thomas Alford 1725 - 1805
Bridget Allgar estimated 1565 -
Margaret (wife of William) Allgar estimated 1536 -
William Allgar about 1536 -
Sarah Allyn 1674 - 1740
Thomas Allyn 1635 - 1695
Mary Archer Alvord 1836 - 1865
Mary Anderson 1710 -
John Appleton estimated 1412 - 1481
Judith Appleton 1653 - after 1739
Robert Appleton about 1478 - 1526
Samuel Appleton 1586 - 1670
Samuel Appleton 1625 - 1696
Thomas Appleton about 1452 -
Thomas Appleton about 1537 - estimated 1603
William Appleton estimated 1491 - 1537
Elizabeth Augur about 1758 - 1839
Charles Bernhardt Baggott 1923 - 2004
Charlotte Baggott 1915 - 1997
Joseph William Baggott 1917 - 1991
Margaret Ruth Baggott 1913 - 1981
Ann Balis
Eliza Silliman Balis
Alling Ball estimated 1595 -
Alling Ball estimated 1618 - 1689
Alling Ball 1656 - 1710
Dorothy (née unknown) Ball estimated 1627 - 1689/90
Sarah Barber 1775 -
Brian Barnett
Elizabeth Day Barnett
John A Barnett
John Day Barnett
Priscilla Wanning Barnett
Anne Crain Bauer
Christopher Jack Bauer
Eric Day Bauer
Joanna Elizabeth Bauer
Neil Fairbanks Bauer
Stephanie Day Bauer
Alice Beiran 1910 - 1965
Alice Silliman Belknap 1878 - 1972
Christine Belknap 1890 - 1919
Donald Belknap
Eleanor Silliman Belknap 1876 - 1964
Helen Strong Belknap 1926 - 2008
Jim Belknap
Joanne Belknap
Jonathan Trumull Belknap 1925 - 1995
Mary Belknap 1881 - 1974
Sandra Belknap
William Belknap
William Burke Belknap 1885 - 1965
William Burke Belknap 1923 - 2011
Barbara Bennett 1909 - 1986
Alice Bevys estimated 1575 - 1630/31
Elizabeth Birport about 1490 - 1570
Dorothy Bishop estimated 1582 -
Matthew Bishop estimated 1553 -
Ann Blake 1561 -
John Blake 1521 - 1576
Marta Blundell 1553 -
Judith Bourne estimated 1570 -
Bethia Boykin about 1643 -
Isabel (née unknown) Boykin estimated 1619 - 1673
Jarvis Boykin about 1617 - about 1660
Amy Bradley about 1780 -
Ann Maria Bradley 1807 -
Anna Bradley 1774 - 1815
Elizabeth (née unknown) Bradley about 1656 - 1712/13
Gurdon Bradley about 1738 - 1821
Huldah Bradley 1770 - 1829
Isaac Bradley about 1650 - 1712/13
John Bradley 1777 - 1825
Justin Bradley 1787 - 1814
Lucy Bradley 1780 - 1855
Mary Bradley 1767 - 1834
Samuel Bradley 1686 - 1758
Susanna Bradley 1784 - 1787
Willet Bradley 1784 - 1811
Alice Bremer estimated 1559 -
Dennis Bristow 1529 -
Jane Bristow about 1554 - 1595
Francis Brown about 1584 - 1668
Francis Brown 1610 - 1668
Grace Brown 1672 - 1740
John Brown 1640 -
John Brown 1699/00 - 1790
John Brown 1728 - 1776
John Brown 1800 - 1859
Owen Brown 1771 - 1856
Abigail Burnham 1696 -
Abigail Burnham 1713 - 1794
Appleton Burnham 1724 - 1779
David Burnham 1698 -
Elizabeth Burnham estimated 1676 - 1741
Hannah Burnham 1708 - 1772
John Burnham about 1525 -
Jonathan Burnham 1691/92 - 1751/52
Joseph Burnham 1687 -
Josiah Burnham 1710 - 1800
Lucy Burnham 1712 - 1797
Mary Burnham 1694 - 1715
Mary Burnham 1721/22 - 1801
Nathaniel Burnham 1689/90 - 1754
Rowland Burnham about 1555 -
Samuel Burnham 1707 - 1707/08
Sarah Burnham 1719 - 1726
William Burnham about 1645 -
William Burnham 1684 - 1750
William Burnham 1705 - 1748/49
Elizabeth Burritt 1675 -
Stephen Burritt about 1641 - 1697/98
Alice Carent about 1424 -
Alice Kingsbury Carter 1865 - 1935
