Trumbull & Wilton
From the Connecticut Historical Collection
BY John Warner Barbour
Published 1836
TRUMBULL, formerly North Stratford, originally belonged to Stratford. It was incorporated as a town in 1798. It is bounded north by Monroe, easterly by Huntington and Stratford, south by Bridgeport, and westerly by Weston. Its average length is about five miles, and its breadth may average four and a half miles. The central part of the town is about five miles north from the city of Bridgeport.
The township is uneven, diversified with hills and valleys, and the prevailing character of the soil is a gravelly loam, and it is considerably productive. The lands are tolerably well adapted to the culture of grass, and to grazing. The township is centrally intersected by the Pequannock, a small stream, which discharges its waters into Bridgeport harbor. There are 4 houses of worship in the town, 2 Episcopal, 1 Congregationalist and 1 Methodist. The inhabitants are generally farmers. The population in 1810, was 1,241 ; in 1830, it was 1,242.
In the north part of Trumbull there is an elevated hill, called Tamteshua Hill: it is the first land seen from the Occan when on this part of the coast.
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accessed Oct 2017