ADAM (DE WELLE), LORD WELLES was born 22 July 1304, a second son. At the time of his elder brother's death, was only sixteen years of age: he attained his majority in the 20th Edward II [1327]. nd given seisin of his lands, 22 August 1326. He served on many commissions of the peace, of array, &c., in Lincolnshire, 1332-44, and was summoned for service against the Scots, 1333-40, and in France and Brittany, 1342-43. In the 7th Edward III [1334], his lordship was in the wars of Scotland, and again in two years afterwards, at which latter period he was a knight. In the 16th of the same reign [1343] he was charged with ten men-at-arms and ten archers for the king's service in France, and the like number in the next year.
He was summoned to Parliament from 27 January 1332 to 20 April 1344, by writs directed Ade de Welle. He married, before 1334, Margaret. She died before him and was buried in the Lady Chapel at Greenfield Priory. He died 24-28 February 1344/5, aged 40, and was buried with her. Will dated 24 Feb 1344/5, probated in Lincoln Cathedral, 4 Apr 1345.1
ADAM DE WELLE, brother and heir, was sued concerning the new market at Alford in Michaelmas term 1290. He accompanied Hugh le Despenser on his mission to the King of the Romans, June 1294; was appointed, 1 March 1296/7, to receive clergy in Lincolnshire into the King's peace; was summoned for service beyond seas, 1297, and continually against the Scots, 1299-1310; fought in the King's division at the battle of Falkirk, 22 July 1298; Constable of Rockingham Castle and Keeper of the forest between Stamford and Oxford, 17 January 1298/9-August 107. He was summoned to Parliament from 6 February 1298/9 to 16 June 1311, by writs directed Ade de Welles, whereby he is held to have become LORD WELLES or WELLE. He was at the siege of Carlaverock, July 1300; joined in the Barons' letter to the Pope, 12 February 1300/1; was granted free warren in his demesne lands, 28 January 1301/2; served again in Scotland, 1303-04 and 1310; was summoned to attend the Coronation of Edward II, 18 January 1307/8; a Commissioner de walliis et fossatis, co. Lincoln, 18 July 1310. He married, in or before 1296, Joan, widow of Walter FITZROBERT (died 1293; 1st son and heir apparent of Robert (FITZWALTER), 1st LORD FITZWALTER), 1st daughter of Sir John ENGAINE, of Laxton and Blatherwycke, Northants, by Joan, daughter and heir of Sir Gilbert DE GREINVILLE, of Hallaton, co. Leicester. He died 1 September 1311 and was buried in Greenfield Priory. Joan died 1 June 1315 and was buried with him.
Adam de Welles, who in the 22nd Edward I [1294] was in the wars of Gascony, and was summoned to parliament, as a Baron, 6 February, 1299, in which year he was made constable of Rockingham Castle and warden of the forest. The next year he was in the wars of Scotland, and again in 1301 and 1302, and had regular summonses to parliament to the year of his decease, 1311. He m. Joane, dau. and heir of John d'Engayne, and had a son, Robert de Welles.1