My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 63

Joseph Bulkley1

#1551, (1682-1750)
Pedigree Link

Child with Esther Bulkley (b. 30 January 1683/84, d. 18 March 1725/26)

  1. Samuel Bulkley (b. 1 March 1725/26, d. 27 August 1772)


  • Joseph Bulkley was born on 9 May 1682.1
  • Father: Joseph Bulkley (b c 1648) - Mother: Martha Beers.1
  • He married Esther Bulkley, daughter of John Bulkley and Esther Burr, before 1711.1
  • Joseph and Esther had 5 children.2
  • He married Ruth Jennings about 1728 in Fairfield, Connecticut.2
  • Joseph and Ruth had 2 children.2
  • He died on 6 May 1750 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 67.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Oct 2009, viewed Nov 2009 , .
  2. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Sep 2009, viewed Nov 2009 , .

Joseph Curtiss

#1552, (1650-1742)
Pedigree Link


Children with Bethia Booth (b. 18 August 1658, d. 2 August 1699)

  1. Elizabeth Curtiss+ (b. 17 January 1677/78, d. 1719)
  2. Anna Curtiss (b. 1 September 1679)
  3. Mary Curtiss+ (b. 1681, d. 16 April 1767)
  4. Ephraim Curtiss+ (b. 31 December 1684, d. 9 May 1776)
  5. Joseph Curtiss+ (b. 6 November 1687, d. July 1738)
  6. Nathan Curtiss+ (b. 21 February 1689/90)
  7. Josiah Curtiss (b. 31 March 1690/91, d. 26 April 1708)
  8. Bethia Curtiss (b. 17 May 1695)
  9. Eleazer Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699, d. 21 October 1699)
  10. Ebenezer Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699, d. May 1700)
  11. Eliphalet Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699)


  • Joseph Curtiss was born on 12 November 1650 in Stratford, Connecticut.
  • He married Bethia Booth, daughter of Richard Booth and Elizabeth Hawley, on 9 November 1676 in Stratford, Connecticut.1
  • Joseph was a prominent citizen of Stratford and was town clerk for 57 years from 1678 to 1728. From 1698 to 1721 he was the Assistent to the Governor, judge of the County Court for several years. In Oct 1709 he was on a committee of war for the county of Fairfield. Lieutenant in the town band. Known as 'the Worshipful Joseph Curtiss'. Deputy from Stratford May and July 1686, May & Oct 1689, May 1690, May 1691, May & Jun 1692, May & Sep 1693, May 1694. Ensign in company raised for was March 1692-93. Commissioner for Stratford 1692-97. Associate Judge Fairfield County Court 1698. Judge of County Court 1711, 1725. Committee of War, Fairfield County Oct 1709. Justice 1722-28.
  • Joseph Curtiss died in 1742 in Stratford, Connecticut, at age ~92.

Other Information


  1. [S5754] jbartlett8587, compiler, family tree titled "Ufford-Bartlett Family Tree", published by,, viewed Jun 2014 , , Not Available as of Mar 2023 - 750 trees to look through.

Bethia Booth

#1553, (1658-1699)
Pedigree Link


Children with Joseph Curtiss (b. 12 November 1650, d. 1742)

  1. Elizabeth Curtiss+ (b. 17 January 1677/78, d. 1719)
  2. Anna Curtiss (b. 1 September 1679)
  3. Mary Curtiss+ (b. 1681, d. 16 April 1767)
  4. Ephraim Curtiss+ (b. 31 December 1684, d. 9 May 1776)
  5. Joseph Curtiss+ (b. 6 November 1687, d. July 1738)
  6. Nathan Curtiss+ (b. 21 February 1689/90)
  7. Josiah Curtiss (b. 31 March 1690/91, d. 26 April 1708)
  8. Bethia Curtiss (b. 17 May 1695)
  9. Eleazer Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699, d. 21 October 1699)
  10. Ebenezer Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699, d. May 1700)
  11. Eliphalet Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699)


  • Bethia Booth was born on 18 August 1658 in Stratford, Connecticut.
  • She married Joseph Curtiss, son of John Curtiss and Elizabeth Ann Welles, on 9 November 1676 in Stratford, Connecticut.1
  • Bethia Booth died on 2 August 1699 in Stratford, Connecticut, at age 40.1

Other Information


  1. [S5754] jbartlett8587, compiler, family tree titled "Ufford-Bartlett Family Tree", published by,, viewed Jun 2014 , , Not Available as of Mar 2023 - 750 trees to look through.

