My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 333

Medad Pomeroy1

#8301, (1674-1674)
Pedigree Link



  • Medad Pomeroy was born on 17 June 1674 in Northampton, Massachusetts.1
  • He died on 10 July 1674 in Northampton, Massachusetts, at age 23 days.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:48:05


  1. [S829] Vickery, Edith Chivers, compiler, family tree titled "Ralph Hutchinson Family", published by,, from database ID:2028124, updated Apr 2002, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Mary Pomeroy1

#8302, (1684-1773)
Pedigree Link



  • Mary Pomeroy was born on 15 February 1684 in Northampton, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Samuel Benton on 2 January 1705 in Northampton, Massachusetts.1
  • Samuel and Mary had 7 children.1
  • She died on 18 September 1773 in Hartford, Connecticut, at age 89.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-grandaunt of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S829] Vickery, Edith Chivers, compiler, family tree titled "Ralph Hutchinson Family", published by,, from database ID:2028124, updated Apr 2002, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Samuel Benton1

#8303, (1680-1763)
Pedigree Link


  • Samuel Benton was born on 28 January 1680 in Hartford, Connecticut.1
  • He married Mary Pomeroy, daughter of Medad Pomeroy and Experience Woodward, on 2 January 1705 in Northampton, Massachusetts.1
  • Samuel and Mary had 7 children.1
  • He died on 8 February 1763 in Hartford, Connecticut, at age 83.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S829] Vickery, Edith Chivers, compiler, family tree titled "Ralph Hutchinson Family", published by,, from database ID:2028124, updated Apr 2002, viewed Apr 2008 , .

Henry Woodward1

#8304, (1607-1683)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth (née unknown) Woodward (b. 1618, d. 3 August 1690)

  1. Freedom Woodward+ (d. 17 May 1681)
  2. Experience Woodward+ (b. 10 November 1643, d. 3 June 1686)
  3. Thankful Woodward+ (b. 1646)
  4. John Woodward+ (b. about 1647, d. 5 October 1724)


  • Henry Woodward was born on 22 March 1607 in Much Worton, Lancashire, England.1,2
  • He was baptized on 4 September 1611 in Childwall Parish; Much Woolton, Lancashire, England.2
  • He was called Dr.2
  • He immigrated on the ship James arriving in 1635.2
  • He married Elizabeth (née unknown) Woodward on 4 September 1638 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.1
  • Henry was admitted freeman on 10 May 1643 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.2
  • In 1659 Henry and Elizabeth moved to Northampton, Massachusetts.2
  • He died on 7 April 1683 in Northampton, Massachusetts, at age 76.1
  • He was hit by lightening - killed accidently in the grist mill.2,3


Henry Woodward came to New England in the James, Captain Taylor, Master. They left England 22 June 1635, having embarked at Bristol 23 May 1635. There were about 100 passengers on board, including the Rev. Richard Mather and Rev. Richard Denton. Although all the passengers were on board, the departure of the ship was delayed for a month, and after a voyage of 55 days they landed at Boston 17 August 1635. Two days before they landed, there was an extremely severe storm. The James lay anchored off the Isles of Shoals and the "Angel Gabriel", which had accompanied the "James" for about two weeks, became separated, and was off the coast of Pemaquid ME when the great storm of Aug 15 struck. The James was torn from her anchors and put out to sea, but after two days of battling wind and wave she reached the harbor with "her sails rent in sunder, and split in pieces, as if they had been rotten ragges." The "Angel Gabriel" was a total wreck and several lives were lost. Rev. Richard Mather, a passenger on the James, kept a diary of the trip.

On 18 October 1659 the General Court of Boston made a grant to Dorchester, and on 14 November the selectmen of Dorchester "impowered William Clarke and Henry Woodward to serch and stake out a Farme of 1000 acres of land ... for the use of a scoole... " On 10 Nov 1659, Henry Woodward, husbandman of Dorchester, deeded 8 acres of land at Dorchester to William Sumner for L14. Roger Clapp witnessed the deed, and it was acknowledged by Henry and his wife Elizabeth four days later.

