My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 49

Mary (née unknown) Lewis1

#1201, (about 1602-1656)
Pedigree Link

Children with Edmund Lewis (b. 1601, d. 1650)

  1. John Lewis+ (b. 1631, d. 1710)
  2. Thomas Lewis (b. about July 1633, d. 26 April 1709)
  3. James Lewis (b. 15 January 1635/36)
  4. Nathaniel Lewis (b. 25 August 1639, d. 13 October 1683)
  5. Joseph Lewis (b. 1647)
  6. Benjamin Lewis+ (b. about 1648, d. after April 1714)


  • Mary (née unknown) Lewis was born about 1602.
  • She married Edmund Lewis estimated 1622.2,3
  • Edmund Lewis and Mary (née unknown) Lewis immigrated on the ship Elizabeth with their two children arriving in 1634.4
  • On 6 November 1642 A child born to Edmund and Mary age 10 days was buried in Watertown, MA.5
  • She died on 7 September 1656 in Lynn, Massachusetts, at age ~54.1

Other Information


  1. [S6526] Ullmann, Helen Schatvet, Edmund Lewis of Stratford, Connecticut, his father Benjamin, of Wallingford and Stratford, and his possible ancestry, Acton, MA: H S Ullmann, 2001, from a portion of the book, p2.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S223] Sargent, John, "Ancestors of Elizabeth Collier Lewis", pamphlet, published on Dec 1938, Home of Linda Sargent Reinfeld ,, East Cambridge near museum,, MA.
  4. [S403] The Winthrop Society, Web Site,, Nov 2007.
  5. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Apr 2009, viewed Apr 2009 , .

John Curtiss

#1202, (-1704)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Ann Welles (b. about 1620)

  1. John Curtiss (b. 14 October 1642, d. 17 September 1704)
  2. Israel Curtis+ (b. 3 April 1644, d. 28 October 1704)
  3. Elizabeth Curtiss (b. 2 May 1647)
  4. Thomas Curtiss+ (b. 14 January 1647/48, d. about 1736)
  5. Joseph Curtiss+ (b. 12 November 1650, d. 1742)
  6. Benjamin Curtiss+ (b. 30 September 1652, d. 1733)
  7. Hannah Curtiss+ (b. 2 February 1654/55, d. 21 October 1728)


  • John Curtiss was baptized on 26 February 1615 in Nazing, Essex, England.
  • He immigrated on the ship Safety arriving on 10 August 1635 in Roxbury, Massachusetts.1
  • His father, mother, and two brothers joined him about 3 years later.2
  • John was one of the original patentees. He took an active part in town affairs (but not as prominent as his brother William). Town treasurer 1675.
  • He married Elizabeth Ann Welles between 1640 and 1642 in Stratford, Connecticut.3
  • John served during King Philip's War and was given the rank of ensign (second lieutenant).
  • He died on 22 December 1704.

Other Information


  1. [S1512] Hotten, John Camden, The original lists of persons of quality; emigrants; religious exiles; political rebels; serving men sold for a term of years; apprentices, children stolen, maidens pressed; and others who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, London, England: 1874, p 123.
  2. [S1511] family web site titled "The Curtis/s Family Society",, , .
  3. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Elizabeth Ann Welles1

#1203, (about 1620-)
Pedigree Link

Children with John Curtiss (d. 22 December 1704)

  1. John Curtiss (b. 14 October 1642, d. 17 September 1704)
  2. Israel Curtis+ (b. 3 April 1644, d. 28 October 1704)
  3. Elizabeth Curtiss (b. 2 May 1647)
  4. Thomas Curtiss+ (b. 14 January 1647/48, d. about 1736)
  5. Joseph Curtiss+ (b. 12 November 1650, d. 1742)
  6. Benjamin Curtiss+ (b. 30 September 1652, d. 1733)
  7. Hannah Curtiss+ (b. 2 February 1654/55, d. 21 October 1728)


Other Information


  1. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Sep 2008, viewed Jan 2009 , .
  2. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Eunice Hawley1

#1204, (estimated 1741-)
Pedigree Link



  • Eunice Hawley was born estimated 1741.2

Other Information


  1. [S5788] Hawley, Trudy, compiler, family tree titled "The Hawley Record", published by,, from database ID eliassillhawley, updated Aug 2014, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Hawley1

#1205, (estimated 1745-)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Hawley was born estimated 1745.2

Other Information


  1. [S5788] Hawley, Trudy, compiler, family tree titled "The Hawley Record", published by,, from database ID eliassillhawley, updated Aug 2014, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Nathaniel Jones1

#1206, (estimated 1670-)
Pedigree Link


  1. Rebecca Jones+ (b. 1701, d. 20 December 1740)


  • Nathaniel Jones was born estimated 1670.2
  • Nathaniel lived in Worcester, Massachusetts.3

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR There does not seem to be any (reliable) sources that link Nathaniel Jones of Worcester, father of Rebecca, to Nathaniel Jones of Watertown.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 1 # 11.

Nathan Peabody

#1207, (1682-1732/33)
Pedigree Link



  • Nathan Peabody was born on 21 July 1682 in Boxford, Massachusetts.1
  • He married Hannah Putnam on 29 November 1711 in Boxford, Massachusetts.2
  • Nathan and Hannah had 4 children.2
  • He married Priscilla Capen on 27 March 1722/23 in Topsfield, Massachusetts.3
  • Nathan and Priscilla had 3 children.2
  • He died on 4 March 1732/33 in Boxford, Massachusetts, at age 50.4

Other Information

  • Relationship: 7th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) birth record name=Pabody, viewed Sep 2010.
  2. [S1427] Randall, Leana, compiler, family tree titled "Flink-Hanson Family Genealogy", published by,, from database ID leanarandall, updated Feb 2007, viewed Sep 2010 , .
  3. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) marriage record, viewed Sep 2010.
  4. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) death record name=Pabody, viewed Sep 2010.

