My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 11

Julian Ferguson Sargent

#251, (1899-1900)
Pedigree Link



  • Julian Ferguson Sargent was born on 12 June 1899 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He died on 14 April 1900 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 10 months and 2 days.1
  • He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut. The cemetery calls the person 'Julia F'.2

Other Information


  1. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 8.
  2. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .

Thomas Denny Sargent

#252, (1901-1977)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Owen (b. 12 May 1904, d. 7 March 1978)

  1. Thomas Owen Sargent+ (b. 3 January 1927, d. 20 October 2007)
  2. Joseph Denny Sargent+ (b. 11 September 1929, d. 7 November 2012)


  • Thomas Denny Sargent was born on 30 December 1901 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • On 24 May 1924 Thomas Denny Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.2
  • He married Elizabeth Owen on 10 April 1926.1
  • He died on 17 May 1977 at age 75.3
  • He was buried in Riverside Cemetery, Farmington, Connecticut.3

Other Information


  1. [S263] Interview with family member at George Grove's party held Oct 1998, Chamberlin Farm, West Newbury, Vermont with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  2. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  3. [S6695] Find A Grave: Riverside Cemetery, Farmington, Connecticut, Thomas Denny Sargent, created by GAB, added Sep 2014, memorial number 136081476.

William Fisher Sargent

#253, (1901-1987)
Pedigree Link



  • William Fisher Sargent was born on 30 December 1901 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • In 1924 he was in the Psi Upsilon Fraternity at Yale University, where he was in the class of 1925.2
  • He attended school at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
  • William Fisher Sargent was a stock broker.3
  • He appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 130 Cold Spring St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 8 April 1930, in the household of his father Joseph Denny Sargent.3
  • Bill was released by the Army on account of age, and was in the Enlisted Reserve Corps.4
  • William Fisher Sargent never married.1
  • He died on 26 August 1987 in Newton, Massachusetts, at age 85.5

Other Information


  1. [S263] Interview with family member at George Grove's party held Oct 1998, Chamberlin Farm, West Newbury, Vermont with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  2. [S5249] US School Yearbooks, 1900-2016, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2010,; Collection 8861483; 1265. (Original publication: Various school yearbooks from across the United States,,) collection of middle school, junior high, high school, college.
  3. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Joseph D Sargent head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 53, page 8A .
  4. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, vol 1 No 6.
  5. [S1389] Massachusetts Death Index 1970-2003, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005 (Original publication: State of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Death Index 1970-2003, Boston, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Health Services).

Louise Ferguson Sargent

#254, (1908-1989)
Pedigree Link


Children with James William Hinkley, 3rd, (b. 3 December 1905, d. 28 August 1967)

  1. James William Hinkley, IV (b. 3 October 1933, d. 24 November 2007)
  2. Suzanne Louise Hinkley+ (b. 19 April 1937, d. 28 October 1993)
  3. Joseph Denny Sargent Hinkley+ (b. 27 March 1939, d. 23 May 2000)
  4. Mark Wainwright Hinkley+


  • Louise Ferguson Sargent was born on 27 October 1908 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She married James William Hinkley, 3rd, on 29 September 1928.1
  • She died on 3 November 1989 in Greenwich, Connecticut, at age 81.1,2
  • She was buried in Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery, Poughkeepsie, New York.3

Other Information


  1. [S263] Interview with family member at George Grove's party held Oct 1998, Chamberlin Farm, West Newbury, Vermont with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  2. [S1887] EdieHarding, compiler, family tree titled "Edith Harding Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 60953337, viewed Dec 2021 , .
  3. [S9380] Find A Grave: Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery, Poughkeepsie, New York, Louise Hinkley, created by Dennis Carey Abrams, added Apr 2018, memorial number 189212935.

Eleanor Strong Sargent

#255, (1887-1892)
Pedigree Link
Eleanor Strong Sargent



  • Eleanor Strong Sargent was born on 26 May 1887 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She died on 30 May 1892 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 5.2
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.2

Other Information


  1. [S26] Family data.
  2. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .

Sydney Forbes Sargent

#256, (1889-1971)
Pedigree Link
Sydney Forbes Sargent
1957 photo



  • Sydney Forbes Sargent was born on 29 October 1889 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He was mentioned in a letter.

