My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 209

Matthias St John

#5201, (about 1630-)
Pedigree Link



  • Matthias St John was born about 1630.1

Other Information


  1. [S61] Jacobus, D L, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, New Haven: The Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Company, From 1930 to 1932, p 513.

Samuel St John

#5202, (about 1639-)
Pedigree Link



  • Samuel St John was born about 1639 in Windsor, Connecticut.1,2
  • He married Elizabeth Hoyt in September 1663 in Windsor, Connecticut.3,4
  • Samuel and Elizabeth had 3 children.4

Other Information


  1. [S61] Jacobus, D L, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, New Haven: The Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Company, From 1930 to 1932, p 513.
  2. [S87] John, compiler, family tree titled "Related Tribes", published by,, from database ID celtic80, updated Jul 2012, viewed Jul 2012 , date=1637 .
  3. [S3715] Howard, Raymond B, compiler, family tree titled "Raymonds of New England", published by,, from database ID raymondhow, updated Jul 2012, viewed Jul 2012 , .
  4. [S87] John, compiler, family tree titled "Related Tribes", published by,, from database ID celtic80, updated Jul 2012, viewed Jul 2012 , .

Thomas Hine1

#5203, (1653-1741/42)
Pedigree Link



  • Thomas Hine was born on 31 October 1653 in Milford, Connecticut.2
  • Father: Thomas Hine (b 1621) - Mother: Elizabeth Lane (b 1625.)1
  • He married Rebecca Hyatt, daughter of Thomas Hyatt and Elizabeth Russell, on 13 November 1678 in Milford, Connecticut.2
  • Thomas Hine married Hannah Bristol, daughter of Henry Bristol and Lydia Brown, on 10 November 1684 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Thomas and Hannah had 7 children.3
  • He died on 17 January 1741/42 in Milford, Connecticut, at age 88.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S757] Neal, Sharen, compiler, family tree titled "Families of Sequoyah County,OK & Others", published by,, from database ID mjr6387, updated Nov 2010, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  2. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  3. [S3836] Tallman, Richard, compiler, family tree titled "The Tallman Family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID ricktallman, updated Feb 2017, viewed Apr 2019 , .

Caleb Hyatt

#5204, (about 1642-about 1686)
Pedigree Link



  • Caleb Hyatt was born about 1642 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • Caleb gave receipt for his portion of his father's estate to his father-in-law Jones on 23 Dec 1661.
  • Caleb lived in Rye, New York.
  • He died about 1686 in Rye, New York, at age ~44 probably.2

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, , .
  2. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Ruth Hyatt

#5205, (about 1650-1740)
Pedigree Link



  • Ruth Hyatt was born about 1650 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • She married John Westcott on 9 February 1667 in Stamford, Connecticut.2
  • John and Ruth had 4 children.2
  • She died in 1740 in Bedford, New York, at age ~90.2

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, , .
  2. [S1604] Shannon, compiler, family tree titled "Woodward Westcott Family Tree", published by,, from database ID woodwardwestcott, updated Apr 2010, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Deborah Hyatt

#5206, (about 1644-)
Pedigree Link



  • Deborah Hyatt was born about 1644 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • On 30 November 1669 Deborah received her portion of her father's estate.
  • She married Moses Jackson on 24 October 1672 in Fairfield, Connecticut.
  • Moses and Deborah had 2 children.1

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Rebecca Hyatt

#5207, (about 1655-before 1684)
Pedigree Link



  • Rebecca Hyatt was born about 1655 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • On 13 October 1674 Rebecca received her portion of her father's estate.
  • She married Thomas Hine, son of Thomas Hine and Elizabeth Lane, on 13 November 1678 in Milford, Connecticut.1
  • Rebecca Hyatt died before 1684.

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .

John Hyatt

#5208, (about 1645-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Jones (b. February 1647/48)

  1. Rebecca Hyatt (b. estimated 1674)
  2. John Hyatt (b. 1678)
  3. Thomas Hyatt (b. estimated 1680)


  • John Hyatt was born about 1645 possibly 1647.1,2
  • He married Mary Jones, daughter of Cornelius Jones, estimated 1670.3
  • John Hyatt and Mary Jones were step-brother and step-sister. His mother married her father when John was twelve and Mary was 9.
  • John and Mary moved to Yonkers, New York.4
  • Between 1680 and 1683 John lived in Rye, New York.
  • Before 1689 John lived in Yonkers, New York.

