My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 139

Sarah Leavenworth

#3451, (1756-1793)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Leavenworth was born on 11 December 1756 in Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • She died on 23 February 1793 at age 36.

Other Information

William Leavenworth

#3452, (1759-1836)
Pedigree Link



  • William Leavenworth was born on 23 February 1759 in Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • He died on 24 November 1836 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, at age 77.1

Other Information


  1. [S3734] New York Evening Post Deaths, published by NEHGS, Vol 15 p 35.

Nathan Leavenworth

#3453, (1761-1799)
Pedigree Link



  • Nathan Leavenworth was born on 11 December 1761.
  • Nathan Leavenworth was a Doctor.
  • He died on 9 January 1799 at age 37.

Other Information

Joseph Leavenworth

#3454, (1764-)
Pedigree Link



  • Joseph Leavenworth was born on 15 June 1764 in Waterbury, Connecticut.

Other Information

Elisha Leavenworth

#3455, (1766-1802)
Pedigree Link



  • Elisha Leavenworth was born on 21 October 1766 in Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • He died on 3 May 1802 at age 35.

Other Information

Belvidere Davies

#3456, (1804-1870)
Pedigree Link



  • Belvidere Davies was born on 4 January 1804 in Davies Hollow, Washington, Connecticut.
  • She married George Ranney in 1820.
  • She died on 6 August 1870 at age 66.

Other Information

John Foote Davies

#3457, (1796-1888)
Pedigree Link



  • John Foote Davies was born on 2 May 1796 in Davies Hollow, Washington, Connecticut.
  • He married Almeda Giffen on 4 July 1819.
  • He died on 1 May 1888 at age 91.

Other Information

Charles Davies

#3458, (1798-1876)
Pedigree Link
Charles Davies 1798-1876 age about 45



  • Charles Davies was born on 22 January 1798 in Davies Hollow, Washington, Connecticut.
  • Charles received a LL. D, a Doctor of Laws degree.1
  • He married Mary Anne Mansfield, daughter of Jared Mansfield and Elizabeth Phipps, on 11 October 1825 in West Point, New York.2
  • Charles Davies was Professor of Math at West Point, Columbia University.1
  • Charles was a professor of math at West Point where he was a Major, a professor of math at NYU for 1 year, and at Columbia in 1857. He had his LL D degree.1
  • He died on 18 September 1876 in Fishkill-On-The-Hudson, New York, at age 78.

Other Information


  1. [S12] Finley, Herold R, "Kingsbury and Allied Families", Americana Illustrated, volume 32 No 1, (The American Historical Society, Inc: Somerville, NJ, 1938) , Journal Article, p 159.
  2. [S769] Mansfield, Jo-Ann, compiler, family tree titled "Relatively speaking as of March 2007", published by,, from database ID:3293737, updated Mar 2007, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Henry Ebenezer Davies

#3459, (1805-1881)
Pedigree Link



  • Henry Ebenezer Davies was born on 8 February 1805 in Black Lake, St Lawrence County, New York.
  • He married Rebecca Waldo Tappan on 1 July 1835.
  • Henry and Rebecca lived at Clinton Place, New York City, New York.1
  • Henry Ebenezer Davies was a judge and dean of the Law School, University of the City of New York.2
  • He died on 17 December 1881 in New York City, New York, at age 76.

Other Information


  1. [S218] Kingsbury, Alice, Alice Kingsbury Memoirs, Privately published, 1935, Chapter 1.
  2. [S12] Finley, Herold R, "Kingsbury and Allied Families", Americana Illustrated, volume 32 No 1, (The American Historical Society, Inc: Somerville, NJ, 1938) , Journal Article, p 159.

Thomas Alfred Davies

#3460, (1809-1899)
Pedigree Link
Bvt Major General Thomas Alfred Davies 1809-1899



  • Thomas Alfred Davies was born on 3 December 1809 in Black Lake, St Lawrence County, New York.
  • He graduated from United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, in 1829.
  • He married Maria (née unknown) White on 24 August 1844.
  • Thomas was a Brevet Major General in the Civil War.1
    Brevet Major General Thomas Alfred Davies
  • He died on 19 August 1899 in near Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, at age 89.1
  • He was buried in family cemetery, Oswegatchie, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S399] American Experience, Web Site,, viewed Sep 2007.