John Welles

#1554, (1648-1713/14)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Hollister (b. estimated 1646)

  1. Mary Welles+ (b. 29 November 1670)
  2. Thomas Welles (b. 1672)
  3. Sarah Welles+ (b. between 11 April 1673 and 1674, d. before 23 April 1741)
  4. John Welles (b. 1675/76, d. 19 February 1734/35)
  5. Comfort Welles+ (b. about 1678, d. 1 June 1717)
  6. Joseph Welles+ (b. 21 June 1679, d. 21 January 1765)
  7. Elizabeth Welles+ (b. September 1688)
  8. Robert Welles+ (b. September 1688)


  • John Welles was born on 24 May 1648 in Stratford, Connecticut.1,2
  • He married Mary Hollister, daughter of John Hollister and Joanna Treat, about 1669 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.2
  • John Welles died on 24 March 1713/14 in Stratford, Connecticut, at age 65.3


John Welles left a will

WILL: Fairfield County, Connecticut Probate Records Volume 5 (1702-1750), pages 252-252a,

In the Name of God Amen I John Wells Senr of Stratford in the County of Fairfield in the Colony of Connecticutt in New England being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory be unto God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for men once to dye do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping through the merits death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors here after named...

Imprimis: I freely give and bequeath to my dear and Loving wife Mary the one half of my present dwelling house and barn and the improvements of one third part of my lands during her naturall life and I do likewise give to her one third part of my moveable Estate to use and dispose of as she shall think fit

Item: I freely give to my Loving son Thomas Wells the whole of all the lands and meadows and building therein lying in one pasture excepting two acres of meadow I also give him said Thomas all the lands and meadows I purchased of Samuel Miles and the whole of four score acres of woodland lying near Mr Stiles Mill bit it more or less

Item: I freely give to my son John Wells four acres of land in the old field which I purchased of Capt Edwards

Item: I freely give to my son Robert Wells half of my dwelling house barn and home lot and the other half at the deceased of my now wife and one horse beside that which he now hath and two oxen two cows and utensils for all of them and cart the remainder of my lands and meadows not given as above I freely give to my sons John Wells Joseph Wells and Robert Wells to be equally divided amongst them and my will is that my son Joseph Wells as part of his portion shall have the lands and meadows in the intact with the building thereon

Item: I give to my daughters Mary, Sarah, Comfort, Elizabeth, and Hannah £ five to each of them in money out of the moveables the remainder of my moveable Estate be it more or less not disposed of my will is that it be equally divided amongst my children and I do Constitute and ordain my two sons John Wells and Robert Wells my only and sole Executors to this my last will and testament...

in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in Stratford this twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and thirteen

Signed, Sealed and declared in ye presence of us

Joseph Curtiss John [ J W ] Wells

John Tompson

Joseph Curtiss Esquire and John Tompson ye witnesses to the above testament appeared in the Prerogative Court held in Fairfield Aprill 23d: 1713 and gave atah that they saw the said John Wells the above Testator sign and seal the above Testament and declare it to be his last will and testament and that he was according to their judgement in his right mind and understanding at the same time.


Other Information


  1. [S994] Thomas, Patrick, compiler, family tree titled "Thomas-Barnett Family, 4/2007, 3-2008", published by,, from database ID:3297052, updated Apr 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .
  3. [S1015] Hancock, James R, compiler, family tree titled "Hancock Family and Connections", published by,, from database ID hanser5, updated Aug 2008, viewed Aug 2008 , .
  4. [S1026] Freeman, Peter, compiler, family tree titled "Smith and Allied Families", published by,, from database ID bsmith, updated Nov 2004, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Mary Hollister

#1555, (estimated 1646-)
Pedigree Link


Children with John Welles (b. 24 May 1648, d. 24 March 1713/14)

  1. Mary Welles+ (b. 29 November 1670)
  2. Thomas Welles (b. 1672)
  3. Sarah Welles+ (b. between 11 April 1673 and 1674, d. before 23 April 1741)
  4. John Welles (b. 1675/76, d. 19 February 1734/35)
  5. Comfort Welles+ (b. about 1678, d. 1 June 1717)
  6. Joseph Welles+ (b. 21 June 1679, d. 21 January 1765)
  7. Elizabeth Welles+ (b. September 1688)
  8. Robert Welles+ (b. September 1688)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S994] Thomas, Patrick, compiler, family tree titled "Thomas-Barnett Family, 4/2007, 3-2008", published by,, from database ID:3297052, updated Apr 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  3. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Eunice Welles

#1556, (1721-about 1748)
Pedigree Link


Children with Thomas Lewis (b. 6 August 1716, d. 20 August 1777)

  1. Robert Lewis (d. about 1779)
  2. Ann Lewis (d. August 1741)
  3. Welles Lewis (d. 27 October 1829)


Other Information

  • Relationship: 1st cousin 8 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S789] Marian, compiler, family tree titled "H.A.M.'s Tree", published by,, from database ID m-magers, updated Aug 2007, viewed Aug 2008 , .

