My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 101

Mary Lewes

#2501, (estimated 1564-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Thomas Sanford (b. about 1557, d. 6 April 1597)

  1. Ezekiel Sanford+ (d. after 27 February 1632)
  2. Priscilla Sanford (b. 17 March 1588)
  3. Zachary Sanford (b. about August 1589, d. 9 January 1677/78)
  4. Sara Sanford (b. 24 September 1592)
  5. Damaris Sanford (b. about 1593, d. November 1615)


  • Mary Lewes was born estimated 1564.1
  • She married Thomas Sanford, son of Richard Sanford and Elizabeth (née unknown) Sanford, in 1584 in Little Dunmow, Essex, England.2
  • Thomas and Mary lived probably on the main street in Much Hadham in a thatched house.2
  • Mary Lewes married John Haddesley on 9 August 1597 in Much Hadham, Hertfordshire, England.2
  • She died on an unknown date and was buried on 19 October 1620 in Much Hadham, Hertfordshire, England.2

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jun 2008 , .

John Warner

#2502, (estimated 1555-about 1614)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Purchas (b. estimated 1560, d. 1627)

  1. Thomas Warner (b. estimated 1583)
  2. Mary Warner (b. estimated 1585, d. before 16 July 1614)
  3. Rose Warner+ (b. about 1587)
  4. John Warner (b. estimated 1590)
  5. Andrew Warner (b. about 1595, d. 18 December 1684)
  6. Edward Warner (b. estimated 1597, d. before 12 May 1627)
  7. Elizabeth Warner (b. estimated 1599)



