RALPH DAYTON, the immigrant of this family, was born in 1587 in Ashford, Kent, England, and died in 1658 in East Hampton, LongIsland, New York. He married Alice (widow Tritton) Goldhatch,daughter of Robert Goldhatch. He signed the covenant at NewHaven in June, 1639. He was a shoemaker (and possibly aseversmith-silversmith?) by trade. In 1656 he sold his businessat New Haven and came to East Hampton, Long Island, where hispossessions were numerous and respectable. He is listed amongearly settlers, and in 1646, there is found a reference to "goodman's Dayton's seat in church".Houston, TXNote: Ralph Dayton became ancestor of all the Long Island, NewJersey, and Connecticut pioneer Dayton:, and by now of Dayton:all over the country. From 1639 to 1649, Ralph was a member ofNew Haven Colony where he was enrolled as a Free Burgess or freeplanter 1639 and became a church member and soon arepresentative at Hartford. His daughter Alice married ThomasBaker June 20, 1643. Leaving New Haven in 1649, stopping brieflyin Southold and Southampton, the Dayton: and the Bakers were inEast Hampton by 1650. Ralph was sent to Connecticut "for toprocure the evidence of our lands and a boddie of our laws." Thereport he brought back was adopted. In 1651 he was chosenConstable, an official who by law moderated the General Court.This officer was always a reputable citizen wielding greatauthority. Ralph's wife probably died in East Hampton. 1656 hemarried Mary, widow of James Haines of Southold. On Sept. 22,1658, his will was brought before the Quarter Court and approvedby the magistrates. Ralph probably died in a house he owned atNorth Sea, Southampton. which he left to SamueL There is norecord of his burial in East Hampton. His will is in thepossession of his descendant C. Frank Dayton. 10th generation,of East Hampton. The surname Dayton has been variously spelled.Some authorities trace it back to "de Deighton" in 14th centuryEngland; it has also been spelled Deighton, Dalton, and Drayton.Alice (Tritton) Goldhatch. Born 1596. Died 1656 in East Hampton,New York. He came from Ashford, Kent County, England to Boston,Massachusettsabout 1636. He was a constable and a signer of the Covenant atNewHaven, Connecticut in 1639. He was a cordwainer which is ashoemakeror worker in cordovan leather. He settled at Southampton, LongIslandin 1648 and later at East Hampton where he died in 1658.ANCESTRY OF RALPH DAYTONRalph is a descendant of Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, Williamthe Conqueror, Henry I, Empress Matilda, Henry II, King John,Edward I, Sir William Marshall and Strongbow de Clare. He is adescendant of Malcolm III, David I, William the Lion, and theancient kings of Scotland, of Llewellyn the Great Prince ofWales and Ireland’s greatest king Brian Boru, of Louis VII ofFrance and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
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