George Ranney

#3461, (estimated 1795-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Almeda Giffen

#3462, (estimated 1799-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Mary Anne Mansfield

#3463, (1807-)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

  • Relationship: 5th cousin 5 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S769] Mansfield, Jo-Ann, compiler, family tree titled "Relatively speaking as of March 2007", published by,, from database ID:3293737, updated Mar 2007, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Rebecca Waldo Tappan

#3464, (estimated 1805-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S218] Kingsbury, Alice, Alice Kingsbury Memoirs, Privately published, 1935, Chapter 1.

Maria (née unknown) White

#3465, (estimated 1814-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Samuel Dayton

#3466, (-1690)
Pedigree Link


Children with Willhelmina (née unknown) Dayton (b. estimated 1633)

  1. Ralph Dayton (b. estimated 1655)
  2. Jacob Dayton (b. about 1657)
  3. Caleb Dayton (b. about 1659, d. 1688)
  4. Isaac Dayton+ (b. estimated 1661, d. between 1715 and 1722)


  • Samuel Dayton was baptized on 7 February 1624 in Ashford, Kent, England.1
  • In 1646 Samuel moved to New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Willhelmina (née unknown) Dayton estimated 1653.2
  • In 1655 Samuel and Willhelmina moved to Brookhaven, New York.
  • On 8 May 1668 he bought a house lot from Richard Smith at Setauket Long Island. Dayton's Creek, on the south side of the island is named after him. It is east of Bellport and now called Osborn's Creek.
  • He died on 5 July 1690 in Brookhaven, New York.

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, Vol 3 p 528.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Willhelmina (née unknown) Dayton

#3467, (estimated 1633-)
Pedigree Link

Children with Samuel Dayton (d. 5 July 1690)

  1. Ralph Dayton (b. estimated 1655)
  2. Jacob Dayton (b. about 1657)
  3. Caleb Dayton (b. about 1659, d. 1688)
  4. Isaac Dayton+ (b. estimated 1661, d. between 1715 and 1722)


  • Willhelmina (née unknown) Dayton was born estimated 1633.1
  • By family tradition Wilhelmina is said to be a Montauk squaw. (??)2
  • She married Samuel Dayton, son of Ralph Dayton and Alice Goldhatch, estimated 1653.1
  • In 1655 Willhelmina and Samuel moved to Brookhaven, New York.
  • On 8 May 1668 he bought a house lot from Richard Smith at Setauket Long Island. Dayton's Creek, on the south side of the island is named after him. It is east of Bellport and now called Osborn's Creek.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, Vol 3 p 528.

Ralph Dayton

#3468, (1588-1658)
Pedigree Link

Children with Alice Goldhatch (d. before 1656)

  1. Samuel Dayton+ (d. 5 July 1690)
  2. Ralph Dayton (d. 10 February 1705/06)
  3. Alice Dayton+ (d. 4 February 1707/08)
  4. Ellen Dayton (d. April 1654)
  5. Robert Dayton (d. 16 April 1712)


  • Ralph Dayton was born in 1588.
  • Ralph lived in Ashford, Kent, England.1
  • Ralph Dayton was A shoemaker and silversmith.2
  • He married Alice Goldhatch, daughter of Robert Goldhatch and Bennett Meade, on 16 June 1616 in Ashford, Kent, England, date given also as 1617.3
  • Ralph Dayton immigrated to New Haven, Connecticut, in 1639 together with Alice Goldhatch with their family immigrated. One child was left behind - child maybe by Daniel Tritton or by Ralph Dayton.4
  • Ralph settled in New Haven about 1639 and lived there for 10 years.
  • By 1650 he was a resident of East Hampton, LI, NY.
  • In 1651 He was an agent to the Connecticut Colony and a constable.2
  • He married Mary (née unknown) Haines in June 1656 in Southold, New York.5
  • He died in 1658 at age ~70.