Calvin Holmes Carter 1829 - 1887
Carlos Frederick Carter 1841 - 1862
Charles F Carter 1864 - 1942
Charles Franklin Carter 1862 - 1934
Christopher D Carter
Christopher Sherman Carter 1930 - 1982
David Sherman Carter
Edward Gardner Leonard Carter 1940 - 2020
Edward Perkins Carter 1870 - 1955
Edward Perkins Carter 1904 - 1972
Franklin Carter 1830 - 1836
Franklin Carter 1837 - 1919
Franklin Carter, Jr 1878 - 1926
Frederic Carter 1869 - 1937
Gaius Carter 1784 -
Grace Sutherland Carter 1933 - 2016
Helen Holmes Carter 1864 - 1893
John Beckley Carter 1804 - 1809
Loammi Carter 1785 -
Marcus Carter 1774 -
Mary Carter 1781 -
Mary Carter 1857 - 1876
Polly Wood Carter 1798 - 1874
Preserve Carter 1773 - 1825
Preserve Wood Carter 1798 - 1859
Rhoda Carter 1775 -
Ruth Carter 1856 - 1856
Ruth Sherman Carter 1902 - 1903
Sarah Josephine Carter 1859 - 1883
Uri Carter 1782 -
William Darrow Carter 1866 - 1927
William L Carter
William Phelps Carter 1916 - 2014
Elizabeth Chard 1586 - 1643
William Chenery estimated 1597 -
Agnes Cheney estimated 1560 -
Ellen Cheney about 1620 - 1678
Jane Cockerham about 1511 -
Robert Cockerham about 1485 -
Elizabeth Cogging estimated 1540 - 1579
Johane Collins about 1564 - after 1624
Elizabeth Colwick estimated 1547 -
Mary Cornish estimated 1450 -
Edith C Cowles 1874 - 1875
Margerie Crane about 1454 - 1504
Robert Crane estimated 1432 -
Agnes Crawford 1700 - 1798
Andrew Crawford 1680 - 1768
Agnes Crosse estimated 1555 -
Agnes (née unknown) Curtiss about 1535 - 1585
Hannah Curtiss 1735 - 1810
Jeremiah Curtiss 1752 - 1758
John Curtiss 1739/40 - 1801
Lucy Curtiss 1745 - 1773
Mary Curtiss 1742 - 1771
Samuel Curtiss 1737 - 1801
Sarah Curtiss 1733 - 1806
Widow Elizabeth Curtiss estimated 1593 - 1658
William Curtiss about 1535 - 1585
Zachariah Curtiss 1659 - 1748
Joan Dabinott about 1600 - 1655
Rawlin (née unknown) Dabinott about 1524 - 1612
Thomas Dabinott 1528 - about 1593
Eleanor Deane 1586 - 1654
Walter Deane 1538 - 1586
James Denison 1639 - 1719
John Denison 1677 - 1732
Mary Denison 1716 - 1791
Ruby Catherine Doolan
Stella Louise Doolan
Adeline Louise Downer 1853 - 1893
Agnes Peabody Downer 1883 -
Anne Peabody Downer 1891 - 1959
Bertha Agnes Downer 1855 - 1951
Chester Root Downer 1894 -
Eliza DeForest Downer 1852 - 1931
Ethel Peabody Downer 1880 - 1968
Lindsay DeForest Downer 1899 -
Lottie Forbes Downer 1849 - 1920
William Forbes Downer 1850 - 1923
William Forbes Downer 1884 - 1939
Janet Drybrughe 1655 - about 1715
Sarah Duke 1811 - 1896
Eleanor Dunbar 1730 - 1790
John Dunbar 1701 - 1792
Sara Renee Dunning
Tasha Louise Dunning
John Edwards 1549 -
John Edwards 1584 -
Mary Edwards 1615 - 1693
Henry Everard estimated 1480 -
John Everard estimated 1560 - 1598
Judith Everard estimated 1592 -
Thomas Everard estimated 1447 -
Thomas Everard estimated 1520 -
Elizabeth Field 1738 - 1805
Addison Louis Fisher 1867 - 1868
Charlotte Root Fisher 1865 - 1951
George Park Fisher, Jr 1861 - 1903
Lucius George Fisher 1808 - 1886
William Forbes Fisher 1863 - 1937
Adaline Forbes 1868 - 1878
Adaline Louisa Forbes 1802 - 1820
Adeline Louise Forbes 1837 - 1867
Agnes Edwards Forbes 1858 - 1956
Alice Bessie Forbes 1864 - 1902