    JBS, during a whooping cough epidemic, wrote to his wife Florence who was visiting in Lakewood NJ:

    ...This forenoon I spent an hour or more playing with Lawton, Bradford and with Bessie's older children.1

  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of his parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.2
  • Sydney Forbes Sargent attended school at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Sheffield Scientific School. He was in the class of 1911, and studied Merc (business) or Agr (?)3,4
  • He appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of his father George Lewis Sargent.5
  • In 1917 Sidney was a goat breeder in Murphys CA. According to his WWI draft registration card he had weak lungs.6
  • In 1920 Sydney moved to Murphy, California.4
  • In 1925 Sydney and Ailleen lived at Pasadena, California.7
  • He married Ailleen Bertha Wheeler on 25 February 1925 in Stockton, California.7
  • He and Ailleen appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Glenwood Highway, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California, enumerated in 1930.8
  • Sydney Forbes Sargent was a salesman for spring water.8
  • He married Inez (née unknown) Sargent estimated 1940.9
  • Sydney married Inez; they were divorced, and then remarried.10
  • In 1948 Sydney lived at 421 N Euclid Ave, Pasadena, California.10,11
  • In May 1957 in Ridge Road, North Haven, Connecticut, Sydney Forbes Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.12
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • Sydney lived in Duarte, California.13
  • He died on 1 April 1971 in Los Angeles, California, at age 81.14,13

Other Information


  1. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, vol I (8?) nbr 5.
  2. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  3. [S1143] Yale University, Directory of the Living Non-Graduates of Yale University: Issue of 1914, Yale University, 1914, p 60.
  4. [S1583] Yale University, Alumni Directory of Yale University: graduates and non-graduates 1920, New Haven: Issued for Private Distribution by the University, 1920, p 294.
  5. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  6. [S1167] World War I Draft Registration Card, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005, (Original publication: United States, Selective Service System World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, NARA Microfilm,) Sydney Forbes Sargent, nbr 244.
  7. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 8.
  8. [S390] 1930 US Federal Census, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Sydney L Sargent head of household, roll 215, enumeration district 18, page 5A .
  9. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  10. [S26] Family data.
  11. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 6 No 5.
  12. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  13. [S816] California Death Index, 1940-1997, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2000 (Original publication: State of California, California Death Index, 1940-1997, State of California Department of Health Services).
  14. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).

Inez (née unknown) Sargent

#257, (1900-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S26] Family data.

Dorothy Sargent

#258, (1891-1974)
Pedigree Link
Dorothy Sargent Wiser
Photo from the 1930s


Children with Henry James Wiser (b. 18 September 1893, d. 11 March 1955)

  1. James Sargent Wiser+ (b. 6 October 1921, d. 21 July 2012)
  2. Thomas Huntington Wiser+ (b. 4 January 1923)
  3. Dorothy Joan Wiser+ (b. 8 May 1924)


  • Dorothy Sargent was born on 4 November 1891 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She was mentioned in a letter.

    JBS, during a whooping cough epidemic, wrote to his wife Florence who was visiting in Lakewood NJ:

    ...This forenoon I spent an hour or more playing with Lawton, Bradford and with Bessie's older children.1

  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of her parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.2
  • Dorothy Sargent appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of her father George Lewis Sargent.3
  • She married Henry James Wiser on 5 February 1919 in New Haven, Connecticut.4
  • In 1920 Dorothy and Henry moved to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and lived there for thirty-five years.4
  • In 1925 Henry and Dorothy lived in Midland, Ontario, Canada.5
  • Her husband Henry James Wiser died leaving her a widow at age 61.6
  • Dorothy moved to Fairfield, Connecticut, to live with her son and daughter-in-law Jim and Normie.7
  • In May 1957 in Ridge Road, North Haven, Connecticut, Dorothy Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken. Grandpa's sister, who lived with here son & daughter-in-law and their children.7
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • She died on 10 December 1974 in Fairfield, Connecticut, at age 83.8
  • She was buried in Ogdensburg Cemetery, Ogdensburg, New York.8
  • James Wiser, her son, was executor of her will.9

Other Information


  1. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, vol I (8?) nbr 5.
  2. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  3. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  4. [S263] Interview with family member at George Grove's party held Oct 1998, Chamberlin Farm, West Newbury, Vermont with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  5. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 9.
  6. [S2213] Find A Grave: Ogdensburg Cemetery, Ogdensburg, New York, Henry James Wiser, created by Anne Cady, added Jun 2008, memorial number 27412790.
  7. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  8. [S2213] Find A Grave: Ogdensburg Cemetery, Ogdensburg, New York, Dorothy Sargent Wiser, created by Anne Cady, added Jun 2008, memorial number 27412785.
  9. [S1352] The Bridgeport Post, Bridgeport, CT, also known as Notice of Probate Court, Newspaper, date 9 Jan 1975.