Other Information


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, , .
  2. [S584] Rowen, Ronald, compiler, family tree titled "Rowen Pedigree", published by,, from database ID:1123509, updated Aug 2001, viewed Sep 2007 , .
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .

John Westcott

#5209, (1641-1704)
Pedigree Link


  • John Westcott was born in 1641 in Wethersfield, Connecticut.1
  • Father: Richard Westcott (b 1617 Great Torrington, England) - Mother: Joanna Adams (b 1612 England.)1
  • He married Ruth Hyatt, daughter of Thomas Hyatt and Elizabeth Russell, on 9 February 1667 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • John and Ruth had 4 children.1
  • He died in 1704 in Bedford, New York, at age ~63.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1604] Shannon, compiler, family tree titled "Woodward Westcott Family Tree", published by,, from database ID woodwardwestcott, updated Apr 2010, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Moses Jackson

#5210, (1646-1712)
Pedigree Link


  • Moses Jackson was born in 1646 in Fairfield, Connecticut.1
  • Father: Henry Jackson (b c 1606 England) - Mother: Mary Abbott.1
  • He married Deborah Hyatt, daughter of Thomas Hyatt and Elizabeth Russell, on 24 October 1672 in Fairfield, Connecticut.
  • Moses and Deborah had 2 children.1
  • After his wife Deborah's death in 1712 Moses married Esther UNKNOWN, and had one son.2
  • He died on 13 November 1712 in Stratfield, Connecticut, at age ~66.3

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  2. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  3. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Nov 2006, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Daniel Kelsey

#5211, (1682-1752)
Pedigree Link


Children with Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey (b. about 1685, d. about 1723)

  1. Susannah Kelsey (b. 1708, d. before 1750)
  2. Timothy Kelsey+ (b. between 1710 and 1712)
  3. Daniel Kelsey (b. about 1715, d. after 9 April 1803)
  4. Mary Kelsey (b. about 1720)

Children with Eunice Jarvis (b. 1687, d. before 1750)

  1. Jonathan Kelsey (b. about 1725, d. after 1767)
  2. Stephen Kelsey (b. 8 December 1730, d. 15 June 1812)


  • Daniel Kelsey was born on 14 September 1682 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • He married Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey about 1707 in Hartford, Connecticut, probably.1
  • He married Eunice Jarvis on 1 June 1724 in Huntington, New York.2
  • On 16 December 1750 Daniel married Anna UNKNOWN in Huntington, Long Island, New York. She had previously been married to MR Wheeler.3
  • He died in 1752 at age ~70.


Daniel Kelsey moved from Hartford to Huntington about 1710. By deed dated April 4, 1711, he sold his lands at Hartford to his brother, William Kelsey, as follows: "Daniel Kelsey of Huntington on Long Island, New York, for consideration of £13, sells to William Kelsey of Hartford 'my whole right to all my lands in Hartford, Excepting my part of the house and homestead.'"

The Town Records of Huntington show that on May 6, 1712, Daniel Kelsey and James White were chosen to gather the minister's tax for that year. On that same day it was also voted that Daniel Kelsey should have leave to set his house six or seven feet into the street.

The record of his alleged second marriage to Eunice Jarvis at Huntington, June 1, 1724, refers to him as being "of Norwalk in Conn.," and he may have moved across Long Island Sound for a time. He was living at Huntington at the date of his third marriage, December 16, 1750. The baptisms of his two sons by his second marriage, and the marriages of all his children, are recorded in the Huntington church records.