John Warner left a will dated on 16 July 1614 filed in the Commissary Court of London (Essex and Herts.). John was identified as 'yeoman'.2
The will of John Warner, yeoman, was filed 16 July 1614 in Commissary Court of London (Essex and Herts.) It reads:
"In the name of God amen The Sixtenth daie of July in the yeares of the Reigne of our soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland Kinge Defender of the faith that is to say of England Fraunce and Ireland the twelvth & of Scotland the seaven and forteth I John Warner of Hatfield Broadoke alias Hatfield Kinges in the county of Essex yeoman not sicke in bodie but whole and sounde of mynde and memory, thankes be geven to almightie god doe make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I comitt and comend my soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker and to Jesus christ his only sonne my saviour and redemer hoping thorowe his merittes death and passion to be made partaker of lief everlastinge and my bodie to be buried at the discretion of my executor Item I give and bequeath unto Mary my wief during her lief all those my freehould landes and tenements with their appurtenances scituate and beinge in Hatfield aforesaid conteyninge by estimation five and thirty acres be it more or lesse upon Condicion that the said Mary my wief shall well and truly paie or cause to be paid unto Elizabeth Warner my daughter tenne poundes a yeare duringe the term of Sixe yeares next and imediately ensuinge after my decease yf the said Mary shall soe longe live at the two feastes or termes of the yeare that is to say the feast of the birth of our lord and saviour christ and St. John the baptist by even and equall porcions. The first payment thereof to begin and be made at the first of the said two feastes that shall first happen after my decease & to Thomas John and Ezechiell thre of the sonnes of Ezechiell Sandford my sonne in lawe the some of thre poundes sixe shillinges and eight pence a peece as they shall come to be of the age of xxi yeares the same to be paid by my said wief to some honest man whom my wief shall thinke well of to the use of said thre Children that shall pay them the same at the time of their said severall ages of xxi yeares and after the said time & terme of Sixe yeares my will & mynde is that the said Mary my wief or hir assignes shall duringe hir lief paie or cause to be paide to Andrewe Warner and Edward Warner my tw sonnes the some of Fyftie shillinges a peece yearly at the two feasts or termes of the yeare aforesaid And after the decease of the said said [sic] Mary my wief I geve and bequeath all those my frehould landes and tenements in Hatfield aforesaid with their appurtenances unto the said Andrewe Warner and Edward Warner and to their heires and assignes for ever upon Condicion that they the said Andrew and Edward their heires or assignes shall pay or cause to be paid to Thomas Warner my grandchild the some of twentie poundes of lawfull englishe money within one month after he shalbe of the age of xxi yeeres Provided alwaies that yf Mary my wief shall dye and departe this lief within the said time and terme of Sixe yeares next after my decease wherby the said Elizabeth my daughter shalbe unpaid the porcion that I have geven hir by this my will then my will & mynde is that the said Andrewe & Edward my said sonnes their heires or assignes shall pay the same yearly to the said Elizabeth at the feasts aforesaid for & duringe such time of the said sixe yeares as the same shall be unpaid at the time of the death of the said Mary & alsoe yf the said Mary doe dye before said sixe yeares be expired then the said Andrewe & Edward or their heires shall pay the said sum of iii li vi s viii d a piece to the three sonnes of my said sonne in lawe at the time aforesaid And further if my said wief shall die before the said sixe yeares shalbe expired then my will and mynde is that the overseers of this my will herafter named shall have the disposinge & lettinge of my said frehould landes to the use of the said Andrewe & Edward until the said sixe yeers be accomplished & then John my sonne to have one yeares Rent or profitt thereof Item I geve to said Mary my wief the lease of a meade called the further mead next Hatfeild duringe the time I have in the same & thre Milch bease the best she can choose two gelt horse a card sadle & harnes fitt for them a load cart a dongue card & thre load of wheat strawe yearly to be brought to hir & delivered by Thomas my sonne during the time of Sixe yeares after my decease yf she live soe longe alsoe I geve to the said Mary my wief the one halfe of all my Lynnen thre of my best beddes with all that belonge to them halfe my brasse half my pewter the Coubert in the hall the longe table in the hall the Table in the parlour thre of the best Chestes save one and fower small wooden vessells as tubbes and keelers & such thinges two hogges of the biggest sort excepting sowes thre store pigges tenne ewes my executor to choose one and she another: thre seame of wheat to be paid hir by Thomas my sonne betwene Bartholmewetide and midsomer next as she shall need the same. Item I geve to John my sonne the somme of one hundred and fortie poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid him by Thomas my sonne in manner and forme followinge that is to say fower score poundes theof within one yeare after my decease & threscore poundes being the residue theof within thre yeares after my decease Item I geve to the said John my sonne one bed in the chamber wher the folkes lye called Thomas his bedd with all thinges belonginge to it Item I geve to Thomas my sonne my lead as it now standes my great brassepot Item I give to Rose my daughter the best chest save one Item I geve to th said Thomas my sonne thre bedds in the folkes chamber with all that belonge unto them & my will & mynde is that all other my goodes within my house not given nor bequeathed shall be equally devided betweene John Andrewe & Edward my sonnes & Elizabeth my daughter parte & parte alike The residue of all my goodes and chattells not geven nor bequeathed (my debts paid & funerall discharged I geve and bequeath it wholly to Thomas my sonne whom I make my executor charginge him as he shall answere before god to performe it accordinge to the true meaninge therof And I desire Christopher Wilkyn & Abraham Purchas to be my overseers therof & I geve them for their paines xx s. In witnes wherof I the said John Warner have herunto sett my hand and seale the day & yeare abovsaid"
John Warner signed by mark (perhaps because of age)
Witnesses: Ezeakell Sanford, Christofor Wilkin and Robert Howe (his mark).

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jun 2008 , .

Ailleen Bertha Wheeler

#2503, (1892-)
Pedigree Link


  • Ailleen Bertha Wheeler was born on 4 May 1892 in New York City, New York.1,2
  • Father: Alvah Wheeler - Mother: Harriett Esther Pennell.2
  • Aileen was married previously.1
  • In 1925 Sydney and Ailleen lived at Pasadena, California.2
  • She married Sydney Forbes Sargent, son of George Lewis Sargent and Alice Bessie Forbes, on 25 February 1925 in Stockton, California.2
  • Sydney Forbes Sargent and Ailleen appeared on the 1930 US Federal Census of Glenwood Highway, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California, enumerated in 1930.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S390] 1930 US Federal Census, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, California, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Sydney L Sargent head of household, roll 215, enumeration district 18, page 5A .
  2. [S6544] Sargent, Edward R, Supplement to Sargent Genealogy (published in 1895), New Haven, Conn.: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, Apr 1925, p 8.