Francis Peabody

#1208, (1614-1697/98)
Pedigree Link

Children with Lydia (née unknown) Peabody (b. about 1616, d. 3 March 1648)

  1. Lydia Peabody (b. 1640, d. 1715)
  2. John Peabody+ (b. about 1642, d. 5 July 1720)
  3. Joseph Peabody (b. about 1644, d. 1721)
  4. William Peabody+ (b. 1646, d. 1699)
  5. Isaac Peabody+ (b. about 1648, d. 1727)

Children with Mary Foster (b. estimated 1623)

  1. Sarah Peabody (b. about 1650)
  2. Hepzibah Peabody (b. about 1652)
  3. Mary Peabody (b. about 1656, d. before April 1698)
  4. Ruth Peabody (b. 22 May 1658)
  5. Damaris Peabody (b. 21 June 1660, d. 19 December 1660)
  6. Samuel Peabody (b. 4 June 1662, d. 13 September 1667)
  7. Jacob Peabody (b. 28 July 1664)
  8. Hannah Peabody (b. 8 May 1668)
  9. Nathaniel Peabody (b. 20 July 1669)


  • Francis Peabody was born in 1614 in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England.
  • He married Lydia (née unknown) Peabody estimated 1634.1,2
  • In 1635 he was enrolled as 'husbandman 21 yrs' in the Augmentation Office in Rolls Court, Westminster Hall, London.
  • He immigrated on the ship Planter, Nicholas Trarice, master. arriving in 1635 in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
  • He came with others from the same district, first residing at Ipswich.
  • In 1638 he was one of the original settlers of Hampton, served often on grand jury. (At the time Hampton was part of Massachusetts.)
  • Francis was admitted freeman in 1642 in Hampton, Massachusetts (now New Hampshire.)
  • His wife Lydia died on 3 March 1648 in Hampton, Massachusetts (now New Hampshire), leaving him a widower at age ~34 .3
  • He married Mary Foster estimated 1649.2
  • When Hampton MA (now Hampton NH) was made a part of New Hampshire, and "being minded to live nearer Boston" in 1650 he sold his house and 55 acres of land. Moved to Topsfield 1651, became a large landowner in Topsfield, Boxford, Rowley.
  • Called Lieutenant.
  • He died on 19 February 1697/98 in Topsfield, Massachusetts, at age ~84.4
  • ***Research Conclusion: The Great Migration states that it has not been proven that Francis Peabody (# 1208) was the son of John Peabody (removed from database). Savage suggests it, but no one has proof.5
  • ***Research Conclusion: Mrs Lydia (Unknown) Peabody is the mother of John, not Mary Foster.4


