My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Mueller Family

Ann Adams estimated 1623 - 1682
Jenny Mae Adams 1897 - 1992
Charles Lee Amdahl 1954 - 2002
Robert Allen Amdahl 1941 - 2005
Richard Edward Arnold
Elizabeth Benjamin 1749 -
Albert Bloomer 1860 -
Almar L Bloomer 1840 -
Alzina Bloomer 1832 -
Angeline Bloomer 1835 -
Anson P Bloomer 1825 - 1867
Benjamin Bloomer 1786 - 1868
Bertie Bloomer 1870 -
Constance Diana Bloomer
Elizabeth Bloomer 1816 - 1907
Elizabeth Louise Bloomer 1925 - 2012
Ella Bloomer 1858 -
Emily Bloomer 1828 - 1885
Frank Bloomer 1874 -
Fred Herbert Bloomer 1902 - 1984
George Benjamin Bloomer 1871 - 1944
Jennie Bloomer
John Bloomer 1789 - 1852
John Bloomer 1824 - 1911
Julia Bloomer 1814 - 1901
Lawrence Neale Bloomer 1924 - 2007
Matthew Bloomer 1830 - 1912
Orlinda Bloomer 1838 -
Paul Ralph Bloomer 1899 - 1973
Robert Bloomer 1745 -
Joan Boreham 1511 -
Josephine Bowman estimated 1898 -
Joane Brooke - after 1609
Joan (née unknown) Camp 1539 -
John Camp 1566 - 1630
John Camp 1645 - 1709/10
Nicholas Camp 1595 - 1653
Robert Camp 1537 - 1608
Sarah Camp 1677 - 1742
Sarah (née unknown) Camp estimated 1599 - 1645
Thomas Camp 1507 - 1560
Susannah Collier about 1684 -
Dollie Marie Conner 1931 - 2019
Donald Conner 1934 - 2017
Doris Conner 1936 - 1990
Virginia M Conner
Mary Elizabeth Cross 1828 - 1909
Elizabeth Curtis 1654 - 1716
Martha Curtis 1691 - 1753
Thomas Curtis 1598 - 1682
Christopher Darrow before 1675 - 1757
Elizabeth Darrow 1791 - 1873
George Darrow 1711/12 -
George Darrow 1743 - 1820
George Darrow 1764 - 1852
George Darrow estimated 1808 -
Maria Darrow estimated 1802 -
Polly Darrow estimated 1805 -
Rhoda Darrow 1796 - 1865
Russell Darrow estimated 1800 -
Sally Darrow estimated 1798 -
Benjamin Butler Davis 1863 - 1926
Catherine Davis 1893 - 1988
David Davis about 1851 -
Elizabeth Davis about 1859 -
Henry Davis about 1854 -
Henry T Davis about 1802 -
John Davis about 1856 -
Lynette Davis 1895 -
Mary Davis about 1846 -
Thomas Davis about 1844 -
Elizabeth Deming 1595 - 1683
Emeline Grace Desair about 1897 -
James Henry Desair 1899 - 1967
James L Eastep
Westly Eastep about 1915 -
Albert Emery about 1853 -
Alice Lavinia Emery 1893 - 1936
Aubrey Emery 1913 - 1965
Catherine Emery
Clara Belle Emery 1898 - 1942
Cora Emery 1892 - 1976
Hannah Emery about 1847 -
Jewett Emery about 1850 -
Louisa S Emery about 1846 -
Mildred Emery 1895 - 1942
Monroe Emery about 1851 -
Myrtle Dorothy Emery 1907 - 1997
Newell Ashley Emery 1859 - 1930
Newton Emery about 1859 -
Nora Bernice Emery 1900 - 1960
Paschal Henry Emery 1857 - 1945
Rosanna May Emery 1890 -
Ruby Emery 1902 - 1981
William Emery 1821 - 1864
William A Emery 1887 - 1965
Willis Emery about 1861 -
Ivadell Marie Erno 1927 - 2000
Barbara Fletcher estimated 1771 -
Catherine Ann Foland
Gerald Terry Foland
Lowell E Foland
Ryan T Foland
Thomas L Foland
John Foote about 1530 - before 1558
Mary Foote about 1623 - 1721
Nathaniel Foote 1593 - about 1644
Robert Foote about 1553 - about 1608/09
C Donovan Fromke
Charlene Marie Fromke 1940 - 1941
Ann Gilbert 1783 -
Orin Gilbert 1785 -
Orman Gilbert 1789 -
Ruth Goodwin estimated 1712 - 1777
Mary Goore 1566 -
Milton Ralph Goree 1925 - 1925