Mary Thompson

#2504, (1652-)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3 p 750.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Hannah Thompson1

#2505, (1654-1718)
Pedigree Link


Children with Abraham Bradley (b. 24 October 1650, d. 19 October 1718)

  1. John Bradley+ (b. 12 October 1674, d. 13 August 1747)
  2. Daniel Bradley (b. about 1679, d. 2 November 1723)


  • Hannah Thompson was born on 22 September 1654 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Abraham Bradley, son of William Bradley and Alice Prichard, on 25 December 1673 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Hannah Thompson died on 26 October 1718 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 64.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, p 261.

Lydia Thompson

#2506, (1663/64-about 1664)
Pedigree Link



  • Lydia Thompson was born on 13 March 1663/64 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died about 1664 in New Haven, Connecticut, as an infant.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:48:05

Sarah Thompson

#2507, (1666/67-about 1667)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Thompson was born on 25 March 1666/67 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died about 1667 in New Haven, Connecticut, as an infant.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:48:05

Samuel Lines

#2508, (estimated 1649-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3 p 750.

Samuel Hitchcock1

#2509, (1672-about 1672)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel Hitchcock was born in 1672 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • He died about 1672 at age ~0 young.1

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3 p 750.

Hannah (née unknown) Sargent

#2510, (estimated 1605-1632)
Pedigree Link

Children with William Sargent (d. 16 December 1682)

  1. Elizabeth Sargent (d. January 1629/30)
  2. Hannah Sargent+ (d. 15 December 1717)
  3. Elizabeth Sargent+ (d. 5 March 1657/58)
  4. Mary Sargent


  • Hannah (née unknown) Sargent was born estimated 1605.1
  • She married William Sargent, son of Roger Sargent and Ellen Makernes, estimated 1626.2
  • Hannah (née unknown) Sargent died in September 1632 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, at age ~27.1
  • She was buried in Parish of All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S401] Darrell Martin, family web site titled "The Genealogy of one Vermonter, Darrell A. Martin",, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not available as of Jul 2022.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Marie (née unknown) Sargent

#2511, (estimated 1613-about 1637)
Pedigree Link

Children with William Sargent (d. 16 December 1682)

  1. Sarah Sargent (d. after 26 October 1635)
  2. Marie Sargent (d. after 22 January 1637)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

William Minshall

#2512, (estimated 1610-estimated 1636)
Pedigree Link


  • William Minshall was born estimated 1610.1
  • William lived at Whitchurch, Salop County, Ghent, England.
  • He married Sarah (née unknown) Minshall estimated 1635.1
  • William and Sarah lived in Bunbury, Cheshire, England.
  • He died estimated 1636 at age ~26.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Sargent1

#2513, (-1629/30)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Sargent was baptized on 3 July 1628 in Northampton, England.1
  • She died in January 1629/30 in Northampton, England.1

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 19.

Hannah Sargent

#2514, (-1717)
Pedigree Link


Children with Henry Felch (d. 11 November 1699)

  1. Hannah Felch (b. 26 February 1650, d. 23 April 1668)
  2. Mary Felch (b. 31 July 1653, d. 3 June 1676)
  3. Elizabeth Felch (b. 15 July 1655, d. 18 October 1657)
  4. Samuel Felch (b. 3 June 1657, d. 22 October 1661)
  5. John Felch+ (b. 26 February 1660, d. 9 April 1746)
  6. Samuel Felch (b. 12 July 1662, d. 14 January 1683)
  7. Joseph Felch (b. about 1664, d. 31 May 1727)
  8. Elizabeth Felch (b. 9 March 1666)
  9. Daniel Felch+ (b. 5 January 1668, d. 5 October 1752)
  10. Hannah Felch+ (b. 18 September 1672)
  11. Ruth Felch (b. 1 June 1675)