Francis Peabody left a will dated on 20 January 1695.4

Will: Francis' will, dated Jan. 20, 1695/6, provided as follows:
The Last Will & Testament of Lieut: Francis Pebody of Topsfield in ye county of Es[sex] [in] Newe England: I Francis Pebody taking into consideration the uncertainty of my life and ye certainty of my death being of perfect understanding & memory have seen good to m[ake] a disposall of the temporall estate which God of his grace hath given me in this w[orld] as followeth,
Impr. I committ my immortall soul into the hands of God & my body to a decent buriall [when] God shall take me out of this world
Secundo I give to my son John Pebody & Joseph Pebody all that tract of Land which I bought of marchant Joseph Juett of Rowly which Land lyeth in Boxford, I give to my son John two thirds of ye aforesaid tract of Land & to my son Joseph ye other third which I give to them & to their Heirs for ever & moreover I do give to them both in c[ountry] pay (not mony) five pounds to each of them, yt is five pounds apiece, besides what I have already given them
Item, I do give to my son William Pebody all that Land which I bought of John Tod Senr [of] Rowly & of John Perley (excepting one hundred acres) which land I do give to him & his Heirs for ever, moreover I do give to him five pounds besides what he hath [...] me already, which I do the rather on consideration of his heing (by ye providence of God) deprived of ye use of one of his arms, wch five pounds is to be paid as is above specified
Item I do give to my son in Law Daniell Wood That hundred acres of Land which is above excepted to my son William & is already in part possessed by my son in [law] Daniel Wood which said Land I do give to him & his Heirs for ever it be[ing] in consideration of what I was oblidged to do for him when come of age & pro[vided] yt he shall be satisfyed therewith on yt account & give a discharge thereof to such [...] shall concern Which Land I have already promised & do purpose forthwith to [give] him a deed of in a way of firm conveyance in which deed I shall bound....Limit ye aforesaid hundred acres accordingly
"Item I go give to my son Isaac Pebody all the land yt I do now live upon which I bou[ght] of Mr. Simons & my will is yt my son Isaac shall have all ye said Land which lyeth on [ye] south side of ye brook running through the said farm, both upland and meadow so bounded. I give to my son Isaac Pebody, together wth my dwelling house and housing, orchard, mill, and mill yard, wth all yt I bought of William Evens; and moreover I give to my son Isaac from the bridge all ye meadow downward on ye northeast side of ye brook wch runneth through Tho. Dorman's meadow; as also I do give to my son Isaac a rod and half of upland adjoining to ye aforesaid meadow all along for ye bringing of his hay from time to time, wch aforesaid land I do give to my son Isaac and his heirs forever, together wth Twenty acres of land on ye south side of ye river, neer to ye dwelling of Joseph Toun junr. Also I give to my son Isaac that bed with the furniture thereunto belonging which he now hath ye improvement of, and this I would have noted, that I have given the more to my son Isaac on consideration of ye providenceof God disinabling him by ye loss of one of his leggs.
"Item. I do give to mygrandchild Jacob Pebody (ye son of myson Jacob deceased) ye house which his father dwelt in, together with all ye upland on yt south side of ye brook yt is on ye north side of ye abovesaid brook, as also all the meadow on ye same side of ye brook from ye bridge and so upward; my will is yt in case my said grandchild Jacob Pebody do live to ye age of twenty one years, yt then he shall have as is abovesaid to injoy himself and his heirs forever. But in case ye said Jacob live not to yt age, yt then any of my other sons shall have liberty to have the land and house abovesaid, provided yt he or they shall pay unto my grandchildren Kesia and Mercy Pebody, ye children of my son Jacob deceased, an hundred and twenty pounds in common current money (not silver) notwithstanding what is above said in case ye said Jacob should have issue before he should arrive at ye aforesaid age, yt ye said land shall be at ye dispose of ye said Jacob Pebody, together wth ye house aforesaid. Also I do give to my grandchildren Kesia and Mary Pebody, ye children of my son Jacob deceased, I do give to each of them thirty acres of land apiece, provided they shall shall live to ye age of eighteen years; which three score acres of land lyeth on ye south side of ye river, in ye southwest division beyond Mr. Endicott's farm, in ye place called the stickey meadow, which land abovesaid I bought part of deacon Tho. Perkins about thirty acres, and about thirty more which I bought of Daniell Dorman; but in case yt neither of ye children Kesia or Mercy shall live to the age of eighteen, yt the ye abovesaid thirty acres apiece shall return to my next and immediate children to be equally divided amongst themp; and in case one of the said grandchildren live to yt age and not ye other, that then ye whole threescore acres shall fall to ye survivor of them.
Item. I give to my son Nathaniell Pebody together with my Grandchild Samson How a[ll] that four hundred acres which I bought of mr Stephen Sewall Lying in Rowly village called Boxford which land lyeth near Bradford & was formerly mr Nelsons of Rowly. My will is yt my son Nathaniell shall have three hundred acres & Samson How ye other hundred acres which for quantity and quality ye aforesaid Samson How shall have ye said Hundred acres provided yt yt said Samson How shall be at my despose till ye age of twenty[one] years But in Case my son Nathaniell shall dye without Lawfull Issue that then ye above said three hundred acres shall fall to my other children by equal devision, his widdow notwithstanding injoying ye benefit thereof during life & as to his moveable estate which he is already in possession of I leave it all to be at his yt is my son Nathaniells despose here is to be understood yt what shall be left undesposed of by my son Nathaniell at his death of his three hundred acres shall be for ye use of his widdow during her life as abovesaid yt is ye life of her widdowhood.
I do reserve for Mary my wife ye South End of my house for her Use to live in as also ye New Cellar as also ye Use of two milch Cows which she shall choose out of my milch kine, Also my will is yt my son Isaac shall pay to my wife Mary yearly twenty bushells of Indian Corne, four bushells of wheat, four of rye & six of malt, also yt my wife have liberty to keep two or three swine, as also yearly half a dozen pounds of wool, also my will is yt my wife shal have pasture for her cowes with my son Isaacs as also my son Isaac shall provide fodder for them in ye winter. As also my wife shall have Liberty for an horse to ride on as she shall have occasion. Also my will is yt in Case my wife shall marry again yt then all ye privilidges abovesaid shall cease, but during her widowhood she shal also have (as benefit by my orchard) yearly a barrell of Cidar as also som apples as her occasions either in the summer or winter shall require, Moreover my wife shall have ye use & despose of two beds together with needful firewood provided for her for which end she shall have ye use of such of my oxen as shall be needful. Also I do order yt Samson How shall live with my wife till he shall come to ye age of twenty one years & be at her Command to be helpfull to her on all accounts as she shall have occasion & in case Samson How shall be taken away by his father before he shall have served as abovesaid yt then my wife shall have that hundred acres of land abovesaid (given Conditionally to ye said Samson) to provide for herself such help as shall be necessary. & in Case my wife shall dy before ye said Samson How shall arrive at yt aforesaid term of years yt then he shall be at my wives despose to whom she shall see good & in case yt said Samson will comply with such despose yt then ye said hundred acres of land intended for him shall be at my wives despose
Item I give to my daughter Lydia Perley five pounds besides what she hath already had of me
I do give to my daughter Mary Death five pounds besides what she hath had already
I do give to my daughter Sarah How five pounds besides what she hath had already
I do give to my daughter Hephzibah Ray five pounds besides what she hath had already all which Legacies ordered to my Children I do appoint to be paid in common currant pay as is before specified to others of my children
Note yt what Legacies I do here give in my will shall be paid by my executors out of my estate which I do leave in my son Isaac hands & to my wives, as corn or Cattell &c my debts & funerall expences being discharged.
And finaly. I do appoint, Constitute & ordain my wife Mary to be an executrix together with my son John Pebody & Isaac Pebody as executors of this my last will & testament & in Case after Legacies paid there be any estate left to be devided yt it shall be desposed of in a way of devision as my executrix together with executors shall see good.
That what is here above written is ye last will & Testament of ye abovesaid Francis Pebody appears by his own hand & seal ye day & Date here mentioned as also by ye testimony of ye witnesses hereunto subscribed
It is to be noted yt notwithstanding what is abovesaid concerning my son Nathaniells three hundred acres returning to his brethren in Case of his dying wtout lawfull Issue, It is to be understood by ye three hundred acres what he shall not see Cause to despose of before his death I hereby notwithstanding what hath been said giving
him full power in Case he see good to despose of it either in part or whole not knowing but divine providence may necessitate him thereunto, otherwise what is above written to be of full force as is expressed.
ffrancis Pabody
The above said premises were signed & sealed & declared to be ye last will & Testament of ye said Francis Pebody ye twentieth day of January in ye year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Ninety & five or six, in presence of us
Joseph Capen
Thomas Baker
Ephraim Dorman Senr