The will of Daniel Kelsey was made September 3, 1750 and reads:

"In the name of God Amen - I, Daniel Kelcey, of the town of Huntington, cordwainer, being of sound mind. I leave to my son Stephen all my lands , meadows and buildings, and my team, cart, and tack-ling and farm utensils, and he is to pay my son Jonathan £60 and to my granddaughter, Keziah Kelcey, daughter of my son, Timothy, £65. After payment of debts, I leave to my son Daniel 1/3 of all my movable estate, and to my daughter Mary, wife of Ananias Brush, 1/3. I make my friends and neighbours, Eliphalet Wickes, John Wickes and Moses Scudder, executors. /s/ Daniel Kelsey"

The will was witnessed by Nathaniel Wickes, John Wickes, and Ebenezer Prime. It was proved October 16, 1752.1

Other Information


  1. [S790] Putnam, Gary D, compiler, family tree titled "Putnam and Related Families", published by,, from database ID garyputnam, updated Aug 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
  2. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
  3. [S414] Larson II, George, compiler, family tree titled "An Extended Family", published by,, from database ID geolarson3, updated Aug 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , , Not Available as of Jul 2013.

Cornelius Jones

#5212, (about 1618-about 1690)
Pedigree Link


  1. Ebenezer Jones (b. 20 August 1646)
  2. Mary Jones+ (b. February 1647/48)
  3. Cornelius Jones (b. November 1649, d. 1676)
  4. Joseph Jones (b. May 1652, d. 1690)


  • Cornelius Jones was born about 1618 in Upway; Dorchester, Dorset, England.1
  • He married Elizabeth Russell, daughter of John Russell and Anna Perkes, on 6 October 1657 in Stamford, Connecticut.2,3
  • On 25 August 1673 Samuel Hoyt exchanged lands with Cornelius Jones in Shiphan-neck (now called Shippan Point in Stamford, CT.)4
  • Cornelius Jones died about 1690 in Stamford, Connecticut, at age ~72.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S585] McQuaid, Alexander F, compiler, family tree titled "Beaton / Kirvell ~ McQuaid / Barnes Family Tree", published by,, from database ID afmcquaid, updated Apr 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , .
  2. [S61] Jacobus, D L, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, New Haven: The Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Company, From 1930 to 1932, vol 1 p 318.
  3. [S22] Montant, Hannah Maria Townsend, Townsend Genealogy, unpublished - handwritten genealogy book, Sep 1890, p 41.
  4. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Benjamin Silliman

#5213, (1816-1885)
Pedigree Link
Benjamin Silliman Professor of Chemistry at Yale 1816-1885


Children with Susan Huldah Forbes (b. 6 March 1819, d. 26 March 1878)

  1. Susan Forbes Silliman+ (b. 2 July 1841, d. 17 February 1890)
  2. Eleanor Strong Silliman (b. 22 April 1843, d. 23 April 1843)
  3. Alice Trumbull Silliman+ (b. 3 June 1846, d. 9 November 1890)
  4. Benjamin D Silliman, 3rd (b. 27 October 1849)
  5. Edith Silliman (b. 6 October 1851, d. 18 July 1866)
  6. Mabel McClellan Silliman+ (b. 21 August 1854, d. 24 July 1927)
  7. Eleanor Root Silliman (b. 26 August 1856, d. 11 July 1930)


  • Benjamin Silliman was born on 4 December 1816 in New Haven, Connecticut.1,2
  • His father was also a famous professor at Yale who developed the process of making kerosene economically.3
  • He married Susan Huldah Forbes, daughter of William Jehiel Forbes and Charlotte Antoinette Root, on 19 May 1840 in New Haven, Connecticut.4
  • Benjamin Silliman was a Professor of Chemistry at Yale University.5
  • He was instrumental in developing the oil industry. Benjamin Silliman Jr.’s primary contribution to the chemical world, and certainly the world as a whole, involved the fractional distillation of petroleum, analyzed mainly for the purpose of its qualities of illumination. He was asked to do this as one of the most prominent chemists of his time, and his report on the subject afterwards had extremely far-reaching influences. The immensely important main idea of his report was that distilled petroleum burned far brighter than any fuel on the market, except those that were far more expensive and less efficient. His conclusion was that petroleum is “a raw material from which...they may manufacture a very valuable product.” Silliman also noted that this material was able to survive through large ranges of temperature, and the possibility of it being used as a lubricant.

