East Haven Property Loses During the Revolutionary War: On the 4th July, 1779, the enemy intending to capture New-Haven, landed a covering force on Morris' Neck and Southend, and marched directly to Tuttle's hill, where they encamped that night, and the next day re-embarked. They were led by the Tories. In this invasion they burnt most of the buildings within their reach, and made the rebel Whigs feel the effects of Royal British vengeance. To meet these losses, and those of other Towns of a similar nature, in May, 1792, the General Assembly of Connecticut passed an act appropriating "500,000 acres of land west of Pennsylvania, for the relief of the sufferers by fire." The damage in each Town was assessed, and the amount of each person's loss in East-Haven was as follows:
Amos Morris, £1235 15 4
John Woodward, £838 17 3
John Woodward, jun. £740 19 11
Elam Luddington, £408 6 7
Joseph Tuttle, £79 9 5
Jacob and Abijah Pardee, £402 8 2 Jehiel Forbes, £173 13 1
Mary Pardee, £134 14 0
Mary and Lydia Pardee, £40 8 4
Noah Tucker, £99 17 4
[the total being] £4154 9 5 Equal to $13,848 24 [presumably in 1824 when this information was published]. They burnt eleven dwelling houses, nine barns and some other out buildings. Gurdon Bradley lost £66 00 00 in a sloop that was burnt. The enemy and the militia plundered the inhabitants of all they could carry off. The whole of this loss was collected by the Commissioners appointed for this purpose, and the amount was £421 1 4. The entire loss of East-Haven by this invasion, in property, was [equal to] $15, 251 79.4