"Hon. Samuel Humphreville died suddenly at Medina, Friday, from apoplexy. He was a well known politician, having been a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1874, and also the state Senate, of which he was President Pro Tem."
Feb 8, 1881, The Marion Daily Star, Marion, Ohio.1
a bank clerk.
1910 US Census states that at the age of 33 he had been a bookkeeper, but at the time of the cesus he was a prisoner at the US Fed Prison in Leavenworth,KS.1
Word was received by relatives here last Wednesday night of the death at Centerville, of H B Sargent, a former resident of this city. He had been in failing health for three years, suffering from diabetes and bladder trouble. Death was caused by embolism.
Mr Sargent was married in State Center in July 1905 to Miss Olive Meads and they lived in State Center for one year, while Mr Sargent conducted a café. They moved from this city to Ft Madison which was their home for eight years, and since then have lived in Centerville.
Besides his widow he is survived by his mother, Mrs Mary Sargent of Centerville, and a sister, Mrs George Howard of Monmouth, Illinois.
Funeral services were held in Centerville on Friday morning and a prayer service was held at Hillside cemetery in this city Friday, conducted by Rev A H Schultz. Members of the Elks Lodge, Centerville, were pallbearers. Others attending from away were Mrs Olive Sargent, Mrs M L Sargent, Mrs Gilbert McIntosh, Mr and Mrs James Adamson, and Ralph Saunders of Centerville, Mr and Mrs George Howard and Mrs Minnie Webster of Monmouth, Illinois; Mr and Mrs Jack Howard of Galesburg, Illinois; Mr and Mrs Wesley Myers, Oskaloosa; Mr and Mrs Alfred Morgan, Clay; Mrs Ida Izenhauer, Los Angeles; Mr and Mrs Walter F Meads, Des Moines; Mr and Mrs R M Meads, Ames and Mr and Mrs Harry Hopkins, Marshalltown.
August 27, 1931 State Center Enterprise.
Mrs Olive Meads Sargent, 83, a longtime and well known resident of State Center, passed way Friday afternoon at the Evangelical Hospital in Marshalltown where she had been a patient since Tuesday.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church with the Rev Norman Lawton officiating. Interment was in Hillside Cemetery.
Mrs Sargent was born Olive Meads, a daughter of Fred and Bertha Thompson Meads, on August 17, 1883, in LaSalle county, Illinois. She came to State Center with her family as a small child and she was educated in the State Center schools.
She was united in marriage to H Berne Sargent in 1904. Mr Sargent was a local businessman. Soon after their marriage they moved to Fort Madison and later to Centerville where Mr Sargent was in business.
Following Mr Sargent's death in 1931, Mrs Sargent returned to State Center to live with her mother and sisters.
Mrs Sargent was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian Church and served as an Elder in the church. For 17 years she served as Benevolent secretary in the church. She was a Past Worthy Matron of Cleo Chapter, No. 303, Order of Easter Star. She was a member of the Alpha Class and the United Presbyterian Women and the Past Matron's Society.
She is survived by one sister, Gladys Meads of State Center and two brothers, Walter F Meads and Russell M Meads, both of Ames. Also surviving is one nephew, Capt Anthony Germann, who is serving in Viet Nam; and five nieces, Mrs Wendell Willard, Marshalltown; Mrs C R Matney, Paramount, California; Mrs Robert Baker, Mason City; Mrs Clyde Eller, San Mateo, California; and Mrs Eugene Lippold of Des Moines.
January 19, 1967 State Center Enterprise.