Henry Woodward, William Clark and Henry Cunliffe had received generous grants of land in Northampton in June 1959, and now the three families removed to Northampton.

The journey was 2/3 the length of the state, a formidable undertaking. An account of the Clarke family's trip says: "He moved his family to Northampton in 1659. His wife rode on horseback with two baskets called panniers slung across the horse, carrying one boy in each basket and one in her lap, her husband, fifty years old, proceeding on foot." Clarke and Woodward received 12 acre homelots, larger than those enjoyed by any of the other residents, and 100 acres of meadow apiece besides. This reflects their standing in the community. It is said that they, and four others who came about the same time, "brought new life and energy to the enfeebled town.

Henry and others were dismissed from the Dorchester Church 28 Feb 1661 to join the others forming a church at Northampton. Wife Elizabeth was dismissed into the Northampton Church 1 July 1661. Though there had been regular church services, there was no religious organization in Northampton until June 1661 when Rev. Eleazer Mather was ordained, and a church organization set up. The original seven male members, with the Rev. Mr. Mather, were called the "Pillars of the Church." The term seems to have been complimentary and honorary here, rather than official as it was in the New Haven Colony.

In 1663 the Hampshire Troop of Horse was formed, and Henry was chosen its quartermaster. "A troop of horse was not to exceed 70 soldiers. Each trooper was to have a good horse, saddle, bridle, holsters, pistol or carbine and a sword. A troop had a Captain, Lieutenant, Cornet, Quartermaster, Clark, Trumpeter and Corporals. Each trooper was obliged to keep a good horse at all times and was allowed by the Colony 5s a year." The Hampshire troop was permitted to be organized temporarily with 36 men enrolled.

In 1665 Henry was given permission to keep an ordinary to well wines and liquor and entertain the Court which met in the town, probably in his tavern. He continued as tavern-keeper until 1681, and during this time he regularly "entertained the court" which sat each year in Northampton. On 4 November 1668 Henry and John Woodward were among those who signed the petition to the General Court protesting against imposts. In 1672/73 he contributed 8 pounds of flax to Harvard College. He and his son took the oath of allegiance that same year. He was several times a Commissioner, frequently a selectman and a constable, and a member of the first and subsequent tithing-boards.

Early church discipline appointed certain men to see that Sunday disturbers were properly punished. They were to attend to any disorder in the congregation or near the meeting house, and had certain responsibility for family life and morals in the neighborhood. In Northampton in 1678, when Henry Woodward was appointed, they were first called tithing-men. His status was "elective, patriarchial headship over a neighborhood of at least ten families' and included regulating the Sunday congregation and preventing mischievous boys and girls from making a disturbance. 'He tapped the whispering urchin on the head, jogged the snoring deacon, tortured the ear of the somnolent female, or if the culprit was too distant, rapped sharply on the pew rail, pointing his black rod at the offender' for 'The law required the tithing-man to have a 'black staffe' two feet long, tipped at one end with brass about three inches as a badge of his office." In earlier times it is said that the "tithing-man's rod was tipped at one end, not with brass, but with a squirrel's tail. This end was used in awakening women. The other end was fitted with a deer's hoof, which carried sharp conviction to men and boys." Frequently two or three tithing-men served at a time. Usually one "at each door of the mtng hs to keep out dogs & often one sat in the gallery to keep in boys." "They were not merely to preserve order in the meeting but also to see to it that every one went to church."

Henry was killed on 7 April 1685 "at the upper grist mill"; the cause of death is given as a stroke of lightning and as an injury by the mill wheel.2

Other Information


  1. [S239] Garard, William & Alvey, Phyllis, family web site titled "Pomeroy Family",, updated Oct 2004, viewed Apr 2008 , .
  2. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
  3. [S2262] Walter E Corbin, Robert J Dunkle, Northampton Massachusetts Vital Records (Boston MA: TYhe New England Historic Genealogical Society), Henry Woodward, p 1547.

