May 30, 1929
May 25, 1935
Rounsevell Mortuary records of Lead state that Zara Fern Etem was born in Deadwood, South Dakota; died at St. Joseph's Hospital of acute nephritis; age 5 years 11 months 25 days; father - Ahmed Etem, born Bulgaria; mother - Raalya Crossman, born South Dakota; funeral at the Presbyterian Church on May 28, 1935
Lead Daily Call newspaper, May 27, 1935 - "Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Etem Dies.
This community has received with sorrow the news of the death of little Zara Fern Etem, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Etem, of this city, her death taking place shortly before 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon at St. Joseph's hospital in Deadwood where she had been a patient for two weeks. Her illness had its inception five weeks ago.
Zara, a member of this year's graduating class of the Phebe Hearst kindergarten, would have observed her sixth birthday anniversary on Thursday of this week, had she lived. She was born May 30, 1929. She is survived by her parents, a small brother, Maurice, aged 4 years; her grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Hain of Wessington; four aunts, Misses Myrtle and Evelyn Crossman, Wessington; Mrs. Chris Dobler, Vanada, Mont.; Mrs. Manford Saylor, Sheffield, Mont., and six cousins, all relatives of Mrs. Etem. Her Aunt Zara, for whom she was named, a sister of Mr. Etem, and three cousins living in Razgrad, Bulgaria.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church and will be conducted by the Rev. Edgar F. Siegfriedt of Christ Episcopal church in the absence from the city of the pastor, the Rev. John Buchholz. Pall bearers will be Edward Kruskamp, Gaylord English, Robert Knox, Ray Pittman, Kyle Warden and Mickey McConnaughy. Interment will be in the Municipal cemetery.
The body will be removed from the Rounsevell funeral home this evening to the family residence to remain until time of the funeral services tomorrow.
Relatives who have arrived for the funeral are Mrs. Etem's mother, Mrs. Minnie Hain, and daughter, Evelyn Crossman, of Wessington."
Lead Daily Call, May 29, 1935 - "Services For Zara Etem Are Conducted.
A large number of sympathizing friends gathered at the Presbyterian church yesterday at 2 o'clock to honor the memory of little Zara Fern Etem, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Etem, at funeral services. The casket was surrounded by many beautiful bouquets.
The service was conducted by the Rev. Edgar F. Siegfriedt, rector of Christ Episcopal church, in the absence of the Presbyterian pastor, the Rev. John Buchholz.
Four little girls, associates of the deceased little girl in kindergarten, acted as pall bearers. They were Leona Scott, Virginia Edmondson, Margaret Morlan and Geraldine Yoder.
Mrs. W.J. Schoen presided at the piano and the Presbyterian choir sang a sacred hymn; Mrs. N.E. Mattox sang 'Little Pink Rose,' by Carrie Jacobs Bond, and Miss Claramae Raybourn sang the hymn, 'When He Cometh.'
Interment was in the Municipal cemetery in South Lead."2