My.Family - Ancestors, Descendants and Others

Sargent/Kingsbury/Forbes/Male also Reinfeld/Alexander/Mueller/Uhrick/Bivens/Dunning and Others

Person Page 193

Helena Heijlken de Hooch1

#4801, (1597-1658)
Pedigree Link

Children with John Underhill (b. 7 October 1597, d. 21 July 1672)

  1. John Underhill+ (d. 29 October 1692)
  2. Deborah Underhill (b. about 1629, d. 1649)
  3. Benoni Underhill (b. estimated 1631)
  4. Elizabeth Underhill (b. 1636, d. 14 February 1636)


  • Helena Heijlken de Hooch was born on 1 October 1597 in Gorinchem, S Holl, the Netherlands.1
  • Father: William de Hooch (b c 1560 the Netherlands) - Mother: Govertje Emonts (b c 1560.)1
  • She was also known as Helena Kruger.2
  • She married John Underhill, son of John Edward Underhill and Honor Pawley, on 12 December 1628 in the Hague, the Netherlands.2
  • Helena Heijlken de Hooch died in 1658 in Southold, New York, at age ~61.1

Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1615] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Vanvelsor",, from database ID Surname Databases of Long Island, updated Feb 2011, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  2. [S241] Friedlander, Mary Banning, family web site titled "My American Heritage",, updated Sep 2001, viewed Dec 2005 , .

Benoni Underhill

#4802, (estimated 1631-)
Pedigree Link



  • Benoni Underhill was born estimated 1631.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

John Underhill

#4803, (-1692)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Prior (b. March 1653, d. 29 March 1698)

  1. John Underhill (b. 1 July 1670, d. 28 May 1728)
  2. Daniel Underhill (b. 3 November 1672, d. 9 December 1713)
  3. Samuel Underhill (b. 18 December 1674, d. 22 April 1754)
  4. Mary Underhill (b. 26 February 1676, d. 1751)
  5. Abraham Underhill+ (b. 25 June 1679, d. 1713)
  6. Deborah Underhill (b. 11 April 1682, d. 18 May 1739)
  7. Sarah Underhill (b. 17 June 1687, d. 10 September 1768)
  8. Jacob Underhill (b. 16 December 1689, d. 3 October 1708)
  9. Hannah Underhill (b. 23 January 1690)


  • John Underhill was baptized on 14 February 1640/41 in Boston, Massachusetts, The record states: 1642 24 day 2 month. Age of child: 13 days. Probably month 1 starts Mar 25...1,2,3
  • He married Mary Prior on 11 October 1668 in Long Island City, New York.4,5
  • He died on 29 October 1692 in Long Island (area), New York.6

Other Information

  • Relationship: 8th great-granduncle of Linda Sargent
  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S1615] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Vanvelsor",, from database ID Surname Databases of Long Island, updated Feb 2011, viewed Feb 2011 , date 14 Feb 1640/41 - possible date transcription error .
  2. [S387] Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1630-1699, online image of printed material, digitized by NEHGS, 2006, (Original publication: A Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston Containing Boston Births from A.D. 1630-1690, Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, Boston,).
  3. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated May 2012, viewed Jun 2012 , date: 11 Apr 1642 .
  4. [S441] Fox, John, compiler, family tree titled "O'Connors of Oswego, NY and over 350 years of Long Island Ancestry", published by,, from database ID okie2, updated Jun 2006, viewed Sep 2007 , .
  5. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated May 2012, viewed Jun 2012 , date: 11 Aug 1668 .
  6. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated May 2012, viewed Jun 2012 , .

Elizabeth Underhill1

#4804, (1636-1636)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Underhill was born in 1636 in Boston, Massachusetts.1,2
  • She died on 14 February 1636 in Boston, Massachusetts, as an infant.2

Other Information


  1. [S241] Friedlander, Mary Banning, family web site titled "My American Heritage",, updated Sep 2001, viewed Dec 2005 , .
  2. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated May 2012, viewed Jun 2012 , .

