The Dedham church records show: "Peter woodward was received into ye church 7d 11m 1641."
Peter was at Dedham MA in 1640. He brought a family, of whom the names of four may be found in the record: Peter, William, Rebecca and Ann. He was made freeman 18 May 1642, and served as Deputy to the MA General Court May 1665, May 1669 and May 1670. Savage says "but strangely miscalled 'Woodwine' in 1669."
Jacobus says the "An Woodward, deceased ye 4th June 1666" was probably Peter's wife, though possibly a daughter. Robert Woodward who died 31 December 1638 may have been a young son or a brother. "'No evidence has been found for the statement made in the Hinsdale Genealogy (Holman, 1906, p. 61) that Robert Hinsdale married Ann Woodward, daughter of Peter, and that she died as Mrs. Hinsdale on 4 June 1666." Robert's wife appears in a deed as Hannah -- not incompatible with her being Ann elsewhere. But the death date is undoubtedly wrong for Robert's wife, for they had removed to Medfield before 1666, and she would not have been buried under her maiden name.
Peter Woodward of Dedham made a mark in the will of Michael Metcalfe; in the will is mentioned three acres in the low plaine, next to Peter Woodwards. He helped with the inventory of Francis Chickering of Decham 20 August 1658; witnessed the will of John Dwight 5 March 1660 at Dedham, and of Thomas Pigge 5 July 1660 at Dedham. He owed a debt in the inventory of David Evens, 31 October 1663, Boston.1