John Makernes left a will dated on 14 October 1515.
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Finedon
Northamptonshire, England
The will of John Makernes (c 1590- ) transcribed from NEHGR vol 71 pp 324, 325
The will of John Makernes of Thynden [Finedon, co. Northampton], 14 Oct 1515. To be buried in the Church of Our Lady of Thynden. To the Mother Church of Lincoln 12d. To the high altar of Our Lady of Thynden 20d. "Unto euy Gylde wtin the said chyrch' 12d. To the Rood lights 8d. To Our Lady's lights 8d. To the bells 5s. To the torches 3s. 4d. To the Church of Addyngton the Great 13d. To the Church of Addyngton the Less 12d To the [illegible] de Ortlin of Broughton 12d. To the Church of Chelson [illegible].
To Willm Makernes, my son, forty sheep, 20s., and one ox bullock. To Thomas Makernes, my son, forty sheep, 20s., and two cowe bullocks. To Edmund Makernes, my son, forty sheep, 40s., and one cow bullock. To Eliz. Makernes, my daughter, forty sheep, 20s., and one cow bullock. To Elin, my daughter, 20s. and ten ogrells. My will is that she hath now one ewe sheep. To Anys Harrys, my daughter, ten ewed, ten ogrells, 20s., and one ox bullock. To every child that the same Alys [sic] have now one ewe sheep. To every godchild that I have now 8d.
To a priest for the space of one year, to pray for my soul and all Christian souls in the Church of Our Lady of Thynden, £5. 6s. 8d. To Thomas Spenser, my servant, 12d. Residuary legatee: Elizabeth, my wife. Executors: Elizabeth, my wife, and William Makernes, my son. Witnesses: Willm Stoks, Vicar of thyndon, Syr Richard Knyghton, Capn, Edmund Walys, Rich Waltr, Ric Grene, with more of the same town. [No record of probate.] (Northampton Wills, Book A, p 279 [1510-1520].)
Finedon, formerly also called Thingdon, is a parish situated about 13 miles NE from the town of Northampton.
ogrell (can't find out what that means)