    His father Benjamin Silliman Sr., also a famous Yale chemist, developed the method of fractional distillation that enabled the economical production of kerosene. Benjamin Silliman Sr. was clearly the largest inspiration in Benjamin Silliman Jr.’s work. Both Sillimans were eminent chemists and professors of the subject at Yale University in their day. The father was the very first professor of chemistry at Yale in 1802, and studied the subject at the Medical College of the University of Pennsylvania. He was also the professor of as natural history - which was defined as geology, mineralogy, zoology, and botany, all of which he studied at the University of Edinburgh. His work in these areas established Yale’s rock and mineral collection as the most renowned and significant in America at the time. With his help, Yale was considered to be the foremost center of science in 19th-century America, and Benjamin Silliman Sr. is considered by many to be the father of American chemistry.6

  • He and Susan appeared on the 1860 US Federal Census of New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated in 1860. Real Estate valued at $35,000. Personal property valued at $10,000. Household also had a cook, gardner and 2 servants. Eleanor Silliman, the youngest daughter, was mis-identified as Elmer Silliman, a son!5
  • He and Susan appeared on the 1870 US Federal Census of New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 8 June 1870. Reporting real estate valued at $60,000 and personal property with a value of $10,000. Additionally, 3 servants were listed. Also listed was Sarah J Silliman, age 64.7
  • His wife Susan died on 26 March 1878 in New Haven, Connecticut, leaving him a widower at age 61 .
  • He appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of 4 Hillhouse Ave, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, enumerated on 8 June 1880, in the household of Arthur Williams Wright and Susan Forbes Silliman, his son-in-law and daughter.1
  • Benjamin Silliman died on 14 January 1885 at age 68.6
  • He was buried in Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.8
  • Additional information can be found at:

Other Information


  1. [S334] 1880 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Arthur W Wright head of household, roll T9_106, enumeration district 090, page 232A .
  2. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, article= Benjamin Silliman Jr, viewed Mar 2017.
  3. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, article= Benjamin Silliman Jr, viewed July 2007.
  4. [S329] Justus, Ray W, compiler, family tree titled "Justus Painter Families", published by,, from database ID rwjustus, viewed on Jul 2007 , .
  5. [S330] 1860 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Benjamin Silliman head of household, roll M653_86, page 136 .
  6. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, viewed July 2007.
  7. [S3747] 1870 US Federal Census, New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Benjamin Silliman head of household, Ward 1, roll M593_109, page 19B .
  8. [S338] Grove Street Cemetery, database,, viewed July 2007.
  9. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, viewed Dec 2007.

Ebenezer Jones

#5214, (1646-)
Pedigree Link



  • Ebenezer Jones was born on 20 August 1646 in Stamford, Connecticut.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S585] McQuaid, Alexander F, compiler, family tree titled "Beaton / Kirvell ~ McQuaid / Barnes Family Tree", published by,, from database ID afmcquaid, updated Apr 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , .

Mary Jones

#5215, (1647/48-)
Pedigree Link


Children with John Hyatt (b. about 1645)

  1. Rebecca Hyatt (b. estimated 1674)
  2. John Hyatt (b. 1678)
  3. Thomas Hyatt (b. estimated 1680)


  • Mary Jones was born in February 1647/48 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • She married John Hyatt, son of Thomas Hyatt and Elizabeth Russell, estimated 1670.2
  • John Hyatt and Mary Jones were step-brother and step-sister. His mother married her father when John was twelve and Mary was 9.
  • Mary and John moved to Yonkers, New York.3

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S585] McQuaid, Alexander F, compiler, family tree titled "Beaton / Kirvell ~ McQuaid / Barnes Family Tree", published by,, from database ID afmcquaid, updated Apr 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S235] Author Unknown, family web site titled "Descendants of Thomas Hyatt",, viewed Feb 2011 , .

Cornelius Jones

#5216, (1649-1676)
Pedigree Link



  • Cornelius Jones was born in November 1649 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • He died in 1676 in Fairfield, Connecticut, at age ~27.

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S585] McQuaid, Alexander F, compiler, family tree titled "Beaton / Kirvell ~ McQuaid / Barnes Family Tree", published by,, from database ID afmcquaid, updated Apr 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , .

Joseph Jones

#5217, (1652-1690)
Pedigree Link



  • Joseph Jones was born in May 1652 in Stamford, Connecticut.1
  • He died in 1690 at age ~38.