Hilda Sargent

#259, (1893-1971)
Pedigree Link
Hilda Sargent Gerard Ham
1957 photo


Child with Roswell Gray Ham (b. 11 March 1891, d. 20 July 1983)

  1. David S Ham (b. 17 April 1937, d. 11 June 2010)


  • Hilda Sargent was born on 6 April 1893 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of her parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.1
  • Hilda Sargent appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of her father George Lewis Sargent.2
  • She married Raymond Bryant Gerard on 5 February 1921.3,4
  • On 24 May 1924 Hilda Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.5
  • Raymond Bryant Gerard and Hilda appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 88 Linden St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 14 April 1930. List in the household was Elise S Brammer age 28 servant. They rent their home for $73.3
  • She married Roswell Gray Ham on 4 April 1936.
  • [W] attended a family reunion where this photo was taken [D] [L] [M0] [WM].6
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • She died on 20 September 1971 in Walnut Creek, California, at age 78.7
  • She was buried in Mission City Memorial Park, Santa Clara, California. Block 126, Lot 2.7
  • An obituary was published in The Boston Globe on 22 September 1971 (not misspelling of her last name!)8

Other Information


  1. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  2. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  3. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Raymond Gerard head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 52, page 13A .
  4. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 9.
  5. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  6. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  7. [S171] Find A Grave: Mission City Memorial Park, Santa Clara, California, Hilda Sargent Ham, created by MathTeacherGuy, added Mar 2011, memorial number 66996578.
  8. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Mrs Hilda Han[sic] obituary notice, published 22 Sep 1971 p 39.

Raymond Bryant Gerard

#260, (1889-1968)
Pedigree Link
Raymond Bryant 'Jerry' Gerard
1928 photo, Thanksgiving Lawn Club


  • Raymond Bryant Gerard was born on 1 June 1889 in New York City, New York.1,2
  • Father: Franklin Ward Gerard - Mother: Jessie H Bryant.1,3
  • He graduated from Yale University in 1911 Sheffield School.4
  • He married Hilda Sargent, daughter of George Lewis Sargent and Alice Bessie Forbes, on 5 February 1921.5,3
  • On 24 May 1924 Raymond Bryant Gerard attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.6
  • He was employed by Sargent and Company, New Haven, Connecticut, as a vice-president.5
  • He and Hilda appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 88 Linden St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 14 April 1930. List in the household was Elise S Brammer age 28 servant. They rent their home for $73.5
  • He died on 12 May 1968 in Kent, Connecticut, at age 78.7

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1460] 1910 US Federal Census, Islip, Suffolk County, New York, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Frank Gerard head of household, roll T624_1082, enumeration district 1372, page 2A .
  2. [S4466] Terri Dunklee Sautter, compiler, family tree titled "Sautter Family Tree", published by,, from database ID 8861483, viewed Apr 2022 , .
  3. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 9.
  4. [S5929] US School Yearbooks, 1900-1990, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2010, compilation of school yearbooks from the US Raymond Bryant Gerard, Yale University , 1911, The Yale Banner and Pot Pourri p 448.
  5. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Raymond Gerard head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 52, page 13A .
  6. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  7. [S1302] Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2003 (Original publication: Connecticut Department of Health, Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012, Hartford CT: Connecticut Department of Health, online database). death record Rayond B Gerard, nbr 10614.

Roswell Gray Ham

#261, (1891-1983)
Pedigree Link
Roswell Gray Ham
1957 photo

Child with Hilda Sargent (b. 6 April 1893, d. 20 September 1971)

