(transcribed from newspaper)
Obituary of Mrs Warner
Laura Ann Bartholomew was born at Mt Vernon Iowa, October 15, 1852. Died at her home in Benkelman, Neb, Feb 20 1914, aged 61 years, 4 months and 5 days.
When a child she moved with her mother to Lincoln Neb where March 18 1870 she was married to Edward E Warner. She live in different places in Nebraska enduring many hardships of the early days and lived for a number of years at Arapahoe from where in February 1891 she moved with her children to Cheyenne County, Kansas, where she resided on a homestead until September 1898, she moved to Benkelman where she lived until the time of her death. She united with the M E church at Benkelman in June 1897, and was a member of the same the remainder of her life.
She leaves to mourn her loss, four sons, Marion and Harry Warner of Bentensport, Iowa, Geo. B of Ogden, Utah, John E of Glasco, Kan; three daughters, Mrs Grace Wright of Gary, Colo, Mrs Jessie Stute and Mrs Bessie Stute of Benkelman. Also twenty-three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was preceded to the great beyond by two sons, Converse P and Fred Warner, and two daughters, Mrs Mary Cummings and Josie B Warner.
On December 26, 1913 she was taken sick with blood poison in her left foot and for eight long weeks suffered untold agony. All that loving hands and medical aid could do was done but to no avail and at 11:35 o'clock on the night of February 20 she sank to rest with perfect trust and faith in Jesus Christ her Savior. Funeral services were conducted at the M E church by Rev Hageman, at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, February 21 and the body laid to rest beide that of her youngest daughter, Josie, in the Benkelman cemetery.
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilledl
A place is vacant in our midst
Which never can be filled.
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given.
And though the body slumbers here
The soul is safe in heaven.
from the Benkelman News-Chronicle, February 27, 1914.