The will was proved Aug. 7, 1698. An inventory of his estate made May 20, 1698, found the following:
Two oxen, three cows and three young cattle, valued at 23 pounds;
Sheep, one mare and colt, 5 pounds, 10 shillings;
Chains, axes, wedges, chisels and other iron tools, 2 pounds, 4 shillings;
Wearing clothes, 2 pounds, 4 shillings;
Beds and bedding, napkins, table cloths, other linens, 17 pounds, 9 shillings;
Chests, tables, chairs, other lumber, 5 pounds, 15 shillings, 6 pence;
Pewter and brass ware, 5 pounds, 12 shillings;
Iron ware, as pots, kettles, "tramells", etc., 2 pounds, 5 shillings;
New cloth home made, 2 pounds, 11 shillings;
Ten bushells of malt, 8 bushells of Indian corn, 6 bushells of barley, 4 pounds;
Four swine, 2 pounds;
Land given to his son John, 200 pounds;
Land to Joseph Peabody, 100 pounds;
Land to William Peabody, 100 pounds;
Land to Nathaniel Peabody, 150 pounds;
Land to Samson Howe, 50 pounds;
Land to Keziah and Marcie Peabody, 50 pounds;
Land and house to Jacob Peabody, 160 pounds;
Homestead, upland, meadow, dwelling house, barn and mill to Isaac Peabody, 400 pounds;
Silver money, 44 pounds, 15 shillings;
Total: 1327 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence.

Additional items inventoried Sept. 30, 1698:
Two oxen, 9 pounds;
Nine books, 13 shillings;
Two cows, 5 pounds;
Two oxen, 8 pounds;
Two linen spinning wheels, 6 shillings;
Two woolen spinning wheels, 6 shillings;
Two beds with furniture given to widow, 19 pounds;
Eight yards of wool cloth, 1 pound, 12 shillings;
Six cushions, 6 shillings;
Bed and bedding given to Isaac, 3 pounds, 10 shillings.

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S946] Putnam, Robert, compiler, family tree titled "Rob Putnam Family History", published by,, from database ID:2548586, updated May 2003, viewed Jul 2008 , town=Hampton. No such town - called Hampden .
  4. [S233] Pane-Joyce, David, family web site titled "Pane-Joyce Genealogy",, viewed Apr 2015 , .
  5. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, Vol V p 408.

Mary Foster

#1209, (estimated 1623-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Francis Peabody (b. 1614, d. 19 February 1697/98)

  1. Sarah Peabody (b. about 1650)
  2. Hepzibah Peabody (b. about 1652)
  3. Mary Peabody (b. about 1656, d. before April 1698)
  4. Ruth Peabody (b. 22 May 1658)
  5. Damaris Peabody (b. 21 June 1660, d. 19 December 1660)
  6. Samuel Peabody (b. 4 June 1662, d. 13 September 1667)
  7. Jacob Peabody (b. 28 July 1664)
  8. Hannah Peabody (b. 8 May 1668)
  9. Nathaniel Peabody (b. 20 July 1669)


  • Mary Foster was born estimated 1623 in England.1
  • Father: Reginald Foster (b 1595-1681.)
  • Another spelling of her name was Forster.2
  • She married Francis Peabody estimated 1649.1
  • ***Research Conclusion: I've decided Mrs Lydia (Unknown) Peabody is the mother of John Foster #923, my ancestor, not Mary Foster.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S29] Sargent, Aaron, Sargent Genealogy in England and America, Somerville, MA: privately published, 1895, p 191.

Priscilla Capen1

#1210, (1685-)
Pedigree Link


  • Priscilla Capen was born on 1 September 1685 in Topsfield, Massachusetts.1
  • Father: Joseph Capen (b 29 Dec 1658 Dorchester, MA) - Mother: Priscilla Appleton (b 25 Dec 1657 Ipswich, MA.)1
  • On 21 September 1708 Priscilla married Caleb Thomas (b 18 Oct 1680 Marshfield, MA.)2
  • She married Nathan Peabody, son of John Peabody and Hannah Andrews, on 27 March 1722/23 in Topsfield, Massachusetts.3
  • Nathan and Priscilla had 3 children.4

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S3578] Robinson, Robby, compiler, family tree titled "Robinson-Capen Family", published by,, from database ID Robby1943, updated Apr 2012, viewed Apr 2012 , .
  2. [S630] Robby, compiler, family tree titled "Robinson-Capen Family2", published by,, from database ID Robby1940, updated Oct 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  3. [S316] Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, online image database, digitized by NEHGS, (Original publication: Massachusetts: Vital Records to 1850, New England Historic Genealogical Society,) marriage record, viewed Sep 2010.
  4. [S1427] Randall, Leana, compiler, family tree titled "Flink-Hanson Family Genealogy", published by,, from database ID leanarandall, updated Feb 2007, viewed Sep 2010 , .

Dave Zalcberg1,2

Pedigree Link

Other Information


  1. [S919] Etkind, Leah, Email message to Susanne Spira, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 28 Jul 2014.
  2. [S919] Etkind, Leah, Email message to Susanne Spira, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 5 Dec 2014.

Joel Marcus Wasserman1,2

Pedigree Link

Other Information


  1. [S919] Etkind, Leah, Email message to Susanne Spira, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 28 Jul 2014.
  2. [S919] Etkind, Leah, Email message to Susanne Spira, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 5 Dec 2014.

