She married Abraham Andruss on 6 June 1744 in Waterbury, Connecticut.1,2
There is so much confusing information about the various Abraham ANDRUS/ANDRUSS/ANDREWS in Waterbury and Farmington, CT.
The confusion rises from the fact that there were three Abraham ANDRUS in the neighborhood, all living at the same time in the early days. In town records they are called Abraham Andrus, Sr., Abraham Andrus, jr., and Abraham Andrus, the cooper.
I am descended from Mary ANDRUS and Daniel WARNER, and would like to document here that Mary Andrus, was the dau of the Abraham Andrus who was the son of Francis Andrews of Hartford.
If its wrong, I figure this is the place to find out, but I am pretty sure its right.
Here are the sources I have on this family, with many unnecessary facts included because there might be an Andrus out there who could benefit from it.
Gary Warner
Waterbury Genealogy
Gar's Genealogy
****** FIRST SOURCE *******
Descendants of John Warner of Farmington - compiled by Davis P. Warner, Penobscot Press, 1997.
pg. 7
131. Daniel Warner, son of Daniel and Rebecca (Clark), was born abt.
1667 and died in Waterbury, Conn 13 Sept 1713, (Waterbury VR) being the
last victim of the great sickness of that and the previous year.
(Bronson History), buried Pine Hill, now ancient Hillside Cemetery,
Naugatuck, Conn.; mar/1 Waterbury, Conn. 1 Apr 1693 (Waterbury VR) Mary
Andrus/Andrews, dau of Abraham and Rebecca (Carrington) of Waterbury
born 10 MAR 1674/5, died Waterbury 10 APR 1709 (Waterbury VR); mar/2
Waterbury, Conn. 6 APR 1710 (Waterbury VR) Johannah Richason, dau of
Thomas of Waterbury. She mar/2 abt. 1716 Israel/Isaac Castle of
Woodbury, Conn. His estate was recorded in 1713, distributed in 1730.
He settled in Waterbury and came into the possession of the family right
in the undivided lands. He was once or twice fence-viewer but held no
important public offices. In 1705 Warner conveyed his house to John
Warner, son of Thomas. He settled at Judd Meadows.
Children of Daniel and Mary (Andrews) Warner (Waterbury VR):
1. Son, born July probably 1693.
2. Sarah Abigail, born 3 JAN 1694; mar John Hugh.
3. Son, born and died Mar 1695.
4. Samuel, born 16 SEP 1698; mar. Elizabeth Scott
5. Ebenezer, born 11 APR 1706; mar Martha (Andrus) Scott
6. Abraham, born 16 NOV 1708 (Omri Gen. gives 12 DEC. as does also
N.Y.S. Bible Record); mar. Keziah Welton
Children of Daniel and Johannah (Richason) Warner:
7. Abigail, born 10FEB1710/1, mar Daniel Judson
8. Mary, born Waterbury, Con. 16 JUL 1712;
Note: There are some claims that this Mary married Isaac Tuttle,
including the "Desc. of William & Elizabeth Tuttle", Conn. by Tuttle
Fam. After much research, I conclude that Isaac, at age 32, married Mary
#113-2 a 23 year old woman, at the time of their marriage, of Woodbury,
rather than this Mary, of Waterbury, who would have been 18 at the time
of that marriage.
From: Elisha S. & Levina (Lock) Andrus - by John V. Beck (found in the NEHGS Library in Boston)
Mary Andruss, b. 10 MAR 1675/5 m. Apr 1693 Daniel Warner son of Daniel Warner
(Mary A. dau of . . . )
Abraham Andruss m. Rebecca Carrington, dau of John Carrington
(Abraham A. son of . . . )
Francis Andrews, m. Ann Smith dau of John Smith who lived in Hartford, 1639-1647/8.