Elizabeth (née unknown) Woodward1

#8305, (1618-1690)
Pedigree Link

Children with Henry Woodward (b. 22 March 1607, d. 7 April 1683)

  1. Freedom Woodward+ (d. 17 May 1681)
  2. Experience Woodward+ (b. 10 November 1643, d. 3 June 1686)
  3. Thankful Woodward+ (b. 1646)
  4. John Woodward+ (b. about 1647, d. 5 October 1724)


  • Elizabeth (née unknown) Woodward was born in 1618 in Dorchester, Dorset, England.2,3
  • She married Henry Woodward, son of John Woodward, on 4 September 1638 in Dorchester, Massachusetts.4
  • In 1659 Elizabeth and Henry moved to Northampton, Massachusetts.5
  • She died on 3 August 1690 in Northampton, Massachusetts, at age ~72.6
  • ***Research Conclusion: There is no evidence that Richard Mather had a daughter Elizabeth who married Henry Woodward. Torrey (NE Marriages p 1718) puts Elizabeth's name as [Mather?]. But no evidence.7,8,9,10

Other Information


  1. [S239] Garard, William & Alvey, Phyllis, family web site titled "Pomeroy Family",, updated Oct 2004, viewed Apr 2008 , last name=Mather; however no evidence .
  2. [S239] Garard, William & Alvey, Phyllis, family web site titled "Pomeroy Family",, updated Oct 2004, viewed Apr 2008 , birth c 1625 - but I think it's not correct .
  3. [S881] Riman, Jeff, compiler, family tree titled "Riman Family Tree", published by,, from database ID:3071744, updated Mar 2005, viewed May 2008 , .
  4. [S239] Garard, William & Alvey, Phyllis, family web site titled "Pomeroy Family",, updated Oct 2004, viewed Apr 2008 , .
  5. [S508] Beran, Evelyn, compiler, family tree titled "Sanford-Shulsen Family", published by,, from database ID sanford-shulsen, updated Jun 2009, viewed Aug 2009 , .
  6. [S2262] Walter E Corbin, Robert J Dunkle, Northampton Massachusetts Vital Records (Boston MA: TYhe New England Historic Genealogical Society), Henry Woodward, p 1547.
  7. [S6028] Mather, Ruth, family web site titled "Mather Family Times/Mather Clan",, viewed Mar 2018 , .
  8. [S774] Anderson, Robert, The Great Migration, Boston, MA: NEHGS, 2007, vol 5 p 84-90.
  9. [S1283] Family Search Commumity Tree, one online family tree database,, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Richard Mather, ID=LTLN-B57, viewed Mar 2018.
  10. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, p 1718.

Orren Marshall1

#8306, (1834-)
Pedigree Link



  • Orren Marshall was born in 1834.1

Other Information


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .

Jonathan Marshall1

#8307, (1791-1846)
Pedigree Link

Children with Patience Felch (b. 24 January 1795, d. 14 October 1871)

  1. Mary E Marshall+ (b. November 1816, d. 23 September 1842)
  2. Aaron C Marshall+ (b. 3 February 1819)
  3. Betsey Marshall (b. between 1820 and 1825)
  4. Almira J Marshall+ (b. 1 August 1824, d. 10 April 1876)
  5. Arvilla Marshall (b. between 1825 and 1830)
  6. Olive Marshall (b. April 1829, d. 16 October 1846)
  7. Orren Marshall (b. 1834)


  • Jonathan Marshall was born on 30 April 1791 in New Hampshire.1
  • He married Patience Felch, daughter of Jabez Felch and Patience Johnson, on 3 February 1816 in Weare, New Hampshire.1
  • Jonathan Marshall died on 28 December 1846 at age 55.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .

Edmond Johnson1

#8308, (estimated 1818-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Mary E Marshall (b. November 1816, d. 23 September 1842)

  1. Abigail Johnson (b. estimated 1841)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Abigail Johnson1

#8309, (estimated 1841-)
Pedigree Link



  • Abigail Johnson was born estimated 1841.2

Other Information


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Hannah C Bean1

#8310, (estimated 1824-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Aaron C Marshall (b. 3 February 1819)

  1. John A Marshall (b. 21 June 1846, d. 14 October 1904)
  2. Etta M Marshall+ (b. 10 February 1855)
  3. Ora W Marshall (b. 2 October 1861)