  • Hannah Sargent was baptized on 13 July 1629 in Northampton, England.1
  • She migrated in 1638 to Charlestown, Massachusetts, with her parents.1
  • She married Henry Felch in 1649 in Reading, Massachusetts.2
  • She died on 15 December 1717 in Reading, Massachusetts, 'being nere a 100 years old' (as written in the vital records.)2,3

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 19.
  2. [S401] Darrell Martin, family web site titled "The Genealogy of one Vermonter, Darrell A. Martin",, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not available as of Jul 2022.
  3. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) p 519.

Elizabeth Sargent

#2515, (-1657/58)
Pedigree Link


Children with Thomas Bill (b. 1618, d. 29 October 1696)

  1. Samuel Bill+ (b. about 1654, d. 18 August 1705)
  2. Hopestill Bill (b. about 1654, d. 28 November 1661)
  3. Sargent Bill (b. 26 February 1658)


  • Elizabeth Sargent was baptized on 12 September 1630 in Northampton, England.1
  • She migrated in 1638 to Charlestown, Massachusetts, with her parents.1
  • She married David Nichols about 1651.2
  • Her husband David Nichols died leaving her a widow at age ~24.3,4
  • She married Thomas Bill on 14 January 1652/53 in Boston, Massachusetts.5
  • She died on 5 March 1657/58 in Charlestown, Massachusetts, one week after the birth of her son Sargent Bill. (Thomas married again and had eight more children.)1,2,6

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 19.
  2. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2010 , .
  3. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2010 , This source lists 1653 as the year David Nichols died. However, in History of the Bill Family it states that Thomas Bill married Elizabeth Sargent Nichols on 14 Jan 1653, so I believe the year of David Nichols's death is incorrect and it should be 1652 .
  4. [S1556] Bill, Ledyard, ed, History of the Bill Family, 75 Fulton St, New York: Alvord Printer, 1867, p45.
  5. [S158] Cobb, John L; Vada Tuttle Larson, "The English Origins of the Bill Family of Massachusetts and Connecticut", The American Genealogist, volume 60, , Journal Article, p 201.
  6. [S1556] Bill, Ledyard, ed, History of the Bill Family, 75 Fulton St, New York: Alvord Printer, 1867, p54.

Mary Sargent

Pedigree Link



  • Mary Sargent was baptized on 2 September 1632 in Northampton, England.
  • She died in Northampton, England.

Other Information

Sarah Sargent

#2517, (-after 1635)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Sargent was baptized on 26 October 1635 in Northampton, England.
  • She died after 26 October 1635 in Northampton, England, as an infant.

Other Information

Marie Sargent

#2518, (-after 1637)
Pedigree Link



  • Marie Sargent was baptized on 22 January 1637 in Northampton, England.
  • She died after 22 January 1637 in Northampton, England, as an infant.

Other Information

Roger Sargent

#2519, (-1649)
Pedigree Link


Children with Ellen Makernes (d. October 1645)

  1. William Sargent+ (d. 16 December 1682)
  2. Daniel Sargent (d. December 1590)
  3. Sarah Sargent
  4. Anna Sargent
  5. Samuel Sargent (d. 1 April 1596)
  6. Joseph Sargent+ (d. 11 April 1678)
  7. Dorothy Sargent (d. after 1649)
  8. John Sargent+
  9. MALE Sargent (b. estimated 1604, d. September 1604)
  10. Mary Sargent (b. estimated 1607)
  11. Elizabeth Sargent (b. estimated 1609, d. before 1680)