Robert Welles

#1557, (1688-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Eunice Curtiss (b. 1 August 1699)

  1. Eunice Welles+ (b. 11 June 1721, d. about 1748)
  2. Sarah Welles+ (b. about 1726)


Other Information

  • Relationship: 7th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S994] Thomas, Patrick, compiler, family tree titled "Thomas-Barnett Family, 4/2007, 3-2008", published by,, from database ID:3297052, updated Apr 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Eunice Curtiss

#1558, (1699-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Josiah Curtiss (b. 30 August 1662, d. 9 November 1745)
  • Mother: Mary Beach (b. 19 January 1676/77, d. April 1757)

Children with Robert Welles (b. September 1688)

  1. Eunice Welles+ (b. 11 June 1721, d. about 1748)
  2. Sarah Welles+ (b. about 1726)


Other Information

  • Relationship: 1st cousin 8 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S957] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Charlotte's Web", published by,, from database ID cbrennan, updated Jul 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , , Not Available as of Jan 2015.
  2. [S994] Thomas, Patrick, compiler, family tree titled "Thomas-Barnett Family, 4/2007, 3-2008", published by,, from database ID:3297052, updated Apr 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  3. [S999] Barrows, Julie, compiler, family tree titled "Black/NobleCT", published by,, from database ID blackandnob, updated Mar 2003, viewed Sep 2008 , .

Michael Flagg

#1559, (1650/51-1711)
Pedigree Link



  • Michael Flagg was born on 23 March 1650/51.
  • He died on 16 October 1711 at age 60.

Other Information

  • Relationship: 7th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29

Phebe Judson

#1560, (1691-1753)
Pedigree Link


Children with Joseph Lewis (b. 1683, d. 3 July 1756)

  1. Rebecca Lewis (b. 14 April 1715, d. 19 July 1715)
  2. Rebecca Lewis (b. 22 July 1716)
  3. Thomas Lewis+ (b. 6 August 1716, d. 20 August 1777)
  4. Joseph Lewis (b. about 1720, d. 7 October 1797)
  5. Rebecca Lewis (b. about 1722, d. 28 February 1805)


  • Phebe Judson was born on 2 October 1691 in Stratford, Connecticut.
  • She married Joseph Lewis, son of Benjamin Lewis and Hannah Curtiss, on 29 June 1714 in Stratford, Connecticut.1
  • Phebe Judson died on 21 September 1753 in Stratford, Connecticut, at age 61.1

Other Information


  1. [S6526] Ullmann, Helen Schatvet, Edmund Lewis of Stratford, Connecticut, his father Benjamin, of Wallingford and Stratford, and his possible ancestry, Acton, MA: H S Ullmann, 2001, from a portion of the book, p8.

Matthew Moulthrop

#1561, (estimated 1610-1668)
Pedigree Link

Children with Jane (née unknown) Moulthrop (b. estimated 1614, d. 13 May 1672)

  1. Matthew Moulthrop+ (b. estimated 1637, d. 1 February 1690/91)
  2. Elizabeth Moulthrop (b. 1638)
  3. Mary Moulthrop (b. 1641)


  • Matthew Moulthrop was born estimated 1610.1
  • Matthew had a sister named Ellen who married a man named William Luddington.
  • He married Jane (née unknown) Moulthrop estimated 1635.1
  • He died on 21 December 1668 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~58.2
  • Inventory of his estate was taken in December 1668 by Wm Andrews and John Cooper £304.05.00.2


Matthew Moulthrop left a will Bequeaths to wife, to son Matthew, to daughters Mary and Elizabeth Gregory, to Abigail Thompson, and to servant Joseph Abbott. Remainder of estate to be divided equally among grandchildren. Witnesses: Wm Andrews , Roger Tyler and John Jones.2

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S782] Alcorn, Mrs Winifred S, "Abstracts of the Early Probate Records of New Haven, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687", NEHGR, volume 81, page 129, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 1927) , Journal Article.