Catherine (née unknown) Forbes estimated 1640 - after 1692
Charles Forbes 1827 - 1895
Charles Edward Forbes 1856 - 1859
Charlotte Root Forbes 1829 - 1893
Charlotte Root Forbes 1862 - 1862
Edward Forbes 1830 - 1908
Eliza DeForest Forbes 1833 - 1913
George Forbes 1806 - 1806
George Forbes 1825 - 1825
George Forbes 1826 - 1826
Gladys Forbes 1921 - 2016
Hannah E Forbes 1866 - 1961
Henry Goodwin Forbes 1859 - 1895
Huldah Forbes estimated 1784 -
James Forbes about 1635 - 1692
Jane Bradley Forbes 1807 - 1830
Jehiel Forbes about 1733 - 1793
Jehiel Forbes 1768 - 1858
John Forbes about 1665 - 1713
Josephine R Forbes 1890 - 1976
Julia Caroline Forbes 1800 - 1820
Julia Caroline Forbes 1823 - 1824
Lizzie A Forbes 1883 -
Margaret Forbes about 1888 -
Maria Archer Forbes 1854 - 1902
Mary Anne Forbes 1804 - 1820
Robert Forbes 1862 - 1880
Robert Wasson Forbes 1822 - 1907
Samuel Forbes estimated 1786 -
Susan Huldah Forbes 1819 - 1878
Wilbur William Forbes 1910 - 1948
William James Forbes 1885 - 1967
William Jehiel Forbes 1794 - 1839
William Jehiel Forbes 1821 - 1862
William Jehiel Forbes 1852 - 1931
William Jehiel Forbes 1857 -
William Ross Forbes 1946 - 2009
Abigail Ford 1619 - 1688
Thomas Ford 1582 - 1672
Ruth Garland 1574 - 1617
Daniel Gates 1680 - 1761
Daniel Gates 1707 -
David Gates 1709 - about 1795
Lydia Gates 1732 - 1818
Mary Agnes Giles 1566 -
Robert Goldhatch about 1560 - about 1599
Arthur Cowles Gridley 1841 - after 1900
Cornelia M Gridley 1857 - after 1880
Edgar Franklin Gridley 1845 - after 1920
Joseph Gridley 1794 - 1816
Joseph Gridley 1816 -
Martha Gridley 1852 -
Mary Jane Gridley 1849 - after 1910
Maude Lavinia Gridley 1871 - 1962
Root Gridley 1788 - 1853
Sarah Gridley 1854 - after 1920
Mary Griffin estimated 1673 -
Hannah Groves 1640 - 1683
Mr Groves estimated 1579 -
Philip Groves about 1616 - 1675/76
Deborah Gunn 1641 - 1694
Elizabeth (née unknown) Gunn estimated 1614 -
Thomas Gunn 1613 - 1681
David S Ham 1937 - 2010
Alice Hankey about 1468 - 1533
Ann Hannah, Langford estimated 1586 - 1659
Mary Hart 1664 - 1752
Stephen Hart 1602 - 1683
Eleanor Silliman Hawkes 1909 - 1973
Emile McDougall Hawkes 1862 - 1929
Forbes Hawkes 1865 - 1940
John L Hawkes 1915 -
Alice Hawkyns about 1522 - 1553
Anna Hawley estimated 1612 -
Alice (née unknown) Heath estimated 1530 - 1593
Edward Heath estimated 1525 -
Mary Heath 1593/94 -
William Heath estimated 1555 -
Carley Heckler
Casey Heckler
James Stephen Heckler
Joane Hill estimated 1592 -
Mary Hinsdale 1665 - 1738
Samuel Hinsdale 1641/42 - 1675
Abiah Hitchcock 1680 -
Amos Hitchcock about 1738 -
Benjamin Hitchcock 1715 -
Caleb Hitchcock 1712 -
Daniel Hitchcock 1708 -
David Hitchcock about 1736 -
Ebenezer Hitchcock 1689 -
Edward Hitchcock 1614 -
Eliakim Hitchcock 1640 - 1704
Elizabeth Hitchcock 1671/72 -
Elizabeth Hitchcock 1721 - 1786
Elizabeth Hitchcock about 1742 -
Elizabeth (née unknown) Hitchcock estimated 1625 - about 1679
Eunice Hitchcock about 1744 -
Frances (née unknown) Hitchcock estimated 1606 -
Hannah Hitchcock 1733 -
James Hitchcock 1703 -
Joel Hitchcock about 1739 -
John Hitchcock 1684 -
Lois Hitchcock 1732 -
Lydia Hitchcock 1730 -
Mary Hitchcock 1637/38 -
Mary Hitchcock 1692 - 1721
Mary Hitchcock about 1746 - 1818