Anderson's "The Town and City of Waterbury, Conn , Volume I" Family Records appendix -- Here are all the ANDRUSS and ANDREWS from that source (Volume I. Appendix pp 8-9, 161):
Abraham Andruss, Senior [and Rebecca]; record of ye children:
1. Rebeckah, b. Dec 16, 1672, m. W. Hikcox.
2. Mary, b. Mch 10, 1674/5, m. Daniel Warner
3. Hannah, b. Sep 8, 1678, m. Z. Northrop
4. Abraham, b. Oct 14, 1680
5. Sarah b. Mch 16, 1683/4 m. Joseph Lewis and Isaac Bronson
6. Rachell, b. Jul 11, 1686, m. S. Orvice
7. John, b. July 16, 1688.
8. Thomas b. Mch 6, 1694.
[He died between July 1st and Dec. 31st, 1729]
(GAR-NOTE: it is unclear which "he" this refers to. Also, there is a margin note from the printer that says "May 25, 1703" spanning three lines beside Rebeckah and Mary's notes.)
Abraham Andrus, Jr. s. of Abraham, m. Hannah Stephens, dau of Thomas of
Middletown, Nov 5, 1702.
1. A son, b. Sept 6, 1703.
Abraham Andruss, s. of Jno (of Wethersfield), m. Mabel Thomas, dau of Sam., June 6, 1744.
1. Hulda, b. Mch 2, 1745-6
2. Eldad, b. Feb 1, 1747-8
3. Elihu, b. Jan 10, 1749-50
4. Loly, b. Nov 3, 1751
5. Asenath, b. Mch 15, 1754
6. Ethan, b. May 9, 1756.
7. Oylive, b. May 30, 1759.
8. Rhodah, b. July 19, 1761.
9. Ephriam, b. May 18, 1765.
10. Mabel, b. July 10, 1768.
Anna Andrews m. Nathan Scott, 1777. Daniel Andrews
7. A dau. Etathier, b. Apr 6, 1785.
David and Margaret Andrus, children born in Waterbury:
1. John, b. Feb 17, 1749.
2. Margaret, b. Nov 15, 1752.
3. David, b. Feb; d. Aug 17, 1754
4. A dau, b. Sept 30, 1757
5. David, b. Apr 16, 1757
6. Achsah, b. Mch. 18, 1759.
7. Elijah, b. Dec 18, 1760
8. Reuben, b. Sep 5, 1762; d. May 30, 1763.
Margaret, wife of David, d. Apr. 19 1763. Their dau Mary, b. at
Kensington [April 1748], d. Aug 21, 1749.
Elihu Andrews m. Sarah Brown [dau of Dan.], Dec 15, 1775.
1. Abijah, b. Oct 13, 1776.
2. Asenath, b. Oct 26, 1777.
3. Syrus, b. Mch 17, 1780
4. Elihu, b. Feb 26, 1782.
Elizabeth Andrews, m. Merrit Nichols, 1837. Ethan Andrews, m. Sarah Prichard, Dec 8, 1780. Eunice Andrews, m. Levi Mix, 1789. Geo. P. Andrews, b. Jan 24, 1821, and Roxana Coley, b. June 12, 1823 -- both from the state of New York -- were m. Dec 3, 1845.
1. Samuel Frisbie, b. in Litchfield, May 15, 1845. Harriet Andrews m. Hanford Isbell, 1839.
Ira Andrews m. Martha Andrews, Mch 5, 1787.
1. Chester, b. July 6, 1788.
2. Johnson, b. Aug 7, 1790.
3. Marshall, b. Aug 5, 1793.
Jesse Andrews m. Loly brooks, May 8, 1791
1. Miles, b. Feb 9, 1792.
2. Ansel, b. Apr 4, 1794.
John Andruss [son of Abr, Sr.] and Martha [dau of Thomas Warner]
7. Patience, b. Oct 1726
8. Ebenezer, b. Apr 29, 1729
Leander Andrews m. Cornelia Easton -- both of Bristol -- July 13, 1851
Lois Andrews m. Benj. Terrill, 1756.
Martha Andrews m. Elijah Parker, 1759.
Martha Andrews, m. J. D. Perkins, 1844
Mary Andruss m. John Rew, 1743-4.
Mary Andrews m. Francis Peck, 1835.
Mary Andrews m. Chas. Chatfield, 1850.
Melvina Andrews m. A. A. Perkins, 1843.
Moses R. Andrews m. Betsey Loundsbury, May 6, 1833
Rhoda Andrews m. Titus Fenn, 1779.
