My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 110

Rebecca Foote

#2726, (1634-1701)
Pedigree Link


Child with Philip Smith (b. 30 April 1632, d. 10 January 1684)

  1. Rebecca Smith+ (b. 5 August 1669, d. 7 October 1750)


  • Rebecca Foote was born on 3 September 1634 in Watertown, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Philip Smith in March 1657 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.1
  • Philip and Rebecca had 8 children.1
  • She married Aaron Cooke, son of Aaron Cooke and Elizabeth Chard, on 2 October 1688.1
  • Rebecca Foote died on 6 April 1701 in Hadley, Massachusetts, at age 66.2

Other Information


  1. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.
  2. [S724] Cheryl, compiler, family tree titled "The Chandler Family", published by,, from database ID UNKNOWN database, updated Jan 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not Available as of Apr 2015.

Josiah Churchill

#2727, (1615-1686)
Pedigree Link

Children with Elizabeth Foote (b. 14 January 1617/18, d. 8 September 1700)

  1. Hannah Churchill+ (b. 1 November 1644)
  2. Sarah Churchill+ (b. 11 November 1657)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
  2. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.
  3. [S711] Picketts, Ken, compiler, family tree titled "The Picketts Family Gathering", published by,, from database ID thebigfamilytree, Updated Jun 2006, viewed Feb 2008 , .

Elizabeth Smith

#2728, (1627-1711)
Pedigree Link

Children with Nathaniel Foote (b. about 5 March 1619/20, d. 1655)

  1. Nathaniel Foote+ (b. 10 January 1647, d. 12 June 1703)
  2. Samuel Foote (b. 1 May 1649, d. 7 September 1689)
  3. Daniel Foote (b. 1652)
  4. Elizabeth Foote (b. 1654, d. 16 September 1696)


  • Elizabeth Smith was born on 24 January 1627 in Hadleigh, Suffolk, England.1
  • She was baptized on 28 January 1627 in St Mary Virgin, Hadleigh, Suffolk, England.1
  • Father: Samuel Smith (b Feb 1601 Hadleigh, Suffolk, England) - Mother: Elizabeth Chileab (b c 1620 Hadleigh, Suffolk, England.)1
  • She married Nathaniel Foote, son of Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming, in January 1646 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.1
  • Elizabeth Smith died in 1711 in Hatfield, Massachusetts, at age ~84.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S432] Lloyd, compiler, family tree titled "Horrocks, Philips, Winget, Keeler, Clark, Watson, Lockwood, Strong, Gates and ancestors", published by,, from database ID horrocks, updated Aug 2007, viewed Jul 2008 , .

John Stoddard

#2729, (about 1620-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Mary Foote (b. about 1623, d. 13 July 1721)

  1. Mary Stoddard+ (b. 12 March 1643)
  2. John Stoddard+ (b. 12 April 1646, d. 4 December 1703)
  3. Caleb Stoddard (b. 12 September 1648, d. before 1664)
  4. Joshua Stoddard (b. 12 September 1648, d. 1725)
  5. Mercy Stoddard+ (b. November 1652)
  6. Elizabeth Stoddard (b. July 1656, d. about 1720)
  7. Nathaniel Stoddard+ (b. 16 March 1661, d. 9 February 1714)


Other Information


  1. [S994] Thomas, Patrick, compiler, family tree titled "Thomas-Barnett Family, 4/2007, 3-2008", published by,, from database ID:3297052, updated Apr 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

John Goodrich

#2730, (1623-1680)
Pedigree Link


  • John Goodrich was born in 1623 in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, probably.1,2
  • Father: John Goodrich (b 1575 Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England) - Mother: Margery Howe (b 1 Sep 1588 Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England.)2
  • In 1644 he held lands at Wethersfield, CT.1
  • In 1645 In 1645 he married Elizabeth Edwards, daughter of Thomas Edwards. They had 6 children.1
  • He married Mary Foote, daughter of Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming, on 4 April 1674 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.3
  • John Goodrich died in April 1680 in Wethersfield, Connecticut, at age ~57.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1284] Goodrich, Matthew, family web site titled "The Goodrich Family Association",, updated Oct 2009, viewed Nov 2009 , .
  2. [S724] Cheryl, compiler, family tree titled "The Chandler Family", published by,, from database ID UNKNOWN database, updated Jan 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not Available as of Apr 2015.
  3. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