Deborah Underhill

#4805, (1659-1698)
Pedigree Link



  • Deborah Underhill was born on 29 September 1659 in Flushing, Queens County, New York.1
  • She married Henry Townsend, son of Henry Townsend and Ann Cole, in 1677.2
  • Deborah Underhill died in 1698 at age ~39.3

Other Information


  1. [S228] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Underhill Family",, , .
  2. [S487] Barraclough-Little, Donna, compiler, family tree titled "Barraclough Branches", published by,, updated Nov 2007, viewed Dec 2007 , , Not Available as of Nov 2009.
  3. [S414] Larson II, George, compiler, family tree titled "An Extended Family", published by,, from database ID geolarson3, updated Sep 2007, viewed Sep 2007 , , Not Available as of Jul 2013.

Nathaniel Underhill

#4806, (1663-1710)
Pedigree Link


Children with Mary Ferris (b. 22 February 1663, d. 9 May 1715)

  1. Thomas Underhill+ (b. 4 December 1687, d. 1762)
  2. Abraham Underhill+ (b. 1697, d. October 1750)


  • Nathaniel Underhill was born on 22 December 1663 in Oyster Bay, New York.1
  • He married Mary Ferris on 12 March 1685 in New Castle, New York.2
  • Nathaniel and Mary had 5 children.2,3
  • He died on 10 November 1710 in Williams Bridge, Bronx County, New York, at age 46.4

Other Information


  1. [S228] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Underhill Family",, , .
  2. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated Jul 2012, viewed Jul 2012 , .
  3. [S3836] Tallman, Richard, compiler, family tree titled "The Tallman Family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID ricktallman, updated Oct 2013, viewed Oct 2013 , seven (!) .
  4. [S3836] Tallman, Richard, compiler, family tree titled "The Tallman Family", published by Ancestry,, from database ID ricktallman, updated Oct 2013, viewed Oct 2013 , .

Hannah Underhill

#4807, (1666-)
Pedigree Link



  • Hannah Underhill was born on 2 October 1666 in Oyster Bay, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S228] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Underhill Family",, , .

Elizabeth Underhill

#4808, (1669-)
Pedigree Link



  • Elizabeth Underhill was born on 2 May 1669 in Matinecock, New York.1

Other Information


  1. [S228] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Underhill Family",, , .

Robert Feake

#4809, (1602-1659/60)
Pedigree Link

Children with Elizabeth Ann Fones (b. 21 January 1609/10, d. 1668)

  1. Elizabeth Feake+ (b. 1633, d. 1674)
  2. Hannah Feake (b. August 1637, d. 31 January 1677/78)
  3. John Feake (b. 23 December 1638, d. May 1724)
  4. Robert Feake (b. 17 July 1642, d. 1669)
  5. Sarah Feake (b. about March 1647)


  • Robert Feake was born on 20 September 1602 in London, England.1
  • Robert was admitted freeman on 18 May 1631 as Mr Roberte Reakes.2
  • He married Elizabeth Ann Fones, daughter of Thomas Fones and Ann Winthrop, about 31 January 1631/32.
  • Robert Feake died on 1 February 1659/60 at age 57.
  • Mount Feake in Waltham MA was named for him.


He was well educated and had apprenticed for eight years (1615-1623) to his father James in the goldsmith trade, and would probably have lived a successful and happy life if he had stayed in London, but he chose to try his luck in America and came in the Winthrop fleet of 1630, to settle in Watertown, Massachusetts. He was a just an ordinary man , perhaps a little on the weak side, not forceful enough to deal with the very strong characters he had to live among.