Thomas Anddrus, son of Abra. Sr., m. Mary Turner, dau of John, Nov 2, 1725.
1. Elizabeth, b. Apr 12, 1727
2. Mary b. Sep 21, 1729, d. Aug 22, 1731.
3. Mary, b. March 2, 1734
William Andruss, son of John, m. Martha Williams, dau of James, Feb 1736-7
1. Sarah b. Jan 17, 173708, m. J. Doolittle
2. Martha, b. June 3, 1740
3. James, b. Dec 19, 1743
4. Williams (later William), b. Apr 5, 1745.
5. John, b. Oct 28, 1747
6. Timothy, b. Dec 1, 1749
[Dr. W. A. Alcott gives to William, Sr., Mehitable, Diadama, and by a
William Andrews, Junr., m. Submit Frost, May 6, 1766
1. Elizabeth, b. Feb 11, 1767.
2. William, b. Jan 13, d. Jan 14, 1769.
3. Luther, b. July 2, 1770, d. Oct 6, 1773.
4. Filo, b. Feb 3, 1773
5. Luther, b. Apr. 13, 1775
Zina Andrews, son of Simeon, m. Sarah Hotchkiss, July 21, 1814. (GAR-NOTE: In the section following appendix page 160, called "Additions to the Family Records" the following is found on page 161:
Abraham Andrus, Sr. was son of Francis of Hartford and Fairfield who died 1662.
Abraham Andrus, cooper, son of John and Mary of Farmington, b. Oct 31, 1648, m. about 1682 Sarah Porter, dau of Robert and his wife Mary (dau of Thomas Scott). Sarah was b. Dec 20, 1657, and both joined the Farmington church July 15, 1683. He d. May 3, 1693, and Sarah m. Mch 2, 1707, James Benedict of Danbury:
1. Sarah, bapt at Farmington, Mch 9, 1683-4, m. Th. Raymond
2. Abraham, bapt at Farmington, July 17, 1687; probably d. unmarried
3. Mary, bapt at Farmington, May 18, 1689, m. James Benedict, Jr.
4. Benjamin, probably d. young
5. Robert, b. 1693, m. Anna Olmstead.
Gordon Spencer Andrews, b. June 17, 1809, son of Timothy F. m. Nov 17, 1844, Catharine Denning of New Britain. Hannah Andrews, b. Feb 26, 1657, dau of John, m. Obadiah Richards, 1666. Henry R. Andrews, son of Gordon, m. July 18, 1840, Lucinda M. Brooks of Haddam. James Andrews and Martha:
1. Thomas b. Aug 19, 1785. Laura Andrews, dau of William, m. Seth Thomas, Apr 14, 1811 Thomas Andrews, d. in Hartford, Sept 12, 1754.
Gen. and Family History of the State of Connecticut, 1911.
Francis Andrews, immigrant ancestor, was born in England and settled in 1639, in Hartford, Connecticut. His home was at what is now the corner of Elm and Trinity streets. He removed to Fairfield, and died there 1662-3. His will was dated June 16, 1662, proved March 5, 1663. Children: John, baptized Sep 27, 1646; Thomas, bapt Jan 2, 1648; Jeremiah; Abraham, mentioned below; Elizabeth; Mary; Esther; Rebecca; Hannah; Ruth.
(II). Abraham, son of Francis Andrews, was born about 1650, died between July 1 and December 31, 1729. He settled at Waterbury, Connecticut. He also lived at Farmington. He was one of the twenty-six Farmington men who petitioned to have Waterbury granted as a plantation October 9, 1673. He was selectman of Waterbury in 1681. His home lot adjoined that of the minister. He built a house in 1704. He married Rebecca, sister of John Carrington, of Mattatuck (Waterbury). Children, recorded at Waterbury; Rebeckah, born December 16, 1672; Mary, March 10, 1674-5; Hannah, September 8, 1678; Abraham, October 14, 1680; Sarah, March 16, 1683-84; Rachel, July 11, 1686; John, mentioned below; Thomas, March 6, 1694. The Waterbury historian believes that the son Abraham was the first white child born in Waterbury. This honor has been claimed also for Richard Welton and John Warner.
