The following is a biographical sketch of Elias Howard that was found in a book titled "Southwestern Minnesota History", author unknown. This book was found in the archives of the Southwestern Minnesota Genealogical Society, located at Southwest State University; Marshall, Minnesota.
Elias Howard, a prosperous farmer of Murray County, Minnesota, resides on Section 28, Shetek Township. His location in Murray County was made in July, 1876, at which time he preempted the land on which he now lives. He has a fine farm, well-located, and provided with excellent buildings. He has turned his attention to a considerable degree to the culture of fruit trees, and now has one hundred apple trees and a number of currant and gooseberry bushes, etc., having met with good success in this line. Mr. Howard interests himself in the general affairs of his township, and has held various official positions. He has been director of School district No. 1 for some time, besides having held other minor positions.
Elias Howard was born in Oxford County, Maine, December 1, 1833. His parents were Thomas J. and Olive (Bean) Howard, the former a native of New Hampshire, and a mechanic by profession. Emigrating from New Hampshire, the father settled in Maine, and later located in Ottawa, LaSalle, County, Illinois, where he died in 1853. The mother was a native of Woodstock, Oxford County, Maine, and is still living. In the father's family, there were fifteen children. Those living are-H. B.. Silvannus P., Emma, Thomas J., and C. K. Rodney, another son, died in the army, having enlisted in the Second Illinois Battery. He died at the hospital at Bolivar, Tennessee, of diseases contracted in the service. Silvannus enlisted at fourteen years of age and served four years. The father was also in the service as a private in the Union Army. Thomas J. also served in the Union Army and is now employed in a woolen factory in Dalton, Illinois.
The early life of the subject of our sketch was spent in his native county, where he received his training and an excellent education. He remained in his native place until eighteen years of age. He completed his education at Bethel Hill Academy in his native county. After completing his academic course, he went to Massachusetts and found employment for one summer in the Waltham Bleaching Works. He then went to Sutton, Massachusetts, and worked in the cloth room of the Rhode Island Manufacturing Company for four months. His next move was to emigrate to LaSalle County, Illinois, where for three years he was engaged in Railroading at Ottawa. He also worked to some extent at the trade of carpentering. Removing thence, he located at Wabasha County, Minnesota, where he remained from 1856 to 1876, or until coming to his farm in Murray County.
Mr. Howard was married in the spring of 1858 to Miss Martha Jane Stone, a native of Livingston County, Illinois. Early in her life she removed to Lake County, Illinois, where she received her training and education. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have four children-Cora, at present running a dressmaking establishment at Tracy, Lyon County; Fred, Olive and Alice, who are still living at home. Rodney F., a son fourteen years of age, was killed by lightning in July, 1887.
In politics the subject of our sketch affiliates with no particular party, but always acts and votes on the principle that every person should vote for the man best fitted for the position to be filled. Our subject is quite a genius in his way and has done much in the way of building in his township. He has the honor of constructing the first lumber wagon which was built in Murray County. In 1877 this wagon was ironed by Mr. Marsh and Mr. Calkins. The subject of our sketch is a man of good character, honest in all his business dealings, and is held in high esteem by all who know him.1