Jane (née unknown) Moulthrop

#1562, (estimated 1614-1672)
Pedigree Link

Children with Matthew Moulthrop (b. estimated 1610, d. 21 December 1668)

  1. Matthew Moulthrop+ (b. estimated 1637, d. 1 February 1690/91)
  2. Elizabeth Moulthrop (b. 1638)
  3. Mary Moulthrop (b. 1641)


  • Jane (née unknown) Moulthrop was born estimated 1614.1
  • She married Matthew Moulthrop estimated 1635.1
  • She died on 13 May 1672 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~58.
  • Inventory of her estate was taken on 7 June 1672 by Thomas Yale Sr, and Allen Ball, £157 07s 06p.2


Jane (née unknown) Moulthrop left a will dated on 21 February 1669 Bequeaths to son Matthew, daughters Elizabeth and Mary, to grandchildren Hannah and John, to Wm, Henry, and Hannah Luddington, and to Abigail Thompson. Witnesses: John Jones and Edmond Taylor. Three days before death revoked before above witnesses legacies to all the Luddingtons.2

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S782] Alcorn, Mrs Winifred S, "Abstracts of the Early Probate Records of New Haven, Book I, Part I, 1647-1687", NEHGR, volume 81, page 129, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 1927) , Journal Article.

John Thompson

#1563, (estimated 1611-1656)
Pedigree Link

Children with Dorothy (née unknown) Thompson (b. estimated 1616, d. before 1666)

  1. Hannah Thompson+ (b. estimated 1638, d. 17 January 1712/13)
  2. Mary Thompson+ (b. 1642, d. November 1714)
  3. John Thompson+ (b. 1645, d. 13 February 1692/93)
  4. Joseph Thompson+ (b. about 1649, d. 1703)
  5. Abigail Thompson (b. 26 January 1651/52, d. 1727)
  6. Rebecca Thompson (b. 26 January 1651/52)
  7. Sarah Thompson+ (b. 30 April 1654, d. 23 October 1716)


  • John Thompson was born estimated 1611.1
  • He married Dorothy (née unknown) Thompson estimated 1636.1
  • John and Dorothy lived in East Haven, Connecticut+.
  • He died in 1656 in East Haven, Connecticut+, at age ~45.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Dorothy (née unknown) Thompson

#1564, (estimated 1616-before 1666)
Pedigree Link

Children with John Thompson (b. estimated 1611, d. 1656)

  1. Hannah Thompson+ (b. estimated 1638, d. 17 January 1712/13)
  2. Mary Thompson+ (b. 1642, d. November 1714)
  3. John Thompson+ (b. 1645, d. 13 February 1692/93)
  4. Joseph Thompson+ (b. about 1649, d. 1703)
  5. Abigail Thompson (b. 26 January 1651/52, d. 1727)
  6. Rebecca Thompson (b. 26 January 1651/52)
  7. Sarah Thompson+ (b. 30 April 1654, d. 23 October 1716)

Children with Thomas Harrison (b. about 1630, d. 1704)

  1. Thomas Harrison (b. 1 March 1656/57, d. 1 January 1724/25)
  2. Nathaniel Harrison (b. 13 December 1658)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Hannah Moulthrop

#1565, (1663-1663/64)
Pedigree Link



  • Hannah Moulthrop was born on 2 November 1663 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died on 2 January 1663/64 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 2 months.

Other Information

Hannah Moulthrop

#1566, (1665-)
Pedigree Link


Child with John Russell (b. 14 December 1664, d. 13 February 1722)

  1. John Russell (b. 15 June 1695, d. 18 October 1774)


Other Information


  1. [S469] Slager, William, compiler, family tree titled "jiggys", published by,, from database ID:504246, updated Aug 2001, viewed Nov 2007 , .

John Moulthrop

#1567, (1667/68-1712/13)
Pedigree Link


Child with Abigail Bradley (b. 9 September 1671, d. 3 September 1743)

  1. Sarah Moulthrop (b. 10 October 1701)


  • John Moulthrop was born on 5 February 1667/68 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Abigail Bradley, daughter of Joseph Bradley and Silence Brockett, on 29 June 1692 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • John and Abigail had 8 children.1
  • He died on 14 February 1712/13 in East Haven, Connecticut+, at age 45.

Other Information


  1. [S521] Scott, compiler, family tree titled "Robinson Roots", published by,, from database ID srobin0789, updated Apr 2008, viewedApr 2008 , .

Matthew Moulthrop

#1568, (1670-1740)
Pedigree Link



  • Matthew Moulthrop was born on 18 July 1670 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Mary Brockett, daughter of Benjamin Brockett and Elizabeth Barnes, estimated 1695.1
  • Matthew Moulthrop died on 12 May 1740 in East Haven, Connecticut+, at age 69.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Lydia Moulthrop

#1569, (1674-)
Pedigree Link



  • Lydia Moulthrop was born on 8 August 1674 in New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information

Samuel Moulthrop

#1570, (1677-1677)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel Moulthrop was born on 24 June 1677 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He died on 14 October 1677 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 3 months and 20 days.

