Roger Molford of South Molton, Devonshire, England was granted a Coat-of-Arms in 1420 (before Columbus discovered America).
Roger Molford was living under the reign of Henry IV, Duke of Lancaster, who seized the throne of England in 1399. Henry IV died in 1413 leaving the crown to his son Henry V, who revived the claim of Edward III to the throne of France in 1415. After two campaigns against France his claim was acknowledged in 1420 by a compromise victory. The granting of the Coat-of-Arms was associated with the peace settlement of that year.
Evidently the Molford family was in favor with the king, perhaps for some special service rendered.
Arms: A black shield, an ermine fesse or cross-piece and three silver swans - two above and one under the fesse.
Crest: A duke's coronet in gold, with a half swan in silver; a red beak.
The ducal coronet in gold over the shield would seem to indicate high station.1