THE LAKE CITY TIMES has lately received reliable news of the death of Lyman Stoddard, of Mazeppa (MN), in this county. He belonged to one of the companies (H) of the 5th (Minnesota Infantry), which, at the time of his death - a week or two ago - was in the vicinity of Jackson, Miss. His regiment had (been) ordered on the march, and Stoddard, although not in a marching condition at the time was anxious to be with his company. The cars (railroad) to convey the soldiers being crowded, he was obliged to get on the outside, and to be exposed to the night. In the morning he was found dead, his blanket wrapped around him.
THE WABASHAW COUNTY HERALD Wabasha, Minnesota Thursday, Jan 29, 1863, Page 3
This information was from Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-65
Research by Roger Norland.4