My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 136

Eliphalet Bristol

#3376, (estimated 1674-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Solomon Ferry

#3377, (1683-1771)
Pedigree Link



  • Solomon Ferry was born on 31 July 1683 in Springfield, Massachusetts.1
  • He married Lydia Peck, daughter of Benjamin Peck and Mary Sperry, on 7 February 1703/04 in Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • Solomon and Lydia lived in Danbury, Connecticut.
  • He died on 5 March 1771 at age 87.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S766] Rohr, Bill, compiler, family tree titled "Ferry, Russel, & Nagel family connections in Illinois", published by,, from database ID frn1198, updated Dec 2003, viewed Oct 2007 , .

Hannah Hotchkiss

#3378, (1683-1723)
Pedigree Link



  • Hannah Hotchkiss was born on 14 December 1683 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She married Ebenezer Peck, son of Benjamin Peck and Mary Sperry, on 10 May 1709 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Ebenezer and Hannah had 4 children.1
  • She died on 3 August 1723 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 39.1

Other Information


  1. [S601] Jackson, Shannon, compiler, family tree titled "Shannons Family Tree", published by,, from database ID liberty_68123, updated Oct 2009, viewed Nov 2009 , .

Elizabeth Wilmot

#3379, (1703-1785)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Wilmot was born on 20 April 1703 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • She married Ebenezer Peck, son of Benjamin Peck and Mary Sperry, on 8 December 1724 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Elizabeth Wilmot died on 9 September 1785 at age 82.1

Other Information

  • Relationship: 2nd cousin 9 times removed of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S795] Wells, David A, compiler, family tree titled "Wells & Scott Genealogy (USA & South Africa)", published by,, from database ID daw744, updated Oct 2016, viewed Dec 2016 , .

Ebenezer Stevens

#3380, (estimated 1684-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Josiah Hotchkiss

#3381, (1680/81-1732)
Pedigree Link



  • Josiah Hotchkiss was born on 24 January 1680/81 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Abigail Parker, daughter of John Parker and Hannah Bassett, on 8 December 1715 in Wallingford, Connecticut.
  • Josiah and Abigail had 6 children.1
  • He died on 13 July 1732 in Cheshire, Connecticut, at age 51.

Other Information


  1. [S637] Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "Hibbard & Hotchkiss Connections", published by,, from database ID mhibbard, updated Dec 2007, viewed Jan 2008 , .

Caleb Hotchkiss

#3382, (1684-1763)
Pedigree Link


Child with Mehitable Cruttenden (b. 11 April 1682, d. 30 November 1750)

  1. Caleb Hotchkiss+ (b. 6 June 1712, d. 5 July 1779)


  • Caleb Hotchkiss was born on 18 October 1684 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • He married Mehitable Cruttenden, daughter of Isaac Cruttenden and Lydia Thompson, on 14 February 1705/06.
  • On 6 January 1736/37 Caleb married Phebe Atwater.1
  • Caleb Hotchkiss died on 4 April 1763 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 78.

Other Information


  1. [S944] Simpson, Elizabeth, compiler, family tree titled "Eliz's Earliest New England Ancestors & Kin", published by,, from database ID sambushed, updated Nov 2002, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Elizabeth Hotchkiss

#3383, (1685/86-1723)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Hotchkiss was born on 18 January 1685/86 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She died on 13 September 1723 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 37.

Other Information

Ruth Hotchkiss

#3384, (about 1688-1773)
Pedigree Link



  • Ruth Hotchkiss was born about 1688 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Jonathan Sackett on 12 March 1716/17 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Benjamin Dorman, son of Edmund Dorman and Hannah Hull, on 11 December 1728 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Ruth Hotchkiss died on 24 March 1773 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~85.

Other Information

Samuel Hotchkiss

#3385, (about 1623-1663)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Cleverly (b. estimated 1622, d. 1681)

  1. John Hotchkiss+ (b. about 1643, d. 1689)
  2. Samuel Hotchkiss+ (b. about 1645, d. 29 December 1705)
  3. James Hotchkiss (b. about 1647, d. about 1649)
  4. Sarah Hotchkiss (b. 16 May 1648)
  5. Joshua Hotchkiss+ (b. 16 September 1651, d. about 1722)
  6. Thomas Hotchkiss+ (b. 31 August 1654, d. 27 December 1711)
  7. Daniel Hotchkiss+ (b. 8 June 1657, d. 10 March 1711/12)