  1. David S Ham (b. 17 April 1937, d. 11 June 2010)


  • Roswell Gray Ham was born on 11 March 1891 in LeMoore, California{R1}.1
  • Father: Israel Hayes Ham (b Sep 1823 Rochester, NH) - Mother: Josephine Mirenda Gray (b 5 Jan 1850 Janesville, Rock County, WI.)2
  • He graduated from University of California, Berkeley, California, estimated 1912.3
  • Roswell was a teacher at the University of Washington. A few years later he taught at the University of California.3
  • In 1917 Roswell married Helen Marion Cornelius and had two sons, Roswell Gray Ham Jr (b 11 Mar 1919 Oakland, CA) and Cornelius K Ham (b 8 Jul 1923 New Haven, CT). Roswell Jr. was an author - he wrote 'A Peak in Darien'. Helen died 25 Jan 1933.4,2,5,6
  • Roswell werved during WW I and received a captain's commission in the Wartime Marine Corps.3
  • Estimated 1920 Roswell Gray Ham was a teacher in the English department at Yale University.1
  • He graduated from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1925 with a PhD.1
  • He was a top-ranking authority on the poetry of John Dryden. He was also an Executive Fellow at Jonathan Edwards College.3
  • He married Hilda Sargent, daughter of George Lewis Sargent and Alice Bessie Forbes, on 4 April 1936.
  • Between 1937 and 1957 Roswell Gray Ham was the President of Mount Holyoke College.3,1
  • In May 1957 in Ridge Road, North Haven, Connecticut, Roswell Gray Ham attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.7
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • He died on 20 July 1983 in Santa Barbara, California, at age 92.6
  • He was buried in Mission City Memorial Park, Santa Clara, California. Plot: Block 126 Lot 2.6
  • Mount Holyoke College has a collection of material concerning Roswell Ham:

    Description of Records: Personal and professional documents concerning Roswell G. Ham include correspondence from 1937-1981; articles, addresses and speeches dated 1937-1957; biographical material consisting of news clippings (particularly of his eldest son, Roswell G. Ham, Jr.); inauguration programs, etc.; extensive documentation of the Presidential controversy (1936-1937) comprising letters, news releases, clippings, articles, petitions from alumnae to the President of the Trustees Alva Morrison, questionnaires, etc; obituaries, tributes and memorials; photographs; and card files of Ham's correspondence. Included is an FBI folder on Ham's sponsorship of the American Spanish Aid Committee, American Rescue Ship Missions, etc. Ham's correspondence mainly deals with invitations to Commencement speakers and includes correspondence with alumnae and letters granting honorary Mount Holyoke degrees. Material concerning the Presidential controversy includes letters to Ham, among them correspondence from alumnae who opposed or supported his appointment.

    Cite as: Office of the President, Roswell Gray Ham Records, Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections, South Hadley, MA.1


Continuous development of the physical and financial assets of the College was a feature of his presidency. Some of the new buildings erected were the remodeling of the 1897 chapel into the Charles Clinton Abbey Memorial Chapel (1938); a sports complex, Kendall Hall (1950); Newcombe Cleveland Hall and Carr Laboratory (1955); and Gorse Child Study Center (1953). In addition, the endowment, student fees and the value of the physical plant doubled and enrollment increased by 25%. Ham was a staunch advocate of close cooperation with other colleges. In 1951, Mount Holyoke, Smith College, Amherst College and the University of Massachusetts launched a cooperative effort to establish an Inter-Library Center. This was later instrumental in the founding of Hampshire College and ultimately evolved into Five Colleges, Inc., one of the most successful consortiums in the country. During Ham's tenure, internship programs were established and interdepartmental courses were added to the curriculum. The latter were the forerunners to the interdepartmental majors and minors currently offered to students. A dormitory, Ham Hall, was named for him in 1965.


Other Information


  1. [S318] Mount Holyoke College, College web site,, viewed on 13 Jun 2007.
  2. [S883] Gray Jr, Philip, compiler, family tree titled "Descendents of Elias Andrew Gray", published by,, from database ID philgray, updated Dec 2007, viewed May 2008 , .
  3. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, accessed 13 Jun 2003.
  4. [S319] Time Magazine, online and print daily/weekly magazine,, Sep 12, 1960, viewed 13 Jun 2007.
  5. [S5486] Platz, Lorraine Wigginton, Email message to Linda Sargent Reinfeld, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 27 Mar 2014. She found the clipping in a book.
  6. [S171] Find A Grave: Mission City Memorial Park, Santa Clara, California, Roswell Gray Ham, created by MathTeacherGuy, added Mar 2011, memorial number 66996528.
  7. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.

David S Ham1

#262, (1937-2010)
Pedigree Link



  • David S Ham was born on 17 April 1937.
  • In 1971 David lived in Santa Barbara, California.2
  • He died on 11 June 2010 in Sparks, Nevada, at age 73.1

Other Information


  1. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).
  2. [S6029] The Boston Globe, Boston, MA, Newspaper, Mrs Hilda Han[sic] obituary notice, published 22 Sep 1971 p 39.