(III) John, son of Abraham Andrews, was born at Waterbury, Connecticut, July 16, 1688. He was the first permanent settler in Gunntown, Waterbury. He served on various town committees. He married Martha, daughter of Thomas Warner. Children, born at Waterbury: William, mentioned below; Patience, born October 1716; Ebenezer, April 29, 1719.
(IV) William, son of John Andrews, was born about 1715, at Waterbury. He married February, 1736-7, Martha, daughter of James Williams. He married (second) ??. Children of first wife: Sarah, born Jan 17, 1737-8; Martha, June 3, 1740; James, December 19, 1743, killed by fall from a tree; William, mentioned below; John, October 28, 1747; Timothy, December 1, 1749; Mehitable; Diadema. Children of second wife: James; Ruth.
(V) William (2), son of William (1) Andrews, was born April 5, 1745. He married at Waterbury, May 6, 1766, Submit Frost. Children, born at Waterbury: Elizabeth, Feb 15, 1767; William, Jan 13, 1769, died young; Luther, Jul 2, 1770, died young; Philo, Feb 3, 1773; Luther, mentioned below; Cornelius; Anna, Sept 1, 1777; Laura, 1790, married Seth Thomas.
(VI) Luther, son of William (2) Andrews, was born at Waterbury, April 13, 1775. He was a farmer in Wolcott, Connecticut or Allentown Center. He married a daughter of Seth Thomas. Children: Randal Thomas, mentioned below; Chester; Luther.
(VII) Randal Thomas, son of Luther Andrews, was born at Wolcott, 1798, died at Plymouth, Conn. Jan 1831, aged 33 years. He married Philena, born 1800, died 1876, dau of Michael and Rhoda (Hopkins) Blakeslee, of Plymouth. CHildren: Philinda, born 1822; Harriet; Randal Thomas, mentioned below
(VIII) Randal Thomas (2), son of Randal Thomas (1) Andrews, was born in Plymouth Hollow, now Thomaston, Conn, in the same house in which he is now living, May 13, 1831. He received his education in the public schools, and at the age of fourteen began to work in the Seth Thomas Clock Company for many years. He became interested in the business conducted for many years under the name R. T. Andrews & Company, dealers in furniture. While he continues in this business, he has given over the active management and devotes little of his personal attention to it at the present time. He is a trustee of the Thomastown Savings Bank, having served from the time of its incorporation. He was a director of the Electric LIght Company until it was sold. In politics he is a Democrat. He was selectman of the town of Plymouth, and Represented Plymouth in the general assembly in 1873-4, and Thomaston in 1893-95, serving on important committes. He is senior warden of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church. Mr. Andrews has never married.
"Families of Early Hartford, Conn" by Lucius Barnes Barbour, 1977.
Francis Andrews d. 1662-3, moved to Fairfield. Early member 1st church, name on Founders Monument. Mar. Anna Smith, dau of John. Francis Andrews purchased before 1640 the north part of Richard Butler's lot on the corner of the present Elm and Trinity Streets. Died in Fairfield, will dated June 6, 1662; proved March 5, 1663.
"History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield", by Donald L. Jacobus, 1930.
(relayed via Fidonet email Jan 4, 1992 from James Davis)
p. 18 "ANDREWS, Francis, settled in Hartford 1639, moved to Fairfield. Will dated 6 June 1662, proved 5 MAR 1662/3. (possibly a brother of William of Hartford and John of Farmington.
Wife, Anna. m2. before 1674 _______Smith.
Hannah, Eliz, John, Thomas, Mary, Esther, Rebecca, Jeremiah, Abraham, & Ruth.
p. 20 "ANDREWS, Abraham (deputy 1712 Waterbury) settled in Farmington, d. 1729 m. Rebecca ("Andrews Memorial" calls her dau of John Carrington). Moved to Waterbury.
Kids: Rebecca, Mary, Hannah, Abraham, Sarah, Rachel, John & Thomas. Mary, b. 10 MAR1674/5, m. Apr 1693, Daniel WARNER.
Please send any update or corrections to:
Gary Warner --
Gar's Genealogy Pages
Waterbury Genealogy