He must have appeared to Governor Winthrop to be a good candidate for the husband of his widowed daughter-in-law, in any case they were married within a few months of her arrival in the Boston area. Being now such a close relation of the Governor, Robert received special attention and was chosen lieutenant to Captain Daniel Patrick 4 September 1632. This was a very, very strange appointment and probably his undoing, Captain Patrick shared the defense of the Colony with Captain John Underhill; he was a rough spoken and rough mannered professional soldier, and could easily walk over the mild ex- goldsmith. Robert was elected three times to the Couirt of Deputies, and then things began to change. Captain Patrick persuaded him to buy some land on the extreme frontier, in Greenwich, in 1640. This land was taken over by the Dutch in 1642, the act of submission being signed by Patrick and Elizabeth Feake, because Robert was ill and beginning to get more and more erratic; a man called William Hallett, was put in charge of the Feake affairs in Greenwich. George McCracken, a genealogist, writing about the Feake family in the NYGBReview , put it this way: "It may well be that his mental instability was a partial cause for his wife's looking elsewhere for manly protection, or the fact that his wife did not take her marital vows very seriously may have contributed to his mental downfall: at this late date we cannot be sure which (LIF)." Daniel Patrick was assassinated in 1644;. Elizabeth left her husband for William Hallett, and Feake went back to England in 1647 where he was pardoned by the House of Commons in March of 1650 for an "unstated offense." He did not return until about 1654, single, to settle again at Watertown where he died in 1661, alone, a pauper, taken care of by the town.2

1630 of Walterown, MA. He came probably in the fleet with Winthrop.

One of the earliest and largest proprietors. 18 May 1631 made freeman. 1637-39-40 selectman. 1634-35-36 representative of the first Court. 1632 appointed Lieutenant under Captain David Patrick and is said to have united with him in the purchase of Greenwich CT in 1640. 28 May 1636 was one of the company that reported Dorchester bounds.

He appears to have been impoverished.. He died at the house of Samuel. Mount Frake in Waltham was named for him. Mr. Thatcher disposed of his estate to defray expenses. Inventory 18 Feb 1862-63 £9.2.

Other Information


  1. [S819] Moreland, Cathy, compiler, family tree titled "Moreland Family Tree", published by,, from database ID:3089639, updated Mar 2007, viewed Mar 2008 , .
  2. [S241] Friedlander, Mary Banning, family web site titled "My American Heritage",, updated Sep 2001, viewed Dec 2005 , .

Elizabeth Ann Fones

#4810, (1609/10-1668)
Pedigree Link


Child with Henry Winthrop (d. 2 July 1630)

  1. Martha Johanna Winthrop (b. 9 May 1630)

Children with Robert Feake (b. 20 September 1602, d. 1 February 1659/60)

  1. Elizabeth Feake+ (b. 1633, d. 1674)
  2. Hannah Feake (b. August 1637, d. 31 January 1677/78)
  3. John Feake (b. 23 December 1638, d. May 1724)
  4. Robert Feake (b. 17 July 1642, d. 1669)
  5. Sarah Feake (b. about March 1647)

Children with William Hallet (b. 1616, d. 1688)

  1. William Hallet+ (b. 1648, d. 18 August 1729)
  2. Samuel Hallet (b. 1650)


  • Elizabeth Ann Fones was born on 21 January 1609/10 in Groton Manor, Suffolk, England.1,2
  • She married Henry Winthrop, son of John Winthrop and Mary Forth, on 25 April 1629.3
  • Henry and Elizabeth were first cousins.
  • Elizabeth Ann Fones married Robert Feake about 31 January 1631/32.
  • She married William Hallet about 1647.3
  • She died in 1668 at age ~58.4
  • The book 'The Winthrop Woman' by Anya Seton, is based on the life of Elizabeth Ann Fones i.

Other Information


  1. [S22] Montant, Hannah Maria Townsend, Townsend Genealogy, unpublished - handwritten genealogy book, Sep 1890, p 75.
  2. [S6618] Hallett, Will, family web site titled "Descendants of William Hallett and Elizabeth Fones of Newtown, Astoria, Long Island",, viewed May 2019 , .
  3. [S252] family web site titled "Fones Family 1470-1795",, , .
  4. [S144] Rubicam, Milton, "A Winthrop-Bernadotte Pedigree", NEHGR, volume 103, page 246pp, (NEHGS: Boston, MA, Oct 1949) , Journal Article,, updated Dec 2006, viewed Mar 2008.