Thomas Tracy

#2731, (1610-)
Pedigree Link


  • Thomas Tracy was born in 1610 in Tewksbury; Manor of Stanway, Gloucestershire, England.1
  • Father: Paul Tracy (Governor) (b 23 Feb 1555/56 Stanway Court, Gloucestershire, England) - Mother: Anne Sharkerley (b c1563 Anyo, Northamptonshire, England.)1
  • He was called Lieutenant.
  • Thomas lived in Norwich, Connecticut.
  • He married Mary Foote, daughter of Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming, in 1683 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S724] Cheryl, compiler, family tree titled "The Chandler Family", published by,, from database ID UNKNOWN database, updated Jan 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not Available as of Apr 2015.
  2. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

John Dickinson

#2732, (estimated 1623-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

Francis Barnard

#2733, (1617-1697/98)
Pedigree Link


  • Francis Barnard was born in 1617.1
  • Father: Bartholomew Barnard (b 1591 Great Waltham, Essex, England) - Mother: Eleanor (Barnard.)1
  • He married Hannah Merrill on 15 August 1644 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • He married Frances Foote, daughter of Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming, in 1677.2
  • Francis Barnard died on 3 February 1697/98 in Hatfield, Massachusetts, at age ~81.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S648] Shultz, Tracey, compiler, family tree titled "Shultz/Cloyd families", published by,, from database ID:2516379, updated Apr 2003, viewed Jan 2008 , .
  2. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

Philip Smith

#2734, (1632-1684)
Pedigree Link

Child with Rebecca Foote (b. 3 September 1634, d. 6 April 1701)

  1. Rebecca Smith+ (b. 5 August 1669, d. 7 October 1750)


  • Philip Smith was born on 30 April 1632.1
  • He was baptized in November 1632 in Hadleigh, Suffolk, England.1
  • Father: Samuel Smith (b c 1602 England) - Mother: Elizabeth Smith (b c 1602 England.)2,3
  • Philip lived in Hadley, Massachusetts.
  • He married Rebecca Foote, daughter of Nathaniel Foote and Elizabeth Deming, in March 1657 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.4
  • Philip Smith was called Lieutenant.
  • Philip and Rebecca had 8 children.4
  • He died on 10 January 1684 in Hadley, Massachusetts, at age 51.1
  • From The Magnalia Christi Americana, by Cotton Mather - 1702.

    Mr. Philip Smith, aged about 50 years, a son of eminently virtuous parents, a deacon of a church in Hadley, a member of the General Court, a justice in the County Court, a selectman for the affairs of the town, a Lieutenant of the troop, and which crowns all, a man for devotion, sanctity, gravity, and all that was honest, exceeding exemplary. Such a man was in the winter of the year 1684, murdered with an hideous witchcraft, that filled all those parts of New England, with astonishment. He was, by his office concerned about relieving the indigences of a wretched woman in the town; who being dissatisfied at some of his just cares about her, expressed herself unto him in such a manner, that he declared himself thenceforth apprehensive of receiving mischief at her hands. Early in January, he began to be very valetudinarious. He shewed such weanedness from the weariness of the world, etc.... While he remained yet of a sound mind, he solemnly charged his brother to look well after him. Be sure (said he) to have a care for me.... There shall be a wonder in Hadley.... In his distress he exclaimed much upon the young woman aforesaid, and others, as being seen by him in the room. Some of the young men in the town being out of their wits at the strange calamities thus upon one of their most beloved neighbors, went three or four times to give disturbance unto the woman thus complained of; and all the while they were disturbing her, he was at ease, and slept as a weary man; yea, these were the only times they perceived him to take any sleep in all his illness. Gally pots of medicine provided for the sick man were unaccountably emptied: audible scratchings were made about the bed, when his hands and feet lay wholly still, and were held by others. They beheld fire sometimes on the bed; and when the beholders began to discourse of it, it vanished away. Divers people actually felt something often stir in the bed, at a considerable distance from the man; it seemed as big as a cat, but they could never grasp it. Several trying to lean on the bed's head, tho' the sick man lay wholly still, the bed would shake so as to knock their heads uncomfortably. Mr. Smith dies; the jury that viewed his corpse found a swelling on one breast, his back full of bruises, and several holes that seemed made with awls. After the opinion of all had pronounced him dead, his countenance continued as lively as if he had been alive; his eyes closed as in a slumber, and his nether jaw not falling down. Thus he remained from Saturday morning about sunrise, till Sabbathday in the aftenoon. When those who took him out of the bed, found him still warm, tho' the season was as cold as had almost been known in any age; and a New England winter does not want for cold. But on Monday morning they found the face extremely tumified and discolored. It was black and blue, and fresh blood seemed running down his cheek upon the hairs. Divers noises were also heard in the room where the corpse lay; as the clattering of chairs and stools, whereof no account could be given. This was the end of so good a man.