  • Roger Sargent was baptized on 1 August 1562 in Courteenhall, Northampton, England.1
  • The name was also spelled Sariant. From Roger's mother Margaret Gifford there is a royal connection to the kings of England.
  • Roger lived in Northampton, England.
  • He married Ellen Makernes, daughter of William Makernes and Agnes Harrgat, on 3 January 1589/90.1
  • Roger Sargent was a mercer (a merchant who traded in cloth, typically fine cloth that was not produced locally.)2,3
  • He was a junior bailiff in 1616-1617 and later the Mayor of Northampton.1
  • He died in July 1649 in Northampton, Northampton, England, and was buried on the 16th of July.1


Roger Sargent left a will dated on 12 April 1649 It was proved 22 Feb 1649/50.4
In the name of God Amen I Roger Sariant of the Towne of Northampton Mercer beinge aged and weake in bodye but of good and disposinge memory and understandinge (for wch I bless God) doe make this my last Will in manner followinge. First I comend my soule to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to bee buryed by my executor hereafter named, decently, accompanied to the grave with the Mayor and Alderme of the towne my brothers and their wives with such other friends as my Executor shall think fitt. I assuredly trust and believe that at the generall resurrettion my soule and body shall meete againe and be eternally saved and glorified by and through the only merits of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for such little worldly goods and estate wch God of his goodnes hath given to me I give and dispose thereof as followeth First whereas my sonn Joseph Sariant hath twenty pounds of myne in his hands I will that twenty marks thereof be spent on my buryal and no moor and the other twenty nobles I give to my daughter Sprigge I give my garden and orchard in the Cowe Lane in Northampton wch I bought of Nathaniel Sharpe with all things in it to my daughter Ball & her assinges for her life the remainder to my grandchild John Sariant eldest sonn of my sonn John and to the heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten & to bee begotten And for want of such issue the remainder to Joseph Sariant his younger brother and to the heires males of his bodye lawfully begotten & to bee begotten and for want of such issue the remaynder to my right heires for ever I give my five silver spoons to my five children viz to my sonns Joseph John William and to my daughters Elizabeth and Dorothy to every of them one and if there be any difference in the waight and goodnes of them I will my children as they are in prioritye of age and birth to make their choyce I give all the rest of my goods household stuffe wearinge apparell gowns cattell and chattells whatsoever to my daughter Ball wch hath most neede of my helpe by reason of the want and poverty wherein she was lefte by her husband Thomas Ball late deceased I desire my children in the name and feare of God to live together in love and in what they may to helpe one another And I comend them and theirs to the blessinge of heaven I make my sonn Joseph Sariant Executor of this my Will wch I publish as my last Will and Testament this twelfth daye of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred and fortye nyne under my hand and seale
Roger Sariant

In the presence of
Henry Paynter
Thomas Turland
Jonas Chamberlin
Proved 22nd February 1649

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 16.
  2. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,,definition of mercer.
  3. [S915] Bartlett, J Gardner; Moriarty, G Andrews, "Genealogical Research in England - Makerness Family", NEHGR, volume 71, page 324-336, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 1917) , Journal Article, Oct 1917, Vol 71:324-336.
  4. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 17.

Ellen Makernes

#2520, (-1645)
Pedigree Link


Children with Roger Sargent (d. July 1649)

  1. William Sargent+ (d. 16 December 1682)
  2. Daniel Sargent (d. December 1590)
  3. Sarah Sargent
  4. Anna Sargent
  5. Samuel Sargent (d. 1 April 1596)
  6. Joseph Sargent+ (d. 11 April 1678)
  7. Dorothy Sargent (d. after 1649)
  8. John Sargent+
  9. MALE Sargent (b. estimated 1604, d. September 1604)
  10. Mary Sargent (b. estimated 1607)
  11. Elizabeth Sargent (b. estimated 1609, d. before 1680)


  • Ellen Makernes was baptized on 24 November 1564 in Finedon, Northampton, England.1
  • She married Roger Sargent, son of Hugh Sargent and Margaret Gifford, on 3 January 1589/90.2
  • When Ellen married she moved to Northampton from Finedon, which was thirteen and a half miles northeasterly from Northampton.3
  • Ellen Makernes died in October 1645 in Northampton, Northampton, England.2
  • She was buried.2

Other Information


  1. [S915] Bartlett, J Gardner; Moriarty, G Andrews, "Genealogical Research in England - Makerness Family", NEHGR, volume 71, page 324-336, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 1917) , Journal Article, Oct 1917, Vol 71:324-336.
  2. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 16.
  3. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 6.