Catherine A Hardenburg 1838 - before 1910
Allen Ickes 1900 -
Allen Ickes about 1903 -
Grace Elizbeth Ickes 1901 - 1951
Hazel Ickes about 1897 -
Lionel Ickes
Lola J Ickes
Marian E Ickes
Mary Mildred Ickes 1904 - 1989
Millard W Ickes
Neva D Ickes
Nevin D Ickes 1894 - 1988
Nevin D Ickes
Sybil N Ickes
Anders Christian Jensen 1853 -
Edward Niels Jensen 1895 - 1974
Jen Jensen estimated 1831 -
Johanna Jensen 1893 -
Kathlyn Alice Jensen 1924 - 2009
Laura Maxine Jensen 1926 - 1976
Soren Peter Jensen 1890 -
Alice Jenway estimated 1510 - after 1557
Fannie M Jones 1840 - 1917
Maria Justi estimated 1832 -
Dorcas Kent 1756 - 1813
Clark Lyman Leach 1896 - 1959
Jean Delphine Leach 1923 - 2002
Franklin Leffingwell 1926 - 1926
La Verna Leffingwell
Norman Neil Leffingwell 1927 - 1982
Mary Lewes estimated 1564 -
Philena Sybil Long 1739 -
Dorothy Lucille McNicholas 1919 - 1993
Charles D Medak
Ramona Ruth Meyer 1938 - 2003
Maymie Mix 1869 - 1960
William E Mix 1839 - 1921
Mary Morgan about 1820 -
Audrey Morrison 1910 - 1986
Byron G Morrison 1915 - 1999
Delores Morrison
Josephine A Morrison about 1939 - 1982
Marlys Morrison
Vernon David Morrison 1912 - 2008
Allen Dwight Mueller
Charlotte Constance Mueller
Dale Everett Mueller
Frank Mueller estimated 1895 -
Hannah Sargent Mueller
James Mueller
Jet Allen Gregory Mueller
Kyle Lawrence Mueller
Lawrence Maxwell Mueller 1920 - 2004
Lorin Mueller
Sean Mueller
Roger W Neave 1919 -
Ronald C Neave
Diana L Nichols
Doris Nichols
Glee Hazleton Nichols
Iola Nichols
Joyce Nichols
Louis Nichols
Marion Dale Nichols
Robert Howard Nichols 1930 - 2004
Robert Lynn Nichols
Terry Howard Nichols
Wayne Nichols
Barry E Norman
Elizabeth Packer 1679 - 1758
Phebe Palmer 1717 -
Brenda Prince
Denny Prince
Gordon Russell Prince 1936 - 2008
Jeanie Prince
Joanie Prince
Linda Prince
Merl Prince 1931 - 2001
Patty Prince
Roland Wayne Prince 1927 - 1982
DeEll Edmund Pugh 1933 - 1997
Donald James Pugh 1921 - 1960
Donald Jay Pugh 1960 - 1960
Dorothy Jean Pugh 1920 - 1964
Ethel Pugh
Florence Blanche Pugh 1918 - 1996
Francis Eugene Pugh 1916 - 1987
Kenneth Raymond Pugh 1922 - 1996
Margery Agatha Pugh 1917 - 1980
John Purchas estimated 1520 - 1585
Margaret (née unknown) Purchas estimated 1525 -
Mary Purchas estimated 1560 - 1627
Albin Albert Reeves 1903 - 1982
Allen James Reeves 1867 - 1932
Anneta L Reeves
Bonnie E Reeves
Byron Reeves 1901 - 1983
Daniel Reeves
Darryl Reeves
David Reeves
Deanne Reeves
Debra Reeves
Delores Reeves
Denise Reeves
Donald Reeves
Donna Reeves
Doris Reeves
Dorothy Reeves
Duane Reeves
Earl Charles Reeves 1900 - 1980
Earl James Reeves 1934 - 1956
Edna Eugene Reeves 1874 - 1875
Elmer Allen Reeves 1896 - 1964
Emma Reeves 1919 - 2012
Emma Jane Reeves 1870 - 1937
Evelyn Reeves 1907 - 1967
Fayetta E Reeves
Floyd Reeves about 1915 - before 2012
Howard Melvin Reeves 1908 - 2004
Hubert J Reeves 1910 - 1993
John R Reeves 1909 - before 2012
Lela M Reeves 1906 - 1940
Leroy A Reeves
Leroy Jacob Reeves 1899 - before 2012
Lillian Reeves 1894 - before 1900
Mable Eugenie Reeves about 1914 -
Mary Reeves 1868 - 1869
Maurice Reeves
Maurice A Reeves
Maurice Addison Reeves 1905 - 2001
Myrtle E Reeves 1898 -
