Margaret Wells left a will dated on 8 April 1647 It was proved 18 Dec 1660. Her will gave to her sister Mary Rogers and children John and Elizabeth of Boxstead, Essex county, England 1/6 of her estate. To John Stone of Sudbury 2/6. To Nathaniel Treadway 3/6. The inventory, house and lot Nathaniel Treadway lived in and 10 other lots £216.
2 Margaret (Wells) (Howe) Banker of Watertown, widow, wrote her will on 8 Apr 1647
I being at this time capable in regard of memory & understanding; unto my sister Mary Rogers Widow & her children (in old England at Boxstead in the town of Essex or else where) one Sixt pert of my whole estate, of housing, land, chattels, debts, & all moveable goods reall & personall, to be divided among them as follows, vizt to my Sister aforesaid if liveing at my decease two fift parts of the aforesaid Sixt & her heyres & I will & bequeath the other 3 fifts of the aforesaid sixt to her Sonne Jno Rogers, & Eliz: Rogers to be equally divided between them and to them & their Heyres, if my Sister be not living at my decease, then my Will is that the aforesaid Sixt should be divided between John & Elizabeth aforesaid, vizt three fift to Jno & two fifts to Elizbt & the Heyres of their bodys borns; to Jno Stone of Sudbury in New Engl: two sixth pts of my whole estate; to Nathaniel Tredaway the other three sixts of my whole estate; if my kindred in old England, or their Heyres intended by this my Will, be not living at my death, then my will is that the sixt part bequeathed to them shall return to Nath. Tredaway & Jno Stone, to be divided three fifts of it to Nath. & two fifts parts to Jno. Also my Will is that the sixt part of my estate bequeathed to my kindred in England shall be payd by my Executor one halfe of it, one year after my decease, & the other halfe two years after my decease; mr Brian pendlton & Nathaniel Tredaway Executors of this my Will & Jno Sherrman, overseer to see it performed
Margaret How &^ a Seal in Red Wax
Sealed & Subscribed in the presence of us
Jno Coolidge
Jno Knowles
Also my Will is that the sixt part of my estate bequested to my kindred in England shall be payd in that part of my estate that is best to be transported
Proved 18 Dec 1660
Inventory included £8 rent due from Nath. Tredaway and £8 rent due from Nath. Tredaway & Jno Stone