Ruth Sargent

#2521, (1642-1713)
Pedigree Link


Child with Jonathan Winslow (b. 8 August 1639, d. before 1676)

  1. John Winslow+ (b. 1 March 1664)


  • Ruth Sargent was born on 25 October 1642 in Charlestown (Mystic side), Massachusetts.1
  • She moved with her parents William and Sarah to Barnstable, Massachusetts.
  • Ruth Sargent married Jonathan Winslow in 1662 in Marshfield, Massachusetts.1,2
  • She married Richard Bourne on 6 July 1677.1,2
  • She married John Chipman on 25 October 1684 in Barnstable, Massachusetts.1,2
  • She died on 4 October 1713 in Sandwich, Massachusetts, at age 70.3
  • Lee quotes: "She must have been a woman of no ordinary character, who, notwithstanding a personal blemish of lip cancer, could have captivated 3 such worthy & distinguished men." (S B Dykes, Des. of R Bourne p. 11)

    In his will dated at Sandwich 12 November 1702 and proved 17 May 1708, Elder John Chipman says: "I will and bequeath to Ruth, my dear and loving wife, all whatsoever is left of her estate, which I had with her when I married her. I also give her one half part of my whole personal estate which shall be found in Sandwich at my decease. Besides and moreover, all the carts, plows and husbandry implements, as also all the corn meat, flax wool, yarn and cloth that is in the house at my decease, and I do give her twenty pounds in money which is due to her by ye compact made between us at our inter-marriage; she according to sd compact, upon payment of this twenty £ to quitt claim to all right and title and interest in my housing and lands at Barnstable, and this twenty pounds shall be paid her out of that money of mine in ye hand of my friend Mr. Jonathan Russell of Barnstable."4


Ruth Sargent left a will dated 7 December 1710 and proved 8 October 1713 at Barnstable.4
As she had no children living, she gave her estate to her relatives and friends. "Bro John Sargent to have £40 to be divided equally among his children -- except his son William. Kinswoman Hannah Sargent -- 1 suit of clothes. Kinsman John Bread (Breed?) -- £10 & to his daus Sarah & Elizabeth £5 each & to the other ch of my sister Breed. £20 to the dau of my sister Felch. Kinsman Seth Tobey £5. To Deborah Ivory. To Bathsheba dau of Meletiah (Shear) Bourne. To Mary Bassett (Abigail Shear) of Sandwich, the money her husband is indebted to me & the sheep he has of mine in partnership with Jabez Dimmock. To 2 Kinsmen Bills. To sister Lydia Sargent brass kittle that was her father's. To Ch of Roland Cotton. Kinswoman Deborah Weighty(y?) (Wait?).


At the time of their marriage Lydia Chipman, the daughter of John, had been married to John Sargent, the brother of Ruth, for ten years. Therefore Ruth became mother-in-law to her brother John.

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 34.
  2. [S1630] Wilcox, Diana, compiler, family tree titled "Hayes", published by,, from database ID:1797194, updated Dec 2001, viewed Mar 2011 , .
  3. [S2632] Baldwin, Thomas W, Barnstable, MA: Vital Records 1625-1903 (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society), p 713.
  4. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Mar 2010, viewed Mar 2011 , .