Mary Denny Sargent

#263, (1894-1965)
Pedigree Link
Mary Denny 'Molly' Sargent McCance
1928 photo


Children with William Hodge McCance (b. 27 March 1895, d. 28 August 1977)

  1. Pressly Forbes McCance+ (b. 18 March 1926, d. 10 August 1996)
  2. Mary Sargent McCance (b. 30 June 1927, d. 26 February 2004)


  • Mary Denny Sargent was born on 28 October 1894 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She was usually called Molly.1
  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of her parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.2
  • Mary Denny Sargent appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of her father George Lewis Sargent.3
  • She married William Hodge McCance on 30 June 1921.
  • In 1925 William and Mary lived at the American Marathi Mission, Satara, India.4
  • William and Mary lived in Bronxville, New York, with their children.5
  • William Hodge McCance and Mary appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 14 North St, Middlebury, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 29 April 1940. Also listed with the household was Donella Harrison age 23 servant, b South Carolina.5
  • She died on 27 May 1965 in Los Angeles, California, at age 70.6,7
  • She was buried in Middlebury Cemetery, Middlebury, Connecticut.6

Other Information


  1. [S26] Family data.
  2. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  3. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  4. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 9.
  5. [S1585] 1900 US Federal Census, Middlebury, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William H McCance head of household, roll T627_517, enumeration district 5-113, page 3A .
  6. [S1390] Find A Grave: Middlebury Cemetery, Middlebury, Connecticut, Mary Denny Sargent McCance, created by Linda Mac, added Jan 2012, memorial number #83575482.
  7. [S816] California Death Index, 1940-1997, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2000 (Original publication: State of California, California Death Index, 1940-1997, State of California Department of Health Services).

Howard Lewis Sargent

#264, (1896-1987)
Pedigree Link


Children with Florence Hiermann (b. 18 October 1898, d. July 1992)

  1. Florence Louise Sargent+ (b. 12 December 1927, d. 2 October 2011)
  2. Howard Lewis Sargent, Jr+ (b. 12 February 1929, d. 25 November 2001)


  • Howard Lewis Sargent was born on 9 August 1896 in Norfolk, Connecticut.
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of his parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.1
  • Howard Lewis Sargent appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of his father George Lewis Sargent.2
  • Howard Lewis Sargent graduated from Yale Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1917 with a degree in manufacturing.3
  • In 1920 Howard lived at 1632 S Burlington Ave, Los Angeles, California.3
  • He married Florence Hiermann on 24 December 1926.
  • Between 1966 and 1969 he was on the Board of Directors for the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara, CA. The Showgrounds is a 34 acre multi-use facility in Santa Barbara, which include equestrian arena and livestock facilities, 22,000 sq/ft Exhibit Hall, 13,000 sq,/ft Warren Hall, off-track horse racing facility, Reception Garden, In-line Skating Hockey Facility and RV Parking Lot.4
  • He died on 23 January 1987 in Los Angeles, California, at age 90.5,6

Other Information


  1. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  2. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  3. [S1583] Yale University, Alumni Directory of Yale University: graduates and non-graduates 1920, New Haven: Issued for Private Distribution by the University, 1920, p 334.
  4. [S1581] Earl Warren Showgrounds, a website for an equestrian facility in Santa Barbara CA,, viewed Feb 2011.
  5. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).
  6. [S3081] Johnson, Nathaniel, compiler, family tree titled "Nathaniel Johnson's Tree", published by,, from database ID 17135624, viewed Nov 2015 , .

Charles Forbes Sargent

#265, (1898-1985)
Pedigree Link
Forbes Sargent
1957 photo


Children with Elizabeth Wanning Day (b. 17 May 1900, d. 2 December 1988)

  1. Dorothy Sargent+ (b. 20 September 1925, d. 28 January 2012)
  2. Elizabeth Day Sargent+ (b. 3 December 1928, d. 28 September 2001)
  3. Charles Forbes Sargent, Jr+ (b. 22 March 1932, d. 3 August 2017)


  • Charles Forbes Sargent was born on 13 June 1898 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He was usually called Forbes.1
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 251 Church St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 1 June 1900, in the household of his parents George Lewis Sargent and Alice.2
  • Charles Forbes Sargent appeared on the 1910 US Federal Census of 256 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1910, in the household of his father George Lewis Sargent.3
  • Charles Forbes Sargent graduated from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1920.
  • He married Elizabeth Wanning Day on 7 October 1922.
  • On 24 May 1924 Charles Forbes Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.4
  • He and Elizabeth appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 191 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 18 April 1930. Also listed in the household were Catherine Murphy age 29 servant, Marie Millet age 29 servant. They owned their home, reporting a value of $25,000. They also own a radio.5
  • On 30 June 1944 Forbes was elected president of Sargent & Company. He had been employed there since his graduation from Yale in 1920.6
  • Charles and Elizabeth were divorced before 1949.
  • He married Ellen Smedley on 2 November 1949 in Southbury, Connecticut.
  • In May 1957 in Ridge Road, North Haven, Connecticut, Charles Forbes Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.7
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • He died on 26 December 1985 in North Branford, Connecticut, at age 87.8,9
  • He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.7

Obit Notice

An obituary was published in New Haven Register on 28 December 1985.

Other Information


  1. [S26] Family data.
  2. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll T623_144, enumeration district 342, page 2A .
  3. [S280] 1910 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, Ward 8, Roll T624_139, enumeration district 0407, page 9A .
  4. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  5. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Bruce Fenn head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 48, page 2A .
  6. [S44] The New York Times, New York City, Newspaper, Charles Forbes Sargent, newspaper article published 8 Jul 1944, p 17.
  7. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  8. [S309] Social Security Death Index 1935-2014, online transcription database, digitized by Ancestry, 2014 (Original publication: US Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Master File, Ancestry, On-line index database).
  9. [S578] Sargent, Maura, Email message to Linda Sargent Reinfeld, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 15 Apr 2009.

Margaret Berrien Motte

#266, (1866-1948)
Pedigree Link
Margaret Berrien Motte Sargent Sargent
Photo from the 1930s


Children with Russell Sargent (b. 31 August 1864, d. 16 April 1904)

  1. Loring Motte Sargent (b. 25 May 1895, d. 27 February 1914)
  2. Barbara Louise Sargent+ (b. 19 September 1899, d. 23 October 1986)


  • Margaret Berrien Motte was born on 28 February 1866 in 63 Shawmut Ave, Boston, Massachusetts, could be March - that is the month in the vital records.....1
  • She married Russell Sargent, son of Joseph Bradford Sargent and Elizabeth Collier Lewis, on 19 April 1894.
  • Russell Sargent and Margaret appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 40 Trumbull St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1900. Three servants were listed in the household.2
  • Her husband Russell Sargent died leaving her a widow at age 39.
  • She married George Lewis Sargent, son of Joseph Bradford Sargent and Elizabeth Collier Lewis, on 24 October 1911 in Concord, Massachusetts.
  • Margaret's husband Russell died in 1904 and her husband's brother's wife (Alice Bessie Forbes Sargent) died in 1902; she married her brother-in-law George, who had 7 children at the time. They moved into a beautiful large brick home on Humphrey Street in New Haven, CT.3
  • On 24 May 1924 Margaret Berrien Motte attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.4
  • George Lewis Sargent and Margaret appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 360 Edwards St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 16 April 1930. They own their home with a reported value of $40,000. Also listed with the family were Mary McNabola age 60 servant chambermaid and Anna C Chasson age 25 servant waitress.5
  • George Lewis Sargent and Margaret appeared in a family photo in the Lawn Club, New Haven, Connecticut, in the 1930s.6
    George Lewis Sargent, his 2nd wife Margaret
    his children and their spouses
  • She died on 16 March 1948 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 82.
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.7
  • An obituary was published in The New York Times on 17 March 1948.8

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives Vol 188; page 36 Added street info.
  2. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Russell Sargent head of household, roll T623_145, enumeration district 373, page 4B .
  3. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  5. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, George L Sargent head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 66, page 21A .
  6. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR photo is in my possession LSR.
  7. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .
  8. [S44] The New York Times, New York City, Newspaper, Mrs George L (Margaret Motte) Sargent, obituary notice, published 17 Mar 1944, p 25.

Annie Louise Lobdell

#267, (estimated 1843-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Ellis Loring Motte (b. estimated 1840)

  1. Margaret Berrien Motte+ (b. 28 February 1866, d. 16 March 1948)


  • Annie Louise Lobdell was born estimated 1843 in Boston, Massachusetts.1,2
  • She married Ellis Loring Motte in 1863 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives Vol 188; page 36.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ellis Loring Motte

#268, (estimated 1840-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Annie Louise Lobdell (b. estimated 1843)

  1. Margaret Berrien Motte+ (b. 28 February 1866, d. 16 March 1948)


  • Ellis Loring Motte was born estimated 1840 in Boston, Massachusetts.1,2
  • He married Annie Louise Lobdell in 1863 in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Ellis Loring Motte was a lawyer.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S221] Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, 2004, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records 1841-1910, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) original records from MA archives Vol 188; page 36.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Loring Motte Sargent

#269, (1895-1914)
Pedigree Link
Loring Motte Sargent



  • Loring Motte Sargent was born on 25 May 1895 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 40 Trumbull St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1900, in the household of his parents Russell Sargent and Margaret.1
  • Loring moved to 360 Edward St, New Haven, Connecticut.2
  • He graduated from The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Connecticut, about 1912.
  • He died on 27 February 1914 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 18.
  • He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.3

Other Information


  1. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Russell Sargent head of household, roll T623_145, enumeration district 373, page 4B .
  2. [S261] Grove, George, interview with Linda Sargent Reinfeld, Oct 1998.
  3. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .

Barbara Louise Sargent

#270, (1899-1986)
Pedigree Link
Barbara Sargent Moorehead
1930 photo


Children with George Wilson Grove (b. 6 September 1894, d. 13 June 1941)

  1. Anne Loring Grove+ (b. 9 April 1923, d. 30 September 2013)
  2. George Sargent Grove+ (b. 29 September 1924, d. 2020)
  3. Michael Motte Grove (b. 9 May 1928, d. 8 November 2003)

Child with Ludwig King Moorehead (b. 21 January 1896, d. 12 January 1978)

  1. Barbara King Moorehead+


  • Barbara Louise Sargent was born on 19 September 1899 in York Village, Maine.
  • She appeared on the 1900 US Federal Census of 40 Trumbull St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1900, in the household of her parents Russell Sargent and Margaret.1
  • Barbara Louise Sargent graduated from Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Connecticut, about 1917.2
  • She married George Wilson Grove, son of George Washington Grove and Maud Wilson Smith, on 10 June 1922 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • On 24 May 1924 Barbara Louise Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.3
  • In 1925 George and Barbara lived at Country Club Ground, Dongan Hills; Staten Island, New York.4
  • George and Barbara lived in Cornwall, Connecticut.2
  • She married Ludwig King Moorehead on 1 September 1934 in Concord, Massachusetts.
  • In May 1957 in Ridge Road, North Haven, Connecticut, Barbara Louise Sargent attended a family reunion where this photo was taken.5
    Family Reunion 1957 children of
    George Lewis Sargent
    Ridge Rd, North Haven CT
  • She died on 23 October 1986 in Hightstown, New Jersey, at age 87.6
  • She was buried in West Newbury, Vermont.2

Other Information


  1. [S351] 1900 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Russell Sargent head of household, roll T623_145, enumeration district 373, page 4B .
  2. [S261] Grove, George, interview with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  3. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 4, 27 Feb 1946.
  4. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 9.
  5. [S201] Personal Knowledge of Researcher LSR.
  6. [S8736] Styer, David, compiler, family tree titled "1Styer Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 199639, viewed Nov 2022 , .

William Acker Rice

#271, (1862-1946)
Pedigree Link
William Rice
1928 photo


Children with May Sargent (b. 15 April 1866, d. 4 March 1937)

  1. Catherine Rice (b. 16 July 1890, d. 7 September 1969)
  2. Margaret Sargent Rice+ (b. 24 March 1892, d. 21 August 1920)
  3. Laura Lewis Rice+ (b. 22 November 1893, d. 13 October 1983)
  4. Virginia Rice (b. 27 July 1897, d. 23 January 1982)


  • William Acker Rice was born on 16 July 1862 in St Paul, Minnesota.
  • He appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, enumerated in June 1880, in the household of his parents Edmund Rice and Anna.1
  • William Acker Rice married May Sargent, daughter of Joseph Bradford Sargent and Elizabeth Collier Lewis, on 18 December 1888 in New Haven, Connecticut.2
  • William Acker Rice and May appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of 240 Bradley St, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 3 April 1930. They own their home, with a reported value of $30,000. Four servants are listed with the household.3
  • William and May lived at Bradley St, New Haven, Connecticut.4
  • He died on 15 April 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 83.
  • He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.5

Other Information

  • Relationship: 7th cousin 4 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S407] 1880 US Federal Census, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Edmund Rice head of household, roll T9_631, enumeration district 222, page 439A .
  2. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 4 No 7, May 1946.
  3. [S285] 1930 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, William Acker Rice head of household, roll 276, enumeration district 48, page 2A .
  4. [S44] The New York Times, New York City, Newspaper, marriage notice, Alfred Pulford, published 1931.
  5. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .

Edmund Rice

#272, (1819-1889)
Pedigree Link
Representative Edmund Rice


  • Father: Edmund Rice (b. 26 March 1784, d. 27 May 1829)
  • Mother: Ellen Durkee (b. 7 October 1792, d. 8 December 1847)

Child with Anna Maria Acker (b. about 1830)

  1. William Acker Rice+ (b. 16 July 1862, d. 15 April 1946)


  • Edmund Rice was born on 14 February 1819 in Waitsfield, Vermont.1,2
  • He married Anna Maria Acker on 28 November 1848 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, probably.2,3
  • Between 1877 and 1879 he was a member of the US House of Representatives from Minnesota's 4th district as a Democrat.2
  • He and Anna appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, enumerated in June 1880.1
  • He died on 11 July 1889 in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, at age 70.2
  • He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, St Paul, Minnesota.2

Other Information

  • Relationship: 6th cousin 5 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S407] 1880 US Federal Census, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Edmund Rice head of household, roll T9_631, enumeration district 222, page 439A .
  2. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, searched Edmund Rice, May 2009.
  3. [S26] Family data.

Anna Maria Acker

#273, (about 1830-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Edmund Rice (b. 14 February 1819, d. 11 July 1889)

  1. William Acker Rice+ (b. 16 July 1862, d. 15 April 1946)


  • Anna Maria Acker was born about 1830 in New York.1
  • She married Edmund Rice, son of Edmund Rice and Ellen Durkee, on 28 November 1848 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, probably.2,3
  • Edmund Rice and Anna appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, enumerated in June 1880.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S407] 1880 US Federal Census, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Edmund Rice head of household, roll T9_631, enumeration district 222, page 439A .
  2. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, searched Edmund Rice, May 2009.
  3. [S26] Family data.

Catherine Rice

#274, (1890-1969)
Pedigree Link
Catherine Rice
1928 photo



  • Catherine Rice was born on 16 July 1890 in Tacoma, Washington.1,2
  • She graduated from the Capen School, Northampton, Massachusetts, about 1926.3
  • She married Alfred Ely Pulford on 20 March 1931 in New Haven, Connecticut.3
  • They were married by the Rev Stewart Means.3
  • In 1931 Catherine and Alfred moved to Hartford, Connecticut.4
  • Alfred Ely Pulford and Catherine appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 1573 Boulevard, Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, enumerated on 9 April 1940. They rent their home for $80. Also listed were Alfred's two daughters Ellen age 13 and Mary age 12.1
  • She died on 7 September 1969 in New Britain, Connecticut, at age 79.5

Other Information


  1. [S1622] 1940 US Federal Census, Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Alfred Pulford head of household, roll T627_508, enumeration district 2-235, page 7A .
  2. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 11.
  3. [S44] The New York Times, New York City, Newspaper, marriage notice, Alfred Pulford, published 1931.
  4. [S418] Connecticut City Directories, online image of printed material, digitized by Operations Inc, 2005, (Original publication: Connecticut City Directories, NEHGS,) p 1016.
  5. [S1302] Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2003 (Original publication: Connecticut Department of Health, Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012, Hartford CT: Connecticut Department of Health, online database).

Margaret Sargent Rice

#275, (1892-1920)
Pedigree Link


Child with Marshall Henry Williams (b. 24 September 1894, d. 24 November 1979)

  1. Margaret Sargent Williams+ (b. 3 August 1920, d. 2 April 1979)


  • Margaret Sargent Rice was born on 24 March 1892 in Tacoma, Washington.1
  • Between 1911 and 1912 Margaret lived at 240 Bradley St, New Haven, Connecticut.2
  • She attended school at Yale School of the Fine Arts, New Haven, Connecticut, as a 'Regular Student'.2
  • She married Marshall Henry Williams on 4 October 1919 in New Haven, Connecticut.3,4
  • Marriage_Williams_Rice
  • She died on 21 August 1920 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 28.3
  • She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut. Plot: Section: Spruce Avenue, Plot 1193, Grave 9.6,7

Other Information


  1. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 11.
  2. [S1577] The Yale Banner and Pot-Pourri: the annual Yearbook of the Students of Yale University, 1910-1911, Knickerbocker Press, 1911, p 460.
  3. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 12.
  4. [S6812] Connecticut State Library Marriage Records, Connecticut Vital Records - Index of Marriages 1897-1969, a collection of over 100 resources and databases for research,, Williams-Rice.
  5. [S8473] New York Herald, New York, NY, Newspaper, Williams-Rice wedding announcement, published 6 Oct 1919, p 9.
  6. [S222] Cemetery Records, Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, CT , plot listing , .
  7. [S5601] Find A Grave: Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut, Margaret Sargent Rice Williams, created by DWV, added Jun 2015, memorial number 147403511.