Matthias Hitchcock 1610 - 1669
Nathaniel Hitchcock estimated 1649 -
Nathaniel Hitchcock 1678 - 1726
Nathaniel Hitchcock 1705 -
Nathaniel Hitchcock 1728 -
Rebecca Hitchcock 1718 -
Sarah Hitchcock 1669 - 1747
Sarah Hitchcock 1749 -
Stephen Hitchcock about 1724 -
Zachariah Hitchcock about 1742 -
George Hoge 1606 - about 1638
James Hoge about 1638 - 1682
James Hoge 1706 - 1795
James Mayo Hoge 1732 - 1812
John Hoge estimated 1580 - after 1613
William Hoge 1660 - 1745
Eleanor Nellie Hogg 1769 - 1814
Christopher Nels Hokeness
Amy Humphrey Hollengreen
Katherine Morgal Hollengreen
Laura Holden Hollengreen
Mary (née unknown) Holton estimated 1615 - 1691
Sarah Holton about 1638 - 1683
William Holton 1611 - 1691
Agnes Hooper 1566 -
John Hooper - 1577
Elizabeth Horsey 1530 - 1568
William Horsey 1500 -
Elizabeth Howe 1751 - 1835
Joseph Howe 1729 - 1794
Martha Hull 1650 - after 1677
Naomi Hull 1656/57 -
Barbara Hume 1667 - 1745
Alice A Humphrey 1908 - 1996
Edward Cornelius Humphrey 1905 - 1966
Edward Porter Humphrey 1943 - 2015
Elizabeth Humphrey
John Humphrey
Lawrence Humphrey
Lewis C Humphrey 1936 - 2023
Sally Reed Humphrey 1939 - 2011
Sheryl Humphrey
Thomas M Humphrey
Thomas MacGillivray Humphrey 1935 - 2023
William Belknap Humphrey 1918 - 1974
Edward Isaac about 1510 - 1573
Mary Isaac about 1549 - about 1612
Agnes Jermyn estimated 1500 -
John Johnson about 1590 - 1659
Mehitable Johnson 1646 - 1689
Annice Joynes
Carroll Daniel Joynes
Eleanor R Kelly about 1895 -
Faith Kelly 1888 - 1984
Mabel Kelly about 1882 -
Robert Kelly 1875 -
Trumbull Kelly about 1879 -
William Kelly about 1877 -
Douglas Kennedy
James Madison Kennedy 1910 - 1967
James Madison Kennedy, III 1941 - 2023
Timothy Kennedy
Emily Anne Kidd
Grace Elizabeth Kidd
Mary Kilbourn about 1619 - 1697
Thomas Kilbourn 1578 - 1640
John King estimated 1628 - 1703
Sarah King 1671 - 1747
Alexander Adamu Kutana
Samlau Nathan Aryitey Kutana
Saratu Leila Kutana
Luther Laflin 1789 -
Matthew Laflin 1765 - 1821
Keith Lamoureux
Michelle Lamoureux
Nicole Lamoureux
Joan Lawrence estimated 1548 -
Elizabeth Levingstoune about 1622 -
Johne Levingstoune 1600 - 1677
Abigail Loomis 1659 - 1700/01
Abigail Loomis 1711 - about 1802
Abigail Loomis 1751 - 1801
Alvan Loomis 1783 - 1858
Andelucia Loomis 1831 - 1920
Anna Loomis 1710 -
Anna Loomis 1787 - 1833
Benjamin Loomis 1708 - 1787
Charlotte Loomis 1815 -
Clark Loomis 1832 - 1832
David Loomis 1667/68 - 1751/52
Dyer Loomis 1727 - 1766
Ebenezer Loomis 1674/75 - 1709
Eber Loomis 1779 - 1843
Eleazer Loomis 1756 - 1810
Elizabeth Loomis about 1620 - 1655
Elizabeth Loomis 1655 - 1717
Elizabeth Loomis 1664 -
Elizabeth Loomis 1671 - 1723
Eunice Loomis 1705 - 1768
Eunice Loomis 1749 - 1826
Fiana Loomis 1814 - 1902
George Loomis 1697 - 1699/00
Hannah Loomis 1661/62 - 1730
Hannah Loomis 1707 -
Henry Loomis 1701 - 1778
Henry A Loomis 1819 - 1833
Hezekiah Loomis 1668/69 - 1758
Hiram A Loomis 1826 - 1905
Horace Loomis 1794 - 1880
Isaac Loomis 1666 - about 1704
Isaac Loomis 1677 - 1703/04
Israel H Loomis 1821 - 1879
Jabez Loomis 1745 - 1796
James Loomis 1669 - 1750
James Loomis 1699/00 - 1784
John Loomis 1535/36 - 1567
John Loomis 1561/62 - 1619
John Loomis about 1622 - 1688