  • Samuel Hotchkiss was born about 1623 in Dodington; Whitchurch, Shropshire, England.1
  • He married Elizabeth Cleverly on 7 September 1642 in First Congregational Church, New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • In 1651 Samuel bought a house and lot.
  • On 6 November 1655 it was complained that Samuel did not follow the public ordinances upon Sabbath days nor practice with his squadron, but stay home and slep!
  • Samuel Hotchkiss was brought to trial before the New Haven magistrates and admitted to crimes of which he had not been charged and managed to repent both of his crime and his lack of repentance. "He acknowledged his sin", the reporter noted, " and he judgeth in himself that the court cannot pass too heavy a sentence upon him; for he hath sinned against light and conscience and confesseth he hath formerly been given to this way of theft. It is now the grief of his hart that he cannot be sufficiently afflicted with it" This shows the use of a trial to encourage public repentance in New Haven.2
  • He died on 28 December 1663 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~40.
  • Inventory of his estate was taken on 29 January 1663/64 in New Haven, Connecticut, Estate valued at £86 18s.1
  • ***Research Conclusion: Samuel Hotchkiss has been identified (online) as a passenger on the ship Hector. This is false and cannot be proven. Only 5 passengers were listed in contemporary accounts: Mr Davenport (minister), Mr Eaton (merchant), Mr Hopkins (merchant), Lord Ley, and an unnamed minister.3


Samuel didn't leave a will. His wife got one-third, two-thirds to the 6 children.

Other Information


  1. [S1195] Ralph, compiler, family tree titled "Judia and Ralph Terry - Family and Neighbors of Coleman County, Texas", published by,, from database ID capenoch, updated Jun 2009, viewed Jun 2009 , .
  2. [S702] McCollister, Yvonne, compiler, family tree titled "McCollister-Rockwell-Thomas", published by,, from database ID ymccoll, updated Sep 2009, viewed Sep 2009 , .
  3. [S8697] Brockett, Adrian, "Deconstructing the Hector "Passenger List'", American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society, (NEHGS: Boston MA, (Winter 2021)) , online magazine/journal, p 36-39.

Elizabeth Cleverly

#3386, (estimated 1622-1681)
Pedigree Link

Children with Samuel Hotchkiss (b. about 1623, d. 28 December 1663)

  1. John Hotchkiss+ (b. about 1643, d. 1689)
  2. Samuel Hotchkiss+ (b. about 1645, d. 29 December 1705)
  3. James Hotchkiss (b. about 1647, d. about 1649)
  4. Sarah Hotchkiss (b. 16 May 1648)
  5. Joshua Hotchkiss+ (b. 16 September 1651, d. about 1722)
  6. Thomas Hotchkiss+ (b. 31 August 1654, d. 27 December 1711)
  7. Daniel Hotchkiss+ (b. 8 June 1657, d. 10 March 1711/12)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S1195] Ralph, compiler, family tree titled "Judia and Ralph Terry - Family and Neighbors of Coleman County, Texas", published by,, from database ID capenoch, updated Jun 2009, viewed Jun 2009 , .

Hannah Cruttenden1

#3387, (estimated 1679-1756)
Pedigree Link



  • Hannah Cruttenden was born estimated 1679.2
  • Father: Isaac Cruttendum (b c 1643) - Mother: Lydia Thompson (b 24 Jul 1647.)1
  • Another spelling of her name was Crittenden.1
  • She married Joseph Hotchkiss, son of John Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Peck, in April 1699 in Guilford, Connecticut.
  • Hannah Cruttenden died on 28 March 1756 at age ~77.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Jul 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , .
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Abigail Parker

#3388, (about 1694-1732)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S637] Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "Hibbard & Hotchkiss Connections", published by,, from database ID mhibbard, updated Dec 2007, viewed Jan 2008 , .

Mehitable Cruttenden1

#3389, (1682-1750)
Pedigree Link


Child with Caleb Hotchkiss (b. 18 October 1684, d. 4 April 1763)

  1. Caleb Hotchkiss+ (b. 6 June 1712, d. 5 July 1779)


  • Mehitable Cruttenden was born on 11 April 1682 in Guilford, Connecticut.1
  • Another spelling of her name was Crittenden.2
  • She married Caleb Hotchkiss, son of John Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Peck, on 14 February 1705/06.
  • Mehitable Cruttenden died on 30 November 1750 at age 68.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S459] Sheffler, Margaret, compiler, family tree titled "BANFILL-BUCK-HAWKINS-PIKE-PERRINE", published by,, from database ID mscheffler, updated Jul 2007, viewed Oct 2007 , .
  2. [S944] Simpson, Elizabeth, compiler, family tree titled "Eliz's Earliest New England Ancestors & Kin", published by,, from database ID sambushed, updated Nov 2002, viewed Nov 2007 , .