Naomi C Reeves
Pearl Reeves about 1912 - before 2012
Ramona Reeves
Richard Reeves 1931 - 1987
Ronald Reeves
Valentine A Reeves about 1905 - 1947
Vern Reeves about 1917 - before 2012
Wilbur Thomas Reeves 1872 - 1930
Wilman Reeves about 1913 - before 2012
Wilmer Albin Reeves 1872 - 1926
Lisa Joan Reinfeld
Doris M Renshaw
Hattie May Renshaw 1921 - 2006
Isabell Renshaw
Samuel Ivanis Renshaw 1926 - 1990
Elizabeth Salmon estimated 1619 -
Daniel Sandford 1734 - 1807
Ezekiel Sandford 1647/48 - before 1716
Zachery Sandford 1692 - about 1771
Benjamin V Sanford about 1881 -
Charles Oscar Sanford 1870 -
Cora May Sanford 1872 -
Elisha Sanford estimated 1778 -
Elisha B Sanford about 1819 - 1896
Elizabeth Sanford 1646 - 1691
Elizabeth (née unknown) Sanford about 1537 - 1600
Ezekiel Sanford - after 1632
John Burnett Sanford about 1848 -
Lillian Sanford about 1903 -
Lucile Sanford 1907 - 2009
Lulu Bell Sanford 1876 -
Mary Sanford 1650 - 1727
Richard Sanford about 1533 -
Robert Sanford 1615 - 1682
Ruby Irene Sanford 1902 -
Thomas Sanford about 1557 - 1597
Darlene Marie Schliesman 1927 - 1942
Gary D Sebastian
Diane Shahan
Edgar Harold Shahan 1922 - 2015
John Shahan
Valerie Lee Shahan
Ann Kirstine Sorensen 1858 - before 1910
Alice Statira Southwick 1898 - 1968
Curtis Clayton Southwick 1886 - 1971
David Rockwell Southwick 1893 - 1969
Deward C Southwick 1910 - 2002
Esther May Southwick 1908 - 1972
Eva Mable Southwick 1885 - 1918
George Byron Southwick 1899 - before 1923
Gertrude Mary Southwick 1889 - 1945
Gladys Rose Southwick 1897 - 1988
Hazelle Southwick 1924 - 1975
Herbert Roland Southwick 1894 - 1894
Howard J Southwick 1917 - 2005
Keith Lester Southwick 1958 - 1995
Lester C Southwick 1913 - 2003
Logan Southwick 1891 - 1965
Lois H Southwick 1915 - 2004
Paul Merwin Southwick 1882 - 1946
Ralph Southwick 1904 - 1975
Ruth Marvelyn Southwick 1918 - 2015
Sherman Southwick 1891 - 1914
Vernice E Southwick 1911 - 1998
Walter Reuben Southwick 1901 - 1919
Wayne Southwick
Floyd Steenberg
Maynard Moody Steenberg 1928 - 1990
Ruth Steenberg
Aaron Stoddard 1739 - 1777
Aaron Stoddard 1794 - 1846
Abigail Stoddard 1712 - about 1790
Albin Stoddard 1826 - 1905
Albin Henning Stoddard 1888 - 1965
Anna Stoddard about 1768 - 1804
Athelia Stoddard 1832 - 1908
Benjamin Merritt Stoddard 1904 - 1976
Bertha Mae Stoddard 1887 - 1961
Blanche Salome Stoddard 1897 - 1977
Caleb Stoddard 1648 - before 1664
Charles Albin Stoddard 1847 - 1914
Charlotte Stoddard 1843 - 1849
Chester D Stoddard 1891 - 1892
Curtis De Ell Stoddard 1861 - 1930
Curtis Stephen Stoddard 1905 - 1975
David Stoddard about 1688 - 1736
David Stoddard 1747 - 1792
David Stoddard 1773 - 1848
David Stoddard 1795 - 1870
David Curtis Stoddard 1831 - 1905
Douglas Leverne Stoddard about 1922 - 1996
Eliza Ann Stoddard 1827 - 1892
Eliza Jane Stoddard 1848 - 1916
Elizabeth Stoddard 1656 - about 1720
Elizabeth Stoddard 1678 - 1755
Emily Stoddard 1838 - 1854
Eugene Stoddard 1852 - 1926
Eugenia F Stoddard 1891 - 1897
Francis Albin Stoddard 1879 - 1961
Francis Raymond Stoddard 1876 - 1964
George Bovee Stoddard 1859 - 1934
Guy Stoddard 1890 - 1963
Guy Herbert Stoddard 1937 - 2014
Hannah Stoddard 1733 - 1756
Harmon Stoddard 1797 - 1873