John Loomis 1651 - 1732
John Loomis 1782 - 1867
John B Loomis 1823 - 1887
Jonathan Loomis 1664 - 1707
Jonathan Loomis 1693 - 1693
Jonathan Loomis 1694/95 -
Jonathan Loomis 1719 - 1798
Jonathan Loomis 1753 - 1832
Joseph Loomis about 1590 - 1658
Joseph Loomis 1615 - 1687
Joseph Loomis 1649 - before 1739
Joshua Loomis 1706 - 1779
Josiah Loomis 1660/61 - about 1734
Justus Loomis 1752 - 1833
Laura Loomis 1809 - 1832
Lois Loomis 1715 - 1789
Lucy Loomis 1743 - 1805
Mabel Loomis 1710 - 1710
Manly Loomis 1817 - 1896
Martha Loomis 1704 - 1804
Martha Loomis 1796 - 1850
Mary Loomis 1620 - 1680
Mary Loomis 1653 -
Mary Loomis 1679/80 -
Mary Loomis 1708/09 - 1709
Mary Loomis 1733 - 1801
Matthew Loomis 1664 - 1688
Matthew Loomis 1703 - 1764
Mindwell Loomis 1673 - 1767
Mindwell Loomis 1697 - 1774
Moses Loomis 1671 - 1754
Nancy Loomis 1735 - before 1768
Nathaniel Loomis about 1626 - 1688
Nathaniel Loomis 1656/57 - 1733
Nathaniel Loomis 1663 - 1732
Nathaniel Loomis 1673 - 1730
Nathaniel Loomis 1690/91 - 1769
Nathaniel Loomis 1711/12 - 1758
Nathaniel Loomis 1731 - 1790
Nathaniel Loomis 1747 - 1825
Noah Loomis 1724 - 1808
Otis Loomis 1791 - 1868
Philancy Loomis 1811 - 1895
Philip Loomis 1675 - 1746
Rebecca Loomis 1682 -
Samuel Loomis 1628 - 1689
Samuel Loomis 1666 - 1754
Samuel Loomis 1780 - 1843
Samuel Loomis 1828 - 1887
Sara Loomis 1647 - 1654
Sarah Loomis 1617 - before 1676
Sarah Loomis 1660 - 1661
Sarah Loomis 1689 - 1777
Sarah Loomis 1743 - 1804
Sarah Irene Loomis 1729 - 1761
Stephen Loomis 1668 - before 1711
Thomas Loomis 1624 - 1689
Thomas Loomis estimated 1657 -
Thomas Loomis 1791 - 1854
Timothy Loomis 1661 -
William Loomis 1672 - 1738
William Loomis 1830 - 1871
Thomas Lummys 1512 -
Laurent Lummyus 1491 - 1540
Oliver Lummyus 1469 - 1535
Diana Tremaine MacDougall
Wendy Sargent MacDougall
William Peter MacDougall
Lucy Mack 1775 - 1856
Anne Stough Mainardi
Carolyn Mainardi
Wendy Wanning Mainardi
John Marshall estimated 1570 - about 1624
Margaret Mason estimated 1602 -
Grace Matthews 1558 - 1632
John Matthews estimated 1528 -
Claire McCance
Mary Sargent McCance 1927 - 2004
Matthew Jon McCance
Pressly Forbes McCance 1926 - 1996
Thomas Forbes McCance
Thomas Forbes McCance
Grissell McKie 1680 - 1769
Joseph McKie 1650 - 1684
William McKie 1612 - 1660
Bennett Meade about 1565 - about 1638
John Merrick about 1579 - 1647
Sarah Merrick 1643 -
Thomas Merrick 1620 - 1704
John Miller about 1506 - about 1578
Margaret Miller estimated 1535 - 1587
Frances Moody estimated 1590 -
Elizabeth Moore about 1635 - 1728
John Moore about 1603 - 1677
Barbara Woods Morgan
Craig H Morgan
Eleanor Humphrey Morgan
Gerald D Morgan
Eleazer Morris about 1691 - 1740
Elizabeth (née unknown) Morris about 1620 - 1681
Mabel Morris about 1734 - 1825
Mary Morris 1618 - 1701
Thomas Morris about 1620 - 1673
Mary Mountney estimated 1478 -
Charlotte Constance Mueller
Hannah Sargent Mueller
Elizabeth Muston estimated 1475 - about 1542
William Muston estimated 1450 - before 1486
Jane (née unknown) Newberry estimated 1611 - 1645
Richard Newberry 1557 - 1620
Sarah Newberry 1620 - 1684
Richard Newborowe 1517 - 1568
Alice (née unknown) Newburgh about 1450 - 1525
Thomas Newburgh about 1445 - 1513
