Co-founder & Executive President, Burdett Secretarial School, Suffolk, Boston, MA
Ted's two most Life Saving Quotes: "Consider the Source" and "Illegitimi/us Non Carborundum Est" -
Religion: Swedenborgian, New Jerusalem Church, Boston, Suffolk, MA: Baptized: 04 Jun 1905, Confirmed: 02 Apr 1922, Membership: 02 Apr 1922
Father: Fred H. Burdett (B: Lynn MA)
Mother: Sadie H.(Hayward) Moore (B: Vermont)
Sibling: Elaine Burdett (Garfield)(B: 27 Jun 1909) married: John French Garfield
Married: Dorothy "Dot" Elizabeth Liebensperger (Born: 26 Sep 1902, Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA - Died: 16 Apr 1988, Woburn, Middlesex County, MA)
Children: Charles Fred Burdett, Jr. s/o Caroline E. (Taylor) Burdett, Sally Mae, M. A. B-H, married: Allan H., Carolina Burdett
Died: In the house where was born, Woburn, MA, on Maine Street - surrounded by all the family reciting the Lord's Prayer. I was at the ending also.
Funeral: Boston Church of the New Jerusalem, Inc., Rev G. Steven Ellis, Officiating
Burial: Private Service: Woodbrook Cemetery, Woburn, MA, Rev. G. Steven Ellis, officiating
CA BURDETT & FH LOT # 2015, 2016,
Ellen Maria Burdett
Margaret Burdett
Caroline E.. B. Caybor (Taylor) Nov 22 1921
Charles A. Burdett July 7, 1922
Donald - Friend Jr. Sept 20 1926
Fred H. Burdett Nov 29, 1935
Anna Hammond Burdett, Apr 4m 1945
Sadie E. Burdett Dec 3, 1946
Donald Friend Oct 18, 1963 ashes
Anna Friend Aug 22, 1979 ashes
Charles Burdett,
13: C. Fred Burdett, May 24 1989
Fowle Avenue
Disclaimer: All info obtained from cemetery grave marker, Internet, and from other public sources. Absolute accuracy is not claimed or implied. Corrections and/or additions welcomed.4