    From History of Hadley, by Sylvester Judd - 1863.

    Mary Webster, the woman who disturbed Philip Smith, was sent to Boston, tried for witchcraft, and acquitted. The young men of Hadley tried an experiment upon her. They dragged her out of the house, hung her up until she was near dead, let her down, rolled her some time in the snow, and at last buried her in it, and there left her. But she survived, and died in 1696. No inhabitant of Hampshire Co. was ever executed for witchcraft.

    From Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut, by Lucius Barnes Barbour - 1976.

    William Webster s. of John & Agnes died 1688 mar Feb 17, 1670 Mary Reeve who died 1696 dau of Thomas Reeve of Springfield. Hadley; his wife was accused of witchcraft and sent to Boston for trial 1684, but was acquitted and died in peace. s.p.

    From Genealogies of Hadley Families, by Lucius M. Boltwood.

    William Webster was the son of the Hon. John Webster of Connecticut, a magistrate, Deputy Governor, Governor, and one of the Commissioners of the United Colonies. He was an influential member of the church in Hartford, took a deep interest in the controversy which agitated that and other churches, and was one of the leaders of the Hadley company.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1006] Lawson, Stephen M, family web site titled "",, updated Jan 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not available as of Dec 2017.
  2. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Jul 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  3. [S1006] Lawson, Stephen M, family web site titled "",, updated Jan 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , added mother info , Not available as of Dec 2017.
  4. [S533] Petty, James, compiler, family tree titled "Petty - Hallenbeck Family Tree", published by,, updated Apr 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

Joseph Holt1

#2735, (1680/81-1770)
Pedigree Link

Children with Abigail Hemingway (d. 1736)

  1. Abigail Holt (b. 4 August 1716, d. 27 October 1782)
  2. Isaac Holt (b. about 1721, d. November 1806)


  • Joseph Holt was born on 22 January 1680/81 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Father: John Holt (b c 1645) - Mother: Elizabeth Thomas (b 15 Mar 1648 New Haven, CT.)1
  • He married Abigail Hemingway, daughter of Samuel Hemingway and Sarah Cooper, on 28 February 1705/06 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Joseph Holt married Joanna Gaylord, daughter of Joseph Gaylord and Sarah Stanley, on 19 December 1745 in Wallingford, Connecticut.2
  • Joseph Holt died on 25 May 1770 in Norwalk, Connecticut, at age 89.3

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Nov 2006, viewed Jan 2008 , .
  2. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3, p 638.
  3. [S3836] Tallman, Richard, compiler, family tree titled "The Tallman Family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID ricktallman, updated Aug 2014, viewed Dec 2014 , .

John Stanley

#2736, (1599-1634)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Urridge (b. 1600, d. 12 December 1632)

  1. John Stanley+ (b. 26 December 1624, d. 19 December 1706)
  2. Ruth Stanley+ (b. 11 March 1627, d. 26 May 1696)


  • John Stanley was born on 8 October 1599 in Tenterden, Kent, England.1
  • He married Elizabeth Urridge on 14 October 1623 in Benenden, Kent, England.1
  • John and Ruth had a child who was born and died in 1634.
  • He died on 23 March 1634 at age 34 at sea, en route to America.2

Other Information


  1. [S954] Jorge from Argentine, family web site titled ""Hartford Stanley Families"",, updated Jul 20087, viewed Jul 1008 , .
  2. [S432] Lloyd, compiler, family tree titled "Horrocks, Philips, Winget, Keeler, Clark, Watson, Lockwood, Strong, Gates and ancestors", published by,, from database ID horrocks, updated Aug 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Mary Felch1

#2737, (1785-1815)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Felch was born on 12 November 1785 in Seabrook, New Hampshire.1
  • She died on 21 June 1815 at age 29.1

Other Information


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .

Timothy Stanley

#2738, (1604-1648)
Pedigree Link



  1. Timothy Stanley (b. January 1634)

Children with Elizabeth Morrice (b. about 1603, d. 23 February 1678/79)

  1. Timothy Stanley (b. about 1637)
  2. Abigail Stanley (b. about 1638, d. 1734)
  3. Elizabeth Stanley+ (b. estimated 1640)
  4. Caleb Stanley (b. about 1642)
  5. Lois Stanley (b. 23 August 1645)
  6. Isaac Stanley (b. 10 March 1648, d. 22 September 1671)


  • Timothy Stanley was born on 1 April 1604 in Tenterden, Kent, England.1,2
  • He married Elizabeth Morrice about 1632 in Hartford, Connecticut, or Farmington.3
  • He immigrated on the ship Planter arriving in 1634 in Boston, Massachusetts.4
  • Timothy came with his 2 brothers. Brother John died on the voyage so Timothy adopted his child Ruth. (He also adopted John).
  • He was an original proprietor of Hartford, Connecticut.
  • He died on 30 April 1648 in Hartford, Connecticut, at age 44.2
  • ***Research Conclusion: It has been reported that Timothy and Elizabeth had a daughter Hannah b c 1649 and died 18 Dec 1708. I believe this to be incorrect. She is not listed in the TAG article vol 80 p217 Re-Examining the English Origin of the Stanley Brothers of Hartford, Connecticut by Leslie Mahler. LSR 1/2015.


Timothy Stanley left a will dated on 16 October 1648 "His will affords a vivid glimpse of the manner of living among well-to-do people of the day."


He owned 2 parcels of land totaling 68 acres. He was chosen "townman" or "Selectman" and was described a man of dignity, good substance and piety, worthy of the sincere respect of his numerous descendents. He was a farmer. Invt. of his estate, dated 10/ 16/1648, was f332-18-00.

Other Information


  1. [S624] Matthews, K, compiler, family tree titled "Mathews and Arnold Genealogy", published by,, from database ID unknown, updated Nov 2006, viewed Jan 2008 , place Ashford - I think wrong. date c 1615 - quite wrong - his father died in 1605 , Not Available as of Mar 2015.
  2. [S954] Jorge from Argentine, family web site titled ""Hartford Stanley Families"",, updated Jul 20087, viewed Jul 1008 , .
  3. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, p 1432.
  4. [S622] unknown author, compiler, family tree titled "52040", published by,, from database ID:a52040, updated Aug 2001, viewed Jan 2008 , .

John Stanley

#2739, (1624-1706)
Pedigree Link


Child with Sarah Scott (b. about 1624, d. 26 June 1661)

  1. Sarah Stanley+ (b. 18 February 1652)

Child with Sarah Fletcher (d. 15 May 1713)

  1. Elizabeth Stanley (b. 28 November 1672, d. 11 September 1713)


  • John Stanley was born on 26 December 1624 in Tenterden, Kent, England.1,2
  • In 1634 John's father died at sea, en route to America. After he died John was adopted by his Uncle Thomas Stanley.1
  • He married Sarah Scott on 5 December 1645 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • John and Sarah had 6 children.1
  • He married Sarah Fletcher on 20 April 1663 in Connecticut.3
  • He died on 19 December 1706 in Farmington, Connecticut, at age 81.1

Other Information


  1. [S432] Lloyd, compiler, family tree titled "Horrocks, Philips, Winget, Keeler, Clark, Watson, Lockwood, Strong, Gates and ancestors", published by,, from database ID horrocks, updated Aug 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  2. [S954] Jorge from Argentine, family web site titled ""Hartford Stanley Families"",, updated Jul 20087, viewed Jul 1008 , .
  3. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Feb 2008, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Ruth Stanley

#2740, (1627-1696)
Pedigree Link


Children with Isaac Moore (b. about 1622)

  1. Elizabeth Moore (b. 5 January 1656/57)
  2. Ruth Moore+ (b. 5 January 1656/57, d. 29 December 1740)
  3. Sarah Moore+ (b. 12 February 1660/61)
  4. Mary Moore (b. 15 September 1664, d. 19 September 1738)
  5. Phebe Moore (b. 25 April 1669)


  • Ruth Stanley was born on 11 March 1627 in Tenterden, Kent, England.1,2,3
  • Her father John died on 23 March 1634 at age 34.2
  • After her father died Ruth was adopted by her Uncle Timothy Stanley.
  • She married Isaac Moore on 5 December 1645 in Hartford, Connecticut.4
  • Isaac and Ruth lived in Farmington, Connecticut.
  • She died on 26 May 1696 in Farmington, Connecticut, at age 69.5

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , place of Ashford .
  2. [S432] Lloyd, compiler, family tree titled "Horrocks, Philips, Winget, Keeler, Clark, Watson, Lockwood, Strong, Gates and ancestors", published by,, from database ID horrocks, updated Aug 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  3. [S954] Jorge from Argentine, family web site titled ""Hartford Stanley Families"",, updated Jul 20087, viewed Jul 1008 , .
  4. [S844] Whittemore, Henry, Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, Brooklyn: NY: 1898.
  5. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Isaac Moore

