Alma Eldredge was the 5th child of Ira & Nancy Black Eldredge.
The family was converted to the LDS church in 1840 and left their home in Indiana for the Rocky Mountains in 1846. They arrived in the Salt Lake Valley in Sept of 1847.
Alma met his future wife, Marinda Merrill at Chalk Creek and they were married 24 Jan 1863. Alma was avidly involved in the political aspects of Coalville and the state of Utah. He and Marinda had 11 children, 6 of which grew to adulthood. Towards the end of their lives they moved to Salt Lake City and lived there until their deaths.
Alma died of hypostatic pneumonia (fluid in dorsal region of lungs) and was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery close to but not by his parents.5
The Salt Lake Herald
Wednesday, October 25, 1899
Page 5
Alanson Eldredge Dead
Well Known Utah Pioneer Passes Away at Coalville
Coalville, Oct. 23 - Alanson Eldredge died at 1 o'clock yesterday after a protracted spell of typhoid pneumonia lasting some three weeks.
Mr. Eldredge was a respected and progressive citizen. He was a brother of Alma, Edmond and Ira Eldredge, also a Mrs. Thomas Garn. He was a son of the late Ira Eldredge and a nephew of the late Horace S. Eldredge of Salt Lake. He would have been 54 years of age had he lived till next month. He was born at Winger Quarters and, with his parents, came across the plains in the year 1847, being in the first company that followed the pioneer train to Utah. With his parents, he settled at the Sugar House ward and resided there continuously till the year of 1873, when he removed to Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, and lived at that place until about two years ago when with his family he moved to Coalville. He leaves a wife and two small children, besides six children by a former wife, deceased some fifteen years ago. The remains will be taken from here tomorrow to Mill Creek, where they will be buried in the family lot. The funeral will take place on Wednesday at the ward meeting house.8
Born: 4 May 1850, Canyon Creek, Salt Lake, Utah
Married: Sarah Burr Staker, 13 May 1872, Salt Lake City, Utah
Died: 19 Mar 1933, Myton, Duchesne, Utah
Buried: 22 May 1933, Roosevelt Cemetery, Duchesne, Utah
Railroad conductor and Farmer.
Ira Edgar Eldredge, 82, native Utahn and veteran of the Black Hawk war, died at his home in Myton Sunday of causes incident to age.
Mr. Eldredge was born in Sugarhouse, May 4, 1850, a son of Ira and Nancy Black Eldredge, early Utah pioneers. He spent many years in Salt Lake and Coalville, devoting much of his life to farming. He was a member of the [L.D.S.] Church.
Surviving are seven children, Mrs. Sadie Scholes, Mrs. Eva Maxwell and Otto H. Eldredge of Salt Lake; Mrs. Tllie Frazier of Oakley, Leslie R. Elderdge of Roosevelt, Albert C. Eldredge of Bingham and J. Harold Eldredge of Myton. A brother, William Eldredge of Hoytsville, also survive in addition to 40/46 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren.4
"Buried in: Summerville, Oregon
It seems that my Great Grandmother Nancy, was VERY "prim".
When my folks were taking care of the Garn place. ...before she died, Daddy would purposely put a couple of "Whiz-Bang" magazines in the magazine rack next to her chair in the parlor. "Whiz-Bang" was the 20s and 30s answer to some of today's "more liberal" literature. When no one seemed to be looking....Nancy would take one of them out of the rack, place it within another "respectabl e" magazine and read away. While she was reading and looking at the magazine, she would repeatedly mutter under her breath...."Why, That .......!" "
From the WorldConnect Database: "Findleys, Osborns, Garns and Holmquists", by RoseLee:.2