Hazel Isabella Stoddard 1905 - 1994
Ida Stoddard 1816 - 1866
Ida Mae Stoddard 1864 - 1947
Ira Stoddard 1820 - 1864
Ira Charles Stoddard 1882 - 1960
Iren Stoddard 1825 -
Irena Stoddard 1830 -
Isa Stoddard 1822 - 1896
Iva Stoddard 1828 - 1864
James Stoddard 1714 - 1749
Jerusha Stoddard 1706 - 1728
Jerusha Stoddard 1734 - about 1800
John Stoddard about 1620 -
John Stoddard 1646 - 1703
John Stoddard 1675 - 1727
John Stoddard 1710 - 1735
John Stoddard 1736 - 1818
John J Stoddard 1800 - 1839
Jonathan Stoddard about 1685 - 1757
Joseph Stoddard 1676 - 1677
Joseph Stoddard 1680 -
Joseph Stoddard 1697 - 1697
Joshua Stoddard 1648 - 1725
Josiah Stoddard 1716 - 1764
Katie May Stoddard 1889 - 1974
Lawrence D Stoddard
Leigh Ann Stoddard
Lizzie Jane Stoddard 1893 - 1958
Lydia Stoddard 1699 - 1726
Lydia Stoddard 1763 - 1850
Lyman Stoddard 1833 - 1862
Mabel Stoddard 1885 - 1967
Marion Joyce Stoddard 1900 - 1997
Mark Edmond Stoddard 1889 - 1972
Mary Stoddard 1643 -
Mary Stoddard 1682 - 1756
Mary Stoddard 1708 - about 1780
Mary Stoddard 1777 - 1836
Mary Caroline Stoddard 1834 -
Mary Elspie Stoddard 1891 - 1972
Mary Eva Stoddard 1862 - 1923
Maxine Stoddard 1907 - 2002
Maybelle Ida Stoddard 1901 - 1988
Mercy Stoddard 1652 -
Merle E Stoddard 1913 - 1994
Moses Stoddard 1700 - 1777
Moses Stoddard 1741 - 1831
Nathaniel Stoddard 1661 - 1714
Nathaniel Stoddard 1692 - 1756
Obed Stoddard 1743 - 1777
Patricia Stoddard
Prudence Stoddard about 1720 -
Ralph Oscar Stoddard 1883 - 1972
Ruth Stoddard 1761 - 1795
Sadie N Stoddard 1883 - 1972
Salome Jane Stoddard 1829 - 1913
Samuel Stoddard about 1690 - before 1725
Sarah Stoddard 1703 - 1799
Sarah Stoddard about 1763 -
Susana Jane Stoddard 1885 - 1948
Sybil Stoddard 1777 - 1836
Thelma Stoddard 1903 - 2002
William Harmon Stoddard 1824 -
Wilmer Odelle Stoddard 1880 - 1946
Zetto Barnes Stoddard 1855 - 1920
Zetto Dell Stoddard 1896 - 1918
Aaron Stone 1818 -
Abigail Stone 1804 - 1879
Albin Stone 1797 -
Charity Stone 1806 - 1859
Clarissa Stone 1799 -
Dotha Stone 1809 -
Electa Stone 1808 -
Eliza Stone 1816 -
Emily Stone 1815 -
Julia Stone 1812 -
Maryann Stone 1814 - 1844
Myron Stone 1803 -
Orman Stone 1802 - 1884
Rebecca Stone 1801 -
Rhoda Stone 1798 -
William Stone 1822 -
Cecil Swift about 1900 -
Almira Tryon 1791 -
Aaron J Vold
Jason A Vold
John Warner estimated 1532 - 1584
John Warner estimated 1555 - about 1614
Margaret (née unknown) Warner estimated 1536 -
Mary Salome Warner 1795 - 1878
Rose Warner about 1587 -
Helen Warren 1529 -
Richard Warren about 1501 - about 1557
Duane Dean Wartenbee 1935 - 1989
Janet Thelma Wartenbee 1939 - 1955
Susie E Watson about 1878 - 1925
Donald Harry West
John Dale West 1932 - 1996
William Emery West 1931 - 2001
Blaine D Williamson
Torrey B Williamson
George Wills
Martha Wills
Rosanna Witherell about 1828 -
Electa Woodruff 1747 -
Benjamin Wright 1686 - about 1740
Charles Wright 1752 -
Ebenezer Wright 1706 - 1746
Elizabeth Wright 1667 -
John Wright 1679 - 1714
Jonathan Wright 1681 - 1740
Joseph Wright 1669 - 1756
Justus Wright 1724 -
Mary Wright 1665 - about 1730
Nathaniel Wright 1688 - 1729
Sarah Wright 1674 - 1706
Thomas Wright 1677 -
Dalene Wyman
Doris Helen Wyman