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S585] McQuaid, Alexander F, compiler, family tree titled "Beaton / Kirvell ~ McQuaid / Barnes Family Tree", published by,, from database ID afmcquaid, updated Apr 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , .

Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey1

#5218, (about 1685-about 1723)
Pedigree Link

Children with Daniel Kelsey (b. 14 September 1682, d. 1752)

  1. Susannah Kelsey (b. 1708, d. before 1750)
  2. Timothy Kelsey+ (b. between 1710 and 1712)
  3. Daniel Kelsey (b. about 1715, d. after 9 April 1803)
  4. Mary Kelsey (b. about 1720)


  • Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey was born about 1685.1
  • She married Daniel Kelsey, son of Stephen Kelsey and Hannah Ingersoll, about 1707 in Hartford, Connecticut, probably.1
  • Susannah (née unknown) Kelsey died about 1723 in Huntington, New York, at age ~38.1

Other Information


  1. [S790] Putnam, Gary D, compiler, family tree titled "Putnam and Related Families", published by,, from database ID garyputnam, updated Aug 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Susannah Kelsey

#5219, (1708-before 1750)
Pedigree Link



  • Susannah Kelsey was born in 1708 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • She died before 1750.1

Other Information


  1. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Daniel Kelsey

#5220, (about 1715-after 1803)
Pedigree Link



  • Daniel Kelsey was born about 1715 in Huntington, New York.1
  • He died after 9 April 1803 in Marlborough, Ulster County, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Mary Kelsey

#5221, (about 1720-)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Kelsey was born about 1720 in Huntington, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Jonathan Kelsey

#5222, (about 1725-after 1767)
Pedigree Link



  • Jonathan Kelsey was born about 1725 in Huntington, New York.1
  • He died after 1767.1

Other Information


  1. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Stephen Kelsey

#5223, (1730-1812)
Pedigree Link



  • Stephen Kelsey was born on 8 December 1730 in Huntington, New York.1
  • He died on 15 June 1812 at age 81.1

Other Information


  1. [S1127] Charlotte, compiler, family tree titled "Char's Family History Project", published by,, from database ID csnkibbie, updated Jul 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .

Stephen Kelsey1

#5224, (-1710)
Pedigree Link


Children with Hannah Ingersoll (b. 1652, d. 30 November 1714)

  1. Hannah Kelsey (b. 1675, d. 1730)
  2. Stephen Kelsey (b. estimated 1678)
  3. John Kelsey (b. 1679, d. 1767)
  4. Daniel Kelsey+ (b. 14 September 1682, d. 1752)
  5. William Kelsey (b. estimated 1684)
  6. James Kelsey (b. estimated 1686)
  7. Charles Kelsey (b. estimated 1688)


  • Stephen Kelsey was baptized on 7 September 1647 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • He married Hannah Ingersoll, daughter of John Ingersoll and Dorothy Lord, on 15 November 1672 in Hartford, Connecticut.2
  • Stephen Kelsey died on 30 November 1710 in Hartford, Connecticut.3

Other Information


  1. [S1084] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633 Vols I-III, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical society, 1995, vol II p 1119.
  2. [S237] Ingersoll, Rick, family web site titled "John Ingersoll of Westfield MA",, updated Apr 2007, viewed Apr 2019 , .
  3. [S6584] Harris, Gale Ion, "The Family of William Kelsey of Hartford, Connecticut", The American Genealogist, volume 68, (NEHGS: New Haven CT, Jan 1993) , Journal Article, p 215.

Hannah Ingersoll1

#5225, (1652-1714)
Pedigree Link


Children with Stephen Kelsey (d. 30 November 1710)

  1. Hannah Kelsey (b. 1675, d. 1730)
  2. Stephen Kelsey (b. estimated 1678)
  3. John Kelsey (b. 1679, d. 1767)
  4. Daniel Kelsey+ (b. 14 September 1682, d. 1752)
  5. William Kelsey (b. estimated 1684)
  6. James Kelsey (b. estimated 1686)
  7. Charles Kelsey (b. estimated 1688)


Other Information


  1. [S237] Ingersoll, Rick, family web site titled "John Ingersoll of Westfield MA",, updated Apr 2007, viewed Apr 2019 , .