Daniel Burr

#1213, (about 1642-1695)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Jehu Burr (b. about 1605, d. about 1654)

Children with Abigail Brewster (b. about 1647, d. about 1677)

  1. Daniel Burr (b. 30 July 1670, d. 4 November 1748)
  2. Abigail Burr+ (b. 14 March 1671/72, d. 2 March 1730/31)

Children with Abigail Glover (b. 31 July 1652, d. about 1720/21)

  1. Ellen Burr (b. 26 October 1680)
  2. Deborah Burr (b. estimated 1682, d. about 1718)
  3. Mehitabel Burr (b. estimated 1684, d. before 1713)
  4. Samuel Burr+ (b. 20 June 1694, d. 21 March 1773)


  • Daniel Burr was born about 1642 in Fairfield, Connecticut.
  • He married Abigail Brewster, daughter of Nathaniel Brewster and Abigail Reymes, in February 1668/69 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • His wife Abigail died about 1677 in Fairfield, Connecticut, leaving him a widower at age ~35 .
  • Daniel Burr married Abigail Glover, daughter of Henry Glover and Helena (née unknown) Glover, on 11 December 1678.
  • On 24 December 1688 he bought a house and homelot from Andrew Ward in Fairfield. Andrew Ward was father of 2 of Daniel's brother's wives. Daniel had bought land from Mr. John Pell 25 Jul 1672.
  • Daniel was Comissary, Fairfield County May 1690.
  • Daniel Burr died in 1695 in Fairfield, Connecticut, at age ~53.
  • Inventory of his estate was taken on 5 November 1695.
  • There was a distribution of land that belonged to Daniel Burr on 2 Aug 1751 and 8 May 1769.

Other Information


  1. [S5797] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "The Family of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster", The American Genealogist, volume 12, 13, (David L Greene: Demorest, GA, Jul 1936) , Journal Article, vol 13, p 155.

Abigail Brewster

#1214, (about 1647-about 1677)
Pedigree Link


Children with Daniel Burr (b. about 1642, d. 1695)

  1. Daniel Burr (b. 30 July 1670, d. 4 November 1748)
  2. Abigail Burr+ (b. 14 March 1671/72, d. 2 March 1730/31)


  • Abigail Brewster was born about 1647.
  • She married Daniel Burr, son of Jehu Burr, in February 1668/69 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • She died about 1677 in Fairfield, Connecticut, at age ~30.

Other Information


  1. [S5797] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "The Family of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster", The American Genealogist, volume 12, 13, (David L Greene: Demorest, GA, Jul 1936) , Journal Article, vol 13, p 155.

Samuel Sherman

#1215, (-1700)
Pedigree Link


Children with Sarah Mitchell (d. 5 April 1700)

  1. Samuel Sherman+ (b. 19 June 1641, d. 20 February 1718/19)
  2. Theophilus Sherman+ (b. 28 October 1643, d. 16 February 1711/12)
  3. Matthew Sherman (b. 24 October 1645, d. 1698)
  4. Edmund Sherman (b. 4 December 1647, d. before 5 November 1683)
  5. John Sherman (b. 8 February 1650/51, d. 13 December 1730)
  6. Sarah Sherman (b. 8 February 1653/54, d. 13 February 1713)
  7. Nathaniel Sherman+ (b. 21 March 1656/57, d. 19 April 1712)
  8. Benjamin Sherman+ (b. 29 March 1662, d. 29 August 1741)
  9. David Sherman+ (b. 15 April 1665, d. 1 January 1753)


  • Samuel Sherman was baptized on 12 July 1618 in Dedham, Essex, England.1
  • He immigrated to America in 1634.
  • Samuel lived in Wethersfield, Connecticut.
  • He married Sarah Mitchell, daughter of Matthew Mitchell and Susan Wood, estimated 1641.2
  • Samuel Sherman was called Honorable.1
  • He died in 1700.


Samuel came from Dedham, Essex, England in 1634 with his brother, Rev. John Sherman, and first cousin, Capt. John Sherman. He came to Wethersfield with his father, and probably married Sarah there. The Colonial Record shows: "On 1 May 1637 the Connecticut Colony declared war. Samuel Sherman served in the Pequot War from John Oldham's settlement at Payquag, or Wethersfield."

With the Mitchells and others, he removed to Stamford. He was there in 1640-16401, as one of the original proprietors.

He appears first on Stratford Records in 1650. There he lived at a place called "Old Mill," later Bridgeport. He was usually called "Mr." -- a title of respect -- and sometimes was called "the Worshipful Mr. Sherman."

He was on the list of freemen at Stratford October 1669: "A list of the Freemen of Stratford as they are reputed amonst us, 8 mth., 7 d., [16]'69 ... Mr. [Samuel] Sherman..."

On 9 May 1672, the General Court granted liberty to Mr. Samuel Sherman, Lt. William Curtiss, Joseph Judson and John Minor, themselves and their associates, to erect a plantation at Pomperaug (Woodbury).

Samuel was Deputy from Stratford to the Connecticut Legislature in October 1660. The Colonial Record shows: "Mr. Nathan Gold and Mr. Samll Shearman chosen assistants - General Assembly, Hartford, 12 May 1664." Samuel also served as Assistant in 1662, 1663 and 1667. He was Commissioner for Stratford 1671-1675, for Stratford and Woodbury 1675-1679, and for Stratford 1680-1684.

In 1685 he removed to Fairfield, where he located in the Stratfield section. He served as Commissioner for Fairfield 1685-1688. On 14 December 1690, friend Samuel Sherman was named an overseer in the will of John Pickett of Stratford.