Other Information

Kezia Moulthrop

#1571, (1682-about 1757)
Pedigree Link



  • Kezia Moulthrop was born on 13 April 1682 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Daniel Barker on 24 August 1701 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died about 1757 at age ~75.

Other Information

Nathaniel Hitchcock1

#1572, (1678-1726)
Pedigree Link


Children with Rebecca Morris (b. 20 June 1682, d. 1729)

  1. James Hitchcock (b. 5 December 1703)
  2. Nathaniel Hitchcock+ (b. 16 December 1705)
  3. Daniel Hitchcock (b. 17 April 1708)
  4. Caleb Hitchcock (b. 2 September 1712)
  5. Benjamin Hitchcock (b. 22 August 1715)
  6. Rebecca Hitchcock (b. 28 March 1718)
  7. Elizabeth Hitchcock+ (b. 10 August 1721, d. 27 September 1786)
  8. Stephen Hitchcock (b. about 6 July 1724)


  • Nathaniel Hitchcock was born on 28 July 1678 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • He married Rebecca Morris, daughter of Eleazer Morris and Ann Osborn, on 23 December 1702 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Nathaniel and Rebecca had 8 children.2
  • He died on 5 December 1726 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 48.1

Other Information


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Jul 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S521] Scott, compiler, family tree titled "Robinson Roots", published by,, from database ID srobin0789, updated Apr 2008, viewedApr 2008 , .

Julia Caroline Forbes

#1573, (1823-1824)
Pedigree Link



  • Julia Caroline Forbes was born on 19 May 1823 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She died on 19 August 1824 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 1.2,1

Other Information


  1. [S332] Sargent, Janet, interview with Linda Sargent Reinfeld.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Rachel Caroline Maxtone Graham1

#1574, (1897-1977)
Pedigree Link
Rachel Caroline Maxtone Graham Townsend
c 1931

Children with Greenough Townsend (b. 4 March 1895, d. 10 October 1962)

  1. Anthony Townsend+ (b. 30 March 1926, d. 20 April 1997)
  2. David Townsend+


  • Rachel Caroline Maxtone Graham was born in 1897.1
  • Father: James Maxtone Graham, 15th Laird of Cultoquhey and Redgorton - Mother: Margaret Ethel Kington-Blair-Oliphant.1
  • She married Greenough Townsend, son of Edward Mitchell Townsend and Alice Greenough, on 29 August 1926 in Rosslyn Chapel, near Edinburgh, Scotland, Rosslyn Chapel has recently (2009) become famous due to the book 'The DaVinci Code'.2,3
  • Oyster Bay Social Notes, Oyster Bay, L. I., Aug. 23— [1929]

    Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Townsend and Greenough Townsend will sail on the Minnewaska tomorrow for Scotland. They will go to Ardblair Castle, near Perth, to join Mrs. Greenough Townsend and her son and parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Maxtone Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Greenough Townsend will return in September and Mr and Mrs. E. M. Townsend will return later.

    ---from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.3

  • Rachel Caroline Maxtone Graham died on 31 May 1977 in 2 Queen's Terrace, Windsor, Berkshire, England, at age ~80.3
  • She was buried in Fowlis Wester Churchyard, Crieff, Perth and Kinross, Scotland.4

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1135] Lundy, Darryl, family web site titled "The Peerage",, viewed Mar 2009 , .
  2. [S1135] Lundy, Darryl, family web site titled "The Peerage",, viewed Mar 2009 , date 29 Apr 1926 I think is incorrect .
  3. [S1158] Maxtone-Graham, Robert, Email message to Linda Sargent Reinfeld, located on the computer of Linda Sargent Reinfeld, received 31 Mar 2009.
  4. [S6588] Find A Grave: Fowlis Wester Churchyard, Crieff, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, Rachel Caroline Mexton Graham Townsend, created by Memorium, added Sep 2014, memorial number 135553130.

Anne Thompson1

#1575, (1682/83-1751)
Pedigree Link

Child with Thomas Ives (b. 22 August 1683, d. 5 May 1767)

  1. Anne Ives (b. 14 April 1717, d. 5 August 1746)


  • Anne Thompson was born on 20 March 1682/83 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Father: John Thompson (b 12 May 1657 New Haven, CT) - Mother: Rebecca Daniel (b 30 Jan 1657 New Haven, CT.)1
  • She married Thomas Ives on 4 May 1711 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She died on 12 December 1751 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 68.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S627] Kay, compiler, family tree titled "The Ives Family", published by,, from database ID kaybaker, updated Jun 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .