Oliver Kingsbury was retired in 1887. A resolution was passed by the Society concerning Mr. Kingsbury ....his long and faithful services....He has been annually elected in this capacity [as Treasurer] for 53 years with no dissenting voice. During this period there passed through the treasure about $17,000,000 and so far as known not one dollar was ever lost in connection with his department. During these 60 years he has been out of the office from illness but once for any length of time, and only for three months. then. Nor has he taken during these threescore years, on an average, one week's vacation perannum. Not a little of the untarnished reputation of the Society is due to his calm judgment, clear view of financial questions, incorruptible integrity, and high Christian character. Taking into view the multiplicity of interests involved, the amount of money handled in unnumbered small sums, the total absence of loss of failure in payment of notes, and the length of unbroken service, it will be difficult to find parallels in the religious or financial institutions of the country.
In connection with this resolution the Rev William R Eastman (a Secretary of the Society) said that it always seemed to him that the Treasurer was dealing with God's silver and gold... ..he was elected Treasurer emeritus.5