RALPH DAYTON, the immigrant of this family, was born in 1587 in Ashford, Kent, England, and died in 1658 in East Hampton, LongIsland, New York. He married Alice (widow Tritton) Goldhatch,daughter of Robert Goldhatch. He signed the covenant at NewHaven in June, 1639. He was a shoemaker (and possibly aseversmith-silversmith?) by trade. In 1656 he sold his businessat New Haven and came to East Hampton, Long Island, where hispossessions were numerous and respectable. He is listed amongearly settlers, and in 1646, there is found a reference to "goodman's Dayton's seat in church".Houston, TXNote: Ralph Dayton became ancestor of all the Long Island, NewJersey, and Connecticut pioneer Dayton:, and by now of Dayton:all over the country. From 1639 to 1649, Ralph was a member ofNew Haven Colony where he was enrolled as a Free Burgess or freeplanter 1639 and became a church member and soon arepresentative at Hartford. His daughter Alice married ThomasBaker June 20, 1643. Leaving New Haven in 1649, stopping brieflyin Southold and Southampton, the Dayton: and the Bakers were inEast Hampton by 1650. Ralph was sent to Connecticut "for toprocure the evidence of our lands and a boddie of our laws." Thereport he brought back was adopted. In 1651 he was chosenConstable, an official who by law moderated the General Court.This officer was always a reputable citizen wielding greatauthority. Ralph's wife probably died in East Hampton. 1656 hemarried Mary, widow of James Haines of Southold. On Sept. 22,1658, his will was brought before the Quarter Court and approvedby the magistrates. Ralph probably died in a house he owned atNorth Sea, Southampton. which he left to SamueL There is norecord of his burial in East Hampton. His will is in thepossession of his descendant C. Frank Dayton. 10th generation,of East Hampton. The surname Dayton has been variously spelled.Some authorities trace it back to "de Deighton" in 14th centuryEngland; it has also been spelled Deighton, Dalton, and Drayton.Alice (Tritton) Goldhatch. Born 1596. Died 1656 in East Hampton,New York. He came from Ashford, Kent County, England to Boston,Massachusettsabout 1636. He was a constable and a signer of the Covenant atNewHaven, Connecticut in 1639. He was a cordwainer which is ashoemakeror worker in cordovan leather. He settled at Southampton, LongIslandin 1648 and later at East Hampton where he died in 1658.ANCESTRY OF RALPH DAYTONRalph is a descendant of Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Williamthe Conqueror, Henry I, Empress Matilda, Henry II, King John,Edward I, Sir William Marshall and Strongbow de Clare. He is adescendant of Malcolm III, David I, William the Lion, and theancient kings of Scotland, of Llewellyn the Great Prince ofWales and Ireland’s greatest king Brian Boru, of Louis VII ofFrance and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

# Change Date: 16 JUL 2006.2

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, Vol 3 p 528.
  2. [S458] Kaspar, Anna, compiler, family tree titled "The Fountain From Whence We All Come!", published by,, from database ID annak1, updated Jul 2006, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  3. [S234] John C Van Buskirk, family web site titled "John C Van Buskirk of Tully NY All My Ancestors",, , .
  4. [S234] John C Van Buskirk, family web site titled "John C Van Buskirk of Tully NY All My Ancestors",, , .
  5. [S737] Haines, A M, "Will of James Haines or Hinds, of Southold, Long Island, NY, 1652", NEHGR, volume 37, page 162, (New England Historic Genealogical Society: Boston, MA, 1883) , Journal Article, viewed Oct 2007.

Alice Goldhatch

#3469, (-before 1656)
Pedigree Link


Children with Daniel Tritton (b. estimated 1582, d. estimated 1614)

  1. Bennett Tritton+ (d. January 1664/65)
  2. Rose Tritton (b. 22 September 1611)

Children with Ralph Dayton (b. 1588, d. 1658)

  1. Samuel Dayton+ (d. 5 July 1690)
  2. Ralph Dayton (d. 10 February 1705/06)
  3. Alice Dayton+ (d. 4 February 1707/08)
  4. Ellen Dayton (d. April 1654)
  5. Robert Dayton (d. 16 April 1712)


  • Alice Goldhatch was baptized on 24 September 1587 in Ashford, Kent, England.1
  • Alice's name was Wilton, according to DL Jacobus.2
  • She married Daniel Tritton on 14 April 1607 in Ashford, Kent, England.1
  • Her husband Daniel Tritton died leaving her a widow at age ~32.3
  • She married Ralph Dayton on 16 June 1616 in Ashford, Kent, England, date given also as 1617.4
  • She migrated to New Haven, Connecticut, in 1639 together with Ralph Dayton.5
  • Ralph settled in New Haven about 1639 and lived there for 10 years.
  • By 1650 he was a resident of East Hampton, LI, NY.
  • She died before 1656.