John Edward Underhill1,2

#4811, (about 1574-1608)
Pedigree Link


Children with Honor Pawley (b. 1575, d. 18 December 1658)

  1. Petronella Underhill (b. about 1595, d. before 1650)
  2. John Underhill+ (b. 7 October 1597, d. 21 July 1672)
  3. Lettice Underhill (b. before 1600, d. 21 March 1673)


  • John Edward Underhill was born about 1574 in Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, England.1,2
  • He married Mary Moseley estimated 1593.2,3
  • He married Honor Pawley, daughter of James Pawley and Isabelle Bonython, about 1595.1
  • John was an assistant to Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester at Kenilworth, or his illigetimate son also named Robert Dudley, the styled Earl of Warwick. Shortly thereafter he was posted with the forces at King's Bergen-Op-Zoom in Holland.2
  • John Underhill was a friend and companion to the Earls of Leicester and Essex, and while a youth held a commission in the Earl of Leicester's own Troop of Guards, that was sent to the assistance of the Dutch by Queen Elizabeth I. When the Netherlands offered their sovereignty to the Earl of Leicester, John Edward Underhill was the bearer of confidential dispatches to Lord Burleigh, the Queen's Minister.

    The Queen sent for Underhill and had a private interview. There she instructed him to deliver a confidential letter to Leicester. Soon afterward the Earl resigned and returned to England. Underhill after the fall and death of Leicester attached himself to the Earl of Essex. He accompanied Essex on a successful attack on Cadiz, Spain, and shared his ill fortune on a campaign against Tyronne and the revolted class in Ireland. For his gallant conduct he was knighted by Elizabeth.

    Meanwhile the Earl of Essex rose in insurrection against the Queen. Essex was subsequently executed and Underhill left for the safety of Holland until the accession of King James in 1603, when he applied for pardon and leave to return to his native country. His request being denied, he remained in The Netherlands a number of years thereafter, in the company of a group of pious Puritans under the Rev. Mr. Robinson who had fled persecution in England. They lived in Bergen op Zoom, a heavily fortified city in The Netherlands. There John Underhill was Sergeant in the Company of Captain Roget Orme.4

  • John Edward Underhill died in 1608 in Bergen-Op-Zoom, Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands, at age ~34.1,2
  • He was buried in Church of St Gertrude, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands.4

Other Information


  1. [S1615] family tree titled "Long Island Genealogy - Surname Databases of Long Island - Vanvelsor",, from database ID Surname Databases of Long Island, updated Feb 2011, viewed Feb 2011 , .
  2. [S3692] Underhill, Robert Rundehel, compiler, family tree titled "Underhill Lineage 2022", published by Ancestry,, from database ID 2425955, updated May 2012, viewed Jun 2012 , .
  3. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  4. [S317] Wikipedia, On-line database of general knowledge contributed by the public,, article: John Edward Underhill, viewed Jun 2012.

Rebecca Ketchum

#4812, (1643-)
Pedigree Link


Children with Thomas Taylor (b. about 1643, d. between 17 June 1734 and 1735)

  1. Thomas Taylor (b. 26 November 1668)
  2. Deborah Taylor+ (b. June 1671, d. 1750)
  3. John Taylor (b. December 1673)
  4. Joseph Taylor+ (b. December 1673, d. about February 1764)


Other Information


  1. [S1271] Moreland, Cathy, compiler, family tree titled "My Genealogy", published by,, from database ID:3076025, updated Mar 2007, viewed Sep 2009 , .
  2. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, p 1495. He identifies the year as 1667/[8], 1677 (error for 1667.)
  3. [S63] Barbour, Lucius Barnes, Connecticut Vital Records Norwalk Births - Marriages - Deaths 1651-1860 (Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Library, Nov 1925), p 130, 77.

Thomas Taylor

#4813, (about 1643-between 1734 and 1735)
Pedigree Link


Children with Rebecca Ketchum (b. 1643)

  1. Thomas Taylor (b. 26 November 1668)
  2. Deborah Taylor+ (b. June 1671, d. 1750)
  3. John Taylor (b. December 1673)
  4. Joseph Taylor+ (b. December 1673, d. about February 1764)


Other Information


  1. [S152] Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, p 1495. He identifies the year as 1667/[8], 1677 (error for 1667.)
  2. [S63] Barbour, Lucius Barnes, Connecticut Vital Records Norwalk Births - Marriages - Deaths 1651-1860 (Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Library, Nov 1925), p 130, 77.