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John A Marshall1

#8311, (1846-1904)
Pedigree Link



  • John A Marshall was born on 21 June 1846.1
  • He married Sarah Jane Carr estimated 1867.2,3
  • He died on 14 October 1904 in Newport, New Hampshire, at age 58.4,5
  • He was buried in Maple Street Cemetery, Newport, New Hampshire.4

Other Information


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S3036] Find A Grave: Maple Street Cemetery, Newport, New Hampshire, Sarah Jane Carr Marshall, created by William Kalacinski, date added April 2012, Memorial number 88727269.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S3036] Find A Grave: Maple Street Cemetery, Newport, New Hampshire, John A Marshall, created by William Kalacinski, date added April 2012, Memorial number 88727212.
  5. [S3182] New Hampshire, Death and Burial Records Index, 1654-1949, online transcription database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2011. (Original publication: New Hampshire, Death and Burial Records Index, 1654-1949, Family Search, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010).

Sarah Jane Carr1

#8312, (1847-1939)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S3036] Find A Grave: Maple Street Cemetery, Newport, New Hampshire, Sarah Jane Carr Marshall, created by William Kalacinski, date added April 2012, Memorial number 88727269.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Etta M Marshall1

#8313, (1855-)
Pedigree Link


Child with Charles P Still (b. March 1850)

  1. Rosa L Still+ (b. about 1873, d. 19 November 1898)


  • Etta M Marshall was born on 10 February 1855 in New Hampshire.1,2
  • She married Charles P Still about 1871.1,3
  • Charles P Still and Etta appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, enumerated on 7 June 1880.2

Other Information


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S1493] 1880 US Federal Census, Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles P Still head of household, roll 768, enumeration district 266, page 360B .
  3. [S1496] 1900 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles P Sill head of household, Ward 10, roll 948, enumeration district 114, page 38B .

Charles P Still1

#8314, (1850-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Etta M Marshall (b. 10 February 1855)

  1. Rosa L Still+ (b. about 1873, d. 19 November 1898)


  • Charles P Still was born in March 1850 in New Hampshire.2,3
  • He married Etta M Marshall, daughter of Aaron C Marshall and Hannah C Bean, about 1871.1,3
  • Charles P Still and Etta appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, enumerated on 7 June 1880.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2993] Laura, compiler, family tree titled "Henry Family Tree", published by,, from database ID henry-ancestry, updated May 2011, viewed Oct 2014 , .
  2. [S1493] 1880 US Federal Census, Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles P Still head of household, roll 768, enumeration district 266, page 360B .
  3. [S1496] 1900 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles P Sill head of household, Ward 10, roll 948, enumeration district 114, page 38B .

Rosa L Still1

#8315, (about 1873-1898)
Pedigree Link


Child with Harry Oscar Bean (b. about 1869)

  1. Charles Douglas Still+ (b. about 1893)


  • Rosa L Still was born about 1873 in New Hampshire.1
  • She appeared on the 1880 US Federal Census of Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, enumerated on 7 June 1880, in the household of her parents Charles P Still and Etta.1
  • Rosa L Still married Harry Oscar Bean on 6 June 1892 in Manchester, New Hampshire.2
  • Rosa and Harry were divorced on 13 December 1893.2
  • She died on 19 November 1898 in Manchester, New Hampshire, at age ~25.3,2
  • The cause of her death was meningitis.2

Other Information


  1. [S1493] 1880 US Federal Census, Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, digital image Ancestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles P Still head of household, roll 768, enumeration district 266, page 360B .
  2. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, Rose L Still Bean, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123709781.
  3. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,) of her son.