Walter Newburgh 1487 - 1517
Francis (née unknown) Newell about 1590 - 1683
Isaac Newell 1711 - 1793
Mercy Newell 1742 - 1784
Samuel Newell 1660 - 1753
Samuel Newell 1685/86 - 1750/51
Thomas Newell 1585 - 1672
Thomas Newell about 1620 - 1689
Joan (née unknown) Nichols estimated 1550 -
John Nichols about 1542 -
Sarah Nichols 1649 -
Asiel Noble 1782 - 1839
David Noble 1731/32 - 1776
David Noble 1755 - 1820
Margaret Norton estimated 1437 -
Sarah Norton 1689 -
Elinor (née unknown) Nycholls estimated 1515 -
Thomas Nycholls about 1510 -
Beatrice (née unknown) Olmstead about 1500 -
James Olmstead about 1490 -
James Olmstead about 1550 - 1595
John Olmstead 1404 -
John Olmstead about 1460 - 1533
Rebecca Olmstead 1624 - 1698
Richard Olmstead about 1430 -
Richard Olmstead 1580 - 1641
Sarah Olmsted 1641 - 1709
Joan Orchard estimated 1465 -
Anne Orme estimated 1568 -
Ann Osborn 1663 - 1726
Hannah Paine estimated 1620 -
Mehitable Partridge 1675 - 1756
Kyrsten Pasfield 1526 - after 1567
Adeline Louisa Forbes Pepper 1894 - 1971
Charlotte Eleanor Pepper 1897 - 1930
George Wharton Pepper 1895 - 1949
Austin Gridley Peterson 1900 - 1974
Austin Gridley Peterson 1925 - 2014
Barbara May Peterson 1926 - 1926
Barbara Standish Peterson 1902 - 1999
Derek Peterson
John Alden Peterson 1909 - 1911
Lynn Peterson
Mark A Peterson
Martha Phelps 1735 - about 1821
John Phillips
Douglas Piatt
Richard Piatt
Ebenezer Pomeroy 1669 - 1754
Eltweed Pomeroy about 1595 - 1673
John Pomeroy 1696 -
Rachel Pomeroy 1723 - 1776
Hannah Porter 1665 - 1737/38
John Porter about 1560 -
John Porter 1594 - 1648
Nathanial Porter 1640 - 1679/80
Ruth Porter 1664 - 1739
Thomas Porter 1620 - 1697
Abigail Potter 1680 - 1755
Elizabeth (née unknown) Potter estimated 1608 - 1677
John Potter 1635 - 1706
Agnes Prowse 1576 - about 1622
John Prowse estimated 1455 -
John Prowse 1516 -
John Prowse 1542 -
Richard Prowse estimated 1415 -
Robert Prowse estimated 1485 -
Jane Rawson 1521 -
David Sargent Reinfeld
Heidi Elizabeth Reinfeld
Lisa Joan Reinfeld
Sophia Elyse Reinfeld
Jacob Robinson estimated 1665 - after 1747
Sarah Robinson 1695 - 1778
Margery Rockett estimated 1611 - 1665
Abigail Root 1680 -
Amos Root 1740 - 1787
Charlotte Antoinette Root 1798 - 1888
Curtiss Root 1773 - 1773
David Root 1750 - 1773
Eleanor Paris Root 1794 -
Elisha Root 1737 - 1776
Eliza Maria Root 1792 -
Elizabeth Robbins Root 1809 - 1886
Ezekiel Root 1736 - 1808
George Bridges Rodney Root 1782 - 1828
Hannah Root 1677 -
Hannah Root 1765 - 1794
James Root 1745/46 - 1825
Jeanette Frances Root 1796 -
Joel Root 1770 - 1847
John Root 1607/08 - 1687
Jonathan Root 1707 - 1794
Julia Root 1807 - 1807
Lucy Root 1768 - 1806
Lucy Curtiss Root 1790 - 1821
Margaret Root 1745 - 1769
Mercy Root 1684 - 1744
Olivia Ann Root 1788 - 1827
Ruth Root 1748 - 1806
Ruth Root about 1751 - 1790
Sarah Root 1743 - 1828
Stephen Root 1652 - 1716/17
Stephen Root 1711 - 1752
Stephen Root 1740 - 1767
Stephen Root about 1766 - 1767
Susan Augsta Root 1800 - 1846
Timothy Root about 1681 - 1713
Timothy Root about 1712 - 1746
Richard Rosewell 1652 - 1702
Sarah Rosewell 1682 - 1720
William Rosewell estimated 1622 - 1696
Edith Rothmann
William Rothmann about 1914 -
Jonathan Rowe