Uriah Burchard

#4814, (estimated 1755-)
Pedigree Link



  • Uriah Burchard was born estimated 1755.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Isaiah Burchard

#4815, (estimated 1757-)
Pedigree Link



  • Isaiah Burchard was born estimated 1757.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Elijah Burchard

#4816, (estimated 1759-)
Pedigree Link



  • Elijah Burchard was born estimated 1759.1

Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.

Joseph Burchard

#4817, (1675-1755)
Pedigree Link


Children with Elizabeth Lambert (b. estimated 1690, d. 4 November 1755)

  1. Isaiah Burchard+ (b. estimated 1712)
  2. Daniel Burchard (b. estimated 1714)
  3. John Burchard (b. estimated 1716)
  4. Jesse Burchard (b. estimated 1718)
  5. Joseph Burchard (b. estimated 1720)
  6. Zebulon Burchard (b. estimated 1722)
  7. Elizabeth Burchard (b. estimated 1724)
  8. Grace Burchard (b. estimated 1726)
  9. Deborah Burchard (b. estimated 1728)
  10. Abigail Burchard (b. estimated 1730)


  • Joseph Burchard was born in 1675 in Norwalk, Connecticut.
  • He married Elizabeth Lambert, daughter of Jesse Lambert and Deborah Fowler, on 29 June 1710 in Wilton, Connecticut.1
  • Joseph Burchard died on 9 March 1755 in Wilton Parish; Norwalk, Connecticut, at age ~80.

Other Information


  1. [S670] Kelley, Miguelk, compiler, family tree titled "Cape Cod-to-Carmel Kelleys", published by,, from database ID:3269383, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jun 2013 , .

Elizabeth Lambert

#4818, (estimated 1690-1755)
Pedigree Link


Children with Joseph Burchard (b. 1675, d. 9 March 1755)

  1. Isaiah Burchard+ (b. estimated 1712)
  2. Daniel Burchard (b. estimated 1714)
  3. John Burchard (b. estimated 1716)
  4. Jesse Burchard (b. estimated 1718)
  5. Joseph Burchard (b. estimated 1720)
  6. Zebulon Burchard (b. estimated 1722)
  7. Elizabeth Burchard (b. estimated 1724)
  8. Grace Burchard (b. estimated 1726)
  9. Deborah Burchard (b. estimated 1728)
  10. Abigail Burchard (b. estimated 1730)


Other Information


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.
  2. [S670] Kelley, Miguelk, compiler, family tree titled "Cape Cod-to-Carmel Kelleys", published by,, from database ID:3269383, updated Jan 2008, viewed Jun 2013 , .

Daniel Betts

#4819, (1699-1783)
Pedigree Link


Children with Sarah Comstock (b. 25 March 1706/07, d. 18 January 1781)

  1. Sarah Betts+ (b. 8 March 1725/26)
  2. Josiah Betts (b. 8 March 1725/26)
  3. Daniel Betts (b. 1728)
  4. Hannah Betts (b. 1730)
  5. Reuben Betts (b. 1730)
  6. Samuel Comstock Betts (b. estimated 1732)
  7. Jesse Betts (b. 1734)
  8. Ruth Betts (b. estimated 1737)
  9. Elizabeth Betts (b. 1739)
  10. Abijah Betts (b. 1740)
  11. Timothy Betts (b. 8 May 1743)
  12. Lydia Betts (b. 1745)
  13. Deborah Betts (b. 1748)
  14. Elijah Betts (b. 1755)


  • Daniel Betts was born on 2 May 1699.1
  • He married Sarah Comstock, daughter of Samuel Comstock and Sarah Hanford, in 1724.2,3
  • Daniel was a man of importance and influence in early Norwalk and was active in building the new church 1737-39.
  • Daniel Betts died on 10 July 1783 at age 84.