Jonathan Sackett

#3390, (estimated 1692-before 1728)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Benjamin Dorman

#3391, (1673-)
Pedigree Link



Other Information

Edmund Dorman

#3392, (about 1636-1711)
Pedigree Link

Children with Hannah Hull (d. before 1700)

  1. Samuel Dorman (b. 16 July 1666, d. 16 November 1666)
  2. John Dorman (b. 8 January 1667/68, d. October 1712)
  3. Joseph Dorman (b. 13 December 1669, d. 27 July 1712)
  4. Benjamin Dorman (b. 15 October 1673)
  5. Hannah Dorman+ (b. 1 March 1675/76, d. 1724)
  6. Mary Dorman+ (b. 12 May 1680, d. June 1768)


  • Edmund Dorman was born about 1636.1
  • He was also known as Edward.
  • He married Hannah Hull, daughter of Richard Hull, on 25 December 1662 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Edmund and Hannah lived in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Hannah and Edmund had a son who was born and died in Aug of 1671.
  • He married Elizabeth Post on 19 September 1700.2
  • He died on 1 May 1711 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age ~75.1
  • He was buried in Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3 p 563.
  2. [S3664] Jacobus, Donald Lines, "Graves-Crittenden-Stillwell: A Correction", The American Genealogist, volume 31, page 174, , Journal Article.

Hannah Hull

#3393, (-before 1700)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Richard Hull (b. estimated 1609, d. about 1 September 1662)

Children with Edmund Dorman (b. about 1636, d. 1 May 1711)

  1. Samuel Dorman (b. 16 July 1666, d. 16 November 1666)
  2. John Dorman (b. 8 January 1667/68, d. October 1712)
  3. Joseph Dorman (b. 13 December 1669, d. 27 July 1712)
  4. Benjamin Dorman (b. 15 October 1673)
  5. Hannah Dorman+ (b. 1 March 1675/76, d. 1724)
  6. Mary Dorman+ (b. 12 May 1680, d. June 1768)


  • Hannah Hull was baptized on 26 February 1641 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • She married Edmund Dorman on 25 December 1662 in New Haven, Connecticut.1
  • Edmund and Hannah lived in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Hannah and Edmund had a son who was born and died in Aug of 1671.
  • She died before 1700.

Other Information


  1. [S48] Jacobus, DL, The Families of Ancient New Haven, Rome, New York: Clarence D Smith, 1926, vol 3 p 563.

Joseph Kingsbury

#3394, (1682-1757)
Pedigree Link


Children with Ruth Denison (b. 7 June 1686, d. 6 May 1779)

  1. Ephraim Kingsbury+ (b. 4 January 1706/07, d. 7 November 1772)
  2. Hannah Kingsbury+ (b. 6 March 1708/09, d. 16 March 1770)
  3. Love Kingsbury+ (b. 23 February 1710/11, d. 29 December 1778)
  4. Ruth Kingsbury+ (b. 24 February 1712/13, d. 13 November 1769)
  5. Joseph Kingsbury+ (b. 27 February 1714/15, d. 27 October 1788)
  6. Ebenezer Kingsbury+ (b. 11 February 1716/17, d. 6 September 1800)
  7. Eleazer Kingsbury+ (b. 7 February 1718/19, d. 6 October 1785)
  8. Grace Kingsbury (b. 4 October 1722, d. 18 August 1725)
  9. Eunice Kingsbury (b. 14 October 1722, d. 7 December 1751)
  10. Daniel Kingsbury+ (b. 14 December 1724, d. 17 September 1760)
  11. Tabitha Kingsbury+ (b. 7 October 1726, d. 18 January 1789)
  12. Irene Kingsbury (b. 13 March 1728/29, d. 15 August 1729)
  13. Nathaniel Kingsbury+ (b. 7 February 1730/31, d. 15 December 1784)


  • Joseph Kingsbury was born on 22 June 1682 in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
  • He married Ruth Denison, daughter of John Denison and Ruth Ayer, on 5 February 1705/06 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, Joseph and Ruth were second cousins.1
  • In June 1708 Joseph and Ruth moved to West Farms (now Franklin), Connecticut, with his father after the Indian raid.
  • In 1721 he was appointed ensign of the train band, then Lieutenant, then Captain. He was a selectman of Norwich, deputy to the General Assembly.
  • He died on 1 December 1757 in West Farms (now Franklin), Connecticut, at age 75.
  • He was buried in Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut.2
  • He owned two slaves - Cuff and Phyllis, which he bequeathed to his wife. Ruth gave them their freedom in Dec 1773. About 20 years later they were reduced to poverty and the town of Tolland brought suit against Ebenezer Kingsbury, executor of his mother's estate, to make him support them.

