The daughter of Merritt Crawford & Frances Richardson Wilcox and the wife of the late Arthur A. Adams. She was a member of the First Congregational Chursh and the Superintendent of the churches Children's Sunday School Department for many years and also a former officer there. She was also a member of the Clark Manor House Board,an honorary member of the Travellers Club and a member of the First Twig Society in Rochester.
She was survived by these children:-
~ Mrs. Henry W. Hamlin;
~ John R. Adams;
Two granddaughters:-
~ Elizabeth Adams;
~ Katherine A. Adams, all of Canandaigua,New York.
Additional Source:_
~ Obituary- Extracted from the Geneva Daily Times;Dated Friday- 11 August 1950 - Provided by FindAGrave Contributor-Cheri Branca- 23 February 2015.1
John Sprague was born on 14 April 1778 at Leicester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, the son of Timothy Sprague (Joseph6, William5, Edward4, John3, Ralph2, Edward1) and Mary Sargent, and died on 16 November 1841 in Jefferson County, New York. He was married at Leicester on 12 July 1801 to Sally Hubbard. Sally was born circa July 1784 in Massachusetts, daughter of Daniel Hubbard and Mary Sargent, and died on 4 May 1874 in Jefferson County, New York.
John and Sally grew up in Leicester, Worcester County, Massachusetts. Both were living with their parents in 1800 when the census was taken. In 1810, John and Sally lived in Leicester. Their household contained four males under age 10 (John, Origin, Daniel, and ?), one male between 26 and 45 (John), one female aged 10 to 16, and one female aged 26 to 45 (Sally).
John served in the United States military during the War of 1812, most likely in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, it has as yet been impossible to determine which of the four men named John Sprague was this individual. The four men served in Brimblecom's Regiment, Longley's Regiment, the 3rd Regiment (Shead's), and the 5th Regiment (Foote's).
On 29 March 1813, John sold half of the farm land that he and his father lived on in Leicester to Joseph Studly for $1,100. The sale included half of the buildings on the property and all of the real estate conveyed to John by his father in 1808 except the "Wilson portion so called lying in Duxton."
On 27 December 1813, John and Sally were living in Sudbury, Middlesex County, Massachusetts when they and John's father, Timothy Sprague, sold a farm, consisting of four parcels of land in Leicester, to Benjamin Earle of Mount Holly, Rutland County, Vermont for $4,550. On 16 April 1814, John and Sally, "of East Sudbury," sold one half of a pew in a meeting house at Leicester to Bernard Upham for $40. The pew was held in common with Timothy Sprague and was "on the East wall of said meeting house and adjoining the pews of Jonathan Knight and John Hayward."
In 1820, John was living in LeRay, Jefferson County, New York. His household contained ten individuals:
John Sprague's household in the 1820 census.
Age Males Females
0-10 2 (Charles and ???) 2
10-16 2 (Daniel and ???)
16-18 1
16-26 2 (John? and ???)
26-45 1 (John) 1 (Sally)
Four household away was the household of Jonathan Sprague, probably John's older brother. Jonathan was living in Alexandria in 1825 when the New York state census was taken.
In 1830, John's family lived in Pamelia, Jefferson County. Eight persons were in the household:
Age Male Female
under 5
5-9 1 (Cushman) 1 (Julia?)
10-14 2 (??? and ???)
20-29 2 (Charles and Daniel)
40-49 1 (Sally)
50-59 1 (John)
After John's death in 1841, Sally lived with her children. On 4 September 1850 she was living in the household of her son Cushman and his wife Lucy in Theresa, Jefferson County, New York. On 25 June 1855, Sally lived with her daughter Julia and her family in Alexandria. On 21 August 1860, she lived with her daughter Julia and her family in Alexandria. In 1865, Sally was living with her son Cushman Sprague and his family in Theresa. The census indicates she was the mother of ten children. On 28 June 1870, Sally was still living with son Cushman Sprague and his family in Theresa.
John and Sally are buried in the Old Theresa Cemetery in Theresa, Jefferson County, New York.
John and Sally (Hubbard) Sprague were the parents of ten children, six of whom are identified:
i. JOHN MILTON SPRAGUE was born on 19 October 1801 in Leicester.
ii. ORIGIN CUSHMAN SPRAGUE was born on 30 October 1804 in Leicester.
iii. DANIEL HUBBARD SPRAGUE was born on 22 July 1806 in Leicester.
iv. [unnamed son] SPRAGUE was born on 16 January 1809 in Leicester.
v. [unnamed son] SPRAGUE was born on 12 March 1811 in Leicester, and died on 6 March 1812 in Leicester.
vi. CHARLES A. SPRAGUE was born circa 1813/1814 in Massachusetts.
vii. CUSHMAN OSCAR SPRAGUE was born on 27 June 1821 in Alexandria, Jefferson County, New York.
viii. JULIA SPRAGUE was born in 1823 in New York.1