Charles Douglas Still1

#8316, (about 1893-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Beth Sylvia Fifield (b. 23 March 1891, d. 4 December 1924)

  1. Robert D Still
  2. Elizabeth R Still
  3. Donald P Still

Children with Myrtle Grace Bennett (b. 21 December 1906, d. 24 February 1934)

  1. James William Still (b. 20 March 1932, d. 20 March 1932)
  2. Richard K Still


  • Charles Douglas Still was born about 1893 in Manchester, New Hampshire.1
  • In 1914 Charles legally changed his name from Charles Bean to Charles Still.1
  • Charles Douglas Still was a salesman.1
  • He married Beth Sylvia Fifield on 20 June 1917 in Manchester, New Hampshire.1
  • Charles and Beth were married by William Warren, a minister of the Gospel.1
  • Charles Douglas Still was the owner of a nursery.2
  • He married Myrtle Grace Bennett about 1930 in Massachusetts.3
  • He appeared on the 1940 US Federal Census of 192 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, enumerated on 3 April 1940.2

Other Information


  1. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,).
  2. [S1500] 1940 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Anestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Still head of household, roll T627_2292, enumeration district 6-77, page 1B .
  3. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, Myrtle Grace Bennett Still, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123710931.

Harry Oscar Bean1,2

#8317, (about 1869-)
Pedigree Link

Child with Rosa L Still (b. about 1873, d. 19 November 1898)

  1. Charles Douglas Still+ (b. about 1893)


  • Harry Oscar Bean was born about 1869 in Bristol, New Hampshire.1
  • Harry Oscar Bean was a shoeworker.1
  • He married Rosa L Still, daughter of Charles P Still and Etta M Marshall, on 6 June 1892 in Manchester, New Hampshire.2
  • Harry and Rosa were divorced on 13 December 1893.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,).
  2. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, Rose L Still Bean, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123709781.

Beth Sylvia Fifield1

#8318, (1891-1924)
Pedigree Link


  • Beth Sylvia Fifield was born on 23 March 1891 in Sutton, New Hampshire.1,2
  • Father: Dell P Fifield (b c 1868 Enfield NH) - Mother: Sarah Watts (b c1869 Philadelphia PA.)1
  • She married Charles Douglas Still, son of Harry Oscar Bean and Rosa L Still, on 20 June 1917 in Manchester, New Hampshire.1
  • Charles and Beth were married by William Warren, a minister of the Gospel.1
  • Beth Sylvia Fifield died on 4 December 1924 in Manchester, New Hampshire, at age 33.2
  • The cause of her death was lobar pneumonia.2
  • She was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire.2

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,).
  2. [S5233] New Hampshire, Death and Disinterment Records 1754-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records New Hampshire, Death and Disinterment Records 1754-1947, NEHGS Boston MA, citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord ,NH,).

Janet Bates Caswell1

Pedigree Link

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S4596] New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, online image database, digitized by Operations Inc, 2013, (Original publication: New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947, NEHGS citing New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records, Concord NH,).

Myrtle Grace Bennett1

#8320, (1906-1934)
Pedigree Link

Children with Charles Douglas Still (b. about 1893)

  1. James William Still (b. 20 March 1932, d. 20 March 1932)
  2. Richard K Still


  • Myrtle Grace Bennett was born on 21 December 1906 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.1
  • Father: Alfred Bennett - Mother: Pearl Monroe Harvey.1
  • She married Charles Douglas Still, son of Harry Oscar Bean and Rosa L Still, about 1930 in Massachusetts.1
  • Myrtle Grace Bennett died on 24 February 1934 in Manchester, New Hampshire, at age 27.1
  • The cause of her death was influenza complicated by pregnancy.1
  • She was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, Myrtle Grace Bennett Still, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123710931.

James William Still1

#8321, (1932-1932)
Pedigree Link



  • James William Still was born on 20 March 1932 in Manchester, New Hampshire.1
  • He died on 20 March 1932 in Manchester, New Hampshire, at age less than 1 day as an infant.1

Other Information


  1. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, James William Still, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123710990.

Richard K Still1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S2839] Find A Grave: Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester, New Hampshire, Myrtle Grace Bennett Still, created by pdunipace, date added Jan 2014, Memorial number 123710931.

Donald P Still1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S1500] 1940 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Anestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Still head of household, roll T627_2292, enumeration district 6-77, page 1B .

Robert D Still1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S1500] 1940 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Anestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Still head of household, roll T627_2292, enumeration district 6-77, page 1B .

Elizabeth R Still1

Pedigree Link


Other Information


  1. [S1500] 1940 US Federal Census, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, digital image Anestry, National Archives micropublication, Charles Still head of household, roll T627_2292, enumeration district 6-77, page 1B .