Other Information


  1. [S806] Rankin, Milt, compiler, family tree titled "ANCESTORS OF M. J. RANKIN", published by,, updated Jan 2005, viewed Mar 2008 , , Not Available as of Feb 2015.
  2. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, Vol 3 p 529.
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S234] John C Van Buskirk, family web site titled "John C Van Buskirk of Tully NY All My Ancestors",, , .
  5. [S234] John C Van Buskirk, family web site titled "John C Van Buskirk of Tully NY All My Ancestors",, , .

Ralph Dayton

#3470, (estimated 1655-)
Pedigree Link



  • Ralph Dayton was born estimated 1655.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Jacob Dayton

#3471, (about 1657-)
Pedigree Link



  • Jacob Dayton was born about 1657.
  • Jacob lived in New Jersey.

Other Information

Caleb Dayton

#3472, (about 1659-1688)
Pedigree Link



  • Caleb Dayton was born about 1659.
  • He died in 1688 in Southampton, New York, at age ~29.

Other Information

John Denison

#3473, (about 1657-1725)
Pedigree Link


Children with Ruth Ayer (b. 30 October 1660, d. 2 February 1694/95)

  1. Ruth Denison (b. 9 August 1684, d. 15 August 1685)
  2. Ruth Denison+ (b. 7 June 1686, d. 6 May 1779)
  3. Hannah Denison+ (b. 1689)
  4. John Denison (b. 28 April 1692)
  5. Priscilla Denison (b. 14 January 1693/94, d. 30 January 1694/95)

Children with Elizabeth (née unknown) Denison (b. estimated 1678, d. 15 September 1725)

  1. George Denison (b. 6 October 1700, d. 6 August 1725)
  2. Daniel Denison (b. 9 November 1702)


  • John Denison was born about 1657.
  • John served in King Philip's War under Major Samuel Appleton and was wounded. King Philips War 1675-1676.
  • He married Ruth Ayer, daughter of Peter Ayer and Hannah Allen, estimated 1682.1
  • John Denison was a weaver.
  • John and Ruth lived in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
  • His wife Ruth died on 2 February 1694/95 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, leaving him a widower at age ~38 . h.
  • He married Elizabeth (née unknown) Denison estimated 1698.1
  • He died on 12 August 1725 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, at age ~68.

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Ruth Ayer

#3474, (1660-1694/95)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Peter Ayer (b. 1 November 1633, d. 2 January 1698/99)
  • Mother: Hannah Allen (b. 14 June 1642, d. 22 December 1729)

Children with John Denison (b. about 1657, d. 12 August 1725)

  1. Ruth Denison (b. 9 August 1684, d. 15 August 1685)
  2. Ruth Denison+ (b. 7 June 1686, d. 6 May 1779)
  3. Hannah Denison+ (b. 1689)
  4. John Denison (b. 28 April 1692)
  5. Priscilla Denison (b. 14 January 1693/94, d. 30 January 1694/95)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John Denison

#3475, (1605-1683)
Pedigree Link


Children with Priscilla (née unknown) Denison (b. estimated 1632, d. 15 February 1691/92)

  1. Priscilla Denison (b. estimated 1649)
  2. John Denison+ (b. about 1657, d. 12 August 1725)
  3. Mary Denison (b. estimated 10 July 1658, d. 11 July 1658)
  4. Ruth Denison (b. estimated 1660)
  5. Sarah Perkins Denison (b. estimated 1662)


  • John Denison was born on 7 April 1605 in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, England.1
  • He married Priscilla (née unknown) Denison estimated 1648.2
  • In 1648 John was a subscriber to Major Denison.
  • John and Priscilla lived in Ipswich, Massachusetts.
  • John Denison was a weaver.
  • He died in 1683 in Ipswich, Massachusetts, at age ~78.


John Denison left a will His will says "I give to my son houses and land, sheep, horse, hoggs, with the great Braise Kettle, biggest iron pot, the table in the new room, the great chest in the parlour..."

Other Information


  1. [S466] Tamer, Holly, compiler, family tree titled "Stolp Line", published by,, from database ID stolp, updated May 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.