Other Information


  1. [S1120] Davis, Raymond, compiler, family tree titled "Davis Family Tree", published by,, from database ID:1363672, updated Aug 2007, viewed Sep 2007 , .
  2. [S61] Jacobus, D L, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, New Haven: The Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Company, From 1930 to 1932, p 158.
  3. [S1120] Davis, Raymond, compiler, family tree titled "Davis Family Tree", published by,, from database ID:1363672, updated Aug 2001, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Sarah Comstock

#4820, (1706/07-1781)
Pedigree Link


Children with Daniel Betts (b. 2 May 1699, d. 10 July 1783)

  1. Sarah Betts+ (b. 8 March 1725/26)
  2. Josiah Betts (b. 8 March 1725/26)
  3. Daniel Betts (b. 1728)
  4. Hannah Betts (b. 1730)
  5. Reuben Betts (b. 1730)
  6. Samuel Comstock Betts (b. estimated 1732)
  7. Jesse Betts (b. 1734)
  8. Ruth Betts (b. estimated 1737)
  9. Elizabeth Betts (b. 1739)
  10. Abijah Betts (b. 1740)
  11. Timothy Betts (b. 8 May 1743)
  12. Lydia Betts (b. 1745)
  13. Deborah Betts (b. 1748)
  14. Elijah Betts (b. 1755)


  • Sarah Comstock was born on 25 March 1706/07 in Norwalk, Connecticut.1
  • She married Daniel Betts, son of Daniel Betts and Deborah Taylor, in 1724.1,2
  • Sarah Comstock died on 18 January 1781 in Wilton, Connecticut, at age 73.

Other Information


  1. [S61] Jacobus, D L, History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, New Haven: The Tuttle, Moorehouse & Taylor Company, From 1930 to 1932, p 158.
  2. [S1120] Davis, Raymond, compiler, family tree titled "Davis Family Tree", published by,, from database ID:1363672, updated Aug 2001, viewed Sep 2007 , .

Stephen Coley

#4821, (1754-about 1754)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Daniel Coley (b. 14 March 1728/29, d. 22 March 1800)
  • Mother: Sarah Sanford (b. 11 September 1734, d. 16 November 1773)


  • Stephen Coley was born on 21 October 1754 in Fairfield, Connecticut.
  • He died about 1754 in Ridgefield, Connecticut, as an infant.1

Other Information


  1. [S5151] Barbour, Lucius Barnes, Connecticut Vital Records (The Barbour Collection): Ridgefield Births - Marriages - Deaths 1709-1850 (Connecticut: NEHGS from original typescripts, Apr 1926), death record, p 22.

Ezra Coley

Pedigree Link


  • Father: Daniel Coley (b. 14 March 1728/29, d. 22 March 1800)
  • Mother: Sarah Sanford (b. 11 September 1734, d. 16 November 1773)


  • Ezra Coley was baptized on 25 February 1759 in Redding, Connecticut.
  • He died in Redding, Connecticut, as an infant.

Other Information

Sarah Coley

#4823, (1765-)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Daniel Coley (b. 14 March 1728/29, d. 22 March 1800)
  • Mother: Sarah Sanford (b. 11 September 1734, d. 16 November 1773)


  • Sarah Coley was born on 30 April 1765 in Ridgefield, Connecticut.
  • She married Benjamin Lynes on 23 November 1786.

Other Information

Rebecca Coley

#4824, (1768-after 1780)
Pedigree Link


  • Father: Daniel Coley (b. 14 March 1728/29, d. 22 March 1800)
  • Mother: Sarah Sanford (b. 11 September 1734, d. 16 November 1773)


  • Rebecca Coley was born on 17 January 1768 in Ridgefield, Connecticut.
  • She died after 1780.

Other Information

Benjamin Lynes

#4825, (estimated 1761-)
Pedigree Link


Other Information

  • Last Edited: 19 September 2024 16:46:29


  1. [S204] Assumption of Researcher LSR.