Samuel died at Fairfield on 5 April 1700. On 10 September 1700, an agreement was made between his surviving children and heirs to divide his estate; Matthew and Edmund were then dead.

Roy Sherman shows that the first four children were born at Stamford; the last five, at Stratford.


Other Information


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jul 2008 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Sarah Mitchell1

#1216, (-1700)
Pedigree Link


Children with Samuel Sherman (d. 1700)

  1. Samuel Sherman+ (b. 19 June 1641, d. 20 February 1718/19)
  2. Theophilus Sherman+ (b. 28 October 1643, d. 16 February 1711/12)
  3. Matthew Sherman (b. 24 October 1645, d. 1698)
  4. Edmund Sherman (b. 4 December 1647, d. before 5 November 1683)
  5. John Sherman (b. 8 February 1650/51, d. 13 December 1730)
  6. Sarah Sherman (b. 8 February 1653/54, d. 13 February 1713)
  7. Nathaniel Sherman+ (b. 21 March 1656/57, d. 19 April 1712)
  8. Benjamin Sherman+ (b. 29 March 1662, d. 29 August 1741)
  9. David Sherman+ (b. 15 April 1665, d. 1 January 1753)


  • Sarah Mitchell was baptized on 14 October 1621 in Southowram; Halifax, Yorkshire, England.2
  • She married Samuel Sherman, son of Edmund Sherman and Joan Makin, estimated 1641.3
  • Sarah Mitchell died on 5 April 1700 in Stratford, Connecticut.4

Other Information


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2008, viewed Jul 2008 , .
  2. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2008, viewed Jul 2008 , Southowram is a parish in Halifax .
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jul 2008 , .

Daniel Lockwood

#1217, (about 1669-before 1698/99)
Pedigree Link

Children with Abigail Burr (b. 14 March 1671/72, d. 2 March 1730/31)

  1. Abigail Lockwood (b. 28 May 1694, d. 23 January 1724/25)
  2. Mary Lockwood (b. 14 January 1695/96)


  • Daniel Lockwood was born about 1669 in Fairfield, Connecticut.1
  • Father: Daniel Lockwood (b 21 Mar 1640 Watertown, MA) - Mother: Abigail Sherwood.1
  • He married Abigail Burr, daughter of Daniel Burr and Abigail Brewster, about 1693.1,2
  • Daniel and Abigail lived in Stratford, Connecticut.
  • He died before 11 March 1698/99 in Fairfield, Connecticut.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2008, viewed Jul 2008 , .
  2. [S5797] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "The Family of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster", The American Genealogist, volume 12, 13, (David L Greene: Demorest, GA, Jul 1936) , Journal Article, vol 13, p 156.

Elnathan Hanford

#1218, (1672-1701/02)
Pedigree Link


Child with Abigail Burr (b. 14 March 1671/72, d. 2 March 1730/31)

  1. Elinor Hanford (d. before 3 January 1710)


  • Elnathan Hanford was born on 11 October 1672 in Norwalk, Connecticut.
  • He married Sarah Wilson about 1695.
  • He married Abigail Burr, daughter of Daniel Burr and Abigail Brewster, on 26 June 1700 in Fairfield, Connecticut.1
  • Elnathan Hanford died in 1701/02 at age ~30.1

Other Information


  1. [S5797] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "The Family of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster", The American Genealogist, volume 12, 13, (David L Greene: Demorest, GA, Jul 1936) , Journal Article, vol 13, p 156.

Lilian Dora1

#1219, (1842-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Samuel Dicker (b. 1839)

  1. Nikolaus Israel Dicker+ (b. 18 May 1878, d. 1 July 1943)


  • Lilian Dora was born on 16 February 1842 in Vienna, Austria.1,2
  • Perhaps her name was Debora Lilien.2
  • She married Samuel Dicker estimated 1875.1,3

Other Information


  1. [S3082] Pennsylvania Death Certificates 1906-1967, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2014, (Original publication: Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,).
  2. [S203] Reinfeld, Hedy Dicker, interview with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Patience Johnson1

#1220, (1758-1844)
Pedigree Link

Children with Jabez Felch (b. 14 February 1759, d. 24 August 1830)

  1. Mary Felch (b. 12 November 1785, d. 21 June 1815)
  2. Judith Felch (b. 10 August 1788, d. 8 August 1868)
  3. Hannah Felch (b. 29 February 1792, d. 11 February 1875)
  4. Patience Felch+ (b. 24 January 1795, d. 14 October 1871)
  5. Rhoda Felch+ (b. 13 September 1802)


  • Patience Johnson was born on 8 October 1758 in Kensington, New Hampshire.1,2
  • She married Jabez Felch, son of Joseph Felch and Mary Hoyt, on 14 February 1785 in Weare, New Hampshire.1
  • They were married by John Robie, Justice of the Peace.1
  • Patience Johnson died on 9 January 1844 at age 85.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,).
  2. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .

Jonathan Trumull Belknap1

#1221, (1925-1995)
Pedigree Link



  • Jonathan Trumull Belknap was born on 16 May 1925 in Oldham, Kentucky.1
  • He appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of Old Deerfield St, Deerfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, enumerated on 7 June 1940, in the household of his mother Helen Clark Strong.2
  • He graduated from Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.3
  • Jonathan Trumull Belknap was a lawyer.4
  • The following notice was in the newspaper: in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, on 1 October 1950.3
  • The following notice was in the newspaper: in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, on 26 October 1950.5
  • He died on 30 July 1995 in Fraser, Colorado, at age 70.1
  • He was buried in Church of the Eternal Hills Presbyterian Garden, Tabernash, Colorado.6
  • An obituary was published in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, on 1 August 1996.4

Other Information


  1. [S5793] Booldog5, compiler, family tree titled "O'Donnell Belknap Tree", published by,, from database ID 47510868, viewed Jan 2023 , .
  2. [S9324] 1940 US Federal Census, Deerfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Helen Belknap head of household, roll m-t0627-01591, page 2A, enumeration district 6-11 .
  3. [S8888] The Courier-Journal, Louisville KY, Newspaper, Engagement announcement published 1 Oct 1950 p 62.
  4. [S8888] The Courier-Journal, Louisville KY, Newspaper, obituary notice Jonathan Trumbull Belknap, published 1 Aug 1996 p 6.
  5. [S8888] The Courier-Journal, Louisville KY, Newspaper, newspaper article, published 26 oct 1950 p 22.
  6. [S9325] Find A Grave: Church of the Eternal Hills Presbyterian Garden, Tabernash, Colorado, Jonathan Trumbull Belknap, created by KKoch, added Nov 2018, memorial number 194666782.

Elizabeth Robinson Collier

#1222, (1806-1874)
Pedigree Link


Children with Hugh Craft (b. about 1799)

  1. Caroline S Craft (b. about 1833)
  2. Addison Craft+ (b. about 1835)
  3. Heber Craft+ (b. about 1837)
  4. Stella Craft (b. about 1839)
  5. Hellen Craft (b. about 1847)


  • Elizabeth Robinson Collier was born on 20 January 1806 in Litchfield, Connecticut.1
  • She married Hugh Craft estimated 1826.2,3
  • Hugh Craft and Elizabeth appeared on the 1850 US Federal Census of Northern Division, Marshall County, Mississippi, enumerated on 30 August 1850. reporting on real estate value of $10,400.4
  • In 1860 In 1860 in Holly Springs Hugh and Elizabeth lived next door to their two sons Heber and his family and Addison and his family.5
  • Hugh Craft and Elizabeth appeared on the 1860 US Federal Census of Holly Springs, Marshall County, Mississippi, enumerated on 20 July 1860. reporting real estate valued at $55,000. Hugh had a personal estate of $12,000 and Elizabeth had a personal estate of $7,000.6
  • She died on 19 September 1874 in Holly Springs, Mississippi, at age 68.

Other Information


  1. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, vol 9 No 3 p 3, 20 Mar 1951.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 9 No 3, 20 Mar 1951.
  4. [S2298] 1850 US Federal Census, Northern Division, Marshall County, Mississippi, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Hugh Craft head of household, roll M432_377, page 279B .
  5. [S2299] 1860 US Federal Census, Holly springs, Marshall County, Mississippi, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Heber Craft head of household, roll M653_587, page 164 .
  6. [S2299] 1860 US Federal Census, Holly springs, Marshall County, Mississippi, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Hugh Craft head of household, roll M653_587, page 164 .

Thomas Collier

#1223, (1761-1842)
Pedigree Link
Thomas Collier 1761-1842
possibley 1795, age 31


Children with Elizabeth Stockwell (b. 4 March 1761, d. 15 September 1829)

  1. Elizabeth Collier (b. 31 May 1781, d. 1853)
  2. Thomas Green Collier+ (b. 29 February 1784, d. 19 September 1810)
  3. Mary Buel Collier (b. 14 May 1786)
  4. John Allen Collier+ (b. 13 November 1787, d. 24 March 1873)
  5. James Collier (b. 30 May 1789, d. February 1873)
  6. Peggy Collier (b. 22 October 1790, d. 1 December 1794)
  7. Nancy Collier (b. 16 August 1792, d. 19 January 1858)
  8. Harriet Collier (b. 6 March 1794, d. 26 August 1794)
  9. Daniel Lewis Collier (b. 15 January 1796, d. 30 March 1869)
  10. Margaret Draper Collier (b. 9 December 1797, d. 31 March 1871)
  11. Hamilton Collier (b. 3 September 1801)


  • Thomas Collier was born on 20 February 1761 in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • He was living in Boston during the 'Tea Party' in 1773.1
  • Thomas left Boston with his parents between the battle of Lexington (19 Apr 1775) and the Battle of Bunker Hill (17 Jun 1775). They went to Norwich Connecticut.
  • Later he moved to New Haven, CT and worked in the office of Thomas Green.
  • He married Elizabeth Stockwell in 1780 in Norwich, Connecticut.
  • Thomas Collier was a printer, editor and published.1
  • In 1784 he opened a printing office in Litchfield, CT where he published the Litchfield Monitor weekly for twenty-three years, until Jul 1807, at times with different partners. Portraits of him and his wife are in the Litchfield Conn Historical Society's Library and Museum.1
  • Thomas and Elizabeth lived in Litchfield, Connecticut.
  • Thomas and his brother-in-law Henry Stockwell , had a press in Bennington, VT, which issued The Plowman. This press in 1802 or 1802 moved to Troy, NY and issued The Troy Gazette, which was in its day an influential paper. Later it passed into the hands of Wright, Goodenow and Stockwell. He went later to Owego, NY and Binghamton, NY.
  • He died on 11 March 1842 in Binghamton, New York, at age 81.
  • He was buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, New York.2
  • Thomas Collier, Printer by Samuel H Fisher is a bibliography of Thomas Collier's publications, published by the Litchfield Historical Society in 1933 and printed by the Yale University Press.1


He was fourteen years old when the momentous events of the pre-revolution happened. Forty-nine years later he wrote a son from Owego NY on 11 Sep 1824:

I have experienced sensibilities which indeed flow from the heart, well recollecting my own sensations when the first garments were rolled in blood at Lexington, being present when the British reinforcements, commanded by Lord Percy, formed and marched from Boston. I cannot forget the scenes and progress of the war. Nor can I forget my anxious fears and trembling, though then a lad, when on leaving my native town, soon after the commencement of the siege. I noticed the raw and strange materials which composed the army formed and collecting at Roxbury. To see hte stripling and the man of grey hairs associated in arms 'breasted to the shock,' and preparing for the tug of war, with their rusty muskets and scanty equipment, 'with death in their steps, the devil in their eyes,' anxious to contend, with a hardy, well-furnished and disciplined army. Nothing short of the God of armies, the Hope and Shield of all who confide in his holy hand and out-stretched arm, could have saved our armies from destruction and our country from desolation and slavery.


