Olds, Rev. Mark L. b. 1 Jun 1828 - d. 18 Sep 1868 40 yrs. 8 mos. 18 days
Olds. Friday, September 18, 1868, the Rev. Mark L. Olds, rector of Christ Church, Washington Parish, aged 40 years 8 months 18 days. Funeral service on Saturday 19th inst. at Christ Church at 12 m. The clergy will assemble at the Vestry room of the Church at 11 a.m. in surplices.
The Evening Star, September 18, 1868
Death of Rev. M.S. Olds, Rector of Christ Church, Navy Yard
We regret to announce that the Rev. Dr. Olds, Rector of Christ Church, died at 1 o'clock this morning after a lingering illness. Dr. Olds was in perfect health, apparently, until six months ago, when a cancer appeared on his right cheek, which developed itself so quickly as to cause the most serious apprehensions to his family and friends. He consulted eminent physicians of this city and Baltimore also, whose skill was of no avail, and, as a last resort, he went to the springs at St. Albans, Vermont, the waters of which are said to be a special curative of cancer. He remained there some time without any perceptible improvement, and came home to die. The members of his congregation have been unceasing in their efforts to alleviate the terrible agonies of pain, which he endured with the most Christian fortitude. For twelve days prior to his death he has been unable to take nourishment of any kind, on account of a cancer which appeared on his tongue two months since, and developed itself as rapidly as the one on his face.
Dr. Olds was forty years of age, and was a son of Judge Olds, of Ohio. Early in life he moved from Ohio to Wisconsin, where he studied and practiced law. He served gallantly as a Lieutenant during the Mexican War, and its close returned to Wisconsin. A few years after he studied for the Ministry, and in 1855 was ordained by Bishop Whipple, with whom he was always a great favorite. He was pastor of a Church in Wisconsin for some years, and afterwards in Trenton, New Jersey, from whence he received a call in 1864 to Christ Church in this city, which he accepted, and has since acted as its Rector until prostrated by sickness. He leaves a wife, who is a daughter of Nathan Sargent, Esq., of this city, and five children. The funeral services will take place tomorrow at 12 m., at Christ Church, when the Holy Communion will also be celebrated.
The Evening Star, September 20, 1868
Funeral of Rev. M.L. Olds, Rector of Christ Church, Navy Yard
The funeral of Rev. M.L. Olds took place today at 12 m. from Christ Church, of which the deceased was pastor. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Lewis, of St. John's Parish, and there was quite a large concourse of clergy present, among whom we noticed the Rev. Mr. Hodges, of Dorchester, Md., Dr. Pinckney, Dr. Hall, and Rev. J.C. Smith of this city, besides Bishop Wittingham, of this diocese. The pallbearers were the Rev. Messrs. Harris, Lewis, Hall, Parkman, Holmead, Pinckney and Hodges, while the body was borne by the vestrymen of the church. As the funeral procession entered the church, which was crowded, the many weeping eyes and audible sobs attested the love of the congregation for their deceased pastor. The remains were encased in a metallic coffin, on the lid of which was a silver plate, with the inscription:--"Rev. M.L. Olds, Born June 11st, 1828. Died Sept. 18th, 1868." The coffin was covered with a beautiful pall of a maroon color, in the centre of which was a large white cross. After the conclusion of the funeral services the Holy Communion was celebrated, and the funeral cortege moved to the Congressional Cemetery, where the remains were temporarily deposited in the receiving vault.2