Rachel Rowe
Mercy Ruscoe about 1610 - after 1665
Roger Ruscoe estimated 1583 -
Sarah (née unknown) Ruscoe estimated 1588 -
Henry Rutherford estimated 1615 - 1668
Sarah Rutherford 1641 - 1686/87
Sarah (née unknown) Rutherford estimated 1619 - 1673
Alicia Kingsbury Sargent
Bruce Kingsbury Sargent 1949 - 2020
Carol Sargent
Charles Forbes Sargent 1898 - 1985
Charles Forbes Sargent, Jr 1932 - 2017
Charles Forbes Sargent, III
Charles Forbes Sargent, IV
David Howard Sargent
Dorothy Sargent 1891 - 1974
Dorothy Sargent 1925 - 2012
Eleanor Strong Sargent 1887 - 1892
Elizabeth Day Sargent 1928 - 2001
Florence Louise Sargent 1927 - 2011
Frederick Kingsbury Sargent 1916 - 1996
Hilda Sargent 1893 - 1971
Howard Lewis Sargent 1896 - 1987
Howard Lewis Sargent, Jr 1929 - 2001
Joan Sargent 1945 - 1997
Katherine Elizabeth Ann Sargent
Kathleen Sargent 1954 - 2015
Kathleen Elizabeth Keigher Sargent
Kira Maria Sargent
Lauren Daly Sargent
Leslie Sargent
Linda Sargent
Lindsey Claire Sargent
Mary Denny Sargent 1894 - 1965
Peter Albert Sargent
Quinn Sargent
Richard Collier Sargent 1888 - 1962
Richard Collier Sargent, Jr 1914 - 1985
Richard Collier Sargent, III
Russell Shelton Sargent
Samuel Kellog Sargent
Sandra Sargent 1944 - 2007
Sophia Mariah Sargent
Susanna Rosalinda Sargent
Sydney Forbes Sargent 1889 - 1971
Timothy Coffin Sargent 1952 - 2024
Elizabeth Saunders 1582 - 1665
Thomas Saunders about 1520 - 1609
Isabel Rowan Scarpino
Michelle Scott
Robert Seamer estimated 1578 -
Robert Sexton, of Lavenham (Lanham) estimated 1490 - estimated 1517
Rose Sexton estimated 1516 -
John Seymour about 1639 - 1712
Margaret Seymour 1675 - 1751
Rachel Sheldon 1700/01 - 1774
Thomas Sheldon 1661 - 1725
Charles Sargent Sill
Leslie Louise Sill
Lisa Anne Sill
Alice Trumbull Silliman 1846 - 1890
Benjamin D Silliman, 3rd 1849 -
Edith Silliman 1851 - 1866
Eleanor Root Silliman 1856 - 1930
Eleanor Strong Silliman 1843 - 1843
Mabel McClellan Silliman 1854 - 1927
Susan Forbes Silliman 1841 - 1890
Anne Skinner 1574 -
William Skinner about 1542 - about 1616
Frances Slany 1587 - 1630
Thomas Slany 1563 -
Dylan Michael Slaughter
Kirinne Slaughter
Harley Mitchell Smith
John Smith 1539 -
Kirsten Smith
Ruth Smith 1710 - 1749
Samuel Smith 1664 - 1724
Sarah Smith 1569 - 1649
Kathryn Soper about 1503 -
Ann Speir 1926 - 2016
Francis Cecil Speir 1890 - 1964
H F Osborn Speir 1898 -
Robert Forbes Speir 1895 - 1915
Robert Forbes Speir 1929 - 2002
Sarah E Speir 1893 -
Robart Stanley about 1572 - 1605
Sarah Stanley about 1636 - 1718
Thomas Stanley 1601 - 1662/63
Rowland Stebbins 1592 - 1671
Sarah Stebbins 1623 - 1649
Thomas Francis Stebbins 1566 - 1660
William Stebbins 1538 -
Ann Stephen 1525 -
Eleanor Strong 1771 - 1853
Elizabeth (née unknown) Strong 1560 -
George Strong 1553 - 1635
John Strong 1606 - 1699
John Strong 1733 - 1816
John Richard Strong 1584 - 1615
John Warham Strong 1706 - 1752
Return Strong 1640 - 1726
Return Strong 1669 - 1708
Douglas Sargent Strough
Jeffrey Sargent Strough
Joshua James Swanski
Elizabeth Symons about 1605 - 1652
Agnes Syngewood estimated 1570 -
John Talcott estimated 1540 - 1606
John Talcott estimated 1567 - 1604
Sarah Talcott about 1598 - 1643
Carol Helen Thiemsen 1945 - 2014