#2741, (about 1622-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Ruth Stanley (b. 11 March 1627, d. 26 May 1696)

  1. Elizabeth Moore (b. 5 January 1656/57)
  2. Ruth Moore+ (b. 5 January 1656/57, d. 29 December 1740)
  3. Sarah Moore+ (b. 12 February 1660/61)
  4. Mary Moore (b. 15 September 1664, d. 19 September 1738)
  5. Phebe Moore (b. 25 April 1669)


  • Isaac Moore was born about 1622.1
  • His origins are unknown.1
  • He immigrated on the ship Increase from England, with the family of Matthew Marvin arriving in April 1635.2
  • He married Ruth Stanley, daughter of John Stanley and Elizabeth Urridge, on 5 December 1645 in Hartford, Connecticut.3
  • Isaac and Ruth lived in Farmington, Connecticut.
  • He was called Deacon.

Other Information


  1. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, vol 5 p 141.
  2. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, vol 5 p 137.
  3. [S844] Whittemore, Henry, Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, Brooklyn: NY: 1898.

Sarah Moore

#2742, (1660/61-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Samuel Hayes (b. about 1641, d. 7 December 1712)

  1. Sarah Hayes+ (b. 19 September 1673)
  2. Ruth Hayes (b. estimated 1675)
  3. Ann Hayes (b. estimated 1678)
  4. Isaac Hayes (b. 27 August 1682, d. 5 January 1711/12)


  • Sarah Moore was born on 12 February 1660/61 in Farmington, Connecticut.1
  • She married Samuel Hayes estimated 1672.2

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elizabeth Moore

#2743, (1656/57-)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Moore was born on 5 January 1656/57 in Norwalk, Connecticut.1

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Ruth Moore

#2744, (1656/57-1740)
Pedigree Link


Child with John Norton (b. 5 January 1647, d. 25 April 1725)

  1. Isaac Norton+ (b. 1680, d. 10 January 1763)


  • Ruth Moore was born on 5 January 1656/57 in Norwalk, Connecticut.1
  • She married John Norton estimated 1674.2,3
  • John and Ruth had 10 children.2
  • She died on 29 December 1740 in Farmington, Connecticut, at age 83.1

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  2. [S3582] Pamela, compiler, family tree titled "Pamela Seeley Sorrels Family Tree", published by,, from database ID seeleysorrels, updated Feb 2016, viewed Nov 2016 , .
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Moore

#2745, (1664-1738)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Moore was born on 15 September 1664 in Farmington, Connecticut.1
  • She died on 19 September 1738 in Farmington, Connecticut, at age 74.1

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Phebe Moore

#2746, (1669-)
Pedigree Link



  • Phebe Moore was born on 25 April 1669 in Farmington, Connecticut.1

Other Information


  1. [S367] Blake, J, compiler, family tree titled "Packaged Ancestors - Vol !", published by,, from database ID jblakemd, updated Nov 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Samuel Hayes

#2747, (about 1641-1712)
Pedigree Link

Children with Sarah Moore (b. 12 February 1660/61)

  1. Sarah Hayes+ (b. 19 September 1673)
  2. Ruth Hayes (b. estimated 1675)
  3. Ann Hayes (b. estimated 1678)
  4. Isaac Hayes (b. 27 August 1682, d. 5 January 1711/12)


  • Samuel Hayes was born about 1641.
  • Samuel had a brother Nathaniel who married Mary Kimberly, daughter of Thomas Kimberly. Nathaniel's will was dated 27 Apr 1705. He lived in Norwalk and Danbury. Nathaniel and Samuel were most likely children of the first wife of Nathaniel Richards of Norwalk, for Richards was called 'father' and they received a legacy in his will.
  • He married Sarah Moore, daughter of Isaac Moore and Ruth Stanley, estimated 1672.1
  • Samuel Hayes married Miss Keeler, daughter of Ralph Keeler, estimated 1685.1
  • Samuel was a deputy for Norwalk during the years 1686-87 1689 1693-1703.
  • Samuel Hayes died on 7 December 1712 in Norwalk, Connecticut, at age ~71.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ruth Hayes

#2748, (estimated 1675-)
Pedigree Link



  • Ruth Hayes was born estimated 1675.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ann Hayes

#2749, (estimated 1678-)
Pedigree Link



  • Ann Hayes was born estimated 1678.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Isaac Hayes

#2750, (1682-1711/12)
Pedigree Link



  • Isaac Hayes was born on 27 August 1682.
  • He married Elizabeth Sherwood on 10 July 1701.
  • He died on 5 January 1711/12 at age 29.

Other Information