My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Alexander Family

Ainsley Charlotte Alexander
Christina Alexander
Christopher George Alexander
Christos Alexander about 1900 - about 1990
Christos Alexander
Ciarra Flynn Alexander
Constantine Alexander
Ellen Alexander
George Alexander 1908 - 1986
Gerald Alexander
Joanna Laura Alexander
Julia (née unknown) Alexander about 1911 -
Thomas Alexander
Jesse Ayres estimated 1890 -
John Ayres 1915 - 1960
Maurine Ayres
Elfreida Marie Bauman 1913 - 1998
Christopher Blotjes
Robert Blotjes
Roberta Blotjes
Susan Blotjes
Dorothy Burton 1944 - 2018
Adolopho Cipoletti estimated 1855 -
Assunta Cipoletti 1894 - 1974
Dominic Cipoletti estimated 1890 -
Joseph Cipoletti estimated 1888 -
Josephine Cipoletti about 1886 -
Maria Cipoletti about 1878 -
G J Deines estimated 1865 -
O H Deines 1895 - 1975
Shirley Maurine Deines 1923 -
Dorothy Drews 1923 - 1996
Deanna Edmonds
Krystina Stephanie Edwards
Martin Shane Edwards
William Engelhardt
Letitia Flynn
Frank Galluccio
James Galluccio about 1925 - estimated 1945
Jessie (née unknown) Galluccio
Joseph Galluccio 1918 -
Josephine Galluccio about 1912 - before 1995
Louise (née unknown) Galluccio
Mario Galluccio 1916 - 2009
Marion K Galluccio
Mary Galluccio about 1910 - 1984
Nina (née unknown) Galluccio
Ralph Galluccio about 1879 -
Robert J Galluccio
Ronald W Galluccio
Thomas Galluccio about 1914 -
John Giantonio estimated 1894 -
Johan Goran George Gyllenkrok
Marie Christine Hansen estimated 1896 -
Kathrina Heinze estimated 1870 -
Solmon Buser Heisey estimated 1894 - 1954
Wilma Christine Heisey 1918 -
Saveria Innacone about 1852 -
Giovanna Jannaccone 1869 -
Ethan Alexander Johnson
Franz Joseph Johnson estimated 1879 - 1948
Kyle Stefan Johnson
Marlin Martin Johnson
Martin Gustaf Johnson 1909 - 1985
Tyler Christopher Martin Johnson
Julianna Karst estimated 1877 -
Joseph Le Pera
Marie Le Pera
Michael Le Pera
Ralph Le Pera
Ralph D Le Pera 1901 - 2003
Stephanie Lauren Mendoza
Alexia Nickolas
Nick Nickolas about 1905 - before 1986
Frank Papasso 1908 - 1988
Frank Papasso, Jr 1938 - 2007
Joan Papasso
Laurie Papasso
Lisa (née unknown) Papasso
Lynda Papasso
Michael F Papasso
Susan Papasso 1935 - about 1956
Adolph Perrota about 1907 -
Angelo Perrota about 1877 -
James Perrota estimated 1911 - before 1995
Richard Perrota estimated 1909 - before 1995
Cathrine Perrotta 1917 - 1997
Christian Pires
Jennifer Pires
Kenneth Pires
Kenneth Pires
Matthew Pires
Alexander Popoulos estimated 1865 - about 1940
Constantine Popoulos about 1904 - about 1934
Margaret (née unknown) Popoulos estimated 1870 - about 1955
Maria Popoulos
Ourania Popoulos about 1912 - 1993
Frank Puglesi
Michelle Puglesi
Michael Allen Ruff
Adeline Sanseverino estimated 1895 -
Alex Sanseverino estimated 1892 -
Anthony Sanseverino 1920 - 1930
Antoinette Sanseverino about 1916 - 1918
Antonio Sanseverino about 1897 -
Cheryl Sanseverino
Dominick Sanseverino about 1888 -
Drew Sanseverino
Enrico Sanseverino
Gerald Sanseverino 1922 - 1990
Giro Sanseverino about 1890 - 1932
James D Sanseverino
Jennie Sanseverino 1914 - 1988
Jerry Sanseverino
Judith A (née unknown) Sanseverino
Laura Margaret Sanseverino 1918 - 2009
Mr Sanseverino estimated 1863 -
Pasquale Sanseverino about 1899 -
Regina Sanseverino
Theodore Sanseverino
Bertha Strecker 1900 - 1965
Henry Strecker estimated 1870 -
Catherine Stroh
Frederick Stroh about 1913 - 1968
Mr Sylvester
Paul Van Veen
Alexander Yialutis
Louis Yialutis