Samuel Sargent

#2522, (1644/45-1710)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel Sargent was born on 3 March 1644/45 in Charlestown, Massachusetts.1
  • Samuel was admitted freeman in 1684 in Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts.
  • He never married.1
  • He died on 22 September 1710 in Malden, Massachusetts, at age 65.2
  • He was buried in Bell Rock Cemetery, Malden, Massachusetts.

Other Information


  1. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 33.
  2. [S143] Corey, Deloraine P, Births Marriages and Deaths in the town of Malden Massachusetts 1649-1850 (city of Malden: University Press, 1903), p 373.

David Nichols

#2523, (about 1628-1652)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2010 , .
  2. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2010 , This source lists 1653 as the year David Nichols died. However, in History of the Bill Family it states that Thomas Bill married Elizabeth Sargent Nichols on 14 Jan 1653, so I believe the year of David Nichols's death is incorrect and it should be 1652 .
  3. [S1556] Bill, Ledyard, ed, History of the Bill Family, 75 Fulton St, New York: Alvord Printer, 1867, p45.

Thomas Bill

#2524, (1618-1696)
Pedigree Link

Children with Elizabeth Sargent (d. 5 March 1657/58)

  1. Samuel Bill+ (b. about 1654, d. 18 August 1705)
  2. Hopestill Bill (b. about 1654, d. 28 November 1661)
  3. Sargent Bill (b. 26 February 1658)


  • Thomas Bill was born in 1618 in London, England.1
  • Father: James Bill - Mother: Dorothy Unknown.2
  • He was baptized on 18 March 1626 in Ringstead, Northamptonshire, England.1
  • He immigrated to America in 1633.1
  • He married Elizabeth Sargent, daughter of William Sargent and Hannah (née unknown) Sargent, on 14 January 1652/53 in Boston, Massachusetts.2
  • Thomas Bill married Abigaile Willis about 1659.3,2
  • Thomas and Abigaile had 8 children.4
  • He died on 29 October 1696 in Boston, Massachusetts, at age ~78.1,2
  • He was buried in Copp's Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts.3

Other Information


  1. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Dec 2010 , .
  2. [S158] Cobb, John L; Vada Tuttle Larson, "The English Origins of the Bill Family of Massachusetts and Connecticut", The American Genealogist, volume 60, , Journal Article, p 201.
  3. [S1224] James, compiler, family tree titled "The Sargent-Sergent Family Tree", published by Ancestry,, from database ID sargent-sergent, updated Jul 2009, viewed Jan 2011 , .
  4. [S1556] Bill, Ledyard, ed, History of the Bill Family, 75 Fulton St, New York: Alvord Printer, 1867, p54.

Henry Felch

#2525, (-1699)
Pedigree Link

Children with Hannah Sargent (d. 15 December 1717)

  1. Hannah Felch (b. 26 February 1650, d. 23 April 1668)
  2. Mary Felch (b. 31 July 1653, d. 3 June 1676)
  3. Elizabeth Felch (b. 15 July 1655, d. 18 October 1657)
  4. Samuel Felch (b. 3 June 1657, d. 22 October 1661)
  5. John Felch+ (b. 26 February 1660, d. 9 April 1746)
  6. Samuel Felch (b. 12 July 1662, d. 14 January 1683)
  7. Joseph Felch (b. about 1664, d. 31 May 1727)
  8. Elizabeth Felch (b. 9 March 1666)
  9. Daniel Felch+ (b. 5 January 1668, d. 5 October 1752)
  10. Hannah Felch+ (b. 18 September 1672)
  11. Ruth Felch (b. 1 June 1675)


  • Henry Felch was baptized in 1610 in Parish of All Saints, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.1
  • Father: Henry Felch - Mother: Margaret (Felch.)1
  • He married Hannah Sargent, daughter of William Sargent and Hannah (née unknown) Sargent, in 1649 in Reading, Massachusetts.1
  • Henry Felch died on 11 November 1699 in Reading, Massachusetts.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S401] Darrell Martin, family web site titled "The Genealogy of one Vermonter, Darrell A. Martin",, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not available as of Jul 2022.