Died: At Brandon,Wis., Oct. 3, of Brights disease, Albert H. Sargeant, aged thirty-nine years.
The news was a great shock to the entire community. Mr. Sargeant had borne up under the sorrow of his wife's death even when it was the first stroke to sever his own hold upon life, for it is thought by friends that he never recovered, but gradually failed, so imperceptibly that friends scarcely realized that he was slipping into the great beyond and only became alarmed when he was really beyond all human aid. He was a quiet man and had a large circle of warm friends. To his brother and children, so sorely bereft, goes out a large measure of sympathy.
His brother, Freeman, returned with the remains Friday morning. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church at ten o'clock a.m., and all that was mortal interred beside his wife in Lakeview cemetery.
*Obituary is published in the Terril Tribune, Oct. 12, 1900.7
SARGEANT. In spirit Lake, May 26, Freeman C. Sargeant aged forty-one years.
This announcement was a great shock to the community. In the morning Freem was down town and at 3:30 p. m. he passed away. For twenty years he had been more or less afflicted with heart and lung trouble, frequently being confined to the house for a few days at a time. Monday he was taken sick but was back and forth to his place of business to the last day. His condition was not considered dangerous until about ten o'clock Saturday when he became delirious and suffered greatly to the end.
Freem Sargeant was active in the affairs of Spirit Lake for twenty-four years. He came here a boy and engaged in the dray and delivery business with his brother, A. H. Sargeant, for several years deceased, and later the brothers embarked in the livery business which deceased continued until his death.
As boy and man Freem Sargeant made many friends by his generosity and helpful disposition. In sickness and at death he was always among the first to extend assistance and endeavor to comfort, whether the stricken ones were close friends or strangers it mattered not. He was never too busy to do what he could for those in trouble. In public matters he was ever ready to give liberally of his time and money for the furtherance of helpful projects. He invariably took great interest in county politics and during the past twenty years has had much to do with shaping the county official directory. Many much more pretentious men could drop out of the community and not be missed as much as Freem Sargeant. He had faults common to frail humanity, but his many kindly
acts overshadowed the errors of nature and leave in the memory of a host of friends a deep regard for this departed neighbor.
Deceased was born at Brandon, Wisconsin, December 24, 1865. A few years later the family moved to Mitchell county where they resided until a home was made at Spirit Lake in 1882. In 1897 he married Miss Retta Adams, the surviving widow. Other near relatives are three sisters, one residing at the old Wisconsin home and two in California.
Funeral services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon by Rev. E. Winslow Brown. The services at The cemetery were in charge of the local lodge of Knights of Pythias, of which deceased had long been a faithful member. Nearly the full membership of the lodge marched to the cemetery and the beautiful and impressive Pythian ceremony was conducted with much feeling.
Obituary is published in the Spirit Lake Beacon, June 1, 1906.2