Other Information


  1. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 8 No 9, Sep 1950.
  2. [S4299] Find A Grave: Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, New York, Thomas Collier, created by Paul R, added Feb 2012, memorial number 84753186.

Elizabeth Stockwell

#1224, (1761-1829)
Pedigree Link
Elizabeth Stockwell Collier
possibly 1795, age 34

Children with Thomas Collier (b. 20 February 1761, d. 11 March 1842)

  1. Elizabeth Collier (b. 31 May 1781, d. 1853)
  2. Thomas Green Collier+ (b. 29 February 1784, d. 19 September 1810)
  3. Mary Buel Collier (b. 14 May 1786)
  4. John Allen Collier+ (b. 13 November 1787, d. 24 March 1873)
  5. James Collier (b. 30 May 1789, d. February 1873)
  6. Peggy Collier (b. 22 October 1790, d. 1 December 1794)
  7. Nancy Collier (b. 16 August 1792, d. 19 January 1858)
  8. Harriet Collier (b. 6 March 1794, d. 26 August 1794)
  9. Daniel Lewis Collier (b. 15 January 1796, d. 30 March 1869)
  10. Margaret Draper Collier (b. 9 December 1797, d. 31 March 1871)
  11. Hamilton Collier (b. 3 September 1801)


  • Elizabeth Stockwell was born on 4 March 1761 in Norwich, Connecticut.
  • She married Thomas Collier, son of Richard Collier and Mary Green, in 1780 in Norwich, Connecticut.
  • Thomas and Elizabeth lived in Litchfield, Connecticut.
  • Elizabeth had a brother Henry who was a book binder from New Haven CT. He became a partner in 1804 in the firm of Wright and Wilbur who published the Troy Gazette, Troy, NY. Henry and his brother-in-law Thomas Collier, had a press in Bennington, VT, which issued The Plowman. This press in 1802 or 1802 moved to Troy, NY and issued The Troy Gazette, which was in its day an influential paper. Later it passed into the hands of Wright, Goodenow and Stockwell.
  • She died on 15 September 1829 in Binghamton, New York, at age 68.
  • She was buried in Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S4299] Find A Grave: Spring Forest Cemetery, Binghamton, New York, Elizabeth Stockwell Collier, created by Paul R, added Feb 2012, memorial number 84753190.

Jehu Robinson

#1225, (estimated 1739-1785)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Augur (d. 19 July 1785)

  1. Betsey Robinson (b. about 1770)
  2. Billy Robinson (b. about 1772)
  3. Chloe Robinson (b. about 1774, d. 2 April 1782)
  4. James Robinson (b. about 1777)
  5. Elihu Robinson (b. about 1779, d. 23 August 1779)
  6. Chloe Caroline Robinson+ (b. about October 1782, d. 7 January 1864)
  7. Elihu Robinson (b. about 1785, d. 10 June 1849)


  • Jehu Robinson was born estimated 1739.1
  • Jehu Robinson was a ship captain.
  • He married Elizabeth Augur, daughter of Abraham Augur and Elizabeth Bradley, in 1769 in East Haven, Connecticut+.2,3
  • Jehu and Elizabeth lived in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Called Captain. He was captain of a ship: "Elizabeth" and then "Dolphin" - always going to or coming from NY. The Elizabeth logged from 31 Dec 1772 to 22 Jul 1773. The Dolphin started 29 Jul 1773. On 5 Nov 1773 it was advertized for sale in the newspaper - 16 or 18 ton with all tackle and apparel. For terms apply to Abraham Augur (his father-in-law, an inn holder). No sale probably because Jehu still went to NY between 30 Sep 1774 and 5 Apr 1775. Revolutionary War started then, so the reports stopped.
  • On 3 April 1774 Jehu and Elizabeth were disciplined by the church.4
  • Ad in "The Conn. Journal and the New Haven Post Boy" for July 1, 8, and 22 1774:"To be sold, the Dwelling House of the Subscriber, situated near the Water-Side in New Haven, with 24 rods of Land - For Conditions of Sale apply to Jehu Robinson."5
  • His daughter Chloe died on 2 April 1782 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~8.6
  • He died on 19 July 1785 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~46 the same day as his wife.7

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 9 No 3 p4.
  3. [S5585] Connecticut Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: Connecticut Church Records Index, Connecticut State Library, Hartford CT,) Elizabeth Augur Volume 029 East Haven, p 6.
  4. [S5585] Connecticut Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: Connecticut Church Records Index, Connecticut State Library, Hartford CT,) Elizabeth Augur Volume 078 New Haven Part 2 p 447: "Robinson Jehu & w. Elisabeth, ch. discip. Apr. 3, 1774".
  5. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 11 Nbr 4.
  6. [S6] Sargent, Zeigler, Sargentrivia (privately published), A family newspaper, Vol 11 No 4.
  7. [S5585] Connecticut Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: Connecticut Church Records Index, Connecticut State Library, Hartford CT,) Elizabeth Augur Volume 078 New Haven Part 2 p 447.