Joyce Thiemsen
Ruth Thiemsen
Dorothy (née unknown) Thompson estimated 1616 - before 1666
John Thompson estimated 1611 - 1656
Mary Thompson 1709 - 1777
Samuel Thompson 1677 - 1712
Sarah Thompson 1654 - 1716
Abigail Thrall 1708 - 1733
Timothy Thrall 1641 - 1697
Timothy Thrall 1662 -
Rose Trevor estimated 1420 -
Daniel Tritton estimated 1582 - estimated 1614
Margery Trotter about 1546 - after 1616
Lydia Trowbridge 1666 - 1731
Thomas Trowbridge estimated 1543 - 1619/20
Thomas Trowbridge 1598 - 1672/73
John Carter van Vliet
Rick van Vliet
Willem Frederik van Vliet 1979 - 2012
Thomas Vessey about 1530 - after 1587
John Wadsworth 1630 - 1689
Sarah Wadsworth 1657 - 1740
Agnes Walden estimated 1425 -
Grace (née unknown) Walker estimated 1619 - 1660
John Walker about 1618 - 1652
Mary Walker about 1641 -
Johanna Walseley 1544 - 1597
Abigail Warham 1638 - before 1696
John Warham estimated 1500 -
John Warham 1592 -
Richard Warham about 1472 -
Richard Warham estimated 1552 - 1623
Sarah Warham 1642 - 1678
Thomas Warham 1525 - 1612
Margaret Washburn estimated 1626 -
Charles A Watrous 1900 -
Charlotte R Watrous 1892 -
George D Watrous 1894 -
Katherine E Watrous 1896 -
Wheeler De F Watrous 1889 -
Mary Watson 1644 - 1712
Margaret Welling estimated 1433 - 1468
Miss Wells estimated 1535 -
Adrian Whetehill about 1435 - 1503
Margery Whetehill estimated 1528 -
Richard Whetehill 1410 - estimated 1481
Sir Richard Whetehill about 1465 - about 1536
Alice White estimated 1523 -
Debra White
Jeffrey Ross White
Robert White estimated 1560 -
Elizabeth Whitfield 1588 -
John Whitfield 1562 -
John Whiting about 1540 -
John Whiting 1561 - 1617
Sarah Whiting 1591 - 1649
Evan Taylor Willenson
Samuel Hodge Willenson
Albert Edward Willson 1893 - 1955
Alice F Willson 1886 - 1958
Alice Victoria Willson 1883 - 1884
Florence Gertrude Willson 1891 - 1951
George Austill Willson 1910 - 1998
George Massey Willson 1881 - 1962
Joan Marie Willson 1935 - 2023
MALE Twin Willson 1881 - 1881
Mary Willson 1885 - 1885
William Edward Willson 1888 - 1889
Robert Wimarke estimated 1552 -
Margaret Wiseman estimated 1534 -
Deborah Wiser
Dorothy Joan Wiser 1924 -
James Sargent Wiser 1921 - 2012
Lawrence Currie Wiser
Penelope Wiser
Stephen Forbes Wiser 1947 - 1964
Thomas Huntington Wiser 1923 -
Agnes (née unknown) Wolcott estimated 1526 -
Hannah Wolcott 1684 - 1747/48
Henry Wolcott 1578 - 1655
Henry Wolcott 1610 - 1680
John Wolcott about 1525 - 1571
John Wolcott about 1547 - 1623
Samuel Wolcott 1656 - 1695
Thomas Wolcott about 1500 - about 1555
Ann (née unknown) Woodward estimated 1602 - 1666
Elizabeth (née unknown) Woodward 1618 - 1690
Experience Woodward 1643 - 1686
Henry Woodward 1607 - 1683
John Woodward 1589 -
John Woodward 1671 - 1745/46
John Woodward 1712 - 1791
Mary Woodward 1745 - 1819
Mehitable (née unknown) Woodward estimated 1648 - 1727
Peter Woodward 1604 - 1685
Peter Woodward 1638 - 1721
William Woodward estimated 1538 -
Margred Worsley estimated 1445 - 1515
Sir Otewell Worsley about 1410 - 1470
Anna Wright about 1622 -
Arthur Silliman Wright 1881 - 1952
Dorothea Wright 1883 - 1967
Edith Wright 1880 - 1881
Susan Silliman Wright 1876 - 1965
Elizabeth Young estimated 1558 -