Jane Montant, 85, Former Editor in Chief of Gourmet Magazine
Published: January 14, 2002
Jane Montant, a former editor in chief of Gourmet magazine who prized passionate writing, died on Jan. 1 in her home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. She was 85.
She had Parkinson's disease, emphysema and liver cancer, her son, Jon Carson of Boston, said.
She was editor in chief from 1980 to 1991, when she retired. During her tenure, Gourmet's circulation rose to 895,000 from 671,000.
At that time, Gourmet was the acknowledged leader among food magazines, but considered itself a lifestyle magazine for the affluent rather than just a food publication. For example, the number of articles about foreign travel grew steeply while she was in charge, along with revenue from travel advertisements. She found veteran cooks who could create and test recipes. She also had a knack for learning about and attracting talented writers and photographers to the magazine.
She began at Gourmet in 1953, answering mail from readers, and rose to be the magazine's executive editor from the early 1960's to 1980. For years, beginning in the 1960's, she largely set the magazine's look, style and content. The writers she attracted included James Beard, Joseph Wechsberg and Richard Condon.
''Finding writers was easy,'' she told an interviewer once. ''I always looked for people who had passion. In the end it's the only thing that matters.''
She was born Jane Smallwood in Boston and grew up mostly in Manhattan. She graduated from the Todhunter School, a private school for girls in Manhattan.
Her 1945 marriage to Phil Montant ended in divorce.4