SPRAGUE, DAVID H., 75, life-long Randolph resident, died June 24, at his home. He was born Sept. 3, 1933, in Randolph, the son of George and Mae (Howe) Sprague. He attended Randolph schools and graduated from Randolph High in 1952. Following his education he went to work for his father at Sprague's Dairy in Randolph.
He was married to Christine Snow, April 28, 1956.
He served with the U.S. Army from 1956-1958. He and his brothers bought the family business which they continue to own and operate. His memberships included the Masons, Randolph Fish & Game Club, Ducks Unlimited and the National Rifle Association. He enjoyed hunting, trap shooting and watching auto racing.
He was predeceased by his parents and his brother Allen Sprague.2
The troubles of a life:
1864 in Pittsfield VT
12 Mar Julius age 18 d of scarlet fever
13 Mar Wilber age 1 1/2 d of scarlet fever
19 Mar Ina age 6 d of scarlet fever.
No other children
1865 12 Apr 13 months later Byron born
1866 15 Sep 17 months later Olive, the mother, died. Cause insanity
Byron lived until 1943, married & had a child.