Notes from his daughter Cynthia: Retired Navy after 32 years at sea. He worked down in the ship yards to keep it running I guess as a ships mechanic. After she divorced my dad she remarried.
Earl died of a infection to the shoulder after 2 surgerys. He died of Septisemia, blood infection and they couldn't get it under control. Medications did nothing more.2
Michael Sherman ’45
By Princeton Alumni Weekly
Michael died of prostate cancer at his home in Princeton on Dec. 6, 1999. Born and raised in Manhattan, Michael attended St. Bernard's School and entered Princeton from The Hill School, becoming a member of Quadrangle Club. His Princeton career was interrupted when he enlisted in the army and served with the 1267th Army Engineer Combat Battalion as an intelligence officer in the European and Asiatic theaters, separating from service as a capt. He returned to Princeton and received a degree in history in 1948.
Michael then received an MBA from Columbia in 1958, working for several businesses in New York and New Jersey, before returning to Columbia, where he ended his career as director of alumni placement for the business school. In 1951 he married the former Agnes Davis Bull.
Michael, an enthusiastic sailor, owned a succession of boats he named Widdershins. In 1975 he and his family crossed the Atlantic in his 43-foot yawl-a 23-day voyage. He then sailed in successive summers to Scotland, Norway, and Finland, also visiting ports in Denmark, Sweden, and Poland. Michael and Agnes also spent several summers on a house boat in Amsterdam.
In addition to Agnes, Michael is survived by sons Roger and Davis, daughter Caroline, and grandchildren Natalie and Stephen, to all of whom the class extends its deep sympathy.
The Class of 1945.2