Other Information


  1. [S445] Elliott, Norman, compiler, family tree titled "The Lawrence Family", published by,, from database ID elliott299, updated Jan 2002, viewed Nov 2011 , .
  2. [S1316] Find A Grave: Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut, Joseph Kingsbury, created by David Simpson, added Sep 2006, memorial number 15660508.

Ruth Denison

#3395, (1686-1779)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: John Denison (b. about 1657, d. 12 August 1725)
  • Mother: Ruth Ayer (b. 30 October 1660, d. 2 February 1694/95)

Children with Joseph Kingsbury (b. 22 June 1682, d. 1 December 1757)

  1. Ephraim Kingsbury+ (b. 4 January 1706/07, d. 7 November 1772)
  2. Hannah Kingsbury+ (b. 6 March 1708/09, d. 16 March 1770)
  3. Love Kingsbury+ (b. 23 February 1710/11, d. 29 December 1778)
  4. Ruth Kingsbury+ (b. 24 February 1712/13, d. 13 November 1769)
  5. Joseph Kingsbury+ (b. 27 February 1714/15, d. 27 October 1788)
  6. Ebenezer Kingsbury+ (b. 11 February 1716/17, d. 6 September 1800)
  7. Eleazer Kingsbury+ (b. 7 February 1718/19, d. 6 October 1785)
  8. Grace Kingsbury (b. 4 October 1722, d. 18 August 1725)
  9. Eunice Kingsbury (b. 14 October 1722, d. 7 December 1751)
  10. Daniel Kingsbury+ (b. 14 December 1724, d. 17 September 1760)
  11. Tabitha Kingsbury+ (b. 7 October 1726, d. 18 January 1789)
  12. Irene Kingsbury (b. 13 March 1728/29, d. 15 August 1729)
  13. Nathaniel Kingsbury+ (b. 7 February 1730/31, d. 15 December 1784)


  • Ruth Denison was born on 7 June 1686 in Ipswich, Massachusetts.1
  • She married Joseph Kingsbury, son of Joseph Kingsbury and Love Ayer, on 5 February 1705/06 in Haverhill, Massachusetts, Joseph and Ruth were second cousins.2
  • In June 1708 Ruth and Joseph moved to West Farms (now Franklin), Connecticut, with his father after the Indian raid.
  • Her husband Joseph Kingsbury died leaving her a widow at age 75.
  • She died on 6 May 1779 in Norwich, Connecticut, at age 92.3
  • She was buried in Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut.3
  • When Ruth Denison Kingsbury died she left behind 231 descendants: 5 children, 61 grandchildren, 152 great grandchildren 15 great-great grandchildren.4

Other Information


  1. [S4780] Newcomb & Gauss, printers, Vital Records of Ipswich Massachusetts to the year 1850 (Salem, MA: the Essex Institute, 1910), vol 1 p 114.
  2. [S445] Elliott, Norman, compiler, family tree titled "The Lawrence Family", published by,, from database ID elliott299, updated Jan 2002, viewed Nov 2011 , .
  3. [S1316] Find A Grave: Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut, Ruth Denison Kingsbury, created by David Simpson, added Sep 2006, memorial number 15550461.
  4. [S1316] Find A Grave: Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut, Ruth Denison Kingsbury, created by David Simpson, added Sep 2006, memorial number 15660461.

Jacob Kingsbury

#3396, (1756-1837)
Pedigree Link
Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Kingsbury painting early 19th cen done for the Order of Cincinnati 1756-1837


Children with Sarah Palmer Ellis (b. 17 June 1774, d. 16 December 1857)

  1. Eliza Rosanna Thayer Kingsbury (b. 28 September 1800, d. 3 November 1800)
  2. James Wilkinson Kingsbury+ (b. 28 September 1801, d. 25 June 1853)
  3. Julia Anne Ellis Kingsbury (b. 2 November 1804, d. 4 October 1861)
  4. Thomas Humphrey Cushing Kingsbury (b. 23 December 1806, d. 7 August 1880)
  5. William Eustis Kingsbury+ (b. 1 November 1809, d. 25 November 1835)
  6. Benjamin Ellis Kingsbury (b. 25 September 1812, d. 29 March 1813)
  7. Sarah Hill Kingsbury (b. 20 July 1815, d. 10 February 1840)
  8. Charles Ellis Kingsbury (b. 12 July 1818, d. 9 June 1837)


  • Jacob Kingsbury was born on 6 July 1756 in Franklin, Connecticut.
  • He entered the Continental army under his cousin, Captain Asa Kingsbury, (ID #6712) 11 Jul 1775, as a Corporal. After Sep 29 he went to Roxbury, to the camp at Boston. Next he became Sergeant in Capt. Huntington's company, which served at New York in August-September, 1776, and was in the retreat after the battle of Long Island. Later he joined the regiment of Col. Huntington as a private soldier at Camp Connecticut on the Hudson, having procured the money to buy an outfit by going on a privateering expedition from New London in the schooner 'Spy', from May 8 to Sep 26, 1777. He carried a gun only a few weeks when Col. Huntington appointed him an orderly. He was commissioned Ensign April 26, 1780, and marched to Virginia with the picked body of men chosen by the Marquis de Lafayettefor the southern campaign.1
  • At the close of the war he was promoted to a Lieutenantcy, and assigned to the western army, where he continued uninterruptedly for fourteen years. During the last nine years of this period, to use his own words, he was 'not absent from military duty one hour.' This frontier service in those days of ambuscade and massacres, when the posts were weak and widely separated, but the foe numerous and ever on the alert, was one of the greatest toil and danger. He here received the well earned promotion of Captain and Major. He distinguished himself by defending Fort Harmar with a small number of men against a large body of Indians.1
  • He was a man who apparently never thought much of what he had done, for although he lived an eventful life, during a long and important period, after it was over very few records of his life in detail had been preserved. One is a letter he wrote to his brother from Cincinnati saying that he knew he ought to go East to attend to some of his business affairs connected with his father's estate, but that he could only get 7 months leave of absence, which would only give him time to go and return without having any time for business!!1
  • He married Sarah Palmer Ellis, daughter of Benjamin Ellis and Rosanna Thayer, on 24 November 1799.1
  • After his marriage he fought against the Creek Indians in Georgia. He was made Lieutenant-Colonel and transferred to the Western army and stationed at Mackinaw. Then to the Missouri river at Bellefontaine. In 1809 he became Colonel of the First Infantry. He was in command also at New Orleans.1
  • Possibly his portrait was painted in 1807.2
  • Jacob Kingsbury died on 1 July 1837 at age 80.
  • He was buried in Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut.3

Other Information


  1. [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 250-254.
  2. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  3. [S1316] Find A Grave: Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut, Col Jacob Kingsbury, created by James Bianco, David Simpson, added Aug 2006, memorial number 15542410.

Sarah Kingsbury

#3397, (1758-1831)
Pedigree Link



  • Sarah Kingsbury was born on 12 August 1758 in Franklin, Connecticut.
  • She married Benjamin Ellis on 4 October 1788.1
  • Benjamin and Sarah had 6 children.1
  • She died on 10 December 1831 at age 73.1

Other Information


  1. [S485] Hansen, Joyce, compiler, family tree titled "HANSEN/TANNO CONNECTIONS", published by,, updated Jul 2007, viewed Nov 2007 , , Not Available as of Mar 2015.

Nathaniel Kingsbury

#3398, (1760-)
Pedigree Link



  • Nathaniel Kingsbury was born on 17 April 1760 in Franklin, Connecticut.
  • He never married.

Other Information

Joseph Kingsbury

#3399, (1764-1783)
Pedigree Link



  • Joseph Kingsbury was born on 5 January 1764 in Franklin, Connecticut.
  • He died on 24 December 1783 at age 19.

Other Information

Charles Kingsbury1

#3400, (1767-1789)
Pedigree Link



  • Charles Kingsbury was born on 7 February 1767 in Franklin, Connecticut.2
  • He attended school at Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut.2
  • He died on 22 January 1789 in New Haven, Connecticut, at age 21.2
  • Charles was a junior at Yale University when he died.2
  • He was buried in Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut.3

Other Information


  1. [S12] Finley, Herold R, "Kingsbury and Allied Families", Americana Illustrated, volume 32 No 1, (The American Historical Society, Inc: Somerville, NJ, 1938) , Journal Article, p 67.
  2. [S15] Kingsbury, Frederick John , Mary Kingsbury Talcott, The Genealogy of the Descendants of Henry Kingsbury of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass., Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Press: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1905, p 222.
  3. [S1316] Find A Grave: Plains Cemetery, Franklin, Connecticut, Charles Kingsbury, created by James Bianco, David